コード例 #1
use Ratchet\WebSocket\WsServer;
use ExHttp\Server as ConnectionHandler;
use ExDraw\Server as DrawServer;
use ExHttp\Router;
use ExHttp\StaticFile;
$loop = new React\EventLoop\ExtEventLoop();
$documentRoot = getcwd();
$drawServer = new DrawServer();
$clientBootstrap = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/index.html');
   Configure router, the router allows for callbacks to be executed on a route match.  If no
   match is found then it will look to see if it can load a static file.
$router = new ExHttp\Router(array("/" => function ($request, $response, $connection) use($clientBootstrap) {
$fileHandler = new StaticFile($documentRoot, $loop);
    Websocket and HTTP Server Sockets
$socketServer = new React\Socket\Server($loop);
$socketServer->listen('8080', '');
$websocketServer = new IoServer(new HttpServer(new WsServer($drawServer)), $socketServer, $loop);
$httpSocket = new React\Socket\Server($loop);
$httpSocket->listen('81', '');
$httpServer = new IoServer(new HttpServer(new ConnectionHandler($router)), $httpSocket, $loop);