コード例 #1
$siteObject->title = 'new example site';
$reference = new \Productsup\Platform\Site\Reference();
$siteObject = $siteService->insert($siteObject);
 * To enable an export to a Google Content API, you can use the "exports service":
$exportService = new \Productsup\Service\Exports($client);
 * adding a reference to the site you want to export:
 * for more information on how references in services work, @see /examples/Service/ProductData.php
$Reference = new \Productsup\Platform\Site\Reference();
 * enableContentApi enables the export to one of your merchant centers
 * note: it is mandatory to authorize the "parent id" via OAuth at http://platform.productsup.com/ before you enable exports
$exportService->enableContentApi('1234', '4321', 'de', 'de');
 * From now on, you can upload products to this site:
 * For more detailed explanation on the product service
 * @see /examples/Service/ProductData.php and @see /examples/migrateContentAPI/addingProducts.php
$productsService = new \Productsup\Service\ProductData($client);
コード例 #2
$Client->id = 1234;
$Client->secret = 'simsalabim';
$ProductService = new Productsup\Service\ProductData($Client);
 * Optional, define chunk site to submit products in parts using multiple 
 * post requests. Default is 5000
$Reference = new Productsup\Platform\Site\Reference();
 * You have to specify the site the products belong to.
 * This is done by references to the site.
 * In case you have a productsup site id, you can pass it like this:
// Site ID
 * In case you want to use your own reference:
//$Reference->setKey('merchant_id'); // A site tag
//$Reference->setValue(1234); // Value of the tag
 * you may specify which type of import you plan to send:
 * a full import replaces all existing products (default, if not specified)
 * a delta import is used to update the latest full import
 * note: one import/service has only one type