function getWeather($location) { global $SERVER_URL, $APIKEY; $request = new RestRequest("" . $location . "&format=json&num_of_days=2&key=" . $APIKEY, 'GET', ""); //echo "".$location."&format=json&num_of_days=2&key=".$APIKEY; $request->execute(); $info = $request->getResponseInfo(); if ($info['http_code'] == 200) { echo $request->getResponseBody(); } else { echo "Error - cannot gather weather info"; } }
public function getFacilityManagementXml() { $this->checkArgumentsForXmlDownload(); $restCall = "uploadIfc"; $url = $this->baseUrl . $restCall; $verb = "POST"; $data = array('file' => '@' . $this->fileToSend); $rest = new RestRequest($url, $verb, $data); $rest->setAcceptType("application/xml"); $rest->execute(); //echo "SObim converter: response info\n"; //print_r($rest->getResponseInfo()); if ($rest->isError()) { $info = $rest->getResponseInfo(); $http_code = $info["http_code"]; if ($http_code == 0) { throw new NoResponseException(); } throw new Exception("Rest call error : " . var_export($rest->getResponseInfo())); } return $rest->getResponseBody(); }
function createNotificationChan($username, $authuser, $authpw) { //NOT WORKING JUST YET!!! global $SERVER_URL, $APIVERSION; $usernameNoPlus = '%2B' . substr($username, 1); $url = $SERVER_URL . 'notificationchannel/' . $APIVERSION . '/' . $usernameNoPlus . '/channels'; //echo $url . '<br/>'; //echo '<br/>'; $action = '{"notificationChannel": {"channelData": {"maxNotifications": 100},"channelLifetime": 0,"channelType": "LongPolling"}}'; $request = new RestRequest($url, 'POST', $action, $authuser, $authpw); $request->execute(); $info = $request->getResponseInfo(); //echo $info['http_code']; echo $request->getResponseBody(); }
public function process() { $stop = 0; if ($this->start == 0) { $this->modx->exec("TRUNCATE TABLE {$this->modx->getTableName('mSkladProductExchange')}"); } $request = new RestRequest($this->config['restUrl'] . 'Good/list?start=' . $this->start . '&count=500', 'GET'); $request->setUsername($this->config['Username']); $request->setPassword($this->config['Password']); $request->execute(); $responseInfo = $request->getResponseInfo(); $http_code = $responseInfo['http_code']; if ($this->config['debug']) { $this->modx->msklad->restLog('loadProduct', $request); } if ($http_code == '200') { $xml = simplexml_load_string($request->getResponseBody()); $this->total = $xml->attributes()->total; foreach ($xml->good as $val) { $code = isset($val->code) && preg_match("/^[\\d\\+]+\$/", $val->code) ? intval($val->code) : 0; $uuid = isset($val->uuid) ? (string) $val->uuid : ''; $uuid1c = isset($val->externalcode) ? (string) $val->externalcode : ''; $priceUuid = ''; foreach ($val->salePrices->price as $price) { if ($price->attributes()->priceTypeUuid == $this->config['SalePriceType']) { $priceUuid = $price->uuid; } } $newProduct = $this->modx->newObject('mSkladProductExchange'); $newProduct->fromArray(array('product_id' => $code, 'uuid_1c' => $uuid1c, 'uuid' => $uuid, 'price_uuid' => $priceUuid)); if (!$newProduct->save()) { return $this->failure($this->modx->lexicon('msklad_api_err_db')); } } unset($xml); } else { return $this->failure($this->modx->lexicon('msklad_api_err_connect')); } if ($this->start + 500 > $this->total) { $stop = 1; } return $this->success(array('total' => $this->total, 'stop' => $stop)); }
function lasthope($username, $authuser, $authpw, $cometurl) { global $SERVER_URL, $APIVERSION; $request = new RestRequest($cometurl, 'POST', "", $authuser, $authpw); $request->execute(); $requestAsArray = json_decode($request->getResponseBody(), true); // create object in php [messageID, text, sender, status, dateTime] $info = $request->getResponseInfo(); if ($info['http_code'] == 200 && (array_key_exists('notificationList', $requestAsArray) || $requestAsArray == null)) { $requestAsArray = $requestAsArray['notificationList']; $returnArray = array(); foreach ($requestAsArray as $key => $value) { $onemessage = array("sessionID" => "", "messageID" => "", "text" => "", "sender" => "", "status" => "", "dateTime" => ""); if (array_key_exists('messageStatusNotification', $value)) { $onemessage["messageID"] = $value['messageStatusNotification']['messageId']; $onemessage["status"] = $value['messageStatusNotification']['status']; $onemessage["sessionID"] = $value['messageStatusNotification']['link'][0]['href']; $onemessage["sessionID"] = explode("/", $onemessage["sessionID"])[8]; } if (array_key_exists('messageNotification', $value)) { $onemessage["messageID"] = $value['messageNotification']['messageId']; $onemessage["text"] = $value['messageNotification']['chatMessage']['text']; $onemessage["sender"] = $value['messageNotification']['senderAddress']; $onemessage["sender"] = str_replace("sip:+", "", $onemessage["sender"]); $onemessage["sender"] = str_replace("tel:+", "", $onemessage["sender"]); $onemessage["sender"] = str_replace("", "", $onemessage["sender"]); $onemessage["dateTime"] = $value['messageNotification']['dateTime']; $onemessage["sessionID"] = $value['messageNotification']['sessionId']; } if (array_key_exists('chatEventNotification', $value)) { $onemessage["sessionID"] = $value['chatEventNotification']['sessionId']; } $returnArray[] = $onemessage; } $returnArray = json_encode($returnArray); echo $returnArray; } else { echo $info['http_code']; } }
/** * Return objectives from the University of Nottingham Curriculum Mapping system * @param $moduleID * @param $session * @return mixed Array of session and objective data in format required by Rogō */ public function getObjectives($moduleID, $session) { $this->_sess_year = strstr($session, '/', true); $this->_root_url = sprintf($this->_root_url, $this->_sess_year); $this->_module_id = $moduleID; $req = new RestRequest($this->_root_url . "api/find_json?search={$moduleID}&type=module&where=attribute&attrib=code&output=module_session_obs"); $req->execute(); $res = $req->getResponseBody(); $response = $req->getResponseInfo(); if ($response['http_code'] == 0) { $objectives = 'error'; } else { switch ($this->_mapping_level) { case self::LEVEL_MODULE: $objectives = $this->transformCMResponseModule($res, $session); break; default: $objectives = $this->transformCMResponse($res, $session); break; } } return $objectives; }
public function setUomUuid() { $request = new RestRequest($this->config['restUrl'] . 'Uom/list', 'GET'); $request->setUsername($this->config['Username']); $request->setPassword($this->config['Password']); $request->execute(); $responseInfo = $request->getResponseInfo(); $http_code = $responseInfo['http_code']; if ($http_code == '200') { $xml = simplexml_load_string($request->getResponseBody()); $cc = 0; foreach ($xml->uom as $val) { $name = (string) $val->attributes()->name; if ($name == 'шт') { $uomType = $this->modx->getObject('modSystemSetting', 'msklad_uom_type_uuid'); $uomType->set('value', $val->uuid); $uomType->save(); } ++$cc; } unset($xml); } }
public function process() { $stop = 0; $c = $this->modx->newQuery('mSkladProductData'); $c->innerJoin('msProduct', 'msProduct', ''); $c->innerJoin('msProductData', 'msProductData', ''); $c->sortby('mSkladProductData.product_id', 'ASC'); $c->select('mSkladProductData.product_id,mSkladProductData.uuid,mSkladProductData.uuid_1c,mSkladProductData.price_uuid,,msProduct.parent,msProduct.pagetitle,msProduct.longtitle,msProduct.description,msProductData.*'); $c->where(array('active:=' => '1')); $this->total = $this->modx->getCount('mSkladProductData', $c); $c->limit(100, $this->start); $c->prepare(); if ($c->stmt->execute()) { //$c->prepare() && $productsData = $c->stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $collection = array(); if (is_array($productsData) && count($productsData) > 0) { foreach ($productsData as $productData) { $name = trim(htmlspecialchars(html_entity_decode($productData['pagetitle'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), ENT_QUOTES)); $description = trim(htmlspecialchars(html_entity_decode($productData['description'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), ENT_QUOTES)); $price = str_replace(".", "", $productData['price']) . '.0'; $weight = $productData['weight']; $code = $productData['product_id']; $productCode = trim(htmlspecialchars(html_entity_decode($productData['article'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), ENT_QUOTES)); $uuid = $productData['uuid']; $priceUuid = $productData['price_uuid']; $priceTypeUuid = $this->config['SalePriceType']; $uomUuid = $this->config['Uom']; $externalCode = $uuid_1c = $productData['uuid_1c']; $parentUuid = ''; if ($productData['parent']) { $parent_q = $this->modx->newQuery('msCategory', array('id' => $productData['parent'])); $parent_q->leftJoin('mSkladCategoryData', 'Data', 'Data.category_id ='); $parent_q->select(', Data.uuid'); $parent_q->limit(1); if ($parent_q->prepare() && $parent_q->stmt->execute()) { $parentRes = $parent_q->stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $parentUuid = !empty($parentRes['uuid']) ? 'parentUuid="' . $parentRes['uuid'] . '"' : ''; } } $collection[] = ' <good isSerialTrackable="false" uomUuid="' . $uomUuid . '" productCode="' . $productCode . '" name="' . $name . '" weight="' . $weight . '" ' . $parentUuid . '> <uuid>' . $uuid . '</uuid> <code>' . $code . '</code> <externalcode>' . $externalCode . '</externalcode> <description>' . $description . '</description> <salePrices> <price value="' . $price . '" priceTypeUuid="' . $priceTypeUuid . '"> <uuid>' . $priceUuid . '</uuid> </price> </salePrices> </good> '; } $xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <collection> ' . implode('', $collection) . ' </collection>'; $request = new RestRequest($this->config['restUrl'] . 'Good/list/update', 'PUT', $xml); $request->setUsername($this->config['Username']); $request->setPassword($this->config['Password']); $request->execute(); $responseInfo = $request->getResponseInfo(); $http_code = $responseInfo['http_code']; if ($this->config['debug']) { $this->modx->msklad->restLog('updateProductSklad_' . $this->start, $request); } if ($http_code == '200') { $xml = simplexml_load_string($request->getResponseBody()); $cc = 0; foreach ($xml->id as $val) { if ($productData = $this->modx->getObject('mSkladProductData', array('product_id' => $productsData[$cc]['product_id']))) { $productData->set('uuid', $val); $productData->save(); } ++$cc; } unset($xml); } unset($productsData); } } if ($this->start + 100 > $this->total) { $stop = 1; } return $this->success(array('total' => $this->total, 'stop' => $stop)); }
public function process() { $stop = 0; $c = $this->modx->newQuery('mSkladCategoryData'); $c->select('category_id,uuid,level,active'); $c->where(array('active:=' => '1', 'level:=' => $this->level)); $this->total = $this->modx->getCount('mSkladCategoryData', $c); $c->limit(100, $this->start); if ($c->prepare() && $c->stmt->execute()) { $categoriesData = $c->stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $collection = array(); if (is_array($categoriesData) && count($categoriesData) > 0) { foreach ($categoriesData as $categoryData) { if ($category = $this->modx->getObject('msCategory', array('id' => $categoryData['category_id']))) { $name = trim(htmlspecialchars(html_entity_decode($category->get('pagetitle'), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), ENT_QUOTES)); $description = trim(htmlspecialchars(html_entity_decode($category->get('description'), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), ENT_QUOTES)); $parentUuid = ''; if ($categoryData['level'] > 1) { $parent_q = $this->modx->newQuery('msCategory', array('id' => $category->get('parent'))); $parent_q->leftJoin('mSkladCategoryData', 'Data', 'Data.category_id ='); $parent_q->select(', Data.uuid, Data.uuid_1c'); $parent_q->limit(1); // $parent_q->prepare(); // $this->modx->msklad->restLog('toSQL',print_r($parent_q->toSQL(),true)); if ($parent_q->prepare() && $parent_q->stmt->execute()) { $parentRes = $parent_q->stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $parentUuid = !empty($parentRes['uuid']) ? 'parentUuid="' . $parentRes['uuid'] . '"' : ''; } } $collection[] = ' <goodFolder ' . $parentUuid . ' productCode="" name="' . $name . '"> <uuid>' . $categoryData['uuid'] . '</uuid> <description>' . $description . '</description> <code>' . $categoryData['category_id'] . '</code> <externalcode>' . $categoryData['uuid_1c'] . '</externalcode> </goodFolder> '; } } $xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <collection> ' . implode('', $collection) . ' </collection>'; $request = new RestRequest($this->config['restUrl'] . 'GoodFolder/list/update', 'PUT', $xml); $request->setUsername($this->config['Username']); $request->setPassword($this->config['Password']); $request->execute(); $responseInfo = $request->getResponseInfo(); $http_code = $responseInfo['http_code']; if ($this->config['debug']) { $this->modx->msklad->restLog('updateCategorySklad_' . $this->start . '_' . $this->level, $request); } if ($http_code == '200') { $xml = simplexml_load_string($request->getResponseBody()); $cc = 0; foreach ($xml->id as $val) { if ($categoryData = $this->modx->getObject('mSkladCategoryData', array('category_id' => $categoriesData[$cc]['category_id']))) { $categoryData->set('uuid', $val); $categoryData->save(); } ++$cc; } unset($xml); } unset($categoriesData); } else { $this->level += 1; } } if ($this->start == 0 && !$this->total) { $stop = 1; } return $this->success(array('total' => $this->total, 'level' => $this->level, 'stop' => $stop)); }
function removeContact($username, $authuser, $authpw, $contactID) { global $SERVER_URL, $APIVERSION; $usernameNoPlus = str_replace('+', '%2B', $username); $contactIDNoPlus = str_replace('tel:+', 'tel%3A%2B', $contactID); //echo $contactID; $url = $SERVER_URL . 'addressbook/' . $APIVERSION . '/' . $usernameNoPlus . '/contacts/ '; //.$contactIDNoPlus; //echo $url; $data = []; $request = new RestRequest($url, 'DELETE', $data, $authuser, $authpw); $request->execute(); $info = $request->getResponseInfo(); if ($info['http_code'] == '204') { echo 1; } else { echo 0; } }
public function testRestRequestPost() { $url = "http://*****:*****@' . $this->testingFileWithPath); //var_dump( $data ); $rest = new RestRequest($url, $verb, $data); //$rest->setUrl(""); // $rest->setAcceptType("text/html"); $rest->setLocalFile($this->testingFileWithPath); $rest->execute(); echo $rest->getResponseBody(); echo "\n resp info \n"; var_dump($rest->getResponseInfo()); }
function sendIM($username, $authuser, $authpw, $contactID, $sessionID, $text) { global $SERVER_URL, $APIVERSION; if ($sessionID == "" || $sessionID == null) { $sessionID = 'adhoc'; } $usernameNoPlus = '%2B' . substr($username, 1); $contactIDNoPlus = 'tel%3A%2B' . substr($contactID, 1); $url = $SERVER_URL . 'chat/' . $APIVERSION . '/' . $usernameNoPlus . '/oneToOne/' . $contactIDNoPlus . '/' . $sessionID . '/messages'; $action = '{"ChatMessage":{"text":"' . $text . '","reportRequest":"Displayed"}}'; $request = new RestRequest($url, 'POST', $action, $authuser, $authpw); $request->execute(); $requestAsArray = json_decode($request->getResponseBody()); $info = $request->getResponseInfo(); if ($info['http_code'] == '201') { echo $info['http_code'] . ' '; $messageID = $requestAsArray->resourceReference->resourceURL; //HERE MAKING THIS WORK! $messageID = explode("/", $messageID); $messageID = $messageID[count($messageID) - 2]; echo $messageID; } else { echo $info['http_code'] . ' Error - '; //$requestAsArray = $requestAsArray->requestError->serviceException->variables; print_r($requestAsArray); } }
private function validateYoutube($fieldName) { $fieldData = $this->fields[$fieldName]; $required = $fieldData['required'] === true ? true : false; $missingError = isset($fieldData['options']['missingError']) ? $fieldData['options']['missingError'] : "missingError for field {$fieldName} not defined"; $invalidError = isset($fieldData['options']['invalidError']) ? $fieldData['options']['invalidError'] : "invalidError for field {$fieldName} not defined"; $value = isset($this->rsc[$fieldName]) ? trim($this->rsc[$fieldName]) : ''; if ($required === true && $value == '') { $this->addError($fieldName, $missingError); } if ($value != '') { $request = new RestRequest("{$value}"); $request->stdRequest(array(), array('Accept: text/xml')); $responseInfo = $request->getResponseInfo(); if (!isset($responseInfo['http_code']) || $responseInfo['http_code'] != '200') { $this->addError($fieldName, $invalidError); } } $this->setFieldValue($fieldName, $value); }
function loginUnregister($username, $authuser, $authpw) { //HTTP DELETE http://{serverRoot}/register/{apiVersion}/{userId}/sessions global $SERVER_URL, $APIVERSION; $usernameNoPlus = '%2B' . substr($username, 1); $url = $SERVER_URL . 'register/' . $APIVERSION . '/' . $usernameNoPlus . '/sessions'; $action = ""; $request = new RestRequest($url, 'DELETE', $action, $authuser, $authpw); $request->execute(); $info = $request->getResponseInfo(); if ($info['http_code'] == 204) { echo "1"; } else { echo "0"; } }