public function show_Main() { $error = ""; if ($this->get(1) == 'ok') { Framework::TPL()->assign('ok', true); } if (isset($_POST["change"])) { $auto = isset($_POST["automatic"]) && $_POST["automatic"] == 1 ? 1 : 0; $this->myPremium->auto = $auto; R::store($this->myPremium); Framework::redir('game/premium/main'); } if (isset($_POST["activate"])) { if ($_SESSION['secHash'] != $_POST['hash']) { Framework::TPL()->assign('pError', 'invalid hash'); return; } $length = array(1 => array(3, 150), 2 => array(7, 300), 3 => array(14, 400), 4 => array(30, 500)); $l = @$_POST['length']; if (!isset($length[$l])) { Framework::TPL()->assign('pError', 'invalid length'); return; } $details = $length[$l]; if ($details[1] > $this->myPremium->points) { $error = "Du hast nicht genügend Premium-Punkte."; } else { $this->myPremium->points -= $details[1]; if ($this->myPremium->until < time()) { $this->myPremium->until = time() + $details[0] * 24 * 3600; } else { $this->myPremium->until += $details[0] * 24 * 3600; } R::store($this->myPremium); $_SESSION['secHash'] = md5(mt_rand(1000, 10000) . microtime(true)); RCached::clear(); // clear cache files Framework::redir('game/premium/main/ok'); } } Framework::TPL()->assign('pError', $error); }
/** * check if given user has premium account */ public function hasPremium($nocache = false) { if (isset(self::$hasPremiumCache[$this->id]) && !$nocache) { return self::$hasPremiumCache[$this->id]; } if ($nocache) { $premium = R::findOne('user_premium', ' user_id = ?', array($this->id), date("d.m.Y - H")); } else { $premium = RCached::findOne('user_premium', ' user_id = ?', array($this->id), date("d.m.Y - H")); } if (!$premium) { self::$hasPremiumCache[$this->id] = false; return false; } if ($premium->until > time()) { self::$hasPremiumCache[$this->id] = true; } else { self::$hasPremiumCache[$this->id] = false; } return self::$hasPremiumCache[$this->id]; }
public function show_Update() { $maxPX = 4; $userID = $this->user->getID(); // check if new x/y pos is a valid position if (!is_numeric($_POST['x']) || !is_numeric($_POST['y'])) { $this->error('Invalid position'); } // new pos $x = $_POST['x'] < 0 ? 0 : $_POST['x']; $y = $_POST['y'] < 0 ? 0 : $_POST['y']; // old pos $om = $this->mapPosition; // you cant move to much at once $deltaX = abs($om->x - $x); $deltaY = abs($om->y - $y); // skip if player did not move if ($deltaX != 0 || $deltaY != 0) { if ($deltaX > $maxPX || $deltaY > $maxPX) { $this->output('player_position', array($om->x, $om->y)); $this->error('moved_to_far'); } // update to new pos $om->x = $x; $om->y = $y; foreach ($this->teleportMap[$om->map] as $teleportPoint) { if ($om->x == $teleportPoint["x"] && $om->y == $teleportPoint["y"]) { // check if key is needed if (isset($teleportPoint["keys"])) { $array = $teleportPoint["keys"]; $ct = R::getCell('SELECT COUNT( FROM inventory, item WHERE item.type IN (' . R::genSlots($teleportPoint["keys"]) . ') AND inventory.user_id = ' . $this->user->getID(), $teleportPoint["keys"]); if ($ct == 0) { continue; } } $om->map = $teleportPoint["target"]["map"]; $om->x = $teleportPoint["target"]["x"]; $om->y = $teleportPoint["target"]["y"]; } } //R::store($om); R::exec('UPDATE map_position SET x = ?, y = ?, map = ? WHERE user_id = ?', array($om->x, $om->y, $om->map, $this->user->getID())); } $this->output('player_position', array($om->x, $om->y)); $this->output('map', $om->map); // get surrounding players /*$players = R::find('map_position', ' map = ? AND user_id != ?', array( $om->map, $this->user->getID() ));*/ // get surrounding npcs, cached $npcs = RCached::find('map_npc', ' map = ?', array($om->map), date('d.m.Y')); $p = array(); $players = R::getAll('SELECT map_position.x as x, map_position.y as y, as userid, user.username as username, user.characterImage as ucharacter, COUNT( as isOnline FROM map_position, user, session WHERE = ? AND map_position.user_id != ? AND = map_position.user_id AND session.user_id = AND session.expires > ?', array($om->map, $this->user->getId(), time())); foreach ($players as $playerPos) { if ($playerPos['x'] == null) { continue; } $p['p' . $playerPos['userid']] = array('name' => $playerPos['username'], 'id' => $playerPos['userid'], 'x' => $playerPos['x'], 'y' => $playerPos['y'], 'character' => $playerPos['ucharacter'], 'is_npc' => false, 'look_direction' => 2, 'npc_type' => ''); } /* foreach ($players as $playerPos) { if (!$playerPos->user->isOnline()) { continue; } $p['p'.$playerPos->user->id] = array('name' => $playerPos->user->username, 'x' => $playerPos->x, 'y' => $playerPos->y, 'id' => $playerPos->user->id, 'character' => $playerPos->user->characterImage, 'is_npc' => false, 'look_direction' => 2, 'npc_type' => ""); } */ foreach ($npcs as $npc) { $p['n' . $npc->id] = array('name' => $npc->name, 'x' => $npc->x, 'y' => $npc->y, 'id' => $npc->id, 'character' => $npc->characterImage, 'is_npc' => true, 'look_direction' => $npc->lookDirection, 'npc_type' => $npc->type); } $this->output('players', $p); }