コード例 #1
ファイル: Android.php プロジェクト: bklein01/siberian_cms_2
 protected function _prepareFiles()
     //        $source = $this->_sources_dst.'/java/com/'.$this->_formatted_bundle_name.'/'.$this->_folder_name;
     $source = $this->_sources_dst . '/java/' . str_replace(".", "/", $this->_package_name);
     $links = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($source, 4096), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
     $allowed_extensions = array("java", "xml");
     if (!$links) {
         return $this;
     foreach ($links as $link) {
         if (!$link->isDir()) {
             $info = pathinfo($link->getPathName());
             $extension = $info["extension"];
             if (in_array($extension, $allowed_extensions)) {
                 if (strpos($link, 'CommonUtilities.java') !== false) {
                     $this->__replace(array('String SENDER_ID = ""' => 'String SENDER_ID = "' . Push_Model_Certificate::getAndroidSenderId() . '"', 'String APP_ID = ""' => 'String APP_ID = "' . $this->getApplication()->getId() . '"', 'SERVEUR_URL = "http://base.appsmobilecompany.com/";' => 'SERVEUR_URL = "' . $this->getUrl() . '";'), $link);
     $replacements = array('com.appsmobilecompany.base' => $this->_package_name, '[ENCRYPT_KEY]' => $this->getDevice()->getKeyPass());
     $source = $this->_dst;
     $links = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($source, 4096), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
     foreach ($links as $link) {
         if ($link->isDir()) {
         $this->__replace($replacements, $link->getRealPath());
     $this->__replace($replacements, $this->_sources_dst . '/AndroidManifest.xml');
     $this->__replace($replacements, $this->_sources_dst . '/../../build.gradle');
     $name = str_replace("'", "\\'", $this->getApplication()->getName());
     // Retrieve the available languages
     $languages = Core_Model_Language::getLanguageCodes();
     // Check if all the available languages exist in the Android source
     foreach ($languages as $lang) {
         if ($lang == "en") {
         if (stripos($lang, "_") !== false) {
             $lang = explode("_", $lang);
             if (count($lang) == 2) {
                 $lang[1] = "r" . $lang[1];
             $lang = implode("-", $lang);
         // If not, create them out of the English one.
         if (!file_exists($this->_sources_dst . '/res/values-' . $lang . '/strings.xml')) {
             mkdir($this->_sources_dst . '/res/values-' . $lang, 0777);
             copy($this->_sources_dst . '/res/values/strings.xml', $this->_sources_dst . '/res/values-' . $lang . '/strings.xml');
     $replacements = array('http://localhost/overview' => $this->getApplication()->getUrl(null, array(), 'en', false), '<string name="app_name">Apps Mobile Company</string>' => '<string name="app_name"><![CDATA[' . $name . ']]></string>');
     $this->__replace($replacements, $this->_sources_dst . '/res/values/strings.xml');
     if ($fbk_app_id = $this->getApplication()->getFacebookId()) {
         $replacements_sharing = array('<!-- FACEBOOK -->' => '<meta-data android:name="com.facebook.sdk.ApplicationId" android:value="@string/facebook_app_id"/>');
         if ($this->getApplication()->getData("facebook_id")) {
             $replacements_sharing['<!-- FACEBOOK PROVIDER -->'] = '<provider android:authorities="com.facebook.app.FacebookContentProvider' . $fbk_app_id . '"
                                         android:exported="true" />';
         $replacements_sharing_ids = array('[FACEBOOK_APP_ID]' => $fbk_app_id);
         $this->__replace($replacements_sharing_ids, $this->_sources_dst . '/res/values/sharings_id.xml');
         $this->__replace($replacements_sharing, $this->_sources_dst . '/AndroidManifest.xml');
     foreach ($languages as $lang) {
         if ($lang == "en") {
         if (stripos($lang, "_") !== false) {
             $android_lang = explode("_", $lang);
             if (count($android_lang) == 2) {
                 $android_lang[1] = "r" . $android_lang[1];
             $android_lang = implode("-", $android_lang);
         } else {
             $android_lang = $lang;
         $replacements = array('http://localhost/overview' => $this->getApplication()->getUrl(null, array(), $lang, false), '<string name="app_name">SiberianCMS</string>' => '<string name="app_name"><![CDATA[' . $name . ']]></string>', '<string name="app_name">Apps Mobile Company</string>' => '<string name="app_name"><![CDATA[' . $name . ']]></string>');
         $this->__replace($replacements, $this->_sources_dst . "/res/values-{$android_lang}/strings.xml");
     if (file_exists($this->_sources_dst . '/res/values-fr/strings.xml')) {
         $this->__replace($replacements, $this->_sources_dst . '/res/values-fr/strings.xml');
     $version = explode(".", $this->getDevice()->getVersion());
     $version_code = !empty($version[0]) ? $version[0] : 1;
     $version_name = !empty($version[0]) && !empty($version[1]) ? $version[0] . "." . $version[1] : "1.0";
     if ($version_code != 1 || $version_name != "1.0") {
         $replacements = array("versionCode 1" => "versionCode {$version_code}", 'versionName "1.0"' => 'versionName "' . $version_name . '"');
         $this->__replace($replacements, $this->_sources_dst . "/../../build.gradle");
         $this->__replace($replacements, $this->_sources_dst . "/../../build.gradle.save");
     return $this;
コード例 #2
 public function findallAction()
     $data = array("title" => '<i class="fa fa-android"></i> Android', "keys" => array(array("title" => "GCM Key", "name" => "android_key", "value" => Push_Model_Certificate::getAndroidKey()), array("title" => "Sender ID", "name" => "android_sender_id", "value" => Push_Model_Certificate::getAndroidSenderId())));