コード例 #1
 function buildDocumentModel()
     global $app_strings;
     try {
         $model = parent::buildDocumentModel();
         $this->generateEntityModel($this->focus, 'SalesOrder', 'salesorder_', $model);
         $entity = new Potentials();
         if ($this->focusColumnValue('potential_id')) {
             $entity->retrieve_entity_info($this->focusColumnValue('potential_id'), 'Potentials');
         $this->generateEntityModel($entity, 'Potentials', 'potential_', $model);
         $entity = new Quotes();
         if ($this->focusColumnValue('quote_id')) {
             $entity->retrieve_entity_info($this->focusColumnValue('quote_id'), 'Quotes');
         $this->generateEntityModel($entity, 'Quotes', 'quote_', $model);
         $entity = new Contacts();
         if ($this->focusColumnValue('contact_id')) {
             $entity->retrieve_entity_info($this->focusColumnValue('contact_id'), 'Contacts');
         $this->generateEntityModel($entity, 'Contacts', 'contact_', $model);
         $entity = new Accounts();
         if ($this->focusColumnValue('account_id')) {
             $entity->retrieve_entity_info($this->focusColumnValue('account_id'), 'Accounts');
         $this->generateEntityModel($entity, 'Accounts', 'account_', $model);
         $model->set('salesorder_no', $this->focusColumnValue('salesorder_no'));
         return $model;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         echo '<meta charset="utf-8" />';
         if ($e->getMessage() == $app_strings['LBL_RECORD_DELETE']) {
             echo $app_strings['LBL_RECORD_INCORRECT'];
             echo '<br><br>';
         } else {
             echo $e->getMessage();
             echo '<br><br>';
         return null;
コード例 #2
ファイル: EditView.php プロジェクト: kikojover/corebos
$category = getParentTab($currentModule);
$record = vtlib_purify($_REQUEST['record']);
$isduplicate = vtlib_purify($_REQUEST['isDuplicate']);
//added to fix the issue4600
$searchurl = getBasic_Advance_SearchURL();
$smarty->assign("SEARCH", $searchurl);
//4600 ends
$currencyid = fetchCurrency($current_user->id);
$rate_symbol = getCurrencySymbolandCRate($currencyid);
$rate = $rate_symbol['rate'];
if (isset($_REQUEST['record']) && $_REQUEST['record'] != '') {
    if (isset($_REQUEST['convertmode']) && $_REQUEST['convertmode'] == 'quotetoinvoice') {
        $quoteid = $record;
        $quote_focus = new Quotes();
        $quote_focus->id = $quoteid;
        $quote_focus->retrieve_entity_info($quoteid, 'Quotes');
        $focus = getConvertQuoteToInvoice($focus, $quote_focus, $quoteid);
        // Reset the value w.r.t Quote Selected
        $currencyid = $quote_focus->column_fields['currency_id'];
        $rate = $quote_focus->column_fields['conversion_rate'];
        //Added to display the Quote's associated vtiger_products -- when we create vtiger_invoice from Quotes DetailView
        $associated_prod = getAssociatedProducts("Quotes", $quote_focus);
        $txtTax = $quote_focus->column_fields['txtTax'] != '' ? $quote_focus->column_fields['txtTax'] : '0.000';
        $txtAdj = $quote_focus->column_fields['txtAdjustment'] != '' ? $quote_focus->column_fields['txtAdjustment'] : '0.000';
        $smarty->assign("CONVERT_MODE", vtlib_purify($_REQUEST['convertmode']));
        $smarty->assign("ASSOCIATEDPRODUCTS", $associated_prod);
        $smarty->assign("MODE", $quote_focus->mode);
        $smarty->assign("AVAILABLE_PRODUCTS", 'true');
    } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['convertmode']) && $_REQUEST['convertmode'] == 'sotoinvoice') {
        $soid = $_REQUEST['record'];
        $so_focus = new SalesOrder();
コード例 #3
function createpdffile($idnumber, $purpose = '', $path = '', $current_id = '')
    require_once 'include/tcpdf/tcpdf.php';
    require_once 'include/tcpdf/config/tcpdf_config.php';
    require_once 'modules/Quotes/Quotes.php';
    require_once 'include/database/PearDatabase.php';
    require_once 'include/utils/InventoryUtils.php';
    require_once 'include/utils/PDFutils.php';
    require_once 'test/contact/bank.php';
    global $FOOTER_PAGE, $default_font, $font_size_footer, $NUM_FACTURE_NAME, $pdf_strings, $quote_no, $footer_margin;
    global $org_name, $org_address, $org_city, $org_code, $org_country, $org_irs, $org_taxid, $org_phone, $org_fax, $org_website;
    //bank information - content
    global $bank_name, $bank_street, $bank_city, $bank_zip, $bank_country, $bank_account, $bank_routing, $bank_iban, $bank_swift;
    //bank information - labels from language files
    global $columns, $logoradio, $logo_name, $footerradio, $pageradio;
    global $adb, $app_strings, $focus, $current_user;
    $module = 'Quotes';
    //get bank information
    $bank_name = $bank_array['bank_name'];
    $bank_street = $bank_array['bank_street'];
    $bank_city = $bank_array['bank_city'];
    $bank_zip = $bank_array['bank_zip'];
    $bank_country = $bank_array['bank_country'];
    $bank_account = $bank_array['bank_account'];
    $bank_routing = $bank_array['bank_routing'];
    $bank_iban = $bank_array['bank_iban'];
    $bank_swift = $bank_array['bank_swift'];
    //get tax information
    $org_taxid = $tax_array['org_taxid'];
    $org_irs = $tax_array['org_irs'];
    //get the stored configuration values
    $pdf_config_details = getAllPDFDetails('Quotes');
    //set font
    $default_font = getTCPDFFontsname($pdf_config_details[fontid]);
    if ($default_font == '') {
        $default_font = 'freesans';
    $font_size_header = $pdf_config_details[fontsizeheader];
    $font_size_address = $pdf_config_details[fontsizeaddress];
    $font_size_body = $pdf_config_details[fontsizebody];
    $font_size_footer = $pdf_config_details[fontsizefooter];
    //select comma or dot as numberformat
    //European Format
    $decimal_precision = 2;
    $decimals_separator = ',';
    $thousands_separator = '.';
    //US Format
    //$decimal_precision = 2;
    //$decimals_separator = '.';
    //$thousands_separator = ',';
    //get users data
    //select language file
    if (file_exists("modules/Quotes/language/" . $pdf_config_details[pdflang] . ".lang.pdf.php")) {
        include "modules/Quotes/language/" . $pdf_config_details[pdflang] . ".lang.pdf.php";
        $language = strtoupper(substr($pdf_config_details[pdflang], -2, 2));
    } else {
        include "modules/Quotes/language/en_us.lang.pdf.php";
        $language = "EN";
    //internal number
    $id = $idnumber;
    //retreiving the quote info
    $focus = new Quotes();
    $focus->retrieve_entity_info($id, "Quotes");
    $account_name = decode_html(getAccountName($focus->column_fields[account_id]));
    $quote_no = $focus->column_fields['quote_no'];
    $sql = "select vtiger_currency_info.currency_symbol from vtiger_currency_info where vtiger_currency_info.id= " . $focus->column_fields['currency_id'];
    $currency_symbol = $adb->query_result($adb->query($sql), 0, 'currency_symbol');
    //get the quote date set
    $date_to_display_array = array(str_replace("-", ".", getDisplayDate(date("Y-m-d"))));
    $date_created = getDisplayDate($focus->column_fields["createdtime"]);
    $date_array = explode(" ", $date_created);
    $date_to_display_array[1] = str_replace("-", ".", $date_array[0]);
    $date_modified = getDisplayDate($focus->column_fields["modifiedtime"]);
    $date_array = explode(" ", $date_modified);
    $date_to_display_array[2] = str_replace("-", ".", $date_array[0]);
    $date_to_display = $date_to_display_array[$pdf_config_details[dateused]];
    //number of lines after headline
    $space_headline = $pdf_config_details[space_headline];
    //display logo?
    $logoradio = $pdf_config_details[logoradio];
    //display summary?
    $summaryradio = $pdf_config_details[summaryradio];
    //display footer?
    $footerradio = $pdf_config_details[footerradio];
    //display footer page number?
    $pageradio = $pdf_config_details[pageradio];
    // get company information from settings
    $add_query = "select * from vtiger_organizationdetails";
    $result = $adb->query($add_query);
    $num_rows = $adb->num_rows($result);
    if ($num_rows > 0) {
        $org_name = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "organizationname");
        $org_address = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "address");
        $org_city = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "city");
        $org_state = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "state");
        $org_country = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "country");
        $org_code = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "code");
        $org_phone = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "phone");
        $org_fax = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "fax");
        $org_website = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "website");
        $logo_name = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "logoname");
    //get owner information
    $recordOwnerArr = getRecordOwnerId($_REQUEST['record']);
    foreach ($recordOwnerArr as $type => $id) {
        $ownertype = $type;
        $ownerid = $id;
    if ($ownertype == 'Users') {
        // get owner information for user
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM vtiger_users,vtiger_crmentity WHERE vtiger_users.id = vtiger_crmentity.smownerid AND vtiger_crmentity.crmid = '" . $_REQUEST['record'] . "'";
        $result = $adb->query($sql);
        $owner_lastname = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'last_name');
        $owner_firstname = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'first_name');
        $owner_id = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'smownerid');
        $owner_phone = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'phone_work');
        $owner_title = decode_html(trim($adb->query_result($result, 0, 'title')));
    } else {
        // get owner information for Groups
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM vtiger_groups,vtiger_crmentity WHERE vtiger_groups.groupid  = vtiger_crmentity.smownerid AND vtiger_crmentity.crmid = '" . $_REQUEST['record'] . "'";
        $result = $adb->query($sql);
        $owner_lastname = '';
        $owner_firstname = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'groupname');
        $owner_id = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'smownerid');
        $owner_phone = $org_phone;
        $owner_title = '';
    //display owner?
    $owner = $pdf_config_details['owner'];
    //display owner phone#?
    $ownerphone = $pdf_config_details['ownerphone'];
    //to display at product description based on tax type
    $gproddetailarray = array($pdf_config_details[gprodname], $pdf_config_details[gproddes], $pdf_config_details[gprodcom]);
    $gproddetails = 0;
    foreach ($gproddetailarray as $key => $value) {
        if ($value == 'true') {
            if ($key == 0) {
                $gproddetails = $gproddetails + 1;
            } else {
                $gproddetails = $gproddetails + $key * 2;
    $iproddetails = 0;
    $iproddetailarray = array($pdf_config_details[iprodname], $pdf_config_details[iproddes], $pdf_config_details[iprodcom]);
    foreach ($iproddetailarray as $key => $value) {
        if ($value == 'true') {
            if ($key == 0) {
                $iproddetails = $iproddetails + 1;
            } else {
                $iproddetails = $iproddetails + $key * 2;
    // Quote Requisition Nummer
    $subject = $focus->column_fields[requisition_no];
    if ($focus->column_fields["hdnTaxType"] == "individual") {
        $product_taxes = 'true';
    } else {
        $product_taxes = 'false';
    // **************** BEGIN POPULATE DATA ********************
    $account_id = $focus->column_fields[account_id];
    $largeArray = $focus;
    $quote_id = $id;
    $valid_till = $focus->column_fields["validtill"];
    $valid_till = getDisplayDate($valid_till);
    $valid_till = str_replace("-", ".", $valid_till);
    $bill_street = decode_html($focus->column_fields["bill_street"]);
    $bill_city = decode_html($focus->column_fields["bill_city"]);
    $bill_state = decode_html($focus->column_fields["bill_state"]);
    $bill_code = decode_html($focus->column_fields["bill_code"]);
    $bill_country = decode_html($focus->column_fields["bill_country"]);
    //format contact name
    $contact_name = decode_html(getContactforPDF($focus->column_fields["contact_id"]));
    //get department of contact or account, contact wins
    $contact_department = '';
    //get contact department
    if (trim($focus->column_fields["contact_id"]) != '') {
        $sql = "select * from vtiger_contactdetails where contactid=" . $focus->column_fields["contact_id"];
        $result = $adb->query($sql);
        $contact_department = decode_html(trim($adb->query_result($result, 0, "department")));
        $contact_firstname = decode_html(trim($adb->query_result($result, 0, "firstname")));
        $contact_lastname = decode_html(trim($adb->query_result($result, 0, "lastname")));
        $contact_salutation = decode_html(trim($adb->query_result($result, 0, "salutation")));
    //get account department
    if ($contact_department == '') {
        $sql = "select * from vtiger_account where accountid=" . $account_id;
        $result = $adb->query($sql);
        $contact_department = decode_html(trim($adb->query_result($result, 0, "tickersymbol")));
    $ship_street = $focus->column_fields["ship_street"];
    $ship_city = $focus->column_fields["ship_city"];
    $ship_state = $focus->column_fields["ship_state"];
    $ship_code = $focus->column_fields["ship_code"];
    $ship_country = $focus->column_fields["ship_country"];
    // condition field for last page
    $conditions = decode_html($focus->column_fields["terms_conditions"]);
    // description field for first page
    $description = decode_html($focus->column_fields["description"]);
    // ************************ BEGIN POPULATE DATA ***************************
    //get the Associated Products for this Quote
    $focus->id = $focus->column_fields["record_id"];
    $associated_products = getAssociatedProducts("Quotes", $focus);
    $num_products = count($associated_products);
    //This $final_details array will contain the final total, discount, Group Tax, S&H charge, S&H taxes and adjustment
    $final_details = $associated_products[1]['final_details'];
    //getting the Net Total
    $price_subtotal = $final_details["hdnSubTotal"];
    $price_subtotal_formated = number_format($price_subtotal, $decimal_precision, $decimals_separator, $thousands_separator);
    //Final discount amount/percentage
    $discount_amount = $final_details["discount_amount_final"];
    $discount_percent = $final_details["discount_percentage_final"];
    if ($discount_amount != "") {
        $price_discount = $discount_amount;
        $price_discount_formated = number_format($price_discount, $decimal_precision, $decimals_separator, $thousands_separator);
    } else {
        if ($discount_percent != "") {
            //This will be displayed near Discount label
            $final_price_discount_percent = "(" . number_format($discount_percent, $decimal_precision, $decimals_separator, $thousands_separator) . " %)";
            $price_discount = $discount_percent * $final_details["hdnSubTotal"] / 100;
            $price_discount_formated = number_format($price_discount, $decimal_precision, $decimals_separator, $thousands_separator);
        } else {
            $price_discount = "0.00";
    $price_adjustment = $final_details["adjustment"];
    $price_adjustment_formated = number_format($price_adjustment, $decimal_precision, $decimals_separator, $thousands_separator);
    //Grand Total
    $price_total = $final_details["grandTotal"];
    $price_total_formated = number_format($price_total, $decimal_precision, $decimals_separator, $thousands_separator);
    //To calculate the group tax amount
    if ($final_details['taxtype'] == 'group') {
        $group_tax_total = $final_details['tax_totalamount'];
        $price_salestax = $group_tax_total;
        $price_salestax_formated = number_format($price_salestax, $decimal_precision, $decimals_separator, $thousands_separator);
        $group_total_tax_percent = '0.00';
        $group_tax_details = $final_details['taxes'];
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($group_tax_details); $i++) {
            $group_total_tax_percent = $group_total_tax_percent + $group_tax_details[$i]['percentage'];
    //S&H amount
    $sh_amount = $final_details['shipping_handling_charge'];
    $price_shipping_formated = number_format($sh_amount, $decimal_precision, $decimals_separator, $thousands_separator);
    //S&H taxes
    $sh_tax_details = $final_details['sh_taxes'];
    $sh_tax_percent = '0.00';
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($sh_tax_details); $i++) {
        $sh_tax_percent = $sh_tax_percent + $sh_tax_details[$i]['percentage'];
    $sh_tax_amount = $final_details['shtax_totalamount'];
    $price_shipping_tax = number_format($sh_tax_amount, $decimal_precision, $decimals_separator, $thousands_separator);
    //to calculate the individuel tax amounts included we should get all available taxes and then retrieve the corresponding tax values
    $tax_details = getAllTaxes('available');
    $numer_of_tax_types = count($tax_details);
    for ($tax_count = 0; $tax_count < count($tax_details); $tax_count++) {
        $taxtype_listings[taxname . $tax_count] = $tax_details[$tax_count]['taxname'];
        $taxtype_listings[percentage . $tax_count] = $tax_details[$tax_count]['percentage'];
        $taxtype_listings[value . $tax_count] = '0';
    //This is to get all prodcut details as row basis
    for ($i = 1, $j = $i - 1; $i <= $num_products; $i++, $j++) {
        $product_code[$i] = $associated_products[$i]['hdnProductcode' . $i];
        $product_name[$i] = decode_html($associated_products[$i]['productName' . $i]);
        $prod_description[$i] = decode_html($associated_products[$i]['productDescription' . $i]);
        $qty[$i] = $associated_products[$i]['qty' . $i];
        $qty_formated[$i] = number_format($associated_products[$i]['qty' . $i], $decimal_precision, $decimals_separator, $thousands_separator);
        $comment[$i] = decode_html($associated_products[$i]['comment' . $i]);
        $unit_price[$i] = number_format($associated_products[$i]['unitPrice' . $i], $decimal_precision, $decimals_separator, $thousands_separator);
        $list_price[$i] = number_format($associated_products[$i]['listPrice' . $i], $decimal_precision, $decimals_separator, $thousands_separator);
        $list_pricet[$i] = $associated_products[$i]['listPrice' . $i];
        $discount_total[$i] = $associated_products[$i]['discountTotal' . $i];
        $discount_totalformated[$i] = number_format($associated_products[$i]['discountTotal' . $i], $decimal_precision, $decimals_separator, $thousands_separator);
        //added by crm-now
        $usageunit[$i] = $associated_products[$i]['usageunit' . $i];
        //look whether the entry already exists, if the translated string is available then the translated string other wise original string will be returned
        $usageunit[$i] = getTranslatedString($usageunit[$i], 'Products');
        $taxable_total = $qty[$i] * $list_pricet[$i] - $discount_total[$i];
        $producttotal = $taxable_total;
        $total_taxes = '0.00';
        if ($focus->column_fields["hdnTaxType"] == "individual") {
            $total_tax_percent = '0.00';
            //This loop is to get all tax percentage and then calculate the total of all taxes
            for ($tax_count = 0; $tax_count < count($associated_products[$i]['taxes']); $tax_count++) {
                $tax_percent = $associated_products[$i]['taxes'][$tax_count]['percentage'];
                $total_tax_percent = $total_tax_percent + $tax_percent;
                $tax_amount = $taxable_total * $tax_percent / 100;
                //calculate the tax amount for any available tax percentage
                $detected_tax = substr(array_search($total_tax_percent, $taxtype_listings), -1);
                $taxtype_listings[value . $detected_tax] = $taxtype_listings[value . $detected_tax] + $tax_amount;
                $total_taxes = $total_taxes + $tax_amount;
            $producttotal = $taxable_total + $total_taxes;
            $product_line[$j][$pdf_strings['Tax']] = " ({$total_tax_percent} %) " . number_format($total_taxes, $decimal_precision, $decimals_separator, $thousands_separator);
            // combine product name, description and comment to one field based on settings
        // combine product name, description and comment to one field based on settings
        if ($focus->column_fields["hdnTaxType"] == "individual") {
            $product_selection = $iproddetails;
        } else {
            $product_selection = $gproddetails;
        switch ($product_selection) {
            case 1:
                $product_name_long[$i] = $product_name[$i];
            case 2:
                $product_name_long[$i] = $prod_description[$i];
            case 3:
                $product_name_long[$i] = $product_name[$i] . "\n" . $prod_description[$i];
            case 4:
                $product_name_long[$i] = $comment[$i];
            case 5:
                $product_name_long[$i] = $product_name[$i] . "\n" . $comment[$i];
            case 6:
                if ($prod_description[$i] != '') {
                    $product_name_long[$i] = $prod_description[$i] . "\n" . $comment[$i];
                } else {
                    $product_name_long[$i] = $comment[$i];
            case 7:
                if ($prod_description[$i] != '') {
                    $product_name_long[$i] = $product_name[$i] . "\n" . $prod_description[$i] . "\n" . $comment[$i];
                } else {
                    $product_name_long[$i] = $product_name[$i] . "\n" . $comment[$i];
                if ($prod_description[$i] != '') {
                    $product_name_long[$i] = $product_name[$i] . "\n" . $prod_description[$i] . "\n" . $comment[$i];
                } else {
                    $product_name_long[$i] = $product_name[$i] . "\n" . $comment[$i];
        $prod_total[$i] = number_format($producttotal, $decimal_precision, $decimals_separator, $thousands_separator);
        $product_line[$j][$pdf_strings['Position']] = $j + 1;
        $product_line[$j][$pdf_strings['OrderCode']] = $product_code[$i];
        $product_line[$j][$pdf_strings['Description']] = $product_name_long[$i];
        $product_line[$j][$pdf_strings['Qty']] = $qty_formated[$i];
        $product_line[$j][$pdf_strings['Unit']] = $usageunit[$i];
        $product_line[$j][$pdf_strings['UnitPrice']] = $list_price[$i];
        $product_line[$j][$pdf_strings['Discount']] = $discount_totalformated[$i];
        $product_line[$j][$pdf_strings['LineTotal']] = $prod_total[$i];
    //Population of current date
    $addyear = strtotime("+0 year");
    if ($purpose == 'customerportal') {
        $dat_fmt = $owner_id->date_format == '' ? 'dd-mm-yyyy' : $owner_id->date_format;
    } else {
        $dat_fmt = $current_user->date_format == '' ? 'dd-mm-yyyy' : $current_user->date_format;
    $date_issued = $dat_fmt == 'dd-mm-yyyy' ? date('d-m-Y', $addyear) : ($dat_fmt == 'mm-dd-yyyy' ? date('m-d-Y', $addyear) : ($dat_fmt == 'yyyy-mm-dd' ? date('Y-m-d', $addyear) : ''));
    // ************************ END POPULATE DATA ***************************
    //************************BEGIN PDF FORMATING**************************
    // Extend the TCPDF class to create custom Header and Footer
    class MYPDF extends TCPDF
        //modifiy tcpdf class footer
        public function Footer()
            //To make the function Footer() work properly
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                $this->original_rMargin = $this->rMargin;
            include "modules/Quotes/pdf_templates/footer.php";
    $page_num = '1';
    // create new PDF document
    //$pdf = new PDF( 'P', 'mm', 'A4' );
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    $pdf->SetFont($default_font, " ", $default_font_size);
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    // auto break on
    // set footer fonts
    //$pdf->setFooterFont(Array(PDF_FONT_NAME_DATA, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_DATA));
    //set margins
    // set pdf information
    $pdf->SetTitle($pdf_strings['FACTURE'] . ": " . $account_name);
    $pdf->SetAuthor($owner_firstname . " " . $owner_lastname . ", " . $org_name);
    $pdf->SetCreator('PDF Creator from www.crm-now.com');
    //list product names as keywords
    $productlisting = implode(", ", $product_name);
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    $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(true, PDF_MARGIN_FOOTER);
    //set image scale factor
    //set some language-dependent strings
    //initialize document
    //in reference to body.php -> if a new page must be added if the space available for summary is too small
    $new_page_started = false;
    include "modules/Quotes/pdf_templates/header.php";
    $pdf->SetFont($default_font, " ", $font_size_body);
    include "modules/Quotes/pdf_templates/body.php";
    // issue pdf
    if ($purpose == 'print') {
        $pdf->Output($pdf_strings['FACTURE'] . '_' . $date_issued . '.pdf', 'D');
    } elseif ($purpose == 'send') {
        // send pdf with mail
        switch ($language) {
            case "EN":
                $pdf->Output('storage/Quote_' . $_REQUEST['record'] . '.pdf', 'F');
                //added file name to make it work in IE, also forces the download giving the user the option to save
            case "DE":
                $pdf->Output('storage/Angebot_' . $_REQUEST['record'] . '.pdf', 'F');
                //added file name to make it work in IE, also forces the download giving the user the option to save
    } elseif ($purpose == 'customerportal') {
        $pdf->Output($path . $current_id . "_Quotes.pdf", 'F');
コード例 #4
ファイル: EditView.php プロジェクト: sacredwebsite/vtigercrm
global $app_strings, $mod_strings, $currentModule, $log, $current_user;
$focus = CRMEntity::getInstance($currentModule);
$smarty = new vtigerCRM_Smarty();
//added to fix the issue4600
$searchurl = getBasic_Advance_SearchURL();
$smarty->assign("SEARCH", $searchurl);
//4600 ends
$currencyid = fetchCurrency($current_user->id);
$rate_symbol = getCurrencySymbolandCRate($currencyid);
$rate = $rate_symbol['rate'];
if (isset($_REQUEST['record']) && $_REQUEST['record'] != '') {
    if (isset($_REQUEST['convertmode']) && $_REQUEST['convertmode'] == 'quotetoinvoice') {
        $quoteid = $_REQUEST['record'];
        $quote_focus = new Quotes();
        $quote_focus->id = $quoteid;
        $quote_focus->retrieve_entity_info($quoteid, "Quotes");
        $focus = getConvertQuoteToInvoice($focus, $quote_focus, $quoteid);
        // Reset the value w.r.t Quote Selected
        $currencyid = $quote_focus->column_fields['currency_id'];
        $rate = $quote_focus->column_fields['conversion_rate'];
        //Added to display the Quote's associated vtiger_products -- when we create vtiger_invoice from Quotes DetailView
        $associated_prod = getAssociatedProducts("Quotes", $quote_focus);
        $txtTax = $quote_focus->column_fields['txtTax'] != '' ? $quote_focus->column_fields['txtTax'] : '0.000';
        $txtAdj = $quote_focus->column_fields['txtAdjustment'] != '' ? $quote_focus->column_fields['txtAdjustment'] : '0.000';
        $smarty->assign("CONVERT_MODE", vtlib_purify($_REQUEST['convertmode']));
        $smarty->assign("ASSOCIATEDPRODUCTS", $associated_prod);
        $smarty->assign("MODE", $quote_focus->mode);
        $smarty->assign("AVAILABLE_PRODUCTS", 'true');
    } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['convertmode']) && $_REQUEST['convertmode'] == 'sotoinvoice') {
        $soid = $_REQUEST['record'];
        $so_focus = new SalesOrder();
コード例 #5
ファイル: InventoryPDF.php プロジェクト: hardikk/HNH
 * Function to generate Quote pdf
function get_quote_pdf()
    require_once 'include/tcpdf/pdf.php';
    require_once 'include/tcpdf/pdfconfig.php';
    require_once 'include/database/PearDatabase.php';
    require_once 'modules/Quotes/Quotes.php';
    global $adb, $app_strings, $current_user;
    // would you like and end page?  1 for yes 0 for no
    $endpage = "1";
    $focus = new Quotes();
    $focus->retrieve_entity_info($_REQUEST['record'], "Quotes");
    $account_name = getAccountName($focus->column_fields[account_id]);
    $quote_no = $focus->column_fields[quote_no];
    if ($focus->column_fields["hdnTaxType"] == "individual") {
        $product_taxes = 'true';
    } else {
        $product_taxes = 'false';
    $sql = "select currency_symbol from vtiger_currency_info where id=?";
    $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($focus->column_fields['currency_id']));
    $currency_symbol = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'currency_symbol');
    // **************** BEGIN POPULATE DATA ********************
    $account_id = $focus->column_fields[account_id];
    $quote_id = $_REQUEST['record'];
    // Quote Information
    $valid_till = $focus->column_fields["validtill"];
    $valid_till = getDisplayDate($valid_till);
    $bill_street = $focus->column_fields["bill_street"];
    $bill_city = $focus->column_fields["bill_city"];
    $bill_state = $focus->column_fields["bill_state"];
    $bill_code = $focus->column_fields["bill_code"];
    $bill_country = $focus->column_fields["bill_country"];
    $contact_name = getContactName($focus->column_fields["contact_id"]);
    $ship_street = $focus->column_fields["ship_street"];
    $ship_city = $focus->column_fields["ship_city"];
    $ship_state = $focus->column_fields["ship_state"];
    $ship_code = $focus->column_fields["ship_code"];
    $ship_country = $focus->column_fields["ship_country"];
    $conditions = from_html($focus->column_fields["terms_conditions"]);
    $description = from_html($focus->column_fields["description"]);
    $status = $focus->column_fields["quotestage"];
    // Company information
    $add_query = "select * from vtiger_organizationdetails";
    $result = $adb->pquery($add_query, array());
    $num_rows = $adb->num_rows($result);
    if ($num_rows > 0) {
        $org_name = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "organizationname");
        $org_address = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "address");
        $org_city = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "city");
        $org_state = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "state");
        $org_country = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "country");
        $org_code = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "code");
        $org_phone = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "phone");
        $org_fax = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "fax");
        $org_website = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "website");
        $logo_name = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "logoname");
    //Population of Product Details - Starts
    //we can cut and paste the following lines in a file and include that file here is enough. For that we have to put a new common file. we will do this later
    //NOTE : Removed currency symbols and added with Grand Total text. it is enough to show the currency symbol in one place
    //we can also get the NetTotal, Final Discount Amount/Percent, Adjustment and GrandTotal from the array $associated_products[1]['final_details']
    //get the Associated Products for this Invoice
    $focus->id = $focus->column_fields["record_id"];
    $associated_products = getAssociatedProducts("Quotes", $focus);
    $num_products = count($associated_products);
    //This $final_details array will contain the final total, discount, Group Tax, S&H charge, S&H taxes and adjustment
    $final_details = $associated_products[1]['final_details'];
    //getting the Net Total
    $price_subtotal = number_format($final_details["hdnSubTotal"], 2, '.', ',');
    //Final discount amount/percentage
    $discount_amount = $final_details["discount_amount_final"];
    $discount_percent = $final_details["discount_percentage_final"];
    if ($discount_amount != "") {
        $price_discount = number_format($discount_amount, 2, '.', ',');
    } else {
        if ($discount_percent != "") {
            //This will be displayed near Discount label - used in include/fpdf/templates/body.php
            $final_price_discount_percent = "(" . number_format($discount_percent, 2, '.', ',') . " %)";
            $price_discount = number_format($discount_percent * $final_details["hdnSubTotal"] / 100, 2, '.', ',');
        } else {
            $price_discount = "0.00";
    $price_adjustment = number_format($final_details["adjustment"], 2, '.', ',');
    //Grand Total
    $price_total = number_format($final_details["grandTotal"], 2, '.', ',');
    //To calculate the group tax amount
    if ($final_details['taxtype'] == 'group') {
        $group_tax_total = $final_details['tax_totalamount'];
        $price_salestax = number_format($group_tax_total, 2, '.', ',');
        $group_total_tax_percent = '0.00';
        $group_tax_details = $final_details['taxes'];
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($group_tax_details); $i++) {
            $group_total_tax_percent = $group_total_tax_percent + $group_tax_details[$i]['percentage'];
    //S&H amount
    $sh_amount = $final_details['shipping_handling_charge'];
    $price_shipping = number_format($sh_amount, 2, '.', ',');
    //S&H taxes
    $sh_tax_details = $final_details['sh_taxes'];
    $sh_tax_percent = '0.00';
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($sh_tax_details); $i++) {
        $sh_tax_percent = $sh_tax_percent + $sh_tax_details[$i]['percentage'];
    $sh_tax_amount = $final_details['shtax_totalamount'];
    $price_shipping_tax = number_format($sh_tax_amount, 2, '.', ',');
    $prod_line = array();
    $lines = 0;
    //This is to get all prodcut details as row basis
    for ($i = 1, $j = $i - 1; $i <= $num_products; $i++, $j++) {
        $product_name[$i] = $associated_products[$i]['productName' . $i];
        $subproduct_name[$i] = split("<br>", $associated_products[$i]['subprod_names' . $i]);
        //$prod_description[$i] = $associated_products[$i]['productDescription'.$i];
        $comment[$i] = $associated_products[$i]['comment' . $i];
        $product_id[$i] = $associated_products[$i]['hdnProductId' . $i];
        $qty[$i] = $associated_products[$i]['qty' . $i];
        $unit_price[$i] = number_format($associated_products[$i]['unitPrice' . $i], 2, '.', ',');
        $list_price[$i] = number_format($associated_products[$i]['listPrice' . $i], 2, '.', ',');
        $list_pricet[$i] = $associated_products[$i]['listPrice' . $i];
        $discount_total[$i] = $associated_products[$i]['discountTotal' . $i];
        //aded for 5.0.3 pdf changes
        $product_code[$i] = $associated_products[$i]['hdnProductcode' . $i];
        $taxable_total = $qty[$i] * $list_pricet[$i] - $discount_total[$i];
        $producttotal = $taxable_total;
        $total_taxes = '0.00';
        if ($focus->column_fields["hdnTaxType"] == "individual") {
            $total_tax_percent = '0.00';
            //This loop is to get all tax percentage and then calculate the total of all taxes
            for ($tax_count = 0; $tax_count < count($associated_products[$i]['taxes']); $tax_count++) {
                $tax_percent = $associated_products[$i]['taxes'][$tax_count]['percentage'];
                $total_tax_percent = $total_tax_percent + $tax_percent;
                $tax_amount = $taxable_total * $tax_percent / 100;
                $total_taxes = $total_taxes + $tax_amount;
            $producttotal = $taxable_total + $total_taxes;
            $product_line[$j]["Tax"] = number_format($total_taxes, 2, '.', ',') . "\n ({$total_tax_percent} %) ";
            $price_salestax += $total_taxes;
        $prod_total[$i] = number_format($producttotal, 2, '.', ',');
        $product_line[$j]["Product Code"] = $product_code[$i];
        $product_line[$j]["Qty"] = $qty[$i];
        $product_line[$j]["Price"] = $list_price[$i];
        $product_line[$j]["Discount"] = $discount_total[$i];
        $product_line[$j]["Total"] = $prod_total[$i];
        $product_line[$j]["Product Name"] = decode_html($product_name[$i]);
        $prod_line[$j] = 1;
        for ($count = 0; $count < count($subproduct_name[$i]); $count++) {
            if ($lines % 12 != 0) {
                $product_line[$j]["Product Name"] .= "\n" . decode_html($subproduct_name[$i][$count]);
            } else {
                $product_line[$j]["Product Name"] = decode_html($product_name[$i]);
                $product_line[$j]["Product Name"] .= "\n" . decode_html($subproduct_name[$i][$count]);
                $prod_line[$j] = 2;
        if ($comment[$i] != '') {
            $product_line[$j]["Product Name"] .= "\n" . decode_html($comment[$i]);
    $price_salestax = number_format($price_salestax, 2, '.', ',');
    //echo '<pre>Product Details ==>';print_r($product_line);echo '</pre>';
    //echo '<pre>';print_r($associated_products);echo '</pre>';
    //Population of Product Details - Ends
    // ************************ END POPULATE DATA ***************************8
    $page_num = '1';
    $pdf = new PDF('P', 'mm', 'A4');
    //	$num_pages=ceil(($num_products/$products_per_page));
    //STARTS - Placement of products in pages as per the lines count
    $lines_per_page = "12";
    $prod_cnt = 0;
    $num_pages = ceil($lines / $lines_per_page);
    $tmp = 0;
    for ($count = 0; $count < $num_pages; $count++) {
        for ($k = $tmp; $k < $j; $k++) {
            if ($prod_cnt != 12) {
                $products[$count][] = $k;
                $prod_cnt += $prod_line[$k];
            } else {
                $tmp = $k;
                $prod_cnt = 0;
    //ENDS - Placement of products in pages as per the lines count
    $current_product = 0;
    for ($l = 0; $l < $num_pages; $l++) {
        $line = array();
        if ($num_pages == $page_num) {
            $lastpage = 1;
        /*while($current_product != $page_num*$products_per_page)
        foreach ($products[$l] as $index => $key) {
            $line[] = $product_line[$key];
        include "modules/Quotes/pdf_templates/header.php";
        include "include/tcpdf/templates/body.php";
        //if bottom > 145 then we skip the Description and T&C in every page and display only in lastpage
        //if you want to display the description and T&C in each page then set the display_desc_tc='true' and bottom <= 145 in pdfconfig.php
        if ($display_desc_tc == 'true') {
            if ($bottom <= 145) {
                include "modules/Quotes/pdf_templates/footer.php";
        if ($endpage && $lastpage) {
            include "modules/Quotes/pdf_templates/header.php";
            include "modules/Quotes/pdf_templates/lastpage/body.php";
            include "modules/Quotes/pdf_templates/lastpage/footer.php";
    return $pdf;