コード例 #1
  * Gets the Javascript part of the control which is sent to the client side upon the completion of Render
  * @return string The JS string
 public function GetControlJavaScript()
     $strJS = parent::GetControlJavaScript();
     $options = array('controlId' => $this->ControlId);
     if ($this->strMultipleValueDelimiter) {
         $options['multiValDelim'] = $this->strMultipleValueDelimiter;
     if ($this->blnMustMatch) {
         $options['mustMatch'] = 1;
     if ($this->blnDisplayHtml) {
         $options['displayHtml'] = 1;
     $strJS .= ';qAutocomplete(' . JavaScriptHelper::toJsObject($options) . ')';
     return $strJS;
コード例 #2
    public function GetControlJavaScript()
        $strJS = parent::GetControlJavaScript();
        $strValueExpr = 'var value = jQuery(this).val();';
        $strResetValue = 'var resetValue = "";';
        if ($this->strMultipleValueDelimiter) {
            // don't navigate away from the field on tab when selecting an item
            $strJS .= '.bind("keydown", function(event) {
								if (event.keyCode === jQuery.ui.keyCode.TAB && jQuery(this).data("autocomplete").menu.active) {
            $strEscapedDelimiter = preg_quote($this->strMultipleValueDelimiter);
            $strSplitFunc = sprintf('
				// splits the value in element el into terms using the delimiter
				// finds and returns the term at the caret
				// if the second argument is present replaces that term with val and returns the full (modified) value
				function (el, val) {
					var value = jQuery(el).val();
					// get caret position
					var caretPos = 0;
					if (document.selection) { // IE
						var range = document.selection.createRange();
						range.moveStart("character", -value.length);
						caretPos = range.text.length;
					} else if (el.selectionStart) { // MOZ
						caretPos = el.selectionStart;
					// find which term the caret is in
					var matches = value.substring(0, caretPos).match(/%s\\s*/g);
					var termIdx = matches ? matches.length : 0;
					var terms = value.split(/%s\\s*/);
					if (termIdx >= terms.length) {
						termIdx = terms.length;
					if (val !== undefined) { // setting the value
						if (val !== null)
							terms[termIdx] = val;
							terms.splice(termIdx, 1);
						if (terms.length && terms[terms.length-1]) {
						return terms.join("%s ");
					return terms[termIdx];
				}', $strEscapedDelimiter, $strEscapedDelimiter, $this->MultipleValueDelimiter);
            $strJS .= '.data("splitterFunc", ' . $strSplitFunc . ')';
            $strValueExpr = 'var splitterFunc = jQuery(this).data("splitterFunc"); var value = splitterFunc(this);';
            $strResetValue = 'var resetValue = splitterFunc(this, null);';
            $strJS .= sprintf('.on("autocompleteselect",
				function (event, ui) {
					var sel = ui.item ? (ui.item.value ? ui.item.value : ui.item.label) : "";
					this.value = jQuery(this).data("splitterFunc")(this, sel);
					return false;
				})', preg_quote($this->strMultipleValueDelimiter), $this->strMultipleValueDelimiter);
            $strJS .= '.on("autocompletefocus",
				function () {
					return false;
        } else {
            $strJS .= sprintf('.on("autocompleteselect",
				function (event, ui) {
				    qcubed.recordControlModification("%s", "SelectedId", ui.item.id);
				})', $this->ControlId);
            $strJS .= sprintf('
				function (event, ui) {
					if ( /^key/.test(event.originalEvent.type) ) {
				 		qcubed.recordControlModification("%s", "SelectedId", ui.item.id);
				})', $this->ControlId);
        $strMustMatch = $this->blnMustMatch ? sprintf('// remove invalid value, as no match
									jQuery( this ).val(resetValue);
									jQuery( this ).data( "autocomplete" ).term = "";
			', $strResetValue) : '';
        $strJS .= sprintf('
			.on("autocompletechange", function( event, ui ) {
				var toTest = ui.item ? (ui.item.value ? ui.item.value : ui.item.label) : "";
				if ( !ui.item || value != toTest) {
		 			qcubed.recordControlModification("%s", "SelectedId", "");
			})', $strValueExpr, $strMustMatch, $this->ControlId);
        return $strJS;