function report_edit_form_submit($data) { $error = report_validate($data); if (!empty($error)) { return FALSE; } else { $report = new Report(); $update = $report->update($data); if ($update['code'] == 200) { return report_list($data['id']); } } }
function admincreatebatchAction() { $this->_helper->layout->setLayout("layout_admin"); $db = Zend_Registry::get('db'); $this->view->adminid = $this->_currentAdmin->id; if ($this->_request->isPost()) { // validate report_id $displayedreport_ids = $report_ids = $this->_request->getParam('reportInBatch'); $campaignId = $this->_request->getParam('id'); $reportBatchModel = new ReportBatch(); $len = count($report_ids); for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) { $reportBatch = $reportBatchModel->fetchRow("report_ids like '%," . $report_ids[$i] . ",%'"); if ($reportBatch != null) { // unset($report_ids[$i]); $this->_flashMessenger->addMessage("The Selected report conflicted, choose again please!"); $this->_helper->redirector('adminindex', 'report'); // return; } } if (count($report_ids) > 0) { $currentTime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); // create batch record $reportBatchModel = new ReportBatch(); $reportBatch = $reportBatchModel->createRow(); $reportBatch->start_datetime = $currentTime; //2011-04-08 ham.bao separate the sessions with admin $reportBatch->admin_id = $this->_currentAdmin->id; $reportBatch->report_ids = "," . implode(",", $report_ids) . ","; $reportBatch->state = 'NEW'; $reportBatch->campaign_id = $campaignId; $reportBatch->save(); $this->view->batchId = $reportBatch->id; //rock selected reports $reportModel = new Report(); $db2 = $reportModel->getAdapter(); $set = array('state' => 'LOCKED'); $where = $db2->quoteInto('id in (' . implode(',', $report_ids) . ')'); $rows_affected = $reportModel->update($set, $where); } } else { $batch_id = $this->_request->getParam('batch_id'); $reportBatchModel = new ReportBatch(); $reportBatch = $reportBatchModel->fetchRow('id = ' . $batch_id); $displayedreport_ids = explode(',', substr($reportBatch['report_ids'], 1, strlen($reportBatch['report_ids']) - 2)); $campaignId = $reportBatch['campaign_id']; $this->view->batchId = $reportBatch['id']; } // Zend_Debug::dump($this->view->batchId); if (count($displayedreport_ids) == 0) { return; } //campagin $campaignModel = new Campaign(); $this->view->campaign = $campaignModel->fetchRow('id = ' . $campaignId); // show the selected reports $select = $db->select(); $select->from('report', 'report.*'); $select->join('consumer', 'report.consumer_id =', array('', 'consumer.login_phone', '')); $select->join('campaign_invitation', 'campaign_invitation.consumer_id = report.consumer_id and report.campaign_id = campaign_invitation.campaign_id', 'campaign_invitation.state as cistate'); $select->where(' in (' . implode(',', $displayedreport_ids) . ')'); $select->order('report.create_date desc'); $this->view->AllReports = $db->fetchAll($select); // 2011-09-21 bruce.liu show selected reports and admin_name (who approved the report ) $num = 0; foreach ($this->view->AllReports as $rep) { $select_admin = $db->select(); $select_admin->from('report_batch', 'report_batch.admin_id'); $select_admin->join('admin', ' = report_batch.admin_id', ''); $select_admin->where('FIND_IN_SET(' . $rep['id'] . ',report_batch.report_ids) > 0'); $this->admin_name = $db->fetchAll($select_admin); $this->view->AllReports[$num]['name'] = $this->admin_name[0]['name']; $num++; } //get report amount for each member $selectReportAmount = $db->select(); $selectReportAmount->from('report', array('count(*)', 'consumer_id'))->group('consumer_id'); $reportAmounts = $db->fetchAll($selectReportAmount); $this->view->reportAmountArray = array(); foreach ($reportAmounts as $reportAmonut) { $i = $reportAmonut["consumer_id"]; $this->view->reportAmountArray[$i] = $reportAmonut["count(*)"]; } $selectReportAmount->where("campaign_id = ?", $campaignId); $reportCampaignAmonuts = $db->fetchAll($selectReportAmount); $this->view->reportCampaignAmountArray = array(); foreach ($reportCampaignAmonuts as $reportCampaignAmonut) { $i = $reportCampaignAmonut["consumer_id"]; $this->view->reportCampaignAmountArray[$i] = $reportCampaignAmonut["count(*)"]; } //get report point $select2 = $db->select(); $select2->from('reward_point_transaction_record', 'reward_point_transaction_record.*'); $select2->where('reward_point_transaction_record.transaction_id = 1'); $AllRecords = $db->fetchAll($select2); $recordsArray = array(); foreach ($AllRecords as $record) { $i = $record["id"]; $recordsArray[$i] = $record["point_amount"]; } $this->view->pointArray = array(); $this->view->reportArray = array(); foreach ($this->view->AllReports as $report) { if ($report['reward_point_transaction_record_id'] != null && array_key_exists($report['reward_point_transaction_record_id'], $recordsArray)) { $j = $report["id"]; $k = $report['reward_point_transaction_record_id']; $this->view->pointArray[$j] = $recordsArray[$k]; } } //get report reply $select3 = $db->select(); $select3->from('reply', array('report_id', 'status')); $allReplys = $db->fetchAll($select3); $this->view->allReplysArray = array(); foreach ($allReplys as $reply) { $i = $reply["report_id"]; $this->view->allReplysArray[$i] = $reply["status"]; } }
} if ($exists && isset($_POST['report_edit'])) { $p_message = trim(strip_tags($_POST['message'])); $success = true; $errors = array(); if ($p_message == '') { $success = false; array_push($errors, "The message field is required!"); } if ($p_message != '' && !preg_match('/^[\\s\\S]{0,200}$/u', $p_message)) { $success = false; array_push($errors, "The message must be no more than 200 character long."); } if ($success) { $update = array('message' => $p_message); Report::update($g_id, $update); $report = Report::get_one($g_id); } } include "page-header.php"; ?> <div id="wrapper"> <?php include "page-left.php"; ?> <div id="content"> <form name="form_report_edit" id="form_report_edit" method="post" enctype='application/x-www-form-urlencoded' accept-charset="UTF-8" class="form">