if (!isset($_GET['form']) or !$_GET['form'] or strpos($_GET['form'], '..') or strpos($_GET['form'], '/')) { $_GET['form'] = Security::Current() ? Security::Current()->Role == Role::Buyer ? 'BuyersNewsForm' : 'SellersNewsForm' : 'MainForm'; } // we have to be a bit ugly here - using qcodo for each hint-request causes unserializing of all objects - f***s performance too much if ($_GET['form'] == 'Special') { file_put_contents("/tmp/dump", "hej", FILE_APPEND); //$ret = call_user_func(array($_GET['arg1'], $_GET['arg2'])); die("test\n"); } // Load up the form (we have to load it manually, since class_exists doesn't autoload) QApplication::Autoload($_GET['form']); if (!class_exists($_GET['form'])) { throw new NoSuchFormException(QApplication::Translate("Oqtopus knows no form named") . " " . $_GET['form']); } QApplication::$FormName = $_GET['form']; QForm::Run($_GET['form'], sprintf('%s%s.inc', __TEMPLATES__, $_GET['form'])); } catch (AccessDeniedException $e) { Navigation::Home(); } catch (QMySqliDatabaseException $e) { if (SERVER_INSTANCE == 'prod' || SERVER_INSTACE == 'demo') { die("It seems like we're having some problems with the database right now.. Please try again in a bunch!"); } else { throw $e; } } catch (NoSuchFormException $e) { die("I don't know no form with that name!"); } catch (NoSuchObjectException $e) { if (SERVER_INSTANCE == 'prod' || SERVER_INSTANCE == 'demo') { Navigation::Home(); } else { throw $e;