コード例 #1
// set zone
$zone = $PowerDNS->get_ptr_zone_name($subnet->ip, $subnet->mask);
// try to fetch domain
$domain = $PowerDNS->fetch_domain_by_name($zone);
// default values
$values = json_decode($User->settings->powerDNS, true);
$values['name'] = $zone;
// domain missing, create it and default records
if ($domain === false) {
    // create domain
    $PowerDNS->domain_edit("add", array("name" => $zone, "type" => "NATIVE"));
    // create default records
// remove existing records and links
// fetch all hosts
$hosts = $Addresses->fetch_subnet_addresses($subnet->id, "ip_addr", "asc");
// create PTR records
if (sizeof($hosts) > 0) {
    foreach ($hosts as $h) {
        // ignore PTR
        if ($h->PTRignore == "1") {
            $ignored[] = $h;
        } elseif ($Result->validate_hostname($h->dns_name) !== false) {
            // formulate new record
            $record = $PowerDNS->formulate_new_record($domain->id, $PowerDNS->get_ip_ptr_name($h->ip), "PTR", $h->dns_name, $values['ttl']);
            // insert record
            $PowerDNS->add_domain_record($record, false);
            // link
コード例 #2
// try to fetch domain
$domain = $PowerDNS->fetch_domain_by_name($zone);
// default values
$values = json_decode($User->settings->powerDNS, true);
$values['name'] = $zone;
// domain missing, create it and default records
if ($domain === false) {
    // create domain
    $PowerDNS->domain_edit("add", array("name" => $zone, "type" => "NATIVE"));
    // create default records
// fetch PTR records for current domain
$ptr_indexes = $Addresses->ptr_get_subnet_indexes($subnet->id);
// remove existing records and links
$PowerDNS->remove_all_ptr_records($domain->id, $ptr_indexes);
// fetch all hosts
$hosts = $Addresses->fetch_subnet_addresses($subnet->id, "ip_addr", "asc");
// create PTR records
if (sizeof($hosts) > 0) {
    foreach ($hosts as $h) {
        // set default hostname for PTR if set
        if (strlen($h->dns_name) == 0) {
            if (strlen($values['def_ptr_domain']) > 0) {
                $h->dns_name = $values['def_ptr_domain'];
        // ignore PTR
        if ($h->PTRignore == "1") {
            $ignored[] = $h;