コード例 #1
ファイル: Course.php プロジェクト: mattmaynes2/Coursinator
    /** Return unsatisfied prerequsites.
     * Note: code is an sql expression.
    static function query_prerequisites($code, $completed, $taking = [], $values = [])
        global $db;
        // Convert all the courses to strings.
        foreach ($completed as &$c) {
            if (is_a($c, 'Course')) {
                $c = $c->getcode();
        foreach ($taking as &$c) {
            if (is_a($c, 'Course')) {
                $c = $c->getcode();
        // Warning: Dragons Ahead!  This is a complex query. With a lot
        // of parts.
        ///// Inner query.
        // This inner query counts how many courses in $completed are
        // in the elgible group and not in the excluded group.
        $haspreq = new Query('coursegroups elg');
        $haspreq->where('elg.id = prerequisites.eligible');
        $haspreq->join('coursegroup_courses elgc', 'elgc.id = elg.id');
        // Where the course is in the completed group.
        // Or it can be taken concurrently and it is in the taking group.
				elgc.course_code IN ' . Query::valuelistsql($completed) . '
				OR (
					elgc.course_code IN ' . Query::valuelistsql($taking) . '
					AND elgc.concurrent
			)', array_merge($completed, $taking));
        // And it is not one of the courses that is excluded.
        $haspreq->where('NOT EXISTS (
				SELECT course_code
				FROM coursegroup_courses
				WHERE coursegroup_courses.id = prerequisites.excluded
				AND   coursegroup_courses.course_code = elgc.course_code
			)', []);
        ///// Outer Query
        // This query selects prerequsites where the number of credits
        // earned is less then the required credits.
        $q = new Query('prerequisites');
        $q->where('course_code = ' . $code, $values);
        $q->where('(' . $haspreq->sql() . ') < credits', $haspreq->values());
        return $q;
コード例 #2
ファイル: QueryTest.php プロジェクト: jasny/dbquery-mysql
 public function testInsertStatement_AddValues_Array()
     $query = new Query("INSERT INTO `test` VALUES (NULL, 'abc', 10)");
     $query->values(array(null, 'xyz', 12));
     $this->assertEquals("INSERT INTO `test` VALUES (NULL, 'abc', 10), (DEFAULT, \"xyz\", 12)", (string) $query);