public function ResetPassword() { $email = $this->post->email; if (!$email) { return false; } else { $pilot = PilotData::GetPilotByEmail($email); if (!$pilot) { $this->render('login_notfound.tpl'); return; } $newpw = substr(md5(date('mdYhs')), 0, 6); RegistrationData::ChangePassword($pilot->pilotid, $newpw); $this->set('firstname', $pilot->firstname); $this->set('lastname', $pilot->lastname); $this->set('newpw', $newpw); $message = Template::GetTemplate('email_lostpassword.tpl', true); Util::SendEmail($pilot->email, 'Password Reset', $message); $this->render('login_passwordreset.tpl'); } }
protected function change_password_post() { if (!Auth::LoggedIn()) { $this->set('message', 'You must be logged in to access this feature!'); $this->render('core_error.tpl'); return; } // Verify if ($this->post->oldpassword == '') { $this->set('message', 'You must enter your current password'); $this->render('core_error.tpl'); return; } if ($this->post->password1 != $this->post->password2) { $this->set('message', 'Your passwords do not match'); $this->render('core_error.tpl'); return; } // Change $hash = md5($this->post->oldpassword . Auth::$userinfo->salt); if ($hash == Auth::$userinfo->password) { RegistrationData::ChangePassword(Auth::$pilotid, $_POST['password1']); $this->set('message', 'Your password has been reset'); } else { $this->set('message', 'You entered an invalid password'); } $this->render('core_success.tpl'); }
protected function ChangePassword() { $password1 = $this->post->password1; $password2 = $this->post->password2; // Check password length if (strlen($password1) <= 5) { $this->set('message', Lang::gs('password.wrong.length')); $this->render('core_message.tpl'); return; } // Check is passwords are the same if ($password1 != $password2) { $this->set('message', Lang::gs('')); $this->render('core_message.tpl'); return; } RegistrationData::ChangePassword($this->post->pilotid, $password1); if (DB::errno() != 0) { $this->set('message', 'There was an error, administrator has been notified'); $this->render('core_error.tpl'); } else { $this->set('message', Lang::gs('password.changed')); $this->render('core_success.tpl'); } $pilot = PilotData::getPilotData($this->post->pilotid); LogData::addLog(Auth::$userinfo->pilotid, 'Changed the password for ' . PilotData::getPilotCode($pilot->code, $pilot->pilotid) . ' - ' . $pilot->firstname . ' ' . $pilot->lastname); }