public function executeDelete($request) { $id = $request->getParameter('id'); $this->forward404Unless($id); if (!$this->getUser()->hasCredential('admin') && !Utils::isUserRecord('ReportPeer', $id, $this->getUser()->getId())) { $this->getUser()->setFlash('error', 'You don\'t have enough credentials to delete this snippet.'); $this->forward('site', 'message'); } $this->report = ReportPeer::retrieveByPK($id); $this->forward404Unless($this->report); if ($request->getParameter('delete') == 'Yes') { ReportPeer::doDelete(array($id)); $this->getUser()->setFlash('info', sprintf('Report %s is deleted.', $this->report->getTitle())); $this->forward('site', 'message'); } }
/** * Removes this object from datastore and sets delete attribute. * * @param PropelPDO $con * @return void * @throws PropelException * @see BaseObject::setDeleted() * @see BaseObject::isDeleted() */ public function delete(PropelPDO $con = null) { if ($this->isDeleted()) { throw new PropelException("This object has already been deleted."); } if ($con === null) { $con = Propel::getConnection(ReportPeer::DATABASE_NAME, Propel::CONNECTION_WRITE); } $con->beginTransaction(); try { $ret = $this->preDelete($con); if ($ret) { ReportPeer::doDelete($this, $con); $this->postDelete($con); $this->setDeleted(true); $con->commit(); } else { $con->commit(); } } catch (PropelException $e) { $con->rollBack(); throw $e; } }