function updatemembers_POST(Web &$w) { $arrdb = array(); $arrdb['report_id'] = $_REQUEST['report_id']; $arrdb['role'] = $_REQUEST['role']; $arrdb['is_deleted'] = 0; $member = $_REQUEST['member']; // for each selected member, complete population of input array $arrdb['user_id'] = $member; // find member against report ID $mem = $w->Report->getReportMember($arrdb['report_id'], $arrdb['user_id']); // if no membership, create it, otherwise update and continue if (!$mem) { $mem = new ReportMember($w); $mem->fill($arrdb); $mem->insert(); } else { $mem->fill($arrdb); $mem->update(); } // return $w->msg("Member Group updated", "/report/edit/" . $arrdb['report_id'] . "#members"); }
function savereport_POST(Web &$w) { $w->Report->navigation($w, "Create Report"); // get type of statement: select/insert/update/delete $_POST['sqltype'] = $w->Report->getSQLStatementType($_POST['report_code']); // insert report into database $report = new Report($w); $report->fill($_POST); $report->insert(); // if insert successful, make creator a MEMBER of this report if ($report->id) { $arr['report_id'] = $report->id; $arr['user_id'] = $w->session('user_id'); $mem = new ReportMember($w); $mem->fill($arr); $mem->insert(); } $w->msg("Report created", "/report/index/"); }