} } return $newArray; } public function remove($node) { $this->_nodes = self::array_remove($this->_nodes, $node); $this->_nodesCount = count($this->_nodes); } public function get($key) { $count = $this->_nodesCount; if ($count === 0) { throw new RuntimeException('No connections'); } return $this->_nodes[$count > 1 ? abs(crc32($key) % $count) : 0]; } public function generateKey($value) { return crc32($value); } } $options = array('key_distribution' => new NaiveDistributionStrategy()); $redis = new Predis_Client($multiple_servers, $options); for ($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++) { $redis->set("key:{$i}", str_pad($i, 4, '0', 0)); $redis->get("key:{$i}"); } $server1 = $redis->getClientFor('first')->info(); $server2 = $redis->getClientFor('second')->info(); printf("Server '%s' has %d keys while server '%s' has %d keys.\n", 'first', $server1['db15']['keys'], 'second', $server2['db15']['keys']);
<?php require '../php/predis/lib/Predis.php'; // simple set and get scenario $single_server = array('host' => '', 'port' => 6379, 'database' => 0); $redis = new Predis_Client($single_server); $result = $redis->get('user_data_2'); echo strlen($result) . "\n";
if ($debug) { echo "<!-- manual refresh was required -->\n"; } $redis->del($redis_key); $redis->del("ssl_" . $redis_key); require $wp_blog_header_path; //$unlimited = get_option('wp-redis-cache-debug',false); $seconds_cache_redis = get_option('wp-redis-cache-seconds', 86400); // This page is cached, lets display it } else { if ($redis->exists($redis_key)) { if ($debug) { echo "<!-- serving page from cache: key: {$redis_key} -->\n"; } $cache = true; $html_of_page = $redis->get($redis_key); if ($compress) { $html_of_page = gzuncompress($html_of_page); } echo $html_of_page; // If the cache does not exist lets display the user the normal page without cache, and then fetch a new cache page } else { if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] != $websiteIp && strstr($current_url, 'preview=true') == false) { if ($debug) { echo "<!-- displaying page without cache -->\n"; } $isPOST = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST' ? 1 : 0; $loggedIn = preg_match("/wordpress_logged_in/", var_export($_COOKIE, true)); if (!$isPOST && !$loggedIn) { ob_start(); $level = ob_get_level();
<?php require 'predis/lib/Predis.php'; // simple set and get scenario $single_server = array('host' => '', 'port' => 6379, 'database' => 15); $redis = new Predis_Client($single_server); $retval = $redis->get('user_data'); /* $raw = gzuncompress($retval); $document = json_decode($raw, true); $document['TWIDDLE'] = mt_rand(0, 10000); for($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++){ for($j = 0; $j < 100; $j++){ $k = sin($i) * tan($j); } } */ //echo "Len: " . strlen($raw) . " new val : " . $document['TWIDDLE']; //print_r(json_encode($document)); //$retval = $redis->set('user_data', gzcompress(json_encode($document))); $redis->set('user_data', $retval); echo "OK\n"; //print_r($retval);
<?php require_once 'SharedConfigurations.php'; // simple set and get scenario $redis = new Predis_Client($single_server); $redis->set('library', 'predis'); $retval = $redis->get('library'); print_r($retval); /* OUTPUT predis */
/** * @see sfCache */ public function getLastModified($key) { return $this->redis->get($this->getKey($key, '_lastmodified')); }