コード例 #1
 protected function Form_Create()
     $filesToSkip = array("QUnitTestCaseBase.php", "QTestForm.tpl.php");
     $arrFiles = QFolder::listFilesInFolder(__QCUBED_CORE__ . '/tests/qcubed-unit/');
     $arrTests = array();
     foreach ($arrFiles as $filename) {
         if (!in_array($filename, $filesToSkip)) {
             require_once __QCUBED_CORE__ . '/tests/qcubed-unit/' . $filename;
             $arrTests[] = str_replace(".php", "", $filename);
     $suite = new TestSuite('QCubed ' . QCUBED_VERSION_NUMBER_ONLY . ' Unit Tests - SimpleTest ' . SimpleTest::getVersion());
     foreach ($arrTests as $className) {
         $suite->add(new $className($this));
     $suite->run(new QHtmlReporter());
コード例 #2
 private static function deleteFiles($strPluginName)
     $strResult = "\r\nDeleting plugin files:\r\n";
     $assetsPath = __DOCROOT__ . __PLUGIN_ASSETS__ . '/' . $strPluginName;
     if (file_exists($assetsPath)) {
         $deletedItems = QFolder::DeleteFolder($assetsPath);
         $strResult .= "- Deleted " . $deletedItems . " files from the plugin assets directory\r\n";
     } else {
         $strResult .= "- Nothing was deleted from the plugin assets directory\r\n";
     $includesPath = __PLUGINS__ . '/' . $strPluginName;
     if (file_exists($includesPath)) {
         $deletedItems = QFolder::DeleteFolder($includesPath);
         $strResult .= "- Deleted " . $deletedItems . " files from the plugin includes directory\r\n";
     } else {
         $strResult .= "- Nothing was deleted from the plugin includes directory\r\n";
     return $strResult;
コード例 #3
  * Allows for deletion of non-empty directories - takes care of
  * recursion appropriately.
  * @param    string $strPath Full path to the folder to be deleted
  * @return    int    number of deleted files
 public static function DeleteFolder($strPath)
     if (!is_dir($strPath)) {
         return 1;
     $d = dir($strPath);
     $count = 0;
     while ($entry = $d->read()) {
         if ($entry != "." && $entry != "..") {
             if (is_dir($strPath)) {
                 $count += QFolder::DeleteFolder($strPath . "/" . $entry);
     return $count;
コード例 #4
 public function addComponents($arrComponents)
     if (is_array($arrComponents) && sizeof($arrComponents) > 0) {
         foreach ($arrComponents as $item) {
             if (!$item instanceof QPluginComponent) {
                 throw new Exception("The following item is not a QPluginComponent: " . var_export($item, true));
             // Make the component aware of its hosting QPlugin
             if (!$item->validate()) {
                 throw new Exception("The following plugin component does not validate: " . $item->__toString() . ". Error: " . $item->strValidationError);
             if ($item instanceof QPluginFile) {
                 $fullPath = $this->strTemporaryExpandedPath . $item->strFilename;
                 if (is_dir($fullPath)) {
                     $folderContents = QFolder::listFilesInFolder($fullPath);
                     foreach ($folderContents as $file) {
                         $itemClass = get_class($item);
                         $newComponent = new $itemClass($item->strFilename . "/" . $file);
                 } else {
             } else {
                 if ($item instanceof QPluginIncludedClass) {
                 } else {
                     if ($item instanceof QPluginExample) {
                     } else {
                         throw new Exception("Unknown item type: " . var_export($item, true));
     } else {
         throw new Exception("addFiles only accepts an array of QPluginFile objects");
コード例 #5
 public static function MakeDirectory($strPath, $intMode = null)
     return QFolder::MakeDirectory($strPath, $intMode);
コード例 #6
  * @return array an array of QInstallationValidationResult objects
  * If no errors were found, the array is empty.
 public static function Validate()
     $result = array();
     if (ini_get('safe_mode')) {
         $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
         $obj->strMessage = "Safe Mode is deprecated in PHP 5.3+ and is removed in PHP 6.0+." . "Please disable this setting in php.ini";
         $result[] = $obj;
     if (get_magic_quotes_gpc() || get_magic_quotes_runtime()) {
         $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
         $obj->strMessage = "magic_quotes_gpc and magic_quotes_runtime " . "need to be disabled\r\n";
         $result[] = $obj;
     $docrootOnlyPath = __DOCROOT__;
     $docrootWithSubdirPath = __DOCROOT__ . __DEVTOOLS_ASSETS__ . substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], strrpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "/"));
     $commonSubsequence = QString::LongestCommonSubsequence($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
     $root = substr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'], 0, strlen($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) - strlen($commonSubsequence));
     $part1 = substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 1, strpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "/", 1) - 1);
     $part2 = substr($root, strrpos($root, "/") + 1);
     $virtualDir = substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 0, 0 - strlen($commonSubsequence));
     // Debugging stuff - there until this code stabilizes across multiple platforms.
     		print("DOCROOT = " . __DOCROOT__ . "<br>");
     		print("SUBDIR = " . __SUBDIRECTORY__ . "<br>");
     		print("DEVTOOLS = " . __DEVTOOLS_ASSETS__ . "<br>");
     		print("PHP_SELF = " . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "<br>");
     		print("SCRIPT_FILENAME = " . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] . "<br>");
     		print("commonSubsequence = " . $commonSubsequence . "<br>");
     		print("root = " . $root . "<br>");
     		print("rootWithSubdirPath = " . $docrootWithSubdirPath . "<br>");
     		print("part1 = " . $part1 . "<br>");
     		print("part2 = " . $part2 . "<br>");
     		print("virtualDir = " . $virtualDir . "<br>");
     if (!is_dir($docrootOnlyPath)) {
         $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
         $obj->strMessage = 'Set the __DOCROOT__ constant in ' . '/includes/configuration/configuration.inc.php. ' . 'Most likely value: "' . $root . '"';
         $result[] = $obj;
     } else {
         if (strlen(__VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY__) == 0 && !file_exists(__DOCROOT__ . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) {
             $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
             $obj->strMessage = 'Set the __DOCROOT__ constant in ' . '/includes/configuration/configuration.inc.php. ' . 'Most likely value: "' . $root . '"';
             $result[] = $obj;
     if (!file_exists($docrootWithSubdirPath)) {
         $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
         $obj->strMessage = 'Set the __SUBDIRECTORY__ constant in ' . '/includes/configuration/configuration.inc.php. ' . 'Most likely value: "/' . $part1 . '"';
         $result[] = $obj;
         // At this point, we cannot proceed with any more checks - basic config
         // is not set up. Just exit.
         return $result;
     if (!file_exists(__INCLUDES__)) {
         // Did the user move the __INCLUDES__ directory out of the docroot?
         $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
         $obj->strMessage = 'Set the __INCLUDES__ constant in ' . 'includes/configuration/configuration.inc.php. ';
         $result[] = $obj;
         // At this point, we cannot proceed with any more checks - basic config
         // is not set up. Just exit.
         return $result;
     // Check for trailing slashes
     self::checkTrailingSlash("__DOCROOT__", $result);
     self::checkTrailingSlash("__SUBDIRECTORY__", $result);
     self::checkTrailingSlash("__VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY__", $result);
     if (strcmp($commonSubsequence, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) != 0 && strlen(__VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY__) == 0) {
         $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
         $obj->strMessage = 'Set the __VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY__ constant in ' . 'includes/configuration/configuration.inc.php. Most likely value: "' . $virtualDir . '"';
         $result[] = $obj;
     // Now that we know that the basic config is correct, we can actually
     // initialize the full QCubed framework.
     require __CONFIGURATION__ . '/prepend.inc.php';
     if (!QFolder::isWritable(QPluginInstaller::PLUGIN_EXTRACTION_DIR)) {
     	$obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
     	$obj->strMessage = "Plugin temporary extraction directory (" .
     		QPluginInstaller::PLUGIN_EXTRACTION_DIR . ") needs to be writable";
     	$obj->strCommandToFix = "chmod 777 " . QPluginInstaller::PLUGIN_EXTRACTION_DIR;
     	$result[] = $obj;
     // Checks to make sure that everything about plugins is allright
     if (!QFile::isWritable(QPluginInstaller::getMasterConfigFilePath())) {
     	$obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
     	$obj->strMessage = "Plugin master configuration file (" .
     		QPluginInstaller::getMasterConfigFilePath() . ") needs to be writable";
     	$obj->strCommandToFix = "chmod 777 " . QPluginInstaller::getMasterConfigFilePath();
     	$result[] = $obj;
     if (!QFile::isWritable(QPluginInstaller::getMasterExamplesFilePath())) {
     	$obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
     	$obj->strMessage = "Plugin example configuration file (" .
     		QPluginInstaller::getMasterExamplesFilePath() . ") needs to be writable";
     	$obj->strCommandToFix = "chmod 777 " . QPluginInstaller::getMasterExamplesFilePath();
     	$result[] = $obj;
     if (!QFile::isWritable(QPluginInstaller::getMasterIncludeFilePath())) {
     	$obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
     	$obj->strMessage = "Plugin includes configuration file (" .
     		QPluginInstaller::getMasterIncludeFilePath() . ") needs to be writable";
     	$obj->strCommandToFix = "chmod 777 " . QPluginInstaller::getMasterIncludeFilePath();
     	$result[] = $obj;
     if (!QFolder::isWritable(__PLUGINS__)) {
     	$obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
     	$obj->strMessage = "Plugin includes installation directory (" .
     		__PLUGINS__ . ") needs to be writable";
     	$obj->strCommandToFix = "chmod 777 " . __PLUGINS__;
     	$result[] = $obj;
     if (!QFolder::isWritable(__DOCROOT__ . __PLUGIN_ASSETS__)) {
     	$obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
     	$obj->strMessage = "Plugin assets installation directory (" .
     		__DOCROOT__ . __PLUGIN_ASSETS__ . ") needs to be writable";
     	$obj->strCommandToFix = "chmod 777 " . __DOCROOT__ . __PLUGIN_ASSETS__;
     	$result[] = $obj;
     if (!QFolder::isWritable(__CACHE__)) {
         $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
         $obj->strMessage = "Cache directory (" . __CACHE__ . ") needs to be writable";
         $obj->strCommandToFix = "chmod 777 " . __CACHE__;
         $result[] = $obj;
     if (!file_exists(__IMAGE_CACHE__)) {
         // Did the user move the __INCLUDES__ directory out of the docroot?
         $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
         $obj->strMessage = 'Create the "' . __IMAGE_CACHE__ . '" directory.';
         $obj->strCommandToFix = "mkdir " . __IMAGE_CACHE__;
         $result[] = $obj;
     } else {
         if (!QFolder::isWritable(__IMAGE_CACHE__)) {
             $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
             $obj->strMessage = "Images cache directory (" . __IMAGE_CACHE__ . ") needs to be writable";
             $obj->strCommandToFix = "chmod 777 " . __IMAGE_CACHE__;
             $result[] = $obj;
     if (!QFolder::isWritable(__FILE_CACHE__)) {
         $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
         $obj->strMessage = "Cache directory (" . __FILE_CACHE__ . ") needs to be writable";
         $obj->strCommandToFix = "chmod 777 " . __FILE_CACHE__;
         $result[] = $obj;
     if (!QFolder::isWritable(__PURIFIER_CACHE__)) {
         $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
         $obj->strMessage = "Cache directory (" . __PURIFIER_CACHE__ . ") needs to be writable";
         $obj->strCommandToFix = "chmod 777 " . __PURIFIER_CACHE__;
         $result[] = $obj;
     if (!file_exists(__CONFIGURATION__ . '/codegen_options.json')) {
         // Did the user move the __INCLUDES__ directory out of the docroot?
         $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
         $obj->strMessage = 'Create the "' . __CONFIGURATION__ . '/codegen_options.json"' . ' file.';
         $obj->strCommandToFix = "touch " . __CONFIGURATION__ . '/codegen_options.json';
         $result[] = $obj;
     } else {
         if (!QFile::isWritable(__CONFIGURATION__ . '/codegen_options.json')) {
             $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
             $obj->strMessage = "The file (" . __CONFIGURATION__ . '/codegen_options.json' . ") needs to be writable";
             $obj->strCommandToFix = "chmod 666 " . __CONFIGURATION__ . '/codegen_options.json';
             $result[] = $obj;
     if (!file_exists(__PROJECT__ . '/forms')) {
         // Did the user move the __INCLUDES__ directory out of the docroot?
         $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
         $obj->strMessage = 'Create the "' . __PROJECT__ . '/forms"' . ' directory.';
         $obj->strCommandToFix = "mkdir " . __PROJECT__ . '/forms';
         $result[] = $obj;
     } else {
         if (!QFolder::isWritable(__PROJECT__ . '/forms')) {
             $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
             $obj->strMessage = "Forms directory (" . __PROJECT__ . '/forms' . ") needs to be writable";
             $obj->strCommandToFix = "chmod 777 " . __PROJECT__ . '/forms';
             $result[] = $obj;
     if (!file_exists(__PANEL__)) {
         // Did the user move the __INCLUDES__ directory out of the docroot?
         $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
         $obj->strMessage = 'Create the "' . __PANEL__ . '" directory.';
         $obj->strCommandToFix = "mkdir " . __PANEL__;
         $result[] = $obj;
     } else {
         if (!QFolder::isWritable(__PANEL__)) {
             $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
             $obj->strMessage = "Panels directory (" . __PANEL__ . ") needs to be writable";
             $obj->strCommandToFix = "chmod 777 " . __PANEL__;
             $result[] = $obj;
     if (!file_exists(__DIALOG__)) {
         // Did the user move the __INCLUDES__ directory out of the docroot?
         $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
         $obj->strMessage = 'Create the "' . __DIALOG__ . '" directory.';
         $obj->strCommandToFix = "mkdir " . __DIALOG__;
         $result[] = $obj;
     } else {
         if (!QFolder::isWritable(__DIALOG__)) {
             $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
             $obj->strMessage = "Panels directory (" . __DIALOG__ . ") needs to be writable";
             $obj->strCommandToFix = "chmod 777 " . __DIALOG__;
             $result[] = $obj;
     if (defined("__APP_CACHE__")) {
         if (!QFolder::isWritable(__APP_CACHE__)) {
             $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
             $obj->strMessage = "Cache directory (" . __APP_CACHE__ . ") needs to be writable";
             $obj->strCommandToFix = "chmod 777 " . __APP_CACHE__;
             $result[] = $obj;
     if (defined("__APP_IMAGE_CACHE__")) {
         if (!file_exists(__APP_IMAGE_CACHE__)) {
             // Did the user move the __INCLUDES__ directory out of the docroot?
             $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
             $obj->strMessage = 'Create the "' . __APP_IMAGE_CACHE__ . '" directory.';
             $obj->strCommandToFix = "mkdir " . __APP_IMAGE_CACHE__;
             $result[] = $obj;
         } else {
             if (!QFolder::isWritable(__APP_IMAGE_CACHE__)) {
                 $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
                 $obj->strMessage = "Images cache directory (" . __APP_IMAGE_CACHE__ . ") needs to be writable";
                 $obj->strCommandToFix = "chmod 777 " . __APP_IMAGE_CACHE__;
                 $result[] = $obj;
     if (defined("__APP_UPLOAD__")) {
         if (!file_exists(__APP_UPLOAD__)) {
             // Did the user move the __INCLUDES__ directory out of the docroot?
             $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
             $obj->strMessage = 'Create the "' . __APP_UPLOAD__ . '" directory.';
             $obj->strCommandToFix = "mkdir " . __APP_UPLOAD__;
             $result[] = $obj;
         } else {
             if (!QFolder::isWritable(__APP_UPLOAD__)) {
                 $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
                 $obj->strMessage = "Uploads directory (" . __APP_UPLOAD__ . ") needs to be writable";
                 $obj->strCommandToFix = "chmod 777 " . __APP_UPLOAD__;
                 $result[] = $obj;
     if (defined("__QCUBED_UPLOAD__")) {
         if (!file_exists(__QCUBED_UPLOAD__)) {
             // Did the user move the __INCLUDES__ directory out of the docroot?
             $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
             $obj->strMessage = 'Create the "' . __QCUBED_UPLOAD__ . '" directory.';
             $obj->strCommandToFix = "mkdir " . __QCUBED_UPLOAD__;
             $result[] = $obj;
         } else {
             if (!QFolder::isWritable(__QCUBED_UPLOAD__)) {
                 $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
                 $obj->strMessage = "Uploads directory (" . __QCUBED_UPLOAD__ . ") needs to be writable";
                 $obj->strCommandToFix = "chmod 777 " . __QCUBED_UPLOAD__;
                 $result[] = $obj;
     // Database connection string checks
     for ($i = 1; $i < 1 + sizeof(QApplication::$Database); $i++) {
         if (!isset(QApplication::$Database[$i])) {
         $db = QApplication::$Database[$i];
         // database connection problems are PHP Errors, not exceptions
         // using an intermediate error handler to make them into
         // exceptions so that we can catch them locally
         try {
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
             $obj->strMessage = "Fix database configuration settings in " . __CONFIGURATION__ . "/configuration.inc.php for adapter #" . $i . ": " . $e->getMessage();
             $result[] = $obj;
     return $result;
コード例 #7
  * Returns an array of QInstallationValidationResult objects.
  * If no errors were found, the array is empty.
 public static function Validate()
     $result = array();
     if (ini_get('safe_mode')) {
         $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
         $obj->strMessage = "Safe Mode is deprecated in PHP 5.3+ and is removed in PHP 6.0+." . "Please disable this setting in php.ini";
         $result[] = $obj;
     if (ini_get('magic_quotes_gpc') || ini_get('magic_quotes_runtime')) {
         $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
         $obj->strMessage = "magic_quotes_gpc and magic_quotes_runtime " . "need to be disabled\r\n";
         $result[] = $obj;
     if (!QFolder::isWritable(__INCLUDES__ . QPluginInstaller::PLUGIN_EXTRACTION_DIR)) {
         $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
         $obj->strMessage = "Plugin temporary extraction directory (" . __INCLUDES__ . QPluginInstaller::PLUGIN_EXTRACTION_DIR . ") needs to be writable";
         $obj->strCommandToFix = "chmod 777 " . __INCLUDES__ . QPluginInstaller::PLUGIN_EXTRACTION_DIR;
         $result[] = $obj;
     // Checks to make sure that everything about plugins is allright
     if (!QFile::isWritable(QPluginInstaller::getMasterConfigFilePath())) {
         $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
         $obj->strMessage = "Plugin master configuration file (" . QPluginInstaller::getMasterConfigFilePath() . ") needs to be writable";
         $obj->strCommandToFix = "chmod 777 " . QPluginInstaller::getMasterConfigFilePath();
         $result[] = $obj;
     if (!QFile::isWritable(QPluginInstaller::getMasterExamplesFilePath())) {
         $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
         $obj->strMessage = "Plugin example configuration file (" . QPluginInstaller::getMasterExamplesFilePath() . ") needs to be writable";
         $obj->strCommandToFix = "chmod 777 " . QPluginInstaller::getMasterExamplesFilePath();
         $result[] = $obj;
     if (!QFile::isWritable(QPluginInstaller::getMasterIncludeFilePath())) {
         $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
         $obj->strMessage = "Plugin includes configuration file (" . QPluginInstaller::getMasterIncludeFilePath() . ") needs to be writable";
         $obj->strCommandToFix = "chmod 777 " . QPluginInstaller::getMasterIncludeFilePath();
         $result[] = $obj;
     if (!QFolder::isWritable(__PLUGINS__)) {
         $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
         $obj->strMessage = "Plugin includes installation directory (" . __PLUGINS__ . ") needs to be writable";
         $obj->strCommandToFix = "chmod 777 " . __PLUGINS__;
         $result[] = $obj;
     if (!QFolder::isWritable(__DOCROOT__ . __PLUGIN_ASSETS__)) {
         $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
         $obj->strMessage = "Plugin assets installation directory (" . __DOCROOT__ . __PLUGIN_ASSETS__ . ") needs to be writable";
         $obj->strCommandToFix = "chmod 777 " . __DOCROOT__ . __PLUGIN_ASSETS__;
         $result[] = $obj;
     if (!QFolder::isWritable(__CACHE__)) {
         $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
         $obj->strMessage = "Cache directory (" . __CACHE__ . ") needs to be writable";
         $obj->strCommandToFix = "chmod 777 " . __CACHE__;
         $result[] = $obj;
     if (!function_exists('zip_open')) {
         $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
         $obj->strMessage = "ZIP extension is not enabled on this installation of PHP. " . "This extension is required to be able to install plugins. " . "To make it work on Linux/MacOS, recompile your installation of PHP with --enable-zip parameter. " . "On Windows, enable extension=php_zip.dll in php.ini.";
         $result[] = $obj;
     // Checks to make sure that all codegen-related folders are good to go
     if (!QFolder::isWritable(__DOCROOT__ . __FORM_DRAFTS__)) {
         $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
         $obj->strMessage = "Form drafts directory (" . __DOCROOT__ . __FORM_DRAFTS__ . ") " . "needs to be writable for the code generator to work";
         $obj->strCommandToFix = "chmod 777 " . __DOCROOT__ . __FORM_DRAFTS__;
         $result[] = $obj;
     if (!QFolder::isWritable(__DOCROOT__ . __PANEL_DRAFTS__)) {
         $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
         $obj->strMessage = "Panel drafts directory (" . __DOCROOT__ . __PANEL_DRAFTS__ . ") " . "needs to be writable for the code generator to work";
         $obj->strCommandToFix = "chmod 777 " . __DOCROOT__ . __PANEL_DRAFTS__;
         $result[] = $obj;
     if (!QFolder::isWritable(__MODEL__)) {
         $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
         $obj->strMessage = "Model destination directory (" . __MODEL__ . ") " . "needs to be writable for the code generator to work";
         $obj->strCommandToFix = "chmod 777 " . __MODEL__;
         $result[] = $obj;
     if (!QFolder::isWritable(__MODEL_GEN__)) {
         $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
         $obj->strMessage = "Generated model destination directory (" . __MODEL_GEN__ . ") " . "needs to be writable for the code generator to work";
         $obj->strCommandToFix = "chmod 777 " . __MODEL_GEN__;
         $result[] = $obj;
     if (!QFolder::isWritable(__META_CONTROLS__)) {
         $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
         $obj->strMessage = "MetaControls destination directory (" . __META_CONTROLS__ . ") " . "needs to be writable for the code generator to work";
         $obj->strCommandToFix = "chmod 777 " . __META_CONTROLS__;
         $result[] = $obj;
     if (!QFolder::isWritable(__META_CONTROLS_GEN__)) {
         $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
         $obj->strMessage = "Generated MetaControls directory (" . __META_CONTROLS_GEN__ . ") " . "needs to be writable for the code generator to work";
         $obj->strCommandToFix = "chmod 777 " . __META_CONTROLS_GEN__;
         $result[] = $obj;
     // Database connection string checks
     for ($i = 1; $i < 1 + sizeof(QApplication::$Database); $i++) {
         $db = QApplication::$Database[$i];
         // database connection problems are PHP Errors, not exceptions
         // using an intermediate error handler to make them into
         // exceptions so that we can catch them locally
         try {
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
             $obj->strMessage = "Fix database configuration settings in " . __CONFIGURATION__ . "/configuration.inc.php for adapter #" . $i . ": " . $e->getMessage();
             $result[] = $obj;
     return $result;
コード例 #8
 public static function cleanupExtractedFiles($strExtractedFolderName)
     QFolder::DeleteFolder(__INCLUDES__ . self::PLUGIN_EXTRACTION_DIR . $strExtractedFolderName);
     return "\r\nCleaned up installation files.\r\n";
コード例 #9
  * @return array an array of QInstallationValidationResult objects
  * If no errors were found, the array is empty.
 public static function Validate()
     $result = array();
     if (ini_get('safe_mode')) {
         $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
         $obj->strMessage = "Safe Mode is deprecated in PHP 5.3+ and is removed in PHP 6.0+." . "Please disable this setting in php.ini";
         $result[] = $obj;
     if (get_magic_quotes_gpc() || get_magic_quotes_runtime()) {
         $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
         $obj->strMessage = "magic_quotes_gpc and magic_quotes_runtime " . "need to be disabled\r\n";
         $result[] = $obj;
     $docrootOnlyPath = __DOCROOT__;
     $docrootWithSubdirPath = __DOCROOT__ . __DEVTOOLS__ . substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], strrpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "/"));
     $commonSubsequence = QString::LongestCommonSubsequence($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
     $root = substr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'], 0, strlen($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) - strlen($commonSubsequence));
     $part1 = substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 1, strpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "/", 1) - 1);
     $part2 = substr($root, strrpos($root, "/") + 1);
     $virtualDir = substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 0, 0 - strlen($commonSubsequence));
     // Debugging stuff - there until this code stabilizes across multiple platforms.
     		print("DOCROOT = " . __DOCROOT__ . "<br>");
     		print("SUBDIR = " . __SUBDIRECTORY__ . "<br>");
     		print("DEVTOOLS = " . __DEVTOOLS__ . "<br>");
     		print("PHP_SELF = " . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "<br>");
     		print("SCRIPT_FILENAME = " . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] . "<br>");
     		print("commonSubsequence = " . $commonSubsequence . "<br>");
     		print("root = " . $root . "<br>");
     		print("rootWithSubdirPath = " . $docrootWithSubdirPath . "<br>");
     		print("part1 = " . $part1 . "<br>");
     		print("part2 = " . $part2 . "<br>");
     		print("virtualDir = " . $virtualDir . "<br>");
     if (!is_dir($docrootOnlyPath)) {
         $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
         $obj->strMessage = 'Set the __DOCROOT__ constant in ' . '/includes/configuration/configuration.inc.php. ' . 'Most likely value: "' . $root . '"';
         $result[] = $obj;
     } else {
         if (strlen(__VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY__) == 0 && !file_exists(__DOCROOT__ . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) {
             $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
             $obj->strMessage = 'Set the __DOCROOT__ constant in ' . '/includes/configuration/configuration.inc.php. ' . 'Most likely value: "' . $root . '"';
             $result[] = $obj;
     if (!file_exists($docrootWithSubdirPath)) {
         $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
         $obj->strMessage = 'Set the __SUBDIRECTORY__ constant in ' . '/includes/configuration/configuration.inc.php. ' . 'Most likely value: "/' . $part1 . '"';
         $result[] = $obj;
         // At this point, we cannot proceed with any more checks - basic config
         // is not set up. Just exit.
         return $result;
     if (!file_exists(__INCLUDES__)) {
         // Did the user move the __INCLUDES__ directory out of the docroot?
         $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
         $obj->strMessage = 'Set the __INCLUDES__ constant in ' . 'includes/configuration/configuration.inc.php. ';
         $result[] = $obj;
         // At this point, we cannot proceed with any more checks - basic config
         // is not set up. Just exit.
         return $result;
     // Check for trailing slashes
     self::checkTrailingSlash("__DOCROOT__", $result);
     self::checkTrailingSlash("__SUBDIRECTORY__", $result);
     self::checkTrailingSlash("__VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY__", $result);
     if (strcmp($commonSubsequence, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) != 0 && strlen(__VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY__) == 0) {
         $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
         $obj->strMessage = 'Set the __VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY__ constant in ' . 'includes/configuration/configuration.inc.php. Most likely value: "' . $virtualDir . '"';
         $result[] = $obj;
     // Now that we know that the basic config is correct, we can actually
     // initialize the full QCubed framework.
     require __CONFIGURATION__ . '/prepend.inc.php';
     if (!QFolder::isWritable(__INCLUDES__ . QPluginInstaller::PLUGIN_EXTRACTION_DIR)) {
         $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
         $obj->strMessage = "Plugin temporary extraction directory (" . __INCLUDES__ . QPluginInstaller::PLUGIN_EXTRACTION_DIR . ") needs to be writable";
         $obj->strCommandToFix = "chmod 777 " . __INCLUDES__ . QPluginInstaller::PLUGIN_EXTRACTION_DIR;
         $result[] = $obj;
     // Checks to make sure that everything about plugins is allright
     if (!QFile::isWritable(QPluginInstaller::getMasterConfigFilePath())) {
         $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
         $obj->strMessage = "Plugin master configuration file (" . QPluginInstaller::getMasterConfigFilePath() . ") needs to be writable";
         $obj->strCommandToFix = "chmod 777 " . QPluginInstaller::getMasterConfigFilePath();
         $result[] = $obj;
     if (!QFile::isWritable(QPluginInstaller::getMasterExamplesFilePath())) {
         $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
         $obj->strMessage = "Plugin example configuration file (" . QPluginInstaller::getMasterExamplesFilePath() . ") needs to be writable";
         $obj->strCommandToFix = "chmod 777 " . QPluginInstaller::getMasterExamplesFilePath();
         $result[] = $obj;
     if (!QFile::isWritable(QPluginInstaller::getMasterIncludeFilePath())) {
         $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
         $obj->strMessage = "Plugin includes configuration file (" . QPluginInstaller::getMasterIncludeFilePath() . ") needs to be writable";
         $obj->strCommandToFix = "chmod 777 " . QPluginInstaller::getMasterIncludeFilePath();
         $result[] = $obj;
     if (!QFolder::isWritable(__PLUGINS__)) {
         $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
         $obj->strMessage = "Plugin includes installation directory (" . __PLUGINS__ . ") needs to be writable";
         $obj->strCommandToFix = "chmod 777 " . __PLUGINS__;
         $result[] = $obj;
     if (!QFolder::isWritable(__DOCROOT__ . __PLUGIN_ASSETS__)) {
         $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
         $obj->strMessage = "Plugin assets installation directory (" . __DOCROOT__ . __PLUGIN_ASSETS__ . ") needs to be writable";
         $obj->strCommandToFix = "chmod 777 " . __DOCROOT__ . __PLUGIN_ASSETS__;
         $result[] = $obj;
     if (!QFolder::isWritable(__CACHE__)) {
         $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
         $obj->strMessage = "Cache directory (" . __CACHE__ . ") needs to be writable";
         $obj->strCommandToFix = "chmod 777 " . __CACHE__;
         $result[] = $obj;
     if (!function_exists('zip_open')) {
         $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
         $obj->strMessage = "ZIP extension is not enabled on this installation of PHP. " . "This extension is required to be able to install plugins. " . "To make it work on Linux/MacOS, recompile your installation of PHP with --enable-zip parameter. " . "On Windows, enable extension=php_zip.dll in php.ini.";
         $result[] = $obj;
     // Checks to make sure that all codegen-related folders are good to go
     if (!QFolder::isWritable(__DOCROOT__ . __FORM_DRAFTS__)) {
         $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
         $obj->strMessage = "Form drafts directory (" . __DOCROOT__ . __FORM_DRAFTS__ . ") " . "needs to be writable for the code generator to work";
         $obj->strCommandToFix = "chmod 777 " . __DOCROOT__ . __FORM_DRAFTS__;
         $result[] = $obj;
     if (!QFolder::isWritable(__DOCROOT__ . __PANEL_DRAFTS__)) {
         $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
         $obj->strMessage = "Panel drafts directory (" . __DOCROOT__ . __PANEL_DRAFTS__ . ") " . "needs to be writable for the code generator to work";
         $obj->strCommandToFix = "chmod 777 " . __DOCROOT__ . __PANEL_DRAFTS__;
         $result[] = $obj;
     if (!QFolder::isWritable(__FORMBASE_CLASSES__)) {
         $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
         $obj->strMessage = "Generated form base classes directory (" . __FORMBASE_CLASSES__ . ") " . "needs to be writable for the code generator to work";
         $obj->strCommandToFix = "chmod 777 " . __FORMBASE_CLASSES__;
         $result[] = $obj;
     if (!QFolder::isWritable(__MODEL__)) {
         $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
         $obj->strMessage = "Model destination directory (" . __MODEL__ . ") " . "needs to be writable for the code generator to work";
         $obj->strCommandToFix = "chmod 777 " . __MODEL__;
         $result[] = $obj;
     if (!QFolder::isWritable(__MODEL_GEN__)) {
         $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
         $obj->strMessage = "Generated model destination directory (" . __MODEL_GEN__ . ") " . "needs to be writable for the code generator to work";
         $obj->strCommandToFix = "chmod 777 " . __MODEL_GEN__;
         $result[] = $obj;
     if (!QFolder::isWritable(__META_CONTROLS__)) {
         $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
         $obj->strMessage = "MetaControls destination directory (" . __META_CONTROLS__ . ") " . "needs to be writable for the code generator to work";
         $obj->strCommandToFix = "chmod 777 " . __META_CONTROLS__;
         $result[] = $obj;
     if (!QFolder::isWritable(__META_CONTROLS_GEN__)) {
         $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
         $obj->strMessage = "Generated MetaControls directory (" . __META_CONTROLS_GEN__ . ") " . "needs to be writable for the code generator to work";
         $obj->strCommandToFix = "chmod 777 " . __META_CONTROLS_GEN__;
         $result[] = $obj;
     // Database connection string checks
     for ($i = 1; $i < 1 + sizeof(QApplication::$Database); $i++) {
         if (!isset(QApplication::$Database[$i])) {
         $db = QApplication::$Database[$i];
         // database connection problems are PHP Errors, not exceptions
         // using an intermediate error handler to make them into
         // exceptions so that we can catch them locally
         try {
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $obj = new QInstallationValidationResult();
             $obj->strMessage = "Fix database configuration settings in " . __CONFIGURATION__ . "/configuration.inc.php for adapter #" . $i . ": " . $e->getMessage();
             $result[] = $obj;
     return $result;
コード例 #10

require_once '../qcubed.inc.php';
echo "<h2>Unattended Plugin Installer</h2>";
echo "<p><em>" . QDateTime::NowToString(QDateTime::FormatDisplayDateTime) . "</em></p>";
$directory = __INCLUDES__ . '/tmp/plugin.install';
$arrFiles = QFolder::listFilesInFolder($directory, false, "/\\.zip\$/i");
if (sizeof($arrFiles) > 0) {
    foreach ($arrFiles as $strFile) {
        echo "<h2>Installing " . $strFile . "</h2>";
        $fullFilePath = $directory . '/' . $strFile;
        try {
            $pluginFolder = QPluginInstaller::installPluginFromZip($fullFilePath);
            if ($pluginFolder) {
                list($strStatus, $strLog) = QPluginInstaller::installFromExpanded($pluginFolder);
                echo nl2br($strLog);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            echo '<div class="error">Error installing the plugin: ' . $e->getMessage() . '</div>';
} else {
    echo "<p>No plugin zip files found in the unattended install directory: " . $directory . "</p>";
    echo "<p>Download new plugins from the <a target='_blank' href='" . QPluginInstaller::ONLINE_PLUGIN_REPOSITORY . "'>" . "Online repository of QCubed plugins</a></p>";