コード例 #1
function push_list($devices, $title, $items)
    $table_name = 'app_pushbullet';
    $rec = SQLSelectOne("SELECT * FROM {$table_name} WHERE name='{$devices}'");
    if ($rec['ID']) {
        $p = new PushBullet($rec['apikey']);
        $p->pushList($rec['iden'], $title, $items);
コード例 #2
 // Print information about your Pushbullet account
 // Print a list of sent push notifications, modified after 1400441645 unix time
 #### Push methods
 // Push to email me@example.com a note with a title 'Hey!' and a body 'It works!'
 $p->pushNote('*****@*****.**', 'Hey!', 'It works!');
 // Push to device s2GBpJqaq9IY5nx a note with a title 'Hey!' and a body 'It works!'
 $p->pushNote('s2GBpJqaq9IY5nx', 'Hey!', 'It works!');
 // Push to device gXVZDd2hLY6TOB1 a link with a title 'ivkos at GitHub', a URL 'https://github.com/ivkos' and body 'Pretty useful.'
 $p->pushLink('gXVZDd2hLY6TOB1', 'ivkos at GitHub', 'https://github.com/ivkos', 'Pretty useful.');
 // Push to device a91kkT2jIICD4JH a Google Maps address with a name 'Google HQ' and an address '1600 Amphitheatre Parkway'
 $p->pushAddress('a91kkT2jIICD4JH', 'Google HQ', '1600 Amphitheatre Parkway');
 // Push to device qVNRhnXxZzJ95zz a to-do list with a title 'Shopping List' and items 'Milk' and 'Butter'
 $p->pushList('qVNRhnXxZzJ95zz', 'Shopping List', array('Milk', 'Butter'));
 // Push to device 0PpyWzARDK0w6et the file '../pic.jpg' of MIME type image/jpeg
 // Method accepts absolute and relative paths.
 $p->pushFile('0PpyWzARDK0w6et', '../pic.jpg', 'image/jpeg');
 // If the MIME type argument is omitted, an attempt to guess it will be made.
 $p->pushFile('0PpyWzARDK0w6et', '../pic.jpg');
 #### Pushing to multiple devices
 // Push to all of your own devices, if you set the first argument to NULL or an empty string
 $p->pushNote(NULL, 'Some title', 'Some text');
 $p->pushNote('', 'Some title', 'Some text');
 #### Delete methods
 // Delete the push notification with the 'iden' specified
 // Delete the device with the 'iden' specified
 // Delete the contact with the 'iden' specified