コード例 #1
ファイル: PrivacyInit.php プロジェクト: nattaphat/cuse2
  * [checkPrivacyInit description]
  * @param  [type] $name_en [description]
  * @return [type]          [description]
 public function checkPrivacyInit($name_en)
     $rs = PrivacyInit::where('name_en', '=', $name_en)->count();
     if (isset($rs)) {
         return $rs >= 1 ? false : true;
コード例 #2
 public function run()
     $faker = Faker::create();
     $now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     $raw = array(array("name_en" => 'fname', "name_th" => 'ชื่อผู้ใช้งาน', "privacy_type" => '1', "removeable" => false, "init_value" => true, "created_at" => $now, "updated_at" => $now), array("name_en" => 'lname', "name_th" => 'นามสกุล', "privacy_type" => '1', "removeable" => false, "init_value" => false, "created_at" => $now, "updated_at" => $now), array("name_en" => 'role', "name_th" => 'บทบาท', "privacy_type" => '1', "removeable" => false, "init_value" => false, "created_at" => $now, "updated_at" => $now), array("name_en" => 'email', "name_th" => 'อีเมล์', "privacy_type" => '1', "removeable" => false, "init_value" => false, "created_at" => $now, "updated_at" => $now), array("name_en" => 'telno', "name_th" => 'เบอร์ติดต่อ', "privacy_type" => '1', "removeable" => false, "init_value" => false, "created_at" => $now, "updated_at" => $now), array("name_en" => 'agency', "name_th" => 'หน่วยงานสังกัด', "privacy_type" => '1', "removeable" => false, "init_value" => false, "created_at" => $now, "updated_at" => $now), array("name_en" => 'department', "name_th" => 'ทบวงกรม', "privacy_type" => '1', "removeable" => false, "init_value" => false, "created_at" => $now, "updated_at" => $now), array("name_en" => 'ministry', "name_th" => 'กระทรวง', "privacy_type" => '1', "removeable" => false, "init_value" => false, "created_at" => $now, "updated_at" => $now));
     foreach (range(0, 7) as $index) {
         PrivacyInit::create(["name_en" => $raw[$index]['name_en'], "name_th" => $raw[$index]['name_th'], "privacy_type" => $raw[$index]['privacy_type'], "init_value" => $raw[$index]['init_value'], "removeable" => $raw[$index]['removeable'], "created_at" => $raw[$index]['created_at'], "updated_at" => $raw[$index]['updated_at']]);
コード例 #3
ファイル: PeerController.php プロジェクト: nattaphat/cuse2
  * [userPeerPrivacy show informatioin of user by user's privacy in modal]
  * @param  [integer] $id [user id]
  * @return [type]     [description]
 public function userPeerPrivacy($id)
     $user_info = new Usernhc();
     $rs_userinfo = $user_info->getUsernhcPrivacyById($id);
     $arr_userinfo = json_decode(json_encode($rs_userinfo), true);
     // var_dump($arr_userinfo);
     // $privacy = new Privacy;
     // $user_privacy = $privacy->getUserPrivacy($id);
     $privacyInit = PrivacyInit::orderBy('id', 'asc')->get();
     // var_dump($privacyInit);
     return View::make('peer.ajax_userprivacy')->with('user_info', $arr_userinfo[0])->with('user_privacy', $privacyInit);
コード例 #4
ファイル: PrivacyController.php プロジェクト: nattaphat/cuse2
  * [privacyDelete description]
  * @param  [type] $id [description]
  * @return [type]     [description]
 public function privacyDelete($id)
     PrivacyInit::where('id', '=', $id)->delete();
     return Redirect::to('privacy/' . Auth::user()->id)->with('success', 'ลบทิ้งสำเร็จ');
コード例 #5
ファイル: AuthController.php プロジェクト: nattaphat/cuse2
 public function registerAction()
     $data = Input::all();
     $nhc_config = Config::get('nhc/site.init_privacy');
     $rules = array('fname' => 'required', 'agency_id' => 'required', 'username' => 'required | alpha_dash', 'username' => 'required', 'password' => 'required | min:6 |same:password_confirmation', 'password_confirmation' => 'required', 'email' => 'required | email ');
     $messages = array('fname.required' => 'กรุณาระบุชื่อผู้ใช้งาน', 'agency_id.required' => 'กรุณาระหน่วยงานสังกัด', 'username.required' => 'กรุณาระบุชื่อผู้ใช้งาน', 'username.alpha_dash' => 'ชื่อผู้ใช้งานต้องประกอบด้วยตัวอักษร ตัวเลข หรืออันเดอร์สกอร์เท่านั้น', 'password.required' => 'กรุณาระบุรหัสผ่าน', 'password.min' => 'ความยามรหัสผ่านอย่างน้อย :min อักษร', 'password.same' => 'รหัสผ่านที่กรอกไม่ตรงกัน', 'password_confirmation.required' => 'กรุณาระบุรหัสผ่านอีกครั้ง', 'email.required' => 'กรุณาระบุอีเมล์', 'email.email' => 'รูปแบบอีเมล์ไม่ถูกต้อง');
     $validator = Validator::make($data, $rules, $messages);
     if ($validator->passes()) {
         $usernhc = new Usernhc();
         $ck_email = $usernhc->checkUserByEmail($data['email']);
         $ck_username = $usernhc->checkUsername($data['username']);
         if (!$ck_email && !$ck_username) {
             $usernhc->agency_id = $data['agency_id'];
             $usernhc->grp_id = $data['grp_id'];
             $usernhc->username = $data['username'];
             $usernhc->password = Hash::make($data['password']);
             $usernhc->email = $data['email'];
             $usernhc->fname = $data['fname'];
             $usernhc->lname = $data['lname'];
             $usernhc->telno = $data['telno'];
             $usernhc->status = $data['status'];
             //set basic privacy to new user
             $privacy = new Privacy();
             $privacy->userid = $usernhc->getUserIdByUserName($data['username']);
             // $privacy->fname = true;
             // $privacy->lname = false;
             // $privacy->email = false;
             // $privacy->telno = false;
             // $privacy->agency = false;
             // $privacy->ministry = false;
             // $privacy->role = false;
             $rs = PrivacyInit::all()->toArray();
             foreach ($rs as $key => $value) {
                 $result[$value['name_en']]['val'] = $value['init_value'];
                 $result[$value['name_en']]['th'] = $value['name_th'];
                 $result[$value['name_en']]['en'] = $value['name_en'];
             $privacy->fname = $result['fname']['val'];
             $privacy->lname = $result['lname']['val'];
             $privacy->email = $result['email']['val'];
             $privacy->telno = $result['telno']['val'];
             $privacy->agency = $result['agency']['val'];
             $privacy->ministry = $result['ministry']['val'];
             $privacy->role = $result['role']['val'];
             $role = new RoleUser();
             $role->role_id = 6;
             $role->user_id = $usernhc->getUserIdByUserName($data['username']);
             return Redirect::route('login')->with('success', 'ระบบบันทึกการลงทะเบียนสำเร็จกรุณารอ 24 ชั่วโมงจึงจะสามารถเข้าใช้งานระบบได้');
         } else {
             return Redirect::route('regis')->withInput()->withErrors(array('message' => 'อีเมล์หรือชื่อผู้ใช้งานมีอยู่ในระบบแล้ว'));
     } else {
         return Redirect::route('regis')->withErrors($validator);