コード例 #1
  * @copydoc GridRow::initialize()
 function initialize($request, $template = null)
     // Do the default initialization
     parent::initialize($request, $template);
     // Is this a new row or an existing row?
     $rowId = $this->getId();
     $headNote = $this->getQuery()->getHeadNote();
     if (!empty($rowId) && is_numeric($rowId) && (!$headNote || $headNote->getId() != $rowId)) {
         // Only add row actions if this is an existing row
         $router = $request->getRouter();
         $actionArgs = array_merge($this->_actionArgs, array('noteId' => $rowId));
         // Add row-level actions
         if ($this->_queryNotesGrid->getCanManage($this->getData())) {
             $this->addAction(new LinkAction('deleteNote', new RemoteActionConfirmationModal($request->getSession(), __('common.confirmDelete'), __('grid.action.delete'), $router->url($request, null, null, 'deleteNote', null, $actionArgs), 'modal_delete'), __('grid.action.delete'), 'delete'));
  * Get the arguments that will identify the data in the grid.
  * Overridden by child grids.
  * @return array
 function getRequestArgs()
     return array_merge(parent::getRequestArgs(), array('representationId' => $this->getRepresentation()->getId()));