コード例 #1
// We're going to query QuickBooks for a customer named "Keith Palmer".
//	The query will be executed against QuickBooks and the function named
//	"_quickbooks_ca_customer_getbyname_callback" will be called with an
//	Iterator object. The Iterator will either be empty (there is no customer by
//	the name of "Keith Palmer") or contain Keith's complete customer record.
// Pretend for a minute that we actually have "Keith Palmer" in our own web
//	application, and what we'd really like to do is check if he exists in
//	QuickBooks, and then create a mapping so we know that Keith's primate key
//	in our database maps to QuickBooks primary key XYZ. To accomplish this,
//	we'll call the API method passing in Keith's primary key, so we can create
//	the mapping later in the callback function.
$customers_name = 'Keith Palmer';
$primary_key_of_customer_in_your_application = 15;
if ($API->getCustomerByName($customers_name, '_quickbooks_ca_customer_getbyname_callback', $primary_key_of_customer_in_your_application)) {
    print 'Queued up a request to fetch a customer named "' . $customers_name . '"!' . "\n";
// Adding a new customer to QuickBooks
// This example shows how to queue up a request to add a new customer to
//	QuickBooks. Remember that the Name element of a customer is unique within
//	QuickBooks, and the request will fail and send you back an error message if
//	another customer in QuickBooks already has that name.
$name = 'Shannon\'s Company (' . mt_rand() . ')';
$fname = 'Shannon';
$lname = 'Daniels';
// (the mt_rand() call is just so I don't get duplicate customer errors while testing)
$Customer = new QuickBooks_Object_Customer();
// This is a unique name (usually a company name) for the customer
コード例 #2
    print 'Our real-time response from QuickBooks Online Edition was: ';
// You can also create QuickBooks_Object_* instances and send them directly to
//	QBOE via the API as show below. The API takes care of transforming those
//	objects to valid qbXML requests for you.
$name = 'Keith Palmer (' . mt_rand() . ')';
$Customer = new QuickBooks_Object_Customer();
$Customer->setShipAddress('134 Stonemill Road', '', '', '', '', 'Storrs', 'CT', '', '06268');
// Just a demo showing how to generate the raw qbXML request
print 'Here is the qbXML request we\'re about to send to QuickBooks Online Edition: ' . "\n";
print $Customer->asQBXML('CustomerAdd');
// Send the request to QuickBooks
$API->addCustomer($Customer, '_add_customer_callback', 15);
// This is our callback function, this will get called when the customer is added successfully
function _add_customer_callback($method, $action, $ID, &$err, $qbxml, $Customer, $qbres)
    print 'Customer #' . $ID . ' looks like this within QuickBooks Online Edition: ' . "\n";
// Here's a demo of querying for customers with a specific name:
$name = 'Keith Palmer Jr.';
// Here's how to fetch that customer by name
$API->getCustomerByName($name, '_get_customer_callback', 15);
function _get_customer_callback($method, $action, $ID, &$err, $qbxml, $Iterator, $qbres)
    print 'This is customer #' . $ID . ' we fetched: ' . "\n";