コード例 #1
 * Start off by setting the key
 * Note that if we do not check for its exist()ance then we will
 * overwrite the value.
$helper->set($ourKey, $ourNumber);
 * Increase by 1
echo "The number is now:" . $helper->get($ourKey) . "\n";
// 2
 * Increase by 4
$helper->add($ourKey, 4);
echo "The number is now:" . $helper->get($ourKey) . "\n";
// 6
 * Decrease by 1
echo "The number is now:" . $helper->get($ourKey) . "\n";
// 6
 * Decrease by 3
$helper->subtract($ourKey, 3);
echo "The number is now:" . $helper->get($ourKey) . "\n";
// 6
コード例 #2

 * This example shows a series of number additions and subtractions pulled from
 * an array of up/down scores.
include "vendor/autoload.php";
 * Create the redis object and initialise a connection.
$helper = new RedisHelper\RedisHelper();
$helper->connect(true, 'localhost', 6379, '');
$ourKey = "our_vote_site_key";
$ourNumber = 100;
$helper->set($ourKey, $ourNumber);
$votes = [['type' => 'down', 'value' => 1], ['type' => 'up', 'value' => 1], ['type' => 'up', 'value' => 3], ['type' => 'down', 'value' => 2]];
foreach ($votes as $vote) {
    echo "Rolling count: ";
    if ($vote['type'] == 'down') {
        echo $helper->subtract($ourKey, $vote['value'])->get($ourKey) . "\n";
    } else {
        echo $helper->add($ourKey, $vote['value'])->get($ourKey) . "\n";
コード例 #3
 * Create the redis object and initialise a connection.
$helper = new RedisHelper\RedisHelper();
$helper->connect(true, 'localhost', 6379, '');
 * Requesting a key that does not exist.
 * Result: If you use get() to request an unset key, it simply returns false.
echo "The value is: " . ($helper->get("an_unset_key") !== false) . "\n";
 * Attempting to increase a string.
$key = "set_string_for_add";
$helper->set($key, "Test string");
echo "The value is:" . $helper->add($key, 5)->get($key) . "\n";
 * Increasing a number that does not exist.
 * Result: Throws an exception.
$helper->add("unset_number_for_add", 5);
 * Decreasing a number that does not exist.
 * Result: Throws an exception.
$helper->subtract("unset_number_for_subtract", 5);