コード例 #1
ファイル: base_stat_iplink.php プロジェクト: alienfault/ossim
        $p_name = Protocol::get_protocol_by_number($proto, TRUE);
        if (FALSE === $p_name) {
            $p_name = _('UNKNOWN');
        qroPrintEntry('<FONT>' . $p_name . '</FONT>');
        $tmp = '<A HREF="base_stat_ports.php?port_type=2&amp;proto=' . $proto . $tmp_ip_criteria . '">';
        qroPrintEntry($tmp . Util::number_format_locale($num_unique_dport, 0) . '</A>');
        $tmp = '<A HREF="base_stat_alerts.php?foo=1' . $tmp_ip_criteria . '">';
        qroPrintEntry($tmp . Util::number_format_locale($num_unique, 0) . '</A>');
        $tmp = '<A HREF="base_qry_main.php?new=1' . '&amp;num_result_rows=-1' . '&amp;submit=' . gettext("Query DB") . '&amp;current_view=-1' . $tmp_ip_criteria . '">';
        qroPrintEntry($tmp . Util::number_format_locale($num_occurances, 0) . '</A>');
    // report_data
    $p_name = Protocol::get_protocol_by_number($proto, TRUE);
    if (FALSE === $p_name) {
        $p_name = '';
    $report_data[] = array($ip_sip, '', $ip_dip, '', $p_name, "", "", "", "", "", "", $num_unique_dport, $num_unique, $num_occurances, $s_country_img != '' || $d_country_img != '' ? $s_country_img . "####" . $d_country_img : '');
$qs->SaveReportData($report_data, $unique_iplinks_report_type);
echo "<input type='hidden' name='fqdn' value='" . Util::htmlentities($fqdn) . "'>\n";
echo "\n</FORM>\n";
コード例 #2
ファイル: base_qry_alert.php プロジェクト: alienfault/ossim
     if ($icmp_proto == "6" || $icmp_proto == "17") {
         echo '<TD class="header">Org.Source Port</TD>';
     echo '<TD class="header">Org.Destination IP</TD>';
     echo '<TD class="header">Org.Destination Name</TD>';
     if ($icmp_proto == "6" || $icmp_proto == "17") {
         echo '<TD class="header">Org.Destination Port</TD>';
     echo '</TR>';
     echo '<TR>';
     if ($ICMPitype == "5") {
         echo '<TD class="plfield">';
         echo '<A HREF="base_stat_ipaddr.php?ip=' . $gateway . '&amp;netmask=32" TARGET="_PL_SIP">' . $gateway . '</A></TD>';
         echo '<TD class="plfield">' . baseGetHostByAddr($gateway, $ctx, $db) . '</TD>';
     echo '<TD class="plfield">' . Protocol::get_protocol_by_number($icmp_proto, TRUE) . '</TD>';
     echo '<TD class="plfield">';
     echo '<A HREF="base_stat_ipaddr.php?ip=' . $icmp_src . '&amp;netmask=32" TARGET="_PL_SIP">' . $icmp_src . '</A></TD>';
     echo '<TD class="plfield">' . baseGetHostByAddr($icmp_src, $ctx, $db) . '</TD>';
     if ($icmp_proto == "6" || $icmp_proto == "17") {
         echo '<TD class="plfield">' . $icmp_src_port . '</TD>';
     echo '<TD class="plfield">';
     echo '<A HREF="base_stat_ipaddr.php?ip=' . $icmp_dst . '&amp;netmask=32" TARGET="_PL_DIP">' . $icmp_dst . '</A></TD>';
     echo '<TD class="plfield">' . baseGetHostByAddr($icmp_dst, $ctx, $db) . '</TD>';
     if ($icmp_proto == "6" || $icmp_proto == "17") {
         echo '<TD class="plfield">' . $icmp_dst_port . '</TD>';
     echo '</TR>';
     echo '</TABLE>';
コード例 #3
ファイル: base_timeline.php プロジェクト: jackpf/ossim-arc
    $src_net_id = $myrow['src_net'];
    $dst_net_id = $myrow['dst_net'];
    // 5- Source IP Address
    if ($current_sip32 != "") {
        $src_output = Asset_host::get_extended_name($_conn, $geoloc, $current_sip, $ctx, $myrow['src_host'], $myrow["src_net"]);
        $sip_aux = $src_output['name'];
    // 6- Destination IP Address
    if ($current_dip32 != "") {
        $dst_output = Asset_host::get_extended_name($_conn, $geoloc, $current_dip, $ctx, $myrow['dst_host'], $myrow["dst_net"]);
        $dip_aux = $dst_output['name'];
    $p_name = Protocol::get_protocol_by_number($current_proto);
    if (FALSE === $p_name) {
        $p_name = '';
    $report_data[] = array(trim(html_entity_decode($despues)), $myrow["timestamp"], $sip_aux . $current_sport, '', $dip_aux . $current_dport, '', $current_url . "/forensics/bar2.php?value=" . $current_oasset_s . "&value2=" . $current_oasset_d . "&max=5", $current_url . "/forensics/bar2.php?value=" . $current_oprio . "&max=5", $current_url . "/forensics/bar2.php?value=" . $current_oreli . "&max=9", strtoupper(bin2hex($myrow["id"])), $p_name, $rowid, 0, 0, '');
$qs->SaveReportData($report_data, $events_report_type);
<form action="base_timeline.php" id="ftl">
コード例 #4
ファイル: asset_actions.php プロジェクト: jackpf/ossim-arc
 $validate = array('asset_id' => array('validation' => 'OSS_HEX', 'e_message' => 'illegal:' . _('Asset ID')), 's_port' => array('validation' => 'OSS_PORT', 'e_message' => 'illegal:' . _('Port')), 's_protocol' => array('validation' => 'OSS_PROTOCOL_SERVICE', 'e_message' => 'illegal:' . _('Protocol')), 's_name' => array('validation' => 'OSS_ALPHA, OSS_PUNC_EXT', 'e_message' => 'illegal:' . _('Service')));
 $data['status'] = 'success';
 $data['data'] = _('Your changes have been saved');
 $validation_errors = validate_form_fields('POST', $validate);
 if (is_array($validation_errors) && !empty($validation_errors)) {
     //Formatted message
     $error_msg = '<div>' . _('The following errors occurred') . ":</div>\n                          <div style='padding: 5px;'>" . implode('<br/>', $validation_errors) . '</div>';
 } else {
     try {
         $db = new ossim_db();
         $conn = $db->connect();
         $asset_id = POST('asset_id');
         $protocol = POST('s_protocol');
         $protocol_name = Protocol::get_protocol_by_number($protocol);
         $port = POST('s_port');
         $service = POST('s_name');
         $ctx = Asset_host::get_ctx_by_id($conn, $asset_id);
         $n_ports = Port::get_list($conn, " AND port_number = {$port} and protocol_name = '{$protocol_name}'");
         if (count($n_ports) == 0) {
             Port::insert($conn, $port, $protocol_name, $service, '', $ctx);
         } else {
             $data['status'] = 'warning';
             $data['data'] = _('Warning! This port has already been added');
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         Util::response_bad_request(_('Error! Your changes could not be saved'));
コード例 #5
     list($cell_data['PLUGIN_SID_CATEGORY'], $cell_data['PLUGIN_SID_SUBCATEGORY']) = GetCategorySubCategory($myrow["plugin_id"], $myrow["plugin_sid"], $db);
     $cell_align['PLUGIN_SID_CATEGORY'] = $cell_align['PLUGIN_SID_SUBCATEGORY'] = "center";
 $cell_data['DEVICE'] = $deviceips[$myrow["device_id"]] != "" ? $deviceips[$myrow["device_id"]] : "-";
 $cell_align['DEVICE'] = "center";
 // Source Host
 $current_src_host = $myrow["src_host"];
 $current_sip32 = $myrow["ip_src"];
 $current_sip = inet_ntop($current_sip32);
 // Destination Host
 $current_dst_host = $myrow["dst_host"];
 $current_dip32 = $myrow["ip_dst"];
 $current_dip = inet_ntop($current_dip32);
 // Port / Protocol
 $current_proto = $myrow["ip_proto"];
 $current_p_name = Protocol::get_protocol_by_number($current_proto, TRUE);
 if (FALSE === $current_p_name) {
     $current_p_name = '';
 $current_sport = $current_dport = "";
 if ($myrow["layer4_sport"] != 0) {
     $current_sport = ":" . $myrow["layer4_sport"];
 if ($myrow["layer4_dport"] != 0) {
     $current_dport = ":" . $myrow["layer4_dport"];
 // if ($debug_mode > 1) {
 // SQLTraceLog("\n\n");
 // SQLTraceLog(__FILE__ . ":" . __LINE__ . ":\n############## <calls to BuildSigByID> ##################");
 // }