コード例 #1

require_once "Regexp_Assemble.php";
require_once "testutil.php";
$r = new Regexp_Assemble();
# 01_insert.t
# Test suite for Regexp::Assemble
# When a series of paths are inserted in an R::A object, they are
# stored into tree structure using a crafty blend of arrays and hashes.
# These tests verify that the tokens that are added to the
# Regexp::Assemble object are stored correctly.
# The tests here verify to a much greater extent that the tree/hash structure
# built up from repeated add() calls produce a structure that the
# subsequent coalescing and reduction routines can operate upon correctly.
# copyright (C) 2004-2006 David Landgren

use strict;
use Regexp::Assemble;

use constant permute_testcount => 120 * 5; # permute() has 120 (5!) variants

eval qq{use Test::More tests => 50 + permute_testcount};
if( $@ ) {
    warn "# Test::More not available, no tests performed\n";