echo $op->form_get('do.php?' . $url); echo '</div>'; echo '<div id="jrn_name_div">'; echo '<h2 id="jrn_name" style="display:inline">' . $ledger->get_name() . '</h2>'; echo '</div>'; // Show the predef operation // Don't forget the p_jrn $p_post = $_POST; if (isset($_GET['action']) && !isset($_POST['correct'])) { if ($_GET['action'] == 'use_opd') { // get data from predef. operation $op = new Pre_op_advanced($cn); $p_post = null; if (isset($_REQUEST['pre_def']) && $_REQUEST['pre_def'] != '') { $op->set_od_id($_REQUEST['pre_def']); $p_post = $op->compute_array(); } } } $p_msg = isset($p_msg) ? $p_msg : ""; print '<p class="notice">' . $p_msg . '</p>'; echo '<form method="post" class="print">'; echo dossier::hidden(); echo HtmlInput::request_to_hidden(array('ac')); echo $ledger->input($p_post); echo '<div style="position:absolute;width:40%;right:20px">'; echo '<table class="info_op">' . '<tr>' . td(_('Débit')) . '<td id="totalDeb"></td>' . td(_('Crédit')) . ' <td id="totalCred"></td>' . td(_('Difference')) . ' <td id="totalDiff"></td>'; echo '</table>'; echo '</div>'; $iconcerned = new IConcerned('jrn_concerned'); $iconcerned->amount_id = "totalDeb";
/** * @brief this function is intended to test this class */ static function test_me($pCase = '') { if ($pCase == '') { echo Acc_Reconciliation::$javascript; html_page_start(); $cn = new Database(dossier::id()); $_SESSION['g_user'] = '******'; $_SESSION['g_pass'] = '******'; $id = isset($_REQUEST['p_jrn']) ? $_REQUEST['p_jrn'] : -1; $a = new Acc_Ledger($cn, $id); $a->with_concerned = true; // Vide echo '<FORM method="post">'; echo $a->select_ledger()->input(); echo HtmlInput::submit('go', 'Test it'); echo '</form>'; if (isset($_POST['go'])) { echo "Ok "; echo '<form method="post">'; echo $a->show_form(); echo HtmlInput::submit('post_id', 'Try me'); echo '</form>'; // Show the predef operation // Don't forget the p_jrn echo '<form>'; echo dossier::hidden(); echo '<input type="hidden" value="' . $id . '" name="p_jrn">'; $op = new Pre_operation($cn); $op->p_jrn = $id; $op->od_direct = 't'; if ($op->count() != 0) { echo HtmlInput::submit('use_opd', 'Utilisez une opération prédéfinie', "", "smallbutton"); echo $op->show_button(); } echo '</form>'; exit('test_me'); } if (isset($_POST['post_id'])) { echo '<form method="post">'; echo $a->show_form($_POST, 1); echo HtmlInput::button('add', 'Ajout d\'une ligne', 'onClick="quick_writing_add_row()"'); echo HtmlInput::submit('save_it', _("Sauver")); echo '</form>'; exit('test_me'); } if (isset($_POST['save_it'])) { print 'saving'; $array = $_POST; $array['save_opd'] = 1; try { $a->save($array); } catch (Exception $e) { alert($e->getMessage()); echo '<form method="post">'; echo $a->show_form($_POST); echo HtmlInput::submit('post_id', 'Try me'); echo '</form>'; } return; } // The GET at the end because automatically repost when you don't // specify the url in the METHOD field if (isset($_GET['use_opd'])) { $op = new Pre_op_advanced($cn); $op->set_od_id($_REQUEST['pre_def']); //$op->p_jrn=$id; $p_post = $op->compute_array(); echo '<FORM method="post">'; echo $a->show_form($p_post); echo HtmlInput::submit('post_id', 'Use predefined operation'); echo '</form>'; return; } } // if case = '' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // search if ($pCase == 'search') { html_page_start(); $cn = new Database(dossier::id()); $ledger = new Acc_Ledger($cn, 0); $_SESSION['g_user'] = '******'; $_SESSION['g_pass'] = '******'; echo $ledger->search_form('ALL'); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // reverse // Give yourself the var and check in your tables /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if ($pCase == 'reverse') { $cn = new Database(dossier::id()); $jr_internal = 'OD-01-272'; try { $cn->start(); $jrn_def_id = $cn->get_value('select jr_def_id from jrn where jr_internal=$1', array($jr_internal)); $ledger = new Acc_Ledger($cn, $jrn_def_id); $ledger->jr_id = $cn->get_value('select jr_id from jrn where jr_internal=$1', array($jr_internal)); echo "Ouvrez le fichier " . __FILE__ . " à la ligne " . __LINE__ . " pour changer jr_internal et vérifier le résultat de l'extourne"; $ledger->reverse('01.07.2010'); } catch (Exception $e) { $cn->rollback(); var_dump($e); } $cn->commit(); } }