<?php $database = new MySQLDatabase(); $session = new Session(); $referees_details = Referees::find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM referees WHERE applicant_id=" . $session->applicant_id); ?> <form action="" method="POST" class="referees_details" > <table class="table table-hover"> <caption><h3>Referees</h3></caption> <thead> <tr> <th>S/N</th> <th>Title</th> <th>Full Name</th> <th>Email</th> <th>Phone Number</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php if (!empty($referees_details)) { $counter = 1; foreach ($referees_details as $referees_data) { $referee_title[$counter] = $referees_data->referee_title_id; $referee_name[$counter] = $referees_data->referee_name; $referee_email[$counter] = $referees_data->referee_email; $referee_phone_number[$counter] = $referees_data->referee_phone_number; $referee_id[$counter] = $referees_data->referees_id; $counter++; } }
<tr> <td width="4%">' . $index . '</td> <td width="70%">' . $otherpub->title_of_publication . '</td> <td width="20%">' . $otherpub->publisher . '</td> </tr>'; $index++; } echo '</tbody> </table>'; } ?> <h4 align="center" class="alert alert-success">Referee Details</h4> <?php $referees = Referees::find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM referees WHERE applicant_id='" . $applicant_id . "'"); if (empty($referees)) { echo 'Not applicable'; } else { echo ' <table class="table table-bordered table-hover"> <thead> <th>S/N</th> <th>Referee Name</th> <th>Referee Mail</th> <th>Mobile Number</th> <th>Status</th> </thead>'; $index = 1; echo '<tbody>'; foreach ($referees as $ref) {
require_once "../../inc/initialize.php"; $email = htmlspecialchars($_POST['email'], ENT_QUOTES); $user = new User(); $user_exists = $user->find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM `personal_details` WHERE `email`='" . $email . "' LIMIT 1"); if (empty($user_exists)) { echo '<h4 class="alert alert-error">Error</h4>'; echo '<hr>'; echo "This E-mail: <font color='#FF0000'>'" . $email . "'</font> does not exist in our database"; echo '<br>'; echo 'Use the Close Button to Continue'; } else { $user->email = $email; $user_exists = array_shift($user_exists); if ($user_exists->progress == 'Completed') { $referees = new Referees(); $referees_details = $referees->find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM referees WHERE applicant_id='" . $user_exists->applicant_id . "'"); $mail_error = ''; foreach ($referees_details as $referee_info) { $referees->referee_email = $referee_info->referee_email; $referees->referee_name = $referee_info->referee_name; $referees->referees_id = $referee_info->referees_id; if (!$referees->sendRefereeMail()) { $mail_error .= "Mail not sent to " . $referees->referee_email . "<br>"; } } if ($mail_error == '') { echo '<h4 class="alert alert-success">Success</h4>'; echo '<hr>'; echo "Referee mails for applicant with email: <font color='#FF0000'>'" . $email . "'</font> has been successfully sent"; echo '<br>';
<?php require_once '../inc/initialize.php'; $referee = new Referees(); $referee->referees_id = $_POST['referee_id']; $referee_details = $referee->find_by_id($referee->referees_id); if ($referee_details->referee_form_status == 1) { echo '<h4 class="alert alert-error">Error</h4><br>'; echo 'You have already filled this before'; } else { $referee->professional_rank = $_POST['referee_rank']; $referee->referee_address = $_POST['address']; $referee->referee_job_description = $_POST['job_description']; $referee->how_long = $_POST['how_long']; $referee->what_capacity = $_POST['whatcapacity']; $referee->comments_on_candidate = $_POST['comment']; $referee->rank_candidate = $_POST['rank_candidate']; $referee->referee_highest_qualification_obtained = $_POST['referee_rank']; $intellectual_capacity = $_POST['intellectual_capactiy']; $capactiy_for_persistence = $_POST['capactiy_for_persistence']; $ability_for_imagination = $_POST['ability_for_imagination']; $promise_of_productive_scholarship = $_POST['promise_of_productive_scholarship']; $quality_of_previous_work = $_POST['quality_of_previous_work']; $oral_written_expressions = $_POST['oral_written_expressions']; $questionnaire = serialize(array('intellectual_capactiy' => $intellectual_capacity, 'capactiy_for_persistence' => $capactiy_for_persistence, 'ability_for_imagination' => $ability_for_imagination, 'promise_of_productive_scholarship' => $promise_of_productive_scholarship, 'quality_of_previous_work' => $quality_of_previous_work, 'oral_written_expressions' => $oral_written_expressions)); $referee->questionnaire = $questionnaire; $referee->referee_form_status = 1; $referee->db_fields = array('referee_form_status', 'referee_job_description', 'referee_address', 'referee_highest_qualification_obtained', 'rank_candidate', 'questionnaire', 'comments_on_candidate', 'how_long', 'what_capacity'); if ($referee->save()) { sleep(2); echo '<h4 class="alert alert-success">Success</h4><br>';
if (!in_array($value, $tab_filled)) { $message .= '<span style=" font-weight: bold; text-shadow: 1px 1px 4px Red">' . $key . '</span><br>'; $empty_tab_flag = true; } } if ($empty_tab_flag) { echo '<h4 class="alert alert-error"><i class="iconic-o-x" style="color: red"></i> Error!</h4>'; echo '<hr>'; echo $message; echo '<br><hr>'; echo '<a href="application_form.php" class="btn">Close</a>'; } else { $user->progress = 'Completed'; $user->db_fields = array('progress'); $user->applicant_id = $session->applicant_id; $referees = new Referees(); $referees_details = $referees->find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM referees WHERE applicant_id='" . $session->applicant_id . "'"); $mail_error = ''; $applicant_name = User::find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM personal_details WHERE applicant_id=" . $session->applicant_id); $applicant_name = array_shift($applicant_name); $applicant_name = $applicant_name->surname . ' ' . $applicant_name->first_name . ' ' . $applicant_name->middle_name; foreach ($referees_details as $referee_info) { $referees->referee_email = $referee_info->referee_email; $referees->referee_name = $referee_info->referee_name; $referees->referees_id = $referee_info->referees_id; if (!$referees->sendRefereeMail($applicant_name)) { $mail_error .= "Mail not sent to " . $referees->referee_email . "<br>"; } } if ($user->save()) { $admissions = new Admission();
<?php require_once '../inc/initialize.php'; $sqlemail = User::find_by_sql("SELECT email FROM personal_details WHERE applicant_id=" . $session->applicant_id); $sqlemail = array_shift($sqlemail); $applicant_email = $sqlemail->email; $error = false; $ref_ids = ''; $referee = new Referees(); $error = ''; $i = 1; while ($i <= 3) { if (isset($_POST['referees_id_' . $i]) && !empty($_POST['referees_id_' . $i])) { $referee->referees_id = $_POST['referees_id_' . $i]; } $referee->referee_title_id = $_POST['reference_title_id_' . $i]; $referee->referee_name = $_POST['referees_name_' . $i]; $referee->referee_email = $_POST['referees_email_' . $i]; if ($referee->referee_email == $applicant_email) { echo '<h4 class="alert alert-error">Error</h4>'; echo '<hr>'; echo "The referee email must be different from the applicant's email\n"; echo '<hr>'; echo "The referee with the email " . $applicant_email . " was therefore not saved\n"; die; } $referee->referee_phone_number = $_POST['referees_phone_number_' . $i]; $referee->applicant_id = $session->applicant_id; $r_id = $referee->save(); if (!$r_id) { $error = true;