protected function addField($name) { switch ($name) { case 'authorizedFormOfName': $this->form->setValidator('authorizedFormOfName', new sfValidatorString()); $this->form->setWidget('authorizedFormOfName', new sfWidgetFormSelect(array('choices' => array()))); break; case 'type': $this->form->setDefault('type', $this->context->routing->generate(null, array(QubitTerm::getById(QubitTerm::DONOR_ID), 'module' => 'term'))); $this->form->setValidator('type', new sfValidatorString()); $this->form->setWidget('type', new sfWidgetFormInputHidden()); break; case 'countryCode': $this->form->setValidator('countryCode', new sfValidatorI18nChoiceCountry()); $this->form->setWidget('countryCode', new sfWidgetFormI18nChoiceCountry(array('add_empty' => true, 'culture' => $this->context->user->getCulture()))); break; case 'city': case 'contactPerson': case 'email': case 'postalCode': case 'region': case 'streetAddress': case 'telephone': $this->form->setValidator($name, new sfValidatorString()); $this->form->setWidget($name, new sfWidgetFormInput()); default: return parent::addField($name); } }
public static function parse($doc, $options = array()) { $terms = array(); libxml_use_internal_errors(true); // Report XML errors if (!$doc) { foreach (libxml_get_errors() as $error) { //TODO echo errors in template. Use custom validator? var_dump($error); } } $skos = new sfSkosPlugin(); $skos->xpath = new DOMXPath($doc); // Create Xpath object, register namespaces $skos->xpath->registerNamespace('rdf', ''); $skos->xpath->registerNamespace('skos', ''); $skos->xpath->registerNamespace('dc', ''); // Set taxonomy $skos->taxonomy = QubitTaxonomy::getById(QubitTaxonomy::SUBJECT_ID); if (isset($options['taxonomy'])) { $skos->taxonomy = $options['taxonomy']; } $skos->parent = QubitTerm::getById(QubitTerm::ROOT_ID); if (isset($options['parent'])) { $skos->parent = $options['parent']; } // XPath selector for expanded RDF syntax $rdfsel = "rdf:Description[rdf:type[@rdf:resource='']]"; // Get all concepts $concepts = $skos->xpath->query("skos:Concept | {$rdfsel}"); // Create terms from concepts foreach ($concepts as $concept) { if (!$concept instanceof domElement) { continue; } $skos->addTerm($concept); } // Built term associations (including hierarchy) foreach ($concepts as $concept) { if (!$concept instanceof domElement) { continue; } // Add parent if (0 < $skos->xpath->query('./skos:broader', $concept)->length) { $skos->setParent($concept); } // Add children if (0 < $skos->xpath->query('./skos:narrower', $concept)->length) { $skos->setChildren($concept); } // Add relations if (0 < $skos->xpath->query('./skos:related', $concept)->length) { $skos->addTermRelations($concept); } } return $skos; }
protected function execute($arguments = array(), $options = array()) { $databaseManager = new sfDatabaseManager($this->configuration); $conn = $databaseManager->getDatabase('propel')->getConnection(); $criteria = new Criteria(); $criteria->add(QubitSlug::SLUG, $arguments['slug']); $criteria->addJoin(QubitSlug::OBJECT_ID, QubitObject::ID); $resource = QubitInformationObject::get($criteria)->__get(0); $publicationStatus = QubitTerm::getById($arguments['publicationStatusId']); // Check if the resource exists if (!isset($resource)) { throw new sfException('Resource not found'); } // Check if the given status is correct and exists if (!isset($publicationStatus)) { throw new sfException('Publication status not found'); } if (QubitTaxonomy::PUBLICATION_STATUS_ID != $publicationStatus->taxonomyId) { throw new sfException('Given term is not part of the publication status taxonomy'); } // Final confirmation if (!$options['no-confirm']) { if (!$this->askConfirmation(array('Please, confirm that you want to change', 'the publication status of "' . $resource . '"', 'to "' . $publicationStatus . '" (y/N)'), 'QUESTION_LARGE', false)) { $this->logSection('tools', 'Bye!'); return 1; } } // Start work $resource->setPublicationStatus($publicationStatus->id); $resource->save(); echo '+'; // Update pub status of descendants if (!$options['ignore-descendants']) { foreach ($resource->descendants as $descendant) { if (null === ($descendantPubStatus = $descendant->getPublicationStatus())) { $descendantPubStatus = new QubitStatus(); $descendantPubStatus->typeId = QubitTerm::STATUS_TYPE_PUBLICATION_ID; $descendantPubStatus->objectId = $descendant->id; } if ($options['force'] || $publicationStatus->id != $descendantPubStatus->statusId) { $descendantPubStatus->statusId = $publicationStatus->id; $descendantPubStatus->save(); echo '^'; } } } echo "\n"; }
public function execute($request) { $resource = $this->getRoute()->resource; if (!isset($resource)) { $this->forward404(); } if ('QubitTerm' == $resource->className) { $term = QubitTerm::getById($resource->id); $this->terms = $term->descendants->andSelf()->orderBy('lft'); $this->taxonomy = $term->taxonomy; $this->topLevelTerms = array($term); } else { $this->terms = QubitTaxonomy::getTaxonomyTerms($resource->id); $this->taxonomy = QubitTaxonomy::getById($resource->id); $this->topLevelTerms = QubitTaxonomy::getTaxonomyTerms($resource->id, array('level' => 'top')); } }
public function execute($request) { $this->form = new sfForm(); $this->timer = new QubitTimer(); $this->terms = array(); $this->termsPerPage = intval(sfConfig::get('app_hits_per_page')); $this->taxonomy = null; $this->parent = QubitTerm::getById(QubitTerm::ROOT_ID); if (isset($this->getRoute()->resource)) { $resource = $this->getRoute()->resource; if ('QubitTaxonomy' == $resource->className) { $this->taxonomy = QubitTaxonomy::getById($resource->id); } else { $this->parent = QubitTerm::getById($resource->id); $this->taxonomy = $this->parent->taxonomy; } } if (!isset($this->taxonomy)) { $this->forward404(); } // Check user authorization if (!QubitAcl::check($this->parent, 'create')) { QubitAcl::forwardUnauthorized(); } $this->form->setWidget('file', new sfWidgetFormInputFile()); $this->form->setValidator('file', new sfValidatorFile()); if ($request->isMethod('post')) { $this->form->bind($request->getPostParameters(), $request->getFiles()); if ($this->form->isValid()) { if (null !== ($file = $this->form->getValue('file'))) { $doc = new domDocument(); $doc->substituteEntities = true; $doc->load($file->getTempName()); $this->skos = sfSkosPlugin::parse($doc, array('taxonomy' => $this->taxonomy, 'parent' => $this->parent)); } } } else { $this->setTemplate('importSelect'); } }
public function execute($request) { if (!isset($request->limit)) { $request->limit = 25; } $this->mediaType = QubitTerm::getById($request->mediatype); if (!$this->mediaType instanceof QubitTerm) { $this->forward404(); } $criteria = new Criteria(); $criteria->add(QubitDigitalObject::MEDIA_TYPE_ID, $this->mediaType->id); $criteria->add(QubitDigitalObject::SEQUENCE); $criteria->addJoin(QubitDigitalObject::INFORMATION_OBJECT_ID, QubitInformationObject::ID); // Sort by name ascending $criteria->addAscendingOrderByColumn(QubitDigitalObject::NAME); // Filter draft descriptions $criteria = QubitAcl::addFilterDraftsCriteria($criteria); $this->pager = new QubitPager('QubitDigitalObject'); $this->pager->setCriteria($criteria); $this->pager->setMaxPerPage($request->limit); $this->pager->setPage($request->page); }
protected function addField($name) { switch ($name) { case 'className': $choices = array('QubitInformationObject' => sfConfig::get('app_ui_label_informationobject'), 'QubitActor' => sfConfig::get('app_ui_label_actor'), 'QubitRepository' => sfConfig::get('app_ui_label_repository'), 'QubitTerm' => sfConfig::get('app_ui_label_term'), 'QubitFunction' => sfConfig::get('app_ui_label_function')); $this->form->setValidator($name, new sfValidatorString()); $this->form->setWidget($name, new sfWidgetFormSelect(array('choices' => $choices))); break; case 'dateStart': $this->form->setValidator($name, new sfValidatorDate(array(), array('invalid' => $this->context->i18n->__('Invalid start date')))); $this->form->setWidget($name, new sfWidgetFormInput(array(), array('style' => 'width: auto'))); break; case 'dateEnd': $this->form->setValidator($name, new sfValidatorDate(array(), array('invalid' => $this->context->i18n->__('Invalid end date')))); $this->form->setWidget($name, new sfWidgetFormInput(array(), array('style' => 'width: auto'))); break; case 'dateOf': $choices = array('CREATED_AT' => 'Creation', 'UPDATED_AT' => 'Revision', 'both' => 'Both'); $this->form->setValidator($name, new sfValidatorChoice(array('choices' => array_keys($choices)))); $this->form->setWidget($name, new sfWidgetFormSelectRadio(array('choices' => $choices, 'class' => 'radio inline'))); break; case 'publicationStatus': $choices = array(QubitTerm::PUBLICATION_STATUS_PUBLISHED_ID => QubitTerm::getById(QubitTerm::PUBLICATION_STATUS_PUBLISHED_ID)->name, QubitTerm::PUBLICATION_STATUS_DRAFT_ID => QubitTerm::getById(QubitTerm::PUBLICATION_STATUS_DRAFT_ID)->name, 'all' => 'All'); $this->form->setValidator($name, new sfValidatorChoice(array('choices' => array_keys($choices)))); $this->form->setWidget($name, new sfWidgetFormSelectRadio(array('choices' => $choices, 'class' => 'radio inline'))); break; case 'limit': $this->form->setValidator($name, new sfValidatorString()); $this->form->setWidget($name, new sfWidgetFormInputHidden()); break; case 'sort': $this->form->setValidator($name, new sfValidatorString()); $this->form->setWidget($name, new sfWidgetFormInputHidden()); break; } }
</li> <li><input type="radio" name="acl[<?php echo $item[$action]->id; ?> ]" value="<?php echo QubitAcl::INHERIT; ?> "><?php echo __('Inherit'); ?> </li> <?php } else { ?> <?php $rootTermUrl = url_for(array(QubitTerm::getById(QubitTerm::ROOT_ID), 'module' => 'term')); ?> <li><input type="radio" name="acl[<?php echo $action . '_' . $rootTermUrl; ?> ]" value="<?php echo QubitAcl::GRANT; ?> "><?php echo __('Grant'); ?> </li> <li><input type="radio" name="acl[<?php echo $action . '_' . $rootTermUrl; ?> ]" value="<?php
public function execute($request) { // Default items per page if (!isset($request->limit)) { $request->limit = sfConfig::get('app_hits_per_page'); } $this->form = new sfForm(); $this->resource = $this->getRoute()->resource; // Check that the object exists and that it is not the root if (!isset($this->resource) || !isset($this->resource->parent)) { $this->forward404(); } // Check authorization if (!QubitAcl::check($this->resource, 'update')) { QubitAcl::forwardUnauthorized(); } // "parent" form field $this->form->setValidator('parent', new sfValidatorString(array('required' => true))); $this->form->setWidget('parent', new sfWidgetFormInputHidden()); // Root is default parent if ($this->resource instanceof QubitInformationObject) { $this->form->bind($request->getGetParameters() + array('parent' => $this->context->routing->generate(null, array(QubitInformationObject::getById(QubitInformationObject::ROOT_ID), 'module' => 'informationobject')))); } else { if ($this->resource instanceof QubitTerm) { $this->form->bind($request->getGetParameters() + array('parent' => $this->context->routing->generate(null, array(QubitTerm::getById(QubitTerm::ROOT_ID), 'module' => 'term')))); } } if ($request->isMethod('post')) { $this->form->bind($request->getPostParameters()); if ($this->form->isValid()) { $params = $this->context->routing->parse(Qubit::pathInfo($this->form->parent->getValue())); // In term treeview, root node links (href) to taxonomy, but it represents the term root object if ($this->resource instanceof QubitTerm && QubitObject::getById($params['_sf_route']->resource->id) instanceof QubitTaxonomy) { $this->resource->parentId = QubitTerm::ROOT_ID; } else { $this->resource->parentId = $params['_sf_route']->resource->id; } $this->resource->save(); if ($request->isXmlHttpRequest()) { return $this->renderText(''); } else { if ($this->resource instanceof QubitInformationObject) { $this->redirect(array($this->resource, 'module' => 'informationobject')); } else { if ($this->resource instanceof QubitTerm) { $this->redirect(array($this->resource, 'module' => 'term')); } } } } } $params = $this->context->routing->parse(Qubit::pathInfo($this->form->parent->getValue())); $this->parent = QubitObject::getById($params['_sf_route']->resource->id); $query = QubitSearch::getInstance()->addTerm($this->parent->slug, 'parent'); if (isset($request->query)) { $query = $request->query; } $this->pager = new QubitArrayPager(); $this->pager->hits = QubitSearch::getInstance()->getEngine()->getIndex()->find($query); $this->pager->setMaxPerPage($request->limit); $this->pager->setPage($request->page); $ids = array(); foreach ($this->pager->getResults() as $hit) { $ids[] = $hit->getDocument()->id; } $criteria = new Criteria(); $criteria->add(QubitObject::ID, $ids, Criteria::IN); $this->results = QubitObject::get($criteria); }
public function execute($request) { if (!isset($request->limit)) { $request->limit = sfConfig::get('app_hits_per_page'); } // For term module show only preferred term $params = $this->context->routing->parse(Qubit::pathInfo($request->getReferer())); if ('term' == $params['module']) { $criteria = new Criteria(); // Exclude the calling object and it's descendants from the list (prevent // circular inheritance) if (isset($params['id'])) { // TODO Self join would be ideal $term = QubitTerm::getById($params['id']); if (isset($term)) { $criteria->add($criteria->getNewCriterion(QubitTerm::LFT, $term->lft, Criteria::LESS_THAN)->addOr($criteria->getNewCriterion(QubitTerm::RGT, $term->rgt, Criteria::GREATER_THAN))); } } $params = $this->context->routing->parse(Qubit::pathInfo($request->taxonomy)); $criteria->add(QubitTerm::TAXONOMY_ID, $params['_sf_route']->resource->id); $criteria->addJoin(QubitTerm::ID, QubitTermI18n::ID); $criteria->add(QubitTermI18n::CULTURE, $this->context->user->getCulture()); // Narrow results by query if (isset($request->query)) { $criteria->add(QubitTermI18n::NAME, "{$request->query}%", Criteria::LIKE); } // Sort by name $criteria->addAscendingOrderByColumn(QubitTermI18n::NAME); $criteria->setLimit(10); $this->terms = QubitTerm::get($criteria); } else { $s1 = 'SELECT, null, FROM ' . QubitTerm::TABLE_NAME . ' qt LEFT JOIN ' . QubitTermI18n::TABLE_NAME . ' qti ON = WHERE taxonomy_id = :p1 AND qti.culture = :p2'; $s2 = 'SELECT, as altId, FROM ' . QubitOtherName::TABLE_NAME . ' qon INNER JOIN ' . QubitOtherNameI18n::TABLE_NAME . ' qoni ON = INNER JOIN ' . QubitTerm::TABLE_NAME . ' qt ON qon.object_id = WHERE qt.taxonomy_id = :p1 AND qoni.culture = :p2'; // Narrow results by query if (isset($request->query)) { $s1 .= ' AND LIKE :p3'; $s2 .= ' AND LIKE :p3'; } $connection = Propel::getConnection(); $statement = $connection->prepare("({$s1}) UNION ALL ({$s2}) ORDER BY name LIMIT 10"); $params = $this->context->routing->parse(Qubit::pathInfo($request->taxonomy)); $statement->bindValue(':p1', $params['_sf_route']->resource->id); $statement->bindValue(':p2', $this->context->user->getCulture()); if (isset($request->query)) { $statement->bindValue(':p3', "{$request->query}%"); } $statement->execute(); $this->terms = array(); $rows = $statement->fetchAll(); foreach ($rows as $row) { if (isset($row[1])) { // Alternative term $this->terms[] = array(QubitTerm::getById($row[0]), $row[2]); } else { // Preferred term $this->terms[] = QubitTerm::getById($row[0]); } } } }
/** * Get a list of child terms of $parentTermId. Prefix $indentStr * depth of child * relative to parent * * @param integer $parentTermId Primary key of parent term * @param string $indentStr String to prefix to each sub-level for indenting * * @return mixed false on failure, else array of children formatted for select box */ public static function getIndentedChildTree($parentTermId, $indentStr = ' ', $options = array()) { if (!($parentTerm = QubitTerm::getById($parentTermId))) { return false; } $tree = array(); $parentDepth = count($parentTerm->getAncestors()); foreach ($parentTerm->getDescendants()->orderBy('lft') as $i => $node) { $relativeDepth = intval(count($node->getAncestors()) - $parentDepth - 1); $indentedName = str_repeat($indentStr, $relativeDepth) . $node->getName(array('cultureFallback' => 'true')); if (isset($options['returnObjectInstances']) && true == $options['returnObjectInstances']) { $node->name = $indentedName; $tree[sfContext::getInstance()->routing->generate(null, array($node, 'module' => 'term'))] = $node; } else { $tree[$node->id] = $indentedName; } } return $tree; }
public function filterQuery($query) { // limit to a repository if selected if (!empty($this->request->repository)) { $query->addSubquery(QubitSearch::getInstance()->addTerm($this->request->repository, 'repositoryId'), true); $this->queryTerms[] = array('term' => $this->getContext()->i18n->__('Repository') . ': ' . QubitRepository::getById($this->request->repository)->__toString(), 'operator' => 'and'); } // digital object filters if ('true' == $this->request->hasDigitalObject) { $query->addSubquery(QubitSearch::getInstance()->addTerm('true', 'hasDigitalObject'), true); $this->queryTerms[] = array('term' => $this->getContext()->i18n->__('Digital object is available'), 'operator' => 'and'); } else { if ('false' == $this->request->hasDigitalObject) { $query->addSubquery(QubitSearch::getInstance()->addTerm('false', 'hasDigitalObject'), true); $this->queryTerms[] = array('term' => $this->getContext()->i18n->__('No digital object is available'), 'operator' => 'and'); } } if (!empty($this->request->mediatype)) { $query->addSubquery(QubitSearch::getInstance()->addTerm($this->request->mediatype, 'do_mediaTypeId'), true); $this->queryTerms[] = array('term' => 'mediatype: ' . QubitTerm::getById($this->request->mediatyp)->__toString(), 'operator' => 'and'); } $query = parent::filterQuery($query); return $query; }
protected function updateChildLevels() { if (is_array($updateChildLevels = $this->request->updateChildLevels) && count($updateChildLevels)) { foreach ($updateChildLevels as $item) { $childLevel = new QubitInformationObject(); $childLevel->identifier = $item['identifier']; $childLevel->title = $item['title']; if (null != ($pubStatus = $this->resource->getPublicationStatus())) { $childLevel->setPublicationStatus($pubStatus->statusId); } if (0 < strlen($item['levelOfDescription']) && null !== QubitTerm::getById($item['levelOfDescription'])) { $childLevel->levelOfDescriptionId = $item['levelOfDescription']; } if (0 < strlen($item['levelOfDescription']) || 0 < strlen($item['identifier']) || 0 < strlen($item['title'])) { $this->resource->informationObjectsRelatedByparentId[] = $childLevel; } } } }
<?php echo $form->licenseIdentifier->help(__('Can be text value or URI (e.g. to Creative Commons, GNU or other online licenses). Used to identify the granting agreement uniquely within the repository system.'))->renderRow(); ?> <?php echo $form->licenseTerms->help(__('Text describing the license or agreement by which permission was granted or link to full-text hosted online. This can contain the actual text of the license or agreement or a paraphrase or summary.'))->renderRow(); ?> <?php echo $form->licenseNote->help(__('Additional information about the license, such as contact persons, action dates, or interpretations. The note may also indicated the location of the license, if it is available online or embedded in the object itself.'))->renderRow(); ?> </fieldset> <fieldset route="<?php echo $sf_context->routing->generate(null, array(QubitTerm::getById(QubitTerm::RIGHT_BASIS_STATUTE_ID), 'module' => 'term')); ?> "> <legend><?php echo __('Statute information'); ?> </legend> <?php echo $form->statuteJurisdiction->help(__('The country or other political body that has enacted the statute.'))->renderRow(); ?> <?php echo $form->statuteCitation->help(__('An identifying designation for the statute. Use standard citation form when applicable, e.g. bibliographic citation.'))->renderRow(); ?>
public static function eventTypes() { return array(QubitTerm::getById(QubitTerm::CONTRIBUTION_ID), QubitTerm::getById(QubitTerm::CREATION_ID), QubitTerm::getById(QubitTerm::PUBLICATION_ID)); }
public static function isAllowed($role, $resource, $action, $options = array()) { if (!$role instanceof myUser) { self::getInstance()->addRole($role); } // If attempting to read a draft information object, check viewDraft permission if ('read' == $action && $resource instanceof QubitInformationObject) { if (null === $resource->getPublicationStatus()) { throw new sfException('No publication status set for information object id: ' . $resource->id); } if (QubitTerm::PUBLICATION_STATUS_DRAFT_ID == $resource->getPublicationStatus()->statusId) { $instance = self::getInstance()->buildAcl($resource, $options); return $instance->acl->isAllowed($role, $resource, 'read') && $instance->acl->isAllowed($role, $resource, 'viewDraft'); } } // If resource is a new object (no id yet) figure out if we should test // authorization against parent (e.g. creating a new resource) if (is_object($resource) && !isset($resource->id)) { if (!isset($resource->parentId)) { return false; } if ('create' == $action) { // For create action always check permissions against parent $resource = $resource->parent; } else { if ($resource instanceof QubitInformationObject) { // Special rules for information object $resource = QubitInformationObjectAcl::getParentForIsAllowed($resource, $action); } } // If we still don't have a valid resource id, then deny access if (!isset($resource) || !isset($resource->id)) { return false; } } // HACKS for limiting term permissions by taxonomy if ($resource instanceof QubitTaxonomy && 'createTerm' == $action) { $term = clone QubitTerm::getById(QubitTerm::ROOT_ID); $term->taxonomyId = $resource->id; $action = 'create'; $resource = $term; } else { if ($resource instanceof QubitTerm && array_key_exists('taxonomyId', $options)) { // Create clone resource that we can assign to an arbitrary taxonomy $resource = clone $resource; $resource->taxonomyId = $options['taxonomyId']; } } self::getInstance()->buildAcl($resource, $options); return self::getInstance()->acl->isAllowed($role, $resource, $action); }
?> <?php echo get_partial('right/edit', $rightEditComponent->getVarHolder()->getAll()); ?> </fieldset> <?php foreach ($representations as $usageId => $representation) { ?> <fieldset class="collapsible"> <legend><?php echo __('%1% representation', array('%1%' => QubitTerm::getById($usageId))); ?> </legend> <?php if (isset($representation)) { ?> <?php echo get_component('digitalobject', 'editRepresentation', array('resource' => $resource, 'representation' => $representation)); ?> <?php $rightComponent = "rightEditComponent_{$usageId}"; ?> <?php
public static function eventTypes() { return array(QubitTerm::getById(QubitTerm::CREATION_ID), QubitTerm::getById(QubitTerm::ACCUMULATION_ID)); }