コード例 #1
$t->is($services['constructor']->getConstructor(), 'getInstance', '->load() parses the constructor attribute');
$t->is($services['file']->getFile(), '%path%/foo.php', '->load() parses the file tag');
$t->is($services['arguments']->getArguments(), array('foo', new Reference('foo'), array(true, false)), '->load() parses the argument tags');
$t->is($services['configurator1']->getConfigurator(), 'sc_configure', '->load() parses the configurator tag');
$t->is($services['configurator2']->getConfigurator(), array(new Reference('baz'), 'configure'), '->load() parses the configurator tag');
$t->is($services['configurator3']->getConfigurator(), array('BazClass', 'configureStatic'), '->load() parses the configurator tag');
$t->is($services['method_call1']->getMethodCalls(), array(array('setBar', array())), '->load() parses the method_call tag');
$t->is($services['method_call2']->getMethodCalls(), array(array('setBar', array('foo', new Reference('foo'), array(true, false)))), '->load() parses the method_call tag');
$aliases = $config->getAliases();
$t->ok(isset($aliases['alias_for_foo']), '->load() parses aliases');
$t->is($aliases['alias_for_foo'], 'foo', '->load() parses aliases');

// extensions
Loader::registerExtension(new ProjectExtension());
$loader = new ProjectLoader($fixturesPath.'/yaml');

$config = $loader->load('services10.yml');
$services = $config->getDefinitions();
$parameters = $config->getParameters();
$t->ok(isset($services['project.service.bar']), '->load() parses extension elements');
$t->ok(isset($parameters['project.parameter.bar']), '->load() parses extension elements');

  $config = $loader->load('services11.yml');
  $t->fail('->load() throws an InvalidArgumentException if the tag is not valid');
catch (InvalidArgumentException $e)
  $t->pass('->load() throws an InvalidArgumentException if the tag is not valid');
コード例 #2
    public function getAbsolutePath($file, $currentPath = null)
        return parent::getAbsolutePath($file, $currentPath);
// __construct()
$loader = new ProjectLoader($container = new sfServiceContainerBuilder());
$t->is($loader->container, $container, '__construct() takes a container builder instance as its first argument');
$loader = new ProjectLoader(null, dirname(__FILE__));
$t->is($loader->paths, array(dirname(__FILE__)), '__construct() takes a path as its second argument');
$loader = new ProjectLoader(null, array(dirname(__FILE__), dirname(__FILE__)));
$t->is($loader->paths, array(dirname(__FILE__), dirname(__FILE__)), '__construct() takes an array of paths as its second argument');
// ->getAbsolutePath()
$loader = new ProjectLoader(null, array(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../bin'));
$t->is($loader->getAbsolutePath('/foo.xml'), '/foo.xml', '->getAbsolutePath() return the path unmodified if it is already an absolute path');
$t->is($loader->getAbsolutePath('c:\\\\foo.xml'), 'c:\\\\foo.xml', '->getAbsolutePath() return the path unmodified if it is already an absolute path');
$t->is($loader->getAbsolutePath('c:/foo.xml'), 'c:/foo.xml', '->getAbsolutePath() return the path unmodified if it is already an absolute path');
$t->is($loader->getAbsolutePath('\\server\\foo.xml'), '\\server\\foo.xml', '->getAbsolutePath() return the path unmodified if it is already an absolute path');
$t->is($loader->getAbsolutePath('sfServiceContainerLoaderFileTest.php', dirname(__FILE__)), dirname(__FILE__) . '/sfServiceContainerLoaderFileTest.php', '->getAbsolutePath() returns an absolute filename if the file exists in the current path');
$t->is($loader->getAbsolutePath('prove.php', dirname(__FILE__)), dirname(__FILE__) . '/../bin/prove.php', '->getAbsolutePath() returns an absolute filename if the file exists in one of the paths given in the constructor');
$t->is($loader->getAbsolutePath('foo.xml', dirname(__FILE__)), 'foo.xml', '->getAbsolutePath() returns the path unmodified if it is unable to find it in the given paths');
class ProjectLoader1 extends sfServiceContainerLoaderFile
    public $resource;
    public function doLoad($resource)
        $this->resource = $resource;
        return array(array(), array());
コード例 #3
 * This file is part of the symfony package.
 * (c) Fabien Potencier <*****@*****.**>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../bootstrap/unit.php';
$t = new lime_test(20);
class ProjectLoader extends sfServiceContainerLoaderArray
    public function validate($content)
        return parent::validate($content);
$loader = new ProjectLoader(null);
// ->validate()
try {
    $loader->validate(sfYaml::load(__DIR__ . '/fixtures/yaml/nonvalid1.yml'));
    $t->fail('->validate() throws an InvalidArgumentException if the loaded definition is not an array');
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
    $t->pass('->validate() throws an InvalidArgumentException if the loaded definition is not an array');
try {
    $loader->validate(sfYaml::load(__DIR__ . '/fixtures/yaml/nonvalid2.yml'));
    $t->fail('->validate() throws an InvalidArgumentException if the loaded definition is not a valid array');
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
    $t->pass('->validate() throws an InvalidArgumentException if the loaded definition is not a valid array');
// ->load() # parameters
$t->diag('->load() # parameters');
コード例 #4
        return $resource;
// __construct()
$loader = new ProjectLoader($container = new sfServiceContainerBuilder());
$t->is($loader->container, $container, '__construct() takes a container builder instance as its first argument');
// ->setServiceContainer()
$loader = new ProjectLoader();
$loader->setServiceContainer($container = new sfServiceContainerBuilder());
$t->is($loader->container, $container, '->setServiceContainer() sets the container builder attached to this loader');
// ->load()
$loader = new ProjectLoader();
try {
    $t->fail('->load() throws a LogicException if no container is attached to the loader');
} catch (LogicException $e) {
    $t->pass('->load() throws a LogicException if no container is attached to the loader');
$loader->setServiceContainer($container = new sfServiceContainerBuilder(array('bar' => 'foo')));
$loader->load(array(array(), array('foo' => 'bar')));
$t->is($container->getParameters(), array('bar' => 'foo', 'foo' => 'bar'), '->load() merges current parameters with the loaded ones');
$loader->setServiceContainer($container = new sfServiceContainerBuilder(array('bar' => 'foo', 'foo' => 'baz')));
$loader->load(array(array(), array('foo' => 'bar')));
$t->is($container->getParameters(), array('bar' => 'foo', 'foo' => 'baz'), '->load() does not change the already defined parameters');
$loader->setServiceContainer($container = new sfServiceContainerBuilder(array('bar' => 'foo')));
$loader->load(array(array(), array('foo' => '%bar%')));
$t->is($container->getParameters(), array('bar' => 'foo', 'foo' => 'foo'), '->load() evaluates the values of the parameters towards already defined ones');
コード例 #5
$doc = new DOMDocument("1.0");
$t->is(ProjectLoader::convertDomElementToArray($doc->documentElement), array('foo' => 'bar'), '::convertDomElementToArray() converts a \\DomElement to an array');
$doc = new DOMDocument("1.0");
$t->is(ProjectLoader::convertDomElementToArray($doc->documentElement), array('foo' => array('value' => 'bar', 'foo' => 'bar')), '::convertDomElementToArray() converts a \\DomElement to an array');
$doc = new DOMDocument("1.0");
$t->is(ProjectLoader::convertDomElementToArray($doc->documentElement), array('foo' => null), '::convertDomElementToArray() converts a \\DomElement to an array');
$doc = new DOMDocument("1.0");
$doc->loadXML('<foo><foo><!-- foo --></foo></foo>');
$t->is(ProjectLoader::convertDomElementToArray($doc->documentElement), array('foo' => null), '::convertDomElementToArray() converts a \\DomElement to an array');
// extensions
Loader::registerExtension(new ProjectExtension());
$loader = new ProjectLoader($fixturesPath . '/xml');
$config = $loader->load('services10.xml');
$services = $config->getDefinitions();
$parameters = $config->getParameters();
$t->ok(isset($services['project.service.bar']), '->load() parses extension elements');
$t->ok(isset($parameters['project.parameter.bar']), '->load() parses extension elements');
try {
    $config = $loader->load('services11.xml');
    $t->fail('->load() throws an InvalidArgumentException if the tag is not valid');
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
    $t->pass('->load() throws an InvalidArgumentException if the tag is not valid');
try {
    $config = $loader->load('services12.xml');
    $t->fail('->load() throws an InvalidArgumentException if an extension is not loaded');
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
コード例 #6

 * This file is part of the symfony package.
 * (c) Fabien Potencier <*****@*****.**>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../../bootstrap.php';
use Symfony\Components\DependencyInjection\Loader\Loader;
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../../../fixtures/Symfony/Components/DependencyInjection/includes/ProjectExtension.php';
class ProjectLoader extends Loader
    public function load($resource)
$t = new LimeTest(1);
// ::registerExtension() ::getExtension()
$t->diag('::registerExtension() ::getExtension()');
ProjectLoader::registerExtension($extension = new ProjectExtension());
$t->ok(ProjectLoader::getExtension('project') === $extension, '::registerExtension() registers an extension');
コード例 #7
    try {
        $loader->getFilesAsArray(array($fixture . '.yml'));
        $t->fail('->load() throws an InvalidArgumentException if the loaded file does not validate');
    } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
        $t->pass('->load() throws an InvalidArgumentException if the loaded file does not validate');
$yamls = $loader->getFilesAsArray(array('services1.yml'));
$t->ok(is_array($yamls), '->getFilesAsArray() returns an array');
$t->is(key($yamls), realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/fixtures/yaml/services1.yml'), '->getFilesAsArray() returns an array where the keys are absolutes paths to the original YAML file');
// ->load() # parameters
$t->diag('->load() # parameters');
$loader = new ProjectLoader(null, dirname(__FILE__) . '/fixtures/yaml');
list($services, $parameters) = $loader->doLoad(array('services2.yml'));
$t->is($parameters, array('foo' => 'bar', 'values' => array(true, false, 0, 1000.3), 'bar' => 'foo', 'foo_bar' => new sfServiceReference('foo_bar')), '->load() converts YAML keys to lowercase');
$loader = new ProjectLoader(null, dirname(__FILE__) . '/fixtures/yaml');
list($services, $parameters) = $loader->doLoad(array('services2.yml', 'services3.yml'));
$t->is($parameters, array('foo' => 'foo', 'values' => array(true, false), 'bar' => 'foo', 'foo_bar' => new sfServiceReference('foo_bar')), '->load() merges the first level of arguments when multiple files are loaded');
// ->load() # imports
$t->diag('->load() # imports');
list($services, $parameters) = $loader->doLoad(array('services4.yml'));
$t->is($parameters, array('foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => '%foo%', 'values' => array(true, false), 'foo_bar' => new sfServiceReference('foo_bar')), '->load() imports and merges imported files');
// ->load() # services
$t->diag('->load() # services');
list($services, $parameters) = $loader->doLoad(array('services6.yml'));
$t->ok(isset($services['foo']), '->load() parses service elements');
$t->is(get_class($services['foo']), 'sfServiceDefinition', '->load() converts service element to sfServiceDefinition instances');
$t->is($services['foo']->getClass(), 'FooClass', '->load() parses the class attribute');
$t->ok($services['shared']->isShared(), '->load() parses the shared attribute');
$t->ok(!$services['non_shared']->isShared(), '->load() parses the shared attribute');
$t->is($services['constructor']->getConstructor(), 'getInstance', '->load() parses the constructor attribute');
コード例 #8
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../../bootstrap.php';
use Symfony\Components\DependencyInjection\Builder;
use Symfony\Components\DependencyInjection\Loader\FileLoader;
$t = new LimeTest(9);
class ProjectLoader extends FileLoader
    public $paths;
    public function load($resource)
    public function getAbsolutePath($file, $currentPath = null)
        return parent::getAbsolutePath($file, $currentPath);
// __construct()
$loader = new ProjectLoader(__DIR__);
$t->is($loader->paths, array(__DIR__), '__construct() takes a path as its second argument');
$loader = new ProjectLoader(array(__DIR__, __DIR__));
$t->is($loader->paths, array(__DIR__, __DIR__), '__construct() takes an array of paths as its second argument');
// ->getAbsolutePath()
$loader = new ProjectLoader(array(__DIR__ . '/../../../../../bin'));
$t->is($loader->getAbsolutePath('/foo.xml'), '/foo.xml', '->getAbsolutePath() return the path unmodified if it is already an absolute path');
$t->is($loader->getAbsolutePath('c:\\\\foo.xml'), 'c:\\\\foo.xml', '->getAbsolutePath() return the path unmodified if it is already an absolute path');
$t->is($loader->getAbsolutePath('c:/foo.xml'), 'c:/foo.xml', '->getAbsolutePath() return the path unmodified if it is already an absolute path');
$t->is($loader->getAbsolutePath('\\server\\foo.xml'), '\\server\\foo.xml', '->getAbsolutePath() return the path unmodified if it is already an absolute path');
$t->is($loader->getAbsolutePath('FileLoaderTest.php', __DIR__), __DIR__ . '/FileLoaderTest.php', '->getAbsolutePath() returns an absolute filename if the file exists in the current path');
$t->is($loader->getAbsolutePath('prove.php', __DIR__), __DIR__ . '/../../../../../bin/prove.php', '->getAbsolutePath() returns an absolute filename if the file exists in one of the paths given in the constructor');
$t->is($loader->getAbsolutePath('foo.xml', __DIR__), 'foo.xml', '->getAbsolutePath() returns the path unmodified if it is unable to find it in the given paths');