コード例 #1
  * When Called it perform the controller action to retrieve/manipulate data
  * @return mixed
 function doAction()
     try {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         if ($e->getCode() == -1) {
         return $e->getCode();
     $cookie_key = '_auto-propagation-' . $this->id_job . "-" . $this->password;
     $boolString = (string) (int) $this->propagateAll;
     $cookieLife = new DateTime();
     $cookieLife->modify('+15 days');
     $db = Database::obtain();
     if ($this->propagateAll) {
         $old_translation = getCurrentTranslation($this->id_job, $this->id_segment);
         //check tag mismatch
         //get original source segment, first
         $segment = getSegment($this->id_segment);
         //compare segment-translation and get results
         $check = new QA($segment['segment'], $this->translation);
         if ($check->thereAreWarnings()) {
             $err_json = $check->getWarningsJSON();
             $translation = $this->translation;
         } else {
             $err_json = '';
             $translation = $check->getTrgNormalized();
         $TPropagation = array();
         $TPropagation['id_job'] = $this->id_job;
         $TPropagation['translation'] = $translation;
         $TPropagation['status'] = Constants_TranslationStatus::STATUS_DRAFT;
         $TPropagation['autopropagated_from'] = $this->id_segment;
         $_Translation['serialized_errors_list'] = $err_json;
         $TPropagation['warning'] = $check->thereAreWarnings();
         $TPropagation['translation_date'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
         $TPropagation['segment_hash'] = $old_translation['segment_hash'];
         try {
             propagateTranslation($TPropagation, $this->jobData, $this->id_segment, true);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $msg = $e->getMessage() . "\n\n" . $e->getTraceAsString();
     setcookie($cookie_key, $boolString, $cookieLife->getTimestamp(), "/", $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
     Log::doLog("Auto-propagation for already translated segments on Job " . $this->id_job . " set to '" . var_export($this->propagateAll, true) . "'. Cookie Expire at " . $cookieLife->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
     $this->result['errors'][] = array("code" => 0, "message" => "OK");
コード例 #2
ファイル: QATest.php プロジェクト: indynagpal/MateCat
    public function testBadXml()
        //PHASE 3 check for particular tag mismatch: unclosed x tag <x id="231">
        $source_seg = <<<SRC
<g id="pt235"><g id="pt236"> <x id="abc/></g></g> <g id="pt238"><g id="pt239">Elsa sur son ordinateur tape des lignes de code quand sa colocataire, Joy, entre dans sa chambre.</g></g>
        $target_seg = <<<TRG
<g id="pt235"><g id="pt236"> </g></g> <g id="pt238"><g id="pt239">Elsa's on her computer typing lines of code when her roommate, Joy, enters the room.</g></g>
        $check = new QA($source_seg, $target_seg);
        $errors = $check->getErrors();
        $this->assertCount(1, $errors);
        $this->assertAttributeEquals(1000, 'outcome', $errors[0]);
        $this->assertRegExp('/ 1 /', $check->getErrorsJSON());
        $this->assertEquals('[{"outcome":1000,"debug":"Tag mismatch ( 1 )"}]', $check->getWarningsJSON());
        $this->assertEquals('[{"outcome":1000,"debug":"Tag mismatch ( 1 )"}]', $check->getErrorsJSON());
コード例 #3
 public function doAction()
     try {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         if ($e->getCode() == -1) {
         return $e->getCode();
     //check tag mismatch
     //get original source segment, first
     $segment = getSegment($this->id_segment);
     //compare segment-translation and get results
     $check = new QA($segment['segment'], $this->translation);
     if ($check->thereAreWarnings()) {
         $err_json = $check->getWarningsJSON();
         $translation = $this->translation;
     } else {
         $err_json = '';
         $translation = $check->getTrgNormalized();
      * begin stats counter
      * It works good with default InnoDB Isolation level
      * REPEATABLE-READ offering a row level lock for this id_segment
     $db = Database::obtain();
     $old_translation = getCurrentTranslation($this->id_job, $this->id_segment);
     //        $old_version = ( empty( $old_translation['translation_date'] ) ? '0' : date_create( $old_translation['translation_date'] )->getTimestamp() );
     //        if( $this->client_target_version != $old_version ){
     //            $this->result[ 'errors' ][ ] = array( "code" => -102, "message" => "Translation version mismatch" );
     //            $db->rollback();
     //            return false;
     //        }
     //if volume analysis is not enabled and no translation rows exists
     //create the row
     if (!INIT::$VOLUME_ANALYSIS_ENABLED && empty($old_translation['status'])) {
         $_Translation = array();
         $_Translation['id_segment'] = (int) $this->id_segment;
         $_Translation['id_job'] = (int) $this->id_job;
         $_Translation['status'] = Constants_TranslationStatus::STATUS_NEW;
         $_Translation['segment_hash'] = $segment['segment_hash'];
         $_Translation['translation'] = $segment['segment'];
         $_Translation['standard_word_count'] = $segment['raw_word_count'];
         $_Translation['serialized_errors_list'] = '';
         $_Translation['suggestion_position'] = 0;
         $_Translation['warning'] = false;
         $_Translation['translation_date'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
         $res = addTranslation($_Translation);
         if ($res < 0) {
             $this->result['errors'][] = array("code" => -101, "message" => "database errors");
             return $res;
          * begin stats counter
         $old_translation = $_Translation;
     $_Translation = array();
     $_Translation['id_segment'] = $this->id_segment;
     $_Translation['id_job'] = $this->id_job;
     $_Translation['status'] = $this->status;
     $_Translation['time_to_edit'] = $this->time_to_edit;
     $_Translation['translation'] = preg_replace('/[ \\t\\n\\r\\0\\x0A\\xA0]+$/u', '', $translation);
     $_Translation['serialized_errors_list'] = $err_json;
     $_Translation['suggestion_position'] = $this->chosen_suggestion_index;
     $_Translation['warning'] = $check->thereAreWarnings();
     $_Translation['translation_date'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
      * when the status of the translation changes, the auto propagation flag
      * must be removed
     if ($_Translation['translation'] != $old_translation['translation'] || $this->status == Constants_TranslationStatus::STATUS_TRANSLATED || $this->status == Constants_TranslationStatus::STATUS_APPROVED) {
         $_Translation['autopropagated_from'] = 'NULL';
     $res = CatUtils::addSegmentTranslation($_Translation);
     if (!empty($res['errors'])) {
         $this->result['errors'] = $res['errors'];
         $msg = "\n\n Error addSegmentTranslation \n\n Database Error \n\n " . var_export(array_merge($this->result, $_POST), true);
         return -1;
     if (INIT::$DQF_ENABLED && !empty($this->jobData['dqf_key']) && $_Translation['status'] == Constants_TranslationStatus::STATUS_TRANSLATED) {
         $dqfSegmentStruct = DQF_DqfSegmentStruct::getStruct();
         if ($old_translation['suggestion'] == null) {
             $dqfSegmentStruct->target_segment = "";
             $dqfSegmentStruct->tm_match = 0;
         } else {
             $dqfSegmentStruct->target_segment = $old_translation['suggestion'];
             $dqfSegmentStruct->tm_match = $old_translation['suggestion_match'];
         $dqfSegmentStruct->task_id = $this->id_job;
         $dqfSegmentStruct->segment_id = $this->id_segment;
         $dqfSegmentStruct->source_segment = $segment['segment'];
         $dqfSegmentStruct->new_target_segment = $_Translation['translation'];
         $dqfSegmentStruct->time = $_Translation['time_to_edit'];
         //            $dqfSegmentStruct->mtengine = $this->jobData['id_mt_engine'];
         $dqfSegmentStruct->mt_engine_version = 1;
         try {
             $dqfQueueHandler = new Analysis_DqfQueueHandler();
         } catch (Exception $exn) {
             $msg = $exn->getMessage() . "\n\n" . $exn->getTraceAsString();
     $propagateToTranslated = true;
     //for the moment, this is set explicitely
     if ($this->propagate == false) {
         $propagateToTranslated = false;
     //propagate translations
     $TPropagation = array();
     //Warning: this value will NOT be used to update values,
     //but to exclude current segment from auto-propagation
     $_idSegment = $this->id_segment;
     $propagateToTranslated ? $TPropagation['status'] = $this->status : null;
     $TPropagation['id_job'] = $this->id_job;
     $TPropagation['translation'] = $translation;
     $TPropagation['autopropagated_from'] = $this->id_segment;
     $TPropagation['serialized_errors_list'] = $err_json;
     $TPropagation['warning'] = $check->thereAreWarnings();
     //        $TPropagation[ 'translation_date' ]       = date( "Y-m-d H:i:s" );
     $TPropagation['segment_hash'] = $old_translation['segment_hash'];
     $propagationTotal = array();
     if ($propagateToTranslated && in_array($this->status, array(Constants_TranslationStatus::STATUS_TRANSLATED, Constants_TranslationStatus::STATUS_APPROVED, Constants_TranslationStatus::STATUS_REJECTED))) {
         try {
             $propagationTotal = propagateTranslation($TPropagation, $this->jobData, $_idSegment, $propagateToTranslated);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $msg = $e->getMessage() . "\n\n" . $e->getTraceAsString();
     //Recount Job Totals
     $old_wStruct = new WordCount_Struct();
     //redundant, this is made into WordCount_Counter::updateDB
     //redundant because the update is made only where status = old status
     if ($this->status != $old_translation['status']) {
         //cambiato status, sposta i conteggi
         $old_count = !is_null($old_translation['eq_word_count']) ? $old_translation['eq_word_count'] : $segment['raw_word_count'];
         //if there is not a row in segment_translations because volume analysis is disabled
         //search for a just created row
         $old_status = !empty($old_translation['status']) ? $old_translation['status'] : Constants_TranslationStatus::STATUS_NEW;
         $counter = new WordCount_Counter($old_wStruct);
         $newValues = array();
         $newValues[] = $counter->getUpdatedValues($old_count);
         foreach ($propagationTotal as $__pos => $old_value) {
             $newValues[] = $counter->getUpdatedValues($old_value['total']);
         try {
             $newTotals = $counter->updateDB($newValues);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $this->result['errors'][] = array("code" => -101, "message" => "database errors");
             //                Log::doLog("Lock: Transaction Aborted. " . $e->getMessage() );
             //                $x1 = explode( "\n" , var_export( $old_translation, true) );
             //                Log::doLog("Lock: Translation status was " . implode( " ", $x1 ) );
             return $e->getCode();
     } else {
         $newTotals = $old_wStruct;
     $job_stats = CatUtils::getFastStatsForJob($newTotals);
     $project = getProject($this->jobData['id_project']);
     $project = array_pop($project);
     $job_stats['ANALYSIS_COMPLETE'] = $project['status_analysis'] == Constants_ProjectStatus::STATUS_DONE || $project['status_analysis'] == Constants_ProjectStatus::STATUS_NOT_TO_ANALYZE ? true : false;
     $file_stats = array();
     $this->result['stats'] = $job_stats;
     $this->result['file_stats'] = $file_stats;
     $this->result['code'] = 1;
     $this->result['data'] = "OK";
     $this->result['version'] = date_create($_Translation['translation_date'])->getTimestamp();
     /* FIXME: added for code compatibility with front-end. Remove. */
     $_warn = $check->getWarnings();
     $warning = $_warn[0];
     /* */
     $this->result['warning']['cod'] = $warning->outcome;
     if ($warning->outcome > 0) {
         $this->result['warning']['id'] = $this->id_segment;
     } else {
         $this->result['warning']['id'] = 0;
     //strtoupper transforms null to "" so check for the first element to be an empty string
     if (!empty($this->split_statuses[0]) && !empty($this->split_num)) {
         /* put the split inside the transaction if they are present */
         $translationStruct = TranslationsSplit_SplitStruct::getStruct();
         $translationStruct->id_segment = $this->id_segment;
         $translationStruct->id_job = $this->id_job;
         $translationStruct->target_chunk_lengths = array('len' => $this->split_chunk_lengths, 'statuses' => $this->split_statuses);
         $translationDao = new TranslationsSplit_SplitDAO(Database::obtain());
         $result = $translationDao->update($translationStruct);
     if ($job_stats['TRANSLATED_PERC'] == '100') {
         $update_completed = setJobCompleteness($this->id_job, 1);
     if (@$update_completed < 0) {
         $msg = "\n\n Error setJobCompleteness \n\n " . var_export($_POST, true);