public function getDependenciesOf($strSidebarID, $arrHierarchyBase = null) { // since // Similar to the above GetDependencies() method but this one only checks the dependencies of the given sidebar. // This is used by the core class before it renders the widget box output in case a dependency conflict is happening. // Generate the base hierarchy array from the widget options. if (is_null($arrHierarchyBase)) { $oWO = new ResponsiveColumnWidgets_WidgetOptions(); $arrHierarchyBase = $oWO->GetHierarchyBase(); unset($oWO); // for PHP below 5.3 } $arrDependencies = $this->GetFlatternChildWidgetBoxes($strSidebarID, $arrHierarchyBase); if (is_null($arrDependencies)) { // If null, a dependency conflict occurred. So add the parsing sidebar ID to the parent sidebar. $arrDependencies = array($strSidebarID); } return $arrDependencies; }
public function form($arrInstance) { /* * Variables - use uniqid() to generate a unique ID to avoid the same ID being inserted among other widgets dropped onto different sidebar boxes. */ // Aboid undefined index warnings. $arrInstance = $arrInstance + array('sidebarid_selected' => null, 'sidebarid_parent' => null); // For the select tag. $strID_SidebarIDSelected = $this->get_field_id('sidebarid_selected'); $strName_SidebarIDSelected = $this->get_field_name('sidebarid_selected'); // the string "sidebarid_selected" will be the key for the field and passed as the input array key to the update() method. // For the option tag. $strID_Selector = $strID_SidebarIDSelected . '_' . uniqid(); $strClass_Option = $strID_Selector; // For the hidden input tag that indicates the sidebar ID of the one to which the selected sidebar belongs. $strID_SidebarParent = $this->get_field_id('sidebarid_parent') . '_' . uniqid(); // the string "sidebarid" will be the key for the field and passed as the input array key to the update() method. $strName_SidebarParent = $this->get_field_name('sidebarid_parent'); // the string "sidebarid" will be the key for the field and passed as the input array key to the update() method. // Create the array for the hierarchy reference. $oSH = new ResponsiveColumnWidgets_SidebarHierarchy(); $arrDependencies = $oSH->GetDependencies(); unset($oSH); // make sure the object is released. // echo 'Sidebar Hierarchy: <br />' // . $this->DumpArray( $arrDependencies ); $oWO = new ResponsiveColumnWidgets_WidgetOptions(); $arrWidgetOptions = $oWO->GetRegisteredWidgetOptionsByBaseID(); unset($oWO); // make sure the object is released. // echo 'Widget Options: <br />' // . '<div style="font-size: 80%; margin-left: 0px; padding-left: 0px">' // . $this->DumpArray( $arrWidgetOptions ) // . '</div>'; // echo 'This Widget ID: ' . $this->id . '<br />'; // Set the container sidebar ID - note that this will not work ( a null will be assigned ) when the widget is dropped for the first time. ( works after saving the form options. ) $this->strContainerSidebarID = $this->GetContainerSidebarID(); // echo 'Parent Sidebar ID: ' . $this->strContainerSidebarID . '<br />'; ?> <p> <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo $strName_SidebarParent; ?> " id="<?php echo $strID_SidebarParent; ?> " class="<?php echo $this->strClassSelector_ContainerSidebarID; ?> " value="<?php echo $this->strContainerSidebarID; ?> " /> <label for="<?php echo $strID_Selector; ?> "> <?php _e('Select Sidebar', 'responsive-column-widgets'); ?> : </label> <br /> <select name="<?php echo $strName_SidebarIDSelected; ?> " id="<?php echo $strID_Selector; ?> " class="<?php echo $this->strClassSelectorFormSelect; ?> "> <?php // the default non-select item. echo '<option class="' . $strClass_Option . ' ' . $this->strClassSelectorFormOption . '" value="">' . '-------- ' . __('Select a sidebar', 'responsive-column-widgets') . ' --------' . '</option>'; foreach ($GLOBALS['wp_registered_sidebars'] as $arrSidebar) { $bDisabled = false; // wp_inactive_widgets is for the Inactive Widgets section box in the admin widget page. So do nothing. if ($arrSidebar['id'] == 'wp_inactive_widgets') { continue; } if (in_array('inactive-sidebar', explode(' ', $arrSidebar['class']))) { continue; } // If the parsing sidebar ID is the same as the container sidebar ID, disable it. if ($arrSidebar['id'] == $this->strContainerSidebarID) { $bDisabled = true; } // If the parsing sidebar ID matches this widget's parent (container) sidebar ID, disable it. // The $this->id property is defined in the WP_Widget class ( the parent class of this class ) and the id properties is the widget id of this widget instance. if (isset($arrWidgetOptions[$this->id]['sidebarid_parent']) && $arrWidgetOptions[$this->id]['sidebarid_parent'] == $arrSidebar['id']) { $bDisabled = true; } // If the parsing sidebar ID ( the candidate to be a child sidebar ) has this container sidebar as its child, then disable it. if (isset($arrDependencies[$arrSidebar['id']]) && in_array($this->strContainerSidebarID, $arrDependencies[$arrSidebar['id']])) { $bDisabled = true; } // If the container sidebar ID has the parsing sidebar ID as its dependency, disable it. // This should not be commented out but currently the JavaScript scripts of this plugin are not able to enable this item // when the position of widget is changed. Until the script to fix it is added, let it being commented out. // if ( isset( $arrDependencies[ $this->strContainerSidebarID ] ) && in_array( $arrSidebar['id'], $arrDependencies[ $this->strContainerSidebarID ] ) ) // $bDisabled = true; echo '<option class="' . $strClass_Option . ' ' . $this->strClassSelectorFormOption . '" value="' . esc_attr($arrSidebar['id']) . '" ' . ($arrSidebar['id'] == $arrInstance['sidebarid_selected'] ? 'selected="Selected"' : '') . ($bDisabled ? ' disabled=Disabled' : '') . '>' . ucwords($arrSidebar['name']) . '</option>'; } ?> </select> </p> <?php if (version_compare(get_bloginfo('version'), '3.6', "<")) { ?> <script type="text/javascript" class="responsive-column-widgets-widget-registration-script" > var select = jQuery( "select#<?php echo $strID_Selector; ?> " ); var container_sidebar_id = select.closest( ".widgets-sortables" ).attr( "id" ); var selects = jQuery( "select.<?php echo $this->strClassSelectorFormSelect; ?> " ); console.log( '(RCW Log) The plugin widget form has been rendered.' ); if ( typeof container_sidebar_id !== 'undefined' && container_sidebar_id != 'wp_inactive_widgets' ) { console.log( '(RCW Log) Container Sidebar ID: ' + container_sidebar_id + '\n' + 'Widget ID: <?php echo $this->id; ?> ' ); // Set the container sidebar ID to the hidden input field. This is important for the update() method to update the form options. jQuery( "input#<?php echo $strID_SidebarParent; ?> " ).val( container_sidebar_id ); ResponsiveColumnWidgets_DoAjaxRequestForWidgetRegistration(); } // When the widget is drag'n-dropped, var container_divs = selects.closest( "div.widgets-sortables" ); // (Re)Hook the widget drop event. // Somehow the live() method causes syntax errors so use the bind method. container_divs.unbind( 'sortstop sortreceive' ); // unbind previous event hooks. container_divs.bind( 'sortstop sortreceive', function( event, ui ){ ResponsiveColumnWidgets_WidgetDropEvent( event, ui ); }); </script> <?php } ?> <?php if (version_compare(get_bloginfo('version'), '3.6', ">=")) { ?> <script type="text/javascript" class="responsive-column-widgets-widget-registration-script" > var select = jQuery( "select#<?php echo $strID_Selector; ?> " ); var container_sidebar_id = select.closest( ".widgets-sortables" ).attr( "id" ); var selects = jQuery( "select.<?php echo $this->strClassSelectorFormSelect; ?> " ); console.log( '(RCW Log) The plugin widget form has been rendered.' ); if ( typeof container_sidebar_id !== 'undefined' && container_sidebar_id != 'wp_inactive_widgets' ) { console.log( '(RCW Log) Container Sidebar ID: ' + container_sidebar_id + '\n' + 'Widget ID: <?php echo $this->id; ?> ' ); // Set the container sidebar ID to the hidden input field. This is important for the update() method to update the form options. jQuery( "input#<?php echo $strID_SidebarParent; ?> " ).val( container_sidebar_id ); ResponsiveColumnWidgets_DoAjaxRequestForWidgetRegistration(); } </script> <?php } }
/** * Check sidebar dependency conflicts. * * @since */ protected function isDependencyConflict($strSidebarID) { if (!isset($this->arrSidebarHierarchies)) { // Store the sidebar hierarchy array in a property. $oWO = new ResponsiveColumnWidgets_WidgetOptions(); $this->arrSidebarHierarchies = $oWO->GetHierarchyBase(); unset($oWO); // for PHP below 5.3 } $oSH = new ResponsiveColumnWidgets_SidebarHierarchy(); $arrDependencies = $oSH->getDependenciesOf($strSidebarID, $this->arrSidebarHierarchies); unset($oSH); // for PHP below 5.3. if (isset($this->arrSidebarHierarchies['']) || in_array($strSidebarID, $arrDependencies)) { return true; } return false; }