コード例 #1
    public function queryMethods(QueryBuilder $builder)
        $foreignKey = $this->getI18nTable()->getBehavior('symfony_i18n_translation')->getForeignKey();
        $join = in_array($this->getBuildProperty('propel.useLeftJoinsInDoJoinMethods'), array(true, null), true) ? 'LEFT' : 'INNER';
        $localeColumn = $this->getI18nTable()->getBehavior('symfony_i18n_translation')->getCultureColumn()->getPhpName();
        $queryClass = $builder->getStubQueryBuilder()->getClassname();
        $i18nRelationName = $builder->getRefFKPhpNameAffix($foreignKey);
        return <<<EOF

 * Adds a JOIN clause to the query using the i18n relation
 * @param     string \$culture Locale to use for the join condition, e.g. 'fr_FR'
 * @param     string \$relationAlias optional alias for the relation
 * @param     string \$joinType Accepted values are null, 'left join', 'right join', 'inner join'. Defaults to left join.
 * @return    {$queryClass} The current query, for fluid interface
public function joinI18n(\$culture = null, \$relationAlias = null, \$joinType = Criteria::{$join}_JOIN)
  if (null === \$culture)
    \$culture = sfPropel::getDefaultCulture();

  \$relationName = \$relationAlias ? \$relationAlias : '{$i18nRelationName}';
  return \$this
    ->join{$i18nRelationName}(\$relationAlias, \$joinType)
    ->addJoinCondition(\$relationName, \$relationName . '.{$localeColumn} = ?', \$culture);

 * Adds a JOIN clause to the query and hydrates the related I18n object.
 * Shortcut for \$c->joinI18n(\$culture)->with()
 * @param     string \$culture Locale to use for the join condition, e.g. 'fr_FR'
 * @param     string \$joinType Accepted values are null, 'left join', 'right join', 'inner join'. Defaults to left join.
 * @return    {$queryClass} The current query, for fluid interface
public function joinWithI18n(\$culture = null, \$joinType = Criteria::{$join}_JOIN)
    ->joinI18n(\$culture, null, \$joinType)
  return \$this;

 * Use the I18n relation query object
 * @see       useQuery()
 * @param     string \$culture Locale to use for the join condition, e.g. 'fr_FR'
 * @param     string \$relationAlias optional alias for the relation
 * @param     string \$joinType Accepted values are null, 'left join', 'right join', 'inner join'. Defaults to left join.
 * @return    {$i18nRelationName}Query A secondary query class using the current class as primary query
public function useI18nQuery(\$culture = null, \$relationAlias = null, \$joinType = Criteria::{$join}_JOIN)
  return \$this
    ->joinI18n(\$culture, \$relationAlias, \$joinType)
    ->useQuery(\$relationAlias ? \$relationAlias : '{$i18nRelationName}', '{$i18nRelationName}Query');

コード例 #2
     * Добавляем неймспейс к phpDoc-у
     * @param \QueryBuilder $builder
     * @return string
    protected function getUseI18nQueryMethod(\QueryBuilder $builder)
        $currentTable = $this->getTable();
        $db = $currentTable->getDatabase();
        $i18nTableName = $currentTable->getName() . '_i18n';
        $i18nTable = $db->getTable($i18nTableName);
        if (!$i18nTable) {
            $this->exceptionError('Table ' . $i18nTableName . ' not found');
        foreach ($i18nTable->getForeignKeys() as $fk) {
            if ($fk->getForeignTableName() == $currentTable->getName()) {
                $foreignKey = $fk;
        $script = '

     * Use the I18n relation query object
     * @see       useQuery()
     * @param     string $locale Locale to use for the join condition, e.g. \'fr_FR\'
     * @param     string $relationAlias optional alias for the relation
     * @param     string $joinType Accepted values are null, \'left join\', \'right join\', \'inner join\'. Defaults to left join.
     * @return    \\' . $builder->getNewStubQueryBuilder($i18nTable)->getFullyQualifiedClassname() . ' A secondary query class using the current class as primary query
    public function useI18nQuery($locale = \'ru\', $relationAlias = null, $joinType = Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)
        return $this
            ->joinI18n($locale, $relationAlias, $joinType)
            ->useQuery($relationAlias ? $relationAlias : \'' . $builder->getRefFKPhpNameAffix($foreignKey) . '\', \'\\' . $builder->getNewStubQueryBuilder($i18nTable)->getFullyQualifiedClassname() . '\');
        return $script;