コード例 #1
ファイル: api-admin.php プロジェクト: raylouis/kvwebme
 * delete a number of product
 * @return array status
function Products_adminProductsDelete()
    $ids_to_check = $_REQUEST['ids'];
    if (!count($ids_to_check)) {
        return array('error' => 'no ids');
    $ids = array();
    foreach ($ids_to_check as $id) {
        $ids[] = (int) $id;
    dbQuery('delete from products where id in (' . join(', ', $ids) . ')');
    dbQuery('delete from products_relations where from_id in (' . join(', ', $ids) . ')' . ' or to_id in (' . join(', ', $ids) . ')');
    dbQuery('delete from products_reviews where product_id in (' . join(', ', $ids) . ')');
    return array('ok' => 1);
コード例 #2
ファイル: insert-page.php プロジェクト: raylouis/kvwebme
    case 2:
        // { Create a category page
        dbQuery("insert into page_vars(page_id, name, value)\n\t\t\tvalues('{$pageid}', 'products_category_to_show', '{$id}')");
        dbQuery("insert into page_vars(page_id, name, value)\n\t\t\tvalues('{$pageid}', 'products_product_to_show', 0)");
        // }
    // }
dbQuery("insert into page_vars(page_id, name, value)\n\tvalues('{$pageid}', 'products_type_to_show', 0)");
dbQuery("insert into page_vars(page_id, name, value)\n\tvalues('{$pageid}', 'products_order_direction', 0)");
dbQuery("insert into page_vars(page_id, name, value)\n\tvalues('{$pageid}', 'products_add_a_search_box', 0)");
dbQuery("insert into page_vars(page_id, name, value)\n\tvalues('{$pageid}', 'products_per_page', 0)");
if ($what == 2) {
    $product = ProductsCategoriesProducts::getCategoryId($id);
    $product = count($product) ? $product[0] : 0;
} else {
    $product = $id;
if ($product) {
    $datafields = dbOne('select data_fields from products where id=' . $product, 'data_fields');
    if ($datafields) {
        $data = json_decode($datafields);
        if ($data !== false && isset($data->n)) {
            $firstField = $data->n;
            dbQuery("insert into page_vars(page_id, name, value)\n\t\t\t\tvalues('{$pageid}', 'products_order_by', '" . addslashes($firstField) . "')");
if (dbOne("select name from pages where id={$pageid}", 'name') == stripslashes($name)) {
コード例 #3
ファイル: api-admin.php プロジェクト: raylouis/kvwebme
function OnlineStoreEbay_adminPublish()
    list($sess, $vs, $userToken) = OnlineStoreEbay_sessionStart();
    $price = (double) $_REQUEST['buy_now_price'];
    $bidsStartPrice = (double) $_REQUEST['bids_start_at'];
    $countryFrom = $vs['ebay_country_from'];
    $currency = 'EUR';
    $dispatchDays = $vs['ebay_dispatch_days'];
    $productId = (int) $_REQUEST['id'];
    $product = Product::getInstance($productId);
    $description = $product->get('description');
    $paypalAddress = $vs['ebay_paypal_address'];
    $categoryId = 0;
    $rs = ProductsCategoriesProducts::getByProductId($productId);
    foreach ($rs as $r) {
        $c = ProductCategory::getInstance($r);
        if ($c->vals['ebay_id']) {
            $categoryId = $c->vals['ebay_id'];
    $howMany = (int) $_REQUEST['quantity'];
    $returnsPolicy = $vs['ebay_returns_policy'];
    $title = $product->get('name');
    $xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>' . "\n" . '<AddItemRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">' . '<ErrorLanguage>en_US</ErrorLanguage><WarningLevel>High</WarningLevel>';
    // { main details
    $xml .= '<Item>' . '<ApplicationData>{"productId":' . $productId . '}</ApplicationData>' . '<Site>Ireland</Site>' . '<Title>' . htmlspecialchars($title) . '</Title>';
    // }
    // { price
    $xml .= '<Currency>' . $currency . '</Currency>';
    if ($bidsStartPrice >= 0.01) {
        $xml .= '<BuyItNowPrice>' . sprintf('%.2f', $price) . '</BuyItNowPrice>' . '<StartPrice>' . sprintf('%.2f', $bidsStartPrice) . '</StartPrice>' . '<ListingType>Chinese</ListingType>';
    } else {
        $xml .= '<StartPrice>' . sprintf('%.2f', $price) . '</StartPrice>' . '<ListingType>FixedPriceItem</ListingType>';
    // }
    // { pictures
    $xml .= '<PictureDetails>';
    $images = $product->getAllImages();
    $siteurl = isset($GLOBALS['DBVARS']['cdn']) && $GLOBALS['DBVARS']['cdn'] ? $GLOBALS['DBVARS']['cdn'] : $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
    $xml .= '<PictureURL>' . str_replace(' ', '%20', 'http://' . $siteurl . '/f' . $product->getDefaultImage()) . '</PictureURL>';
    $images_html = '';
    foreach ($images as $img) {
        $imgUrl = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/f' . $img;
        $xml .= '<PictureURL>' . str_replace(' ', '%20', $imgUrl) . '</PictureURL>';
        $images_html .= '<img src="' . $imgUrl . '"/>';
    $xml .= '</PictureDetails>';
    // }
    // { other main stuff
    $xml .= '<CategoryMappingAllowed>true</CategoryMappingAllowed>' . '<ConditionID>1000</ConditionID>' . '<Country>' . $countryFrom . '</Country>' . '<Location>China</Location>' . '<Description>' . htmlspecialchars($description . $images_html . '<br/><p>' . nl2br($vs['ebay_description_afterword']) . '</p>') . '</Description>' . '<DispatchTimeMax>' . $dispatchDays . '</DispatchTimeMax>' . '<PayPalEmailAddress>' . $paypalAddress . '</PayPalEmailAddress>' . '<ListingDuration>Days_30</ListingDuration>' . '<PaymentMethods>PayPal</PaymentMethods>';
    // }
    $xml .= '<PrimaryCategory><CategoryID>' . $categoryId . '</CategoryID></PrimaryCategory>' . '<Quantity>' . $howMany . '</Quantity>' . '<ReturnPolicy><ReturnsAcceptedOption>ReturnsAccepted</ReturnsAcceptedOption>' . '<ReturnsWithinOption>Days_14</ReturnsWithinOption>' . '<Description>' . htmlspecialchars($returnsPolicy) . '</Description>' . '<ShippingCostPaidByOption>Buyer</ShippingCostPaidByOption>' . '</ReturnPolicy>' . '<ShippingDetails>' . '<InternationalShippingServiceOption>' . '<ShippingService>IE_SellersStandardRateInternational</ShippingService>' . '<ShippingServiceAdditionalCost currencyID="EUR">0</ShippingServiceAdditionalCost><ShippingServiceCost currencyID="EUR">0</ShippingServiceCost><ShippingServicePriority>0</ShippingServicePriority><ShipToLocation>Europe</ShipToLocation></InternationalShippingServiceOption>' . '<ShippingServiceOptions><FreeShipping>true</FreeShipping>' . '<ShippingService>IE_EconomyDeliveryFromAbroad</ShippingService>' . '<ShippingServiceAdditionalCost currencyID="EUR">0</ShippingServiceAdditionalCost>' . '</ShippingServiceOptions>' . '</ShippingDetails>' . '<ItemSpecifics>' . '<NameValueList><Name>Brand</Name><Value>Generic</Value></NameValueList>' . '<NameValueList><Name>Size</Name><Value>Free Size</Value></NameValueList>' . '</ItemSpecifics>' . '</Item>' . '<RequesterCredentials>' . '<eBayAuthToken>' . $userToken . '</eBayAuthToken>' . '</RequesterCredentials>' . '<WarningLevel>High</WarningLevel>' . '</AddItemRequest>';
    $xmlstr = $sess->sendHttpRequest($xml);
    $reply = new SimpleXMLElement($xmlstr);
    $errors = isset($reply->Errors) ? $reply->Errors : false;
    return array('sent' => $xml, 'reply' => new SimpleXMLElement($xmlstr), 'errors' => $errors);
コード例 #4
ファイル: plugin.php プロジェクト: raylouis/kvwebme
 static function clearCache()
     self::$prodsByCid = array();
     self::$catsByPid = array();
     self::$activeCategories = false;
コード例 #5
ファイル: show.php プロジェクト: raylouis/kvwebme
  * retrieve products within a specified category
  * @param int    $id         the product type's ID
  * @param string $search     search string to filter by
  * @param array  $search_arr array of search strings to filter by
  * @param string $sort_col   field to sort by
  * @param string $sort_dir   sort direction
  * @param string $location   filter the products by location
  * @return object instance of Products object
 static function getByCategory($id, $search = '', $search_arr = array(), $sort_col = '_name', $sort_dir = 'asc', $location = 0, $noRecurse = 0)
     if (!is_numeric($id)) {
         return false;
     $locmd5 = is_array($location) ? join(',', $location) : 0;
     $md5 = md5($id . '|' . $search . '|' . join(',', $search_arr) . '|' . $locmd5 . '|' . $noRecurse);
     if (!array_key_exists($md5, self::$instances)) {
         $product_ids = array();
         $locFilter = $location ? ' and location in (' . $location . ')' : '';
         $pids = ProductsCategoriesProducts::getByCategoryIds($id, $noRecurse);
         $sql = 'select id from products' . ' where enabled ' . $locFilter . ' and id in (' . join(',', $pids) . ')';
         if ($search != '') {
             $str = str_replace(' ', '%', $search);
             $sql .= ' and (name like "%' . addslashes($str) . '%" or data_fields like "%' . addslashes($str) . '%")';
         $rs = dbAll($sql, false, 'products');
         foreach ($rs as $r) {
             $product_ids[] = $r['id'];
         new Products($product_ids, $md5, $search, $search_arr);
         $pcs = dbAll('select id,name from products_categories where parent_id=' . $id . ' and enabled order by name', false, 'products_categories');
         self::$instances[$md5]->subCategories = $pcs;
     return self::$instances[$md5];
コード例 #6
ファイル: products-edit.php プロジェクト: raylouis/kvwebme
            $detail = @$pdata['stockcontrol_details'];
            if (!$detail) {
                $detail = '[]';
            echo '<table id="stockcontrol-complex"></table><script>' . 'window.stockcontrol_detail=' . $detail . ';window.stockcontrol_options=["' . join('", "', $options) . '"];</script><a href="#" id="' . 'stockcontrol-addrow">add row</a>' . '<p>' . __('To remove rows, set their options to "-- Choose --" and save the' . ' product.') . '</p>';
        // }
        echo '</div>';
// }
Core_trigger('products-show-edit-form-tabs', array($pdata, $product_type));
// { categories
echo '<h2>' . __('Categories') . '</h2><div id="categories"><p>' . __('At least one category must be chosen.') . '</p>';
// { add selected categories to the list
$rs = ProductsCategoriesProducts::getByProductId($id);
echo '<ul id="categories-wrapper">';
foreach ($rs as $r) {
    $cat = ProductCategory::getInstance($r);
    if (!$cat) {
    echo '<li><input type="checkbox" name="product_categories[' . $cat->vals['id'] . ']" checked="checked"/>' . $cat->getBreadcrumbs() . '</li>';
echo '</ul><button id="category-add">Add Category</button>';
// }
$cid = (int) @$pdata['default_category'];
if (!$cid) {
    $cid = 1;
$default_category = Product::getInstance($cid)->vals['name'];