コード例 #1

require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$client = new Predis\Client(array('host' => '', 'port' => 6379), array('prefix' => 'php:'));
$client->lpush('blocking:queue', 'first');
$client->lpush('blocking:queue', 'second');
$client->blpop(['blocking:queue'], 0);
# array('php:blocking:queue', 'second')
$client->brpop(['blocking:queue'], 0);
# array('php:blocking:queue', 'first')
$client->rpush('blocking:source', 'message');
$client->brpoplpush('blocking:source', 'blocking:destination', 0);
# 'message'
コード例 #2
// Add the job to the high priority queue
$predis->rpush('queue.priority.high', json_encode($job));
// Or, you could add it to the normal or low priority queue.
$predis->rpush('queue.priority.normal', json_encode($job));
$predis->rpush('queue.priority.low', json_encode($job));
 * Simple Continuous While Loop
// Always True
while (1) {
    /* ... perform tasks here ...  */
 * Checking the Queue
$job = $predis->blpop('queue.priority.high', 'queue.priority.normal', 'queue.priority.low', 10);
 * Checking to see if a Job was returned
if ($job) {
    // Index 0 of the array holds which queue was returned
    $queue_name = $job[0];
    // Index 1 of the array holds the string value of the job.
    // Since we are passing it JSON, we'll decode it:
    $details = json_decode($job[1]);
    /* ... do job work ... */
 * A Smarter While Statement
// Set the time limit for php to 0 seconds
コード例 #3

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 * Description of list_pop_movement
 * @author changdi
require "../shared.php";
$predis = new Predis\Client($single_server);
var_dump($predis->brpoplpush('list', 'list2', 1));
var_dump($predis->blpop(['list', 'list2'], 1));
var_dump($predis->blpop(['list', 'list2'], 1));
var_dump($predis->blpop(['list', 'list2'], 1));
var_dump($predis->blpop(['list', 'list2'], 1));
var_dump($predis->lrange('list', 0, -1));
var_dump($predis->lrange('list2', 0, -1));