コード例 #1
ファイル: plugin.php プロジェクト: precurse/netharbour
 private function init()
     $this->url = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . "?tab=" . $_GET['tab'] . "&pluginID=" . $_GET['pluginID'];
     include_once 'classes/Property.php';
     $property = new Property();
     if ($this->rrdtool = $property->get_property("path_rrdtool")) {
     } else {
         print $property->get_error();
     if ($this->rrd_dir = $property->get_property("path_rrddir")) {
     } else {
         print $property->get_error();
     if (!$this->rrdtool || $this->rrdtool == '') {
         print "Could not find rrdtool";
     if (!$this->rrd_dir || $this->rrd_dir == '') {
         print "Could not find rrd_dir";
コード例 #2
ファイル: rrdgraph.php プロジェクト: precurse/netharbour

include_once 'config/opendb.php';
include_once 'config/graph.conf';
include_once 'classes/RRD.php';
include_once 'classes/Property.php';
$property = new Property();
if ($rrdtool = $property->get_property("path_rrdtool")) {
} else {
    print $property->get_error();
if ($rrd_dir = $property->get_property("path_rrddir")) {
} else {
    print $property->get_error();
if (!$rrdtool || $rrdtool == '') {
    print "Could not find rrdtool";
if (!$rrd_dir || $rrd_dir == '') {
    print "Could not find rrd_dir";
// Do not edit below, unless you know what you are doing
// This is a hack, so that sou can access it as a webpage as well
// It will just request the same page, but will present it as html with
// the graph in img tag
if (isset($_GET['ctype'])) {
    $ctype = $_GET['ctype'];
コード例 #3
ファイル: monitor.php プロジェクト: precurse/netharbour
function displayCheckGraphs($interval = 'day')
    global $tool, $form, $status_array, $status_collors;
    $my_colors = array("FF0000", "0404B4", "04B431", "B45F04", "F7FE2E", "8B008B", "4B0082", "FA8072", "4169E1", "D2B9D3", "B4CFEC", "eF6600", "77CEEB", "eFFF00", "6FFF00", "8E7BFF", "7B008B", "3B0082", "eA8072", "3169E1", "c2B9D3", "a4CFEC", "dF6600", "67CEEB", "dFFF00", "5FFF00", "7E7BFF", "6B008B", "2B0082", "dA8072", "2169E1", "b2B9D3", "94CFEC");
    if (is_numeric($_GET[checkid])) {
        $check = new Check($_GET[checkid]);
    } else {
        $form->warning("Invalid check id");
    $property = new Property();
    if ($rrd_dir = $property->get_property("path_rrddir")) {
    } else {
        return false;
    if ($rrdtool = $property->get_property("path_rrdtool")) {
    } else {
    $filename = "checks/checkid_" . $check->get_check_id() . ".rrd";
    $filepath = $rrd_dir . "/" . $filename;
    // Now check if there's are graphs for this check
    // Not all checks have these
    if (!file_exists($filepath)) {
        //$form->warning( "file $filename not there");
        return false;
    if ($interval == 'week') {
        $from = "-7d";
    } elseif ($interval == 'month') {
        $from = "-1m";
    } elseif ($interval == 'year') {
        $from = "-365d";
    } else {
        $from = "-24h";
    $rrd = new RRD("{$filepath}", $rrdtool);
    $datasources = $rrd->get_data_sources();
    ksort($datasources, SORT_STRING);
    $exclude_ds = array();
    $color_codes = "";
    $exclude = "";
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($datasources as $ds => $value) {
        $color_code .= "&ds_colors[{$ds}]={$my_colors[$i]}";
        if (isset($_GET[$ds]) && $_GET[$ds] == 'no') {
            array_push($exclude_ds, $ds);
            $exclude .= "&exclude_ds[{$ds}]=yes";
    $rrd_url = "rrdgraph.php?file=" . urlencode($filename) . "&type=check&title=" . urlencode($check->get_name()) . "&width=400&height=122&from={$from}" . "{$exclude}" . $color_code;
    return "<img src='{$rrd_url}'>";
コード例 #4
function displayPaths()
    global $tool, $propertyForm;
    $my_paths = array("path_snmpwalk" => "snmpwalk", "path_snmpget" => "snmpget", "path_rrdupdate" => "rrdupdate", "path_rrdtool" => "rrdtool", "path_rrddir" => "RRD Directory");
    $content = "";
    $content .= "<h1>System Paths</h1>";
    $content .= "<div style='padding-left: 600px;'>\n\t\t\t<a class='tooltip' title='This will try to detect the tools below in the current \$path'><img src='icons/Info.png' height='19'></a>\n\t\t\t<a href='javascript:LoadPage(\"configurations.php?action=paths&mode=autodetect\",\"settingsInfo\")'>\n\t\t\tclick here to Auto Discover paths</a></div>";
    $form = new Form("auto", 2);
    $keyHandlers = array();
    $keyData = array();
    $keyTitle = array();
    $postKeys = array();
    foreach ($my_paths as $id => $path) {
        $property = new Property();
        $value = $property->get_property($id);
        if ($value === false) {
            $value = "WARNING: Property '{$id}' Not Found in Property table, Contact your admininistrator" . $property->get_error();
        $desc = $property->get_desc($id);
        if (is_readable($value)) {
            $check = "<font size='' color='green'>Found!</font>";
            if ($id == 'path_rrdtool') {
                $cmd = "{$value} -v| awk '{print \$2}'|head -1";
                exec($cmd, $output, $return_var);
                if ($output[0] < "1.4") {
                    $check = "<font size='' color='Orange'>Found version {$output['0']}! You need at least RRDtool version 1.4.0 otherwise some graphs won't display correctlty</font>";
        } else {
            $check = "<font size='' color='orange'>Not Found!</font>";
        array_push($postKeys, "{$id}");
        array_push($keyData, "{$value}");
        array_push($keyTitle, "<font size='2'>{$path}</font><br><i>{$desc}</i><br>{$check}");
        #$content .= "<tr><td><input type=checkbox name=devices[] value='$id' $checked ></td>";
        #$content .= "<td>$name</td><td>". $deviceInfo->get_type_name() ."</td>";
        #$content .= "<td>". $deviceInfo->get_location_name() ."</td></tr>";
    #$content .= "</table> <br>";
    //get all the device and display them all in the 3 sections "Device Name", "Device Type", "Location".
    $heading = array("Program", "Path");
    // or false for not sortable
    $form->setUpdateText("Save Program Paths");
    $content .= $form->editForm();
    print $content;