with() public static method

public static with ( $document = null, $selector = null, $options = [] )
コード例 #1
ファイル: QPXSL.php プロジェクト: hyrmedia/microweber
  * Given an XSLT stylesheet, run a transformation.
  * This will attempt to read the provided stylesheet and then
  * execute it on the current source document.
  * @param mixed $style
  *  This takes a QueryPath object or <em>any</em> of the types that the
  *  {@link qp()} function can take.
  * @return QueryPath
  *  A QueryPath object wrapping the transformed document. Note that this is a
  *  <i>different</em> document than the original. As such, it has no history.
  *  You cannot call {@link QueryPath::end()} to undo a transformation. (However,
  *  the original source document will remain unchanged.)
 public function xslt($style)
     if (!$style instanceof QueryPath) {
         $style = \QueryPath::with($style);
     $sourceDoc = $this->src->top()->get(0)->ownerDocument;
     $styleDoc = $style->get(0)->ownerDocument;
     $processor = new \XSLTProcessor();
     return \QueryPath::with($processor->transformToDoc($sourceDoc));
 public function current()
     if (!isset($this->qp)) {
         $this->qp = \QueryPath::with(parent::current(), NULL, $this->options);
     } else {
         $splos = new \SplObjectStorage();
     return $this->qp;
コード例 #3
ファイル: Amslib_QueryPath.php プロジェクト: hakosh/amslib
 public static function qp($document = NULL, $selector = NULL, $options = array())
     self::$qp = false;
     //	NOTE: we do this output buffer trick to contain any output it might make, but strlen the output afterwards
     //			if there was a problem, surely it'll be non-zero if it outputs anything, but we prevent this
     //			from breaking the output of the system, so we contain the problem, although we don't skip it
     //			or even control it, because I haven't found a way to safely do that without breaking other stuff
     self::$qp = QueryPath::with($document, $selector, $options);
     $warnings = ob_get_clean();
     //	Something went wrong, but didn't trigger an exception
     if (strlen($warnings)) {
         Amslib_Debug::log("QueryPath did not produce clean output when processing document, this is not normal", $warnings);
     return self::$qp;
コード例 #4
 public function testAppendWithChildSelector()
     $q = \QueryPath::with('<p>child content</p>');
     $this->atts['childViewContainer'] = ".container";
     $this->obj = new \JHM\Template($this->atts, $this->q);
     $atts = json_decode('{
       "id": "childItem",
       "tagName": "div",
       "attributes": {
         "className": "childitem"
     }', true);
     $expected = '<div>This be the rendered content<div class="container"><div class="childitem"><p>child content</p></div></div></div>';
     $child = new \JHM\Template($atts, $q);
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $this->obj->body());
コード例 #5
ファイル: QueryPath.php プロジェクト: mpstyle/mtoolkit
 * Build a new Query Path.
 * This builds a new Query Path object. The new object can be used for
 * reading, search, and modifying a document.
 * While it is permissible to directly create new instances of a QueryPath
 * implementation, it is not advised. Instead, you should use this function
 * as a factory.
 * Example:
 * @code
 * <?php
 * qp(); // New empty QueryPath
 * qp('path/to/file.xml'); // From a file
 * qp('<html><head></head><body></body></html>'); // From HTML or XML
 * qp(QueryPath::XHTML_STUB); // From a basic HTML document.
 * qp(QueryPath::XHTML_STUB, 'title'); // Create one from a basic HTML doc and position it at the title element.
 * // Most of the time, methods are chained directly off of this call.
 * qp(QueryPath::XHTML_STUB, 'body')->append('<h1>Title</h1>')->addClass('body-class');
 * ?>
 * @endcode
 * This function is used internally by QueryPath. Anything that modifies the
 * behavior of this function may also modify the behavior of common QueryPath
 * methods.
 * <b>Types of documents that QueryPath can support</b>
 *  qp() can take any of these as its first argument:
 *  - A string of XML or HTML (See {@link XHTML_STUB})
 *  - A path on the file system or a URL
 *  - A {@link DOMDocument} object
 *  - A {@link SimpleXMLElement} object.
 *  - A {@link DOMNode} object.
 *  - An array of {@link DOMNode} objects (generally {@link DOMElement} nodes).
 *  - Another {@link QueryPath} object.
 * Keep in mind that most features of QueryPath operate on elements. Other
 * sorts of DOMNodes might not work with all features.
 * <b>Supported Options</b>
 *  - context: A stream context object. This is used to pass context info
 *    to the underlying file IO subsystem.
 *  - encoding: A valid character encoding, such as 'utf-8' or 'ISO-8859-1'.
 *    The default is system-dependant, typically UTF-8. Note that this is
 *    only used when creating new documents, not when reading existing content.
 *    (See convert_to_encoding below.)
 *  - parser_flags: An OR-combined set of parser flags. The flags supported
 *    by the DOMDocument PHP class are all supported here.
 *  - omit_xml_declaration: Boolean. If this is TRUE, then certain output
 *    methods (like {@link QueryPath::xml()}) will omit the XML declaration
 *    from the beginning of a document.
 *  - format_output: Boolean. If this is set to TRUE, QueryPath will format
 *    the HTML or XML output to make it more readible. If this is set to
 *    FALSE, QueryPath will minimize whitespace to keep the document smaller
 *    but harder to read.
 *  - replace_entities: Boolean. If this is TRUE, then any of the insertion
 *    functions (before(), append(), etc.) will replace named entities with
 *    their decimal equivalent, and will replace un-escaped ampersands with
 *    a numeric entity equivalent.
 *  - ignore_parser_warnings: Boolean. If this is TRUE, then E_WARNING messages
 *    generated by the XML parser will not cause QueryPath to throw an exception.
 *    This is useful when parsing
 *    badly mangled HTML, or when failure to find files should not result in
 *    an exception. By default, this is FALSE -- that is, parsing warnings and
 *    IO warnings throw exceptions.
 *  - convert_to_encoding: Use the MB library to convert the document to the
 *    named encoding before parsing. This is useful for old HTML (set it to
 *    iso-8859-1 for best results). If this is not supplied, no character set
 *    conversion will be performed. See {@link mb_convert_encoding()}.
 *    (QueryPath 1.3 and later)
 *  - convert_from_encoding: If 'convert_to_encoding' is set, this option can be
 *    used to explicitly define what character set the source document is using.
 *    By default, QueryPath will allow the MB library to guess the encoding.
 *    (QueryPath 1.3 and later)
 *  - strip_low_ascii: If this is set to TRUE then markup will have all low ASCII
 *    characters (<32) stripped out before parsing. This is good in cases where
 *    icky HTML has (illegal) low characters in the document.
 *  - use_parser: If 'xml', Parse the document as XML. If 'html', parse the
 *    document as HTML. Note that the XML parser is very strict, while the
 *    HTML parser is more lenient, but does enforce some of the DTD/Schema.
 *    <i>By default, QueryPath autodetects the type.</i>
 *  - escape_xhtml_js_css_sections: XHTML needs script and css sections to be
 *    escaped. Yet older readers do not handle CDATA sections, and comments do not
 *    work properly (for numerous reasons). By default, QueryPath's *XHTML methods
 *    will wrap a script body with a CDATA declaration inside of C-style comments.
 *    If you want to change this, you can set this option with one of the
 *    JS_CSS_ESCAPE_* constants, or you can write your own.
 *  - QueryPath_class: (ADVANCED) Use this to set the actual classname that
 *    {@link qp()} loads as a QueryPath instance. It is assumed that the
 *    class is either {@link QueryPath} or a subclass thereof. See the test
 *    cases for an example.
 * @ingroup querypath_core
 * @param mixed $document
 *  A document in one of the forms listed above.
 * @param string $string
 *  A CSS 3 selector.
 * @param array $options
 *  An associative array of options. Currently supported options are listed above.
 * @return QueryPath
function qp($document = NULL, $string = NULL, $options = array())
    return QueryPath::with($document, $string, $options);
コード例 #6
ファイル: DOMQuery.php プロジェクト: rrmodi88/querypath
  * Branch the base DOMQuery into another one with the same matches.
  * This function makes a copy of the DOMQuery object, but keeps the new copy
  * (initially) pointed at the same matches. This object can then be queried without
  * changing the original DOMQuery. However, changes to the elements inside of this
  * DOMQuery will show up in the DOMQuery from which it is branched.
  * Compare this operation with {@link cloneAll()}. The cloneAll() call takes
  * the current DOMNode object and makes a copy of all of its matches. You continue
  * to operate on the same DOMNode object, but the elements inside of the DOMQuery
  * are copies of those before the call to cloneAll().
  * This, on the other hand, copies <i>the DOMQuery</i>, but keeps valid
  * references to the document and the wrapped elements. A new query branch is
  * created, but any changes will be written back to the same document.
  * In practice, this comes in handy when you want to do multiple queries on a part
  * of the document, but then return to a previous set of matches. (see {@link QPTPL}
  * for examples of this in practice).
  * Example:
  * @code
  * <?php
  * $qp = qp( QueryPath::HTML_STUB);
  * $branch = $qp->branch();
  * $branch->find('title')->text('Title');
  * $qp->find('body')->text('This is the body')->writeHTML;
  * ?>
  * @endcode
  * Notice that in the code, each of the DOMQuery objects is doing its own
  * query. However, both are modifying the same document. The result of the above
  * would look something like this:
  * @code
  * <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
  * <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
  * <head>
  *    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"></meta>
  *    <title>Title</title>
  * </head>
  * <body>This is the body</body>
  * </html>
  * @endcode
  * Notice that while $qp and $banch were performing separate queries, they
  * both modified the same document.
  * In jQuery or a browser-based solution, you generally do not need a branching
  * function because there is (implicitly) only one document. In QueryPath, there
  * is no implicit document. Every document must be explicitly specified (and,
  * in most cases, parsed -- which is costly). Branching makes it possible to
  * work on one document with multiple DOMNode objects.
  * @param string $selector
  *  If a selector is passed in, an additional {@link find()} will be executed
  *  on the branch before it is returned. (Added in QueryPath 2.0.)
  * @retval object DOMQuery
  *  A copy of the DOMQuery object that points to the same set of elements that
  *  the original DOMQuery was pointing to.
  * @since 1.1
  * @see cloneAll()
  * @see find()
 public function branch($selector = NULL)
     $temp = \QueryPath::with($this->matches, NULL, $this->options);
     //if (isset($selector)) $temp->find($selector);
     $temp->document = $this->document;
     if (isset($selector)) {
     return $temp;
コード例 #7
ファイル: QPList.php プロジェクト: rrmodi88/querypath
  * Internal recursive list generator for appendList.
 protected function listImpl($items, $type, $opts, $q = NULL)
     $ele = '<' . $type . '/>';
     if (!isset($q)) {
         $q = \QueryPath::with()->append($ele)->addClass($opts['list class']);
     foreach ($items as $li) {
         if ($li instanceof QueryPath) {
             $q = $this->listImpl($li->get(), $type, $opts, $q);
         } elseif (is_array($li) || $li instanceof Traversable) {
             $q->append('<li><ul/></li>')->find('li:last > ul');
             $q = $this->listImpl($li, $type, $opts, $q);
         } else {
             $q->append('<li>' . $li . '</li>');
     return $q;
コード例 #8
ファイル: QueryPathTest.php プロジェクト: huodi/querypath
 public function testEnable()
     $qp = \QueryPath::with(\QueryPath::XHTML_STUB);