コード例 #1
 * In case you want to use your own reference:
//$Reference->setKey('merchant_id'); // A site tag
//$Reference->setValue(1234); // Value of the tag
 * you may specify which type of import you plan to send:
 * a full import replaces all existing products (default, if not specified)
 * a delta import is used to update the latest full import
 * note: one import/service has only one type
 * Adding one product to insert.
 * A product is represented by an array.
 * There is no fixed structure you have to follow,
 * the keys you use will become the column name for the resulting upload
 * note: you have to call commit() at the end before the data actually gets handled
$ProductService->insert(array('id' => 123, 'price' => 39.9, 'description' => 'some text'));
$ProductService->insert(array('id' => 124, 'price' => 99.98999999999999, 'description_de' => 'ein text'));
// adding 5000 random "products"
for ($i = 0; $i < 5000; $i++) {
    $ProductService->insert(array('id' => uniqid(), 'test' => md5(uniqid()), 'created' => microtime(true), 'price' => mt_rand(0, 1000000) / 100));