function get_ip_reputation_summary() { $data = POST('data'); $type = intval($data['type']); //Initialization of Vars $ips = array(); $top = array(); $chart = array(); $total = 0; $date = _('Unknown'); $Reputation = new Reputation(); if ($Reputation->existReputation()) { list($ips, $cou, $order, $total) = $Reputation->get_data($type, 'All'); session_write_close(); //Getting IPs by Country $cou = array_splice($cou, 0, 10); foreach ($cou as $c => $value) { $info = explode(";", $c); $flag = ''; if ($info[1] != '') { $flag = "<img src='/ossim/pixmaps/" . ($info[1] == "1x1" ? "" : "flags/") . strtolower($info[1]) . ".png'>"; } $top[] = array('flag' => $flag, 'name' => $info[0], 'occurrences' => Util::number_format_locale($value, 0)); } //Getting IPs by Activity $order = array_splice($order, 0, 10); foreach ($order as $type => $ocurrences) { $chart[] = array($type . ' [' . Util::number_format_locale($ocurrences, 0) . ']', $ocurrences); } //Getting total of IPs $total = Util::number_format_locale($total, 0); //Getting Date of the last Update. $date = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s", filemtime($Reputation->rep_file) + 3600 * Util::get_timezone()); } return array('ips' => $ips, 'top_countries' => $top, 'ip_by_activity' => $chart, 'total' => $total, 'last_updated' => $date); }
echo _("Protocol"); ?> :</td> <td class='data'> <input type='text' class='inp_filter' name='protocol' id='protocol'/> <span style='margin-left: 3px;'><a class='clean' id='clean_protocol' title='<?php echo _("Clean filter"); ?> '><img src='/ossim/pixmaps/delete.gif' align='absmiddle'/></a></span> </td> <td class='noborder' colspan='2'> <table id='filter_chk'> <tr> <?php $Reputation = new Reputation(); if ($Reputation->existReputation()) { ?> <td class='_label'><span><?php echo _("Include OTX Info"); ?> :</span></td> <td class='data' style='width:62px !important;'><input type='checkbox' name='idm' id='idm' checked='checked' value="1"/></td> <?php } ?> <td></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr>