コード例 #1
ファイル: fusionax.php プロジェクト: Ekleog/platal
 function handler_issues_promo($page, $action = '')
     if ($action == 'edit') {
         $issues = XDB::rawIterRow('SELECT  p.pid, pd.directory_name, pd.promo, pm.entry_year_ax, pe.entry_year, pe.grad_year
                                      FROM  profile_merge_issues AS pm
                                INNER JOIN  profiles             AS p  ON (pm.pid = p.pid)
                                INNER JOIN  profile_display      AS pd ON (pd.pid = p.pid)
                                INNER JOIN  profile_education    AS pe ON (pe.pid = p.pid AND FIND_IN_SET(\'primary\', pe.flags))
                                     WHERE  FIND_IN_SET(\'promo\', pm.issues)
                                  ORDER BY  pd.directory_name');
         while (list($pid, $name, $promo, $deathAX, $deathXorgEntry, $deathXorgGrad) = $issues->next()) {
             $choiceXorg = Post::has('XORG_' . $pid);
             if (!(Post::has('display_' . $pid) && Post::has('entry_' . $pid) && Post::has('grad_' . $pid))) {
             $display = Post::i('display_' . $pid);
             $entry = Post::i('entry_' . $pid);
             $grad = Post::i('grad_' . $pid);
             if (!($grad <= $entry + 5 && $grad >= $entry + 3 && ($display >= $entry && $display <= $grad - 3))) {
                 $page->trigError("La promotion de {$name} n'a pas été corrigée.");
             XDB::execute('UPDATE  profile_display
                              SET  promo = {?}
                            WHERE  pid = {?}', 'X' . $display, $pid);
             XDB::execute('UPDATE  profile_education
                              SET  entry_year = {?}, grad_year = {?}
                            WHERE  pid = {?} AND FIND_IN_SET(\'primary\', flags)', $entry, $grad, $pid);
             $page->trigSuccess("La promotion de {$name} a bien été corrigée.");
     $issues = XDB::rawFetchAllAssoc('SELECT  p.pid, p.hrpid, pd.directory_name, pd.promo, pm.entry_year_ax, pe.entry_year, pe.grad_year
                                        FROM  profile_merge_issues AS pm
                                  INNER JOIN  profiles             AS p  ON (pm.pid = p.pid)
                                  INNER JOIN  profile_display      AS pd ON (pd.pid = p.pid)
                                  INNER JOIN  profile_education    AS pe ON (pe.pid = p.pid AND FIND_IN_SET(\'primary\', pe.flags))
                                       WHERE  FIND_IN_SET(\'promo\', pm.issues)
                                    ORDER BY  pd.directory_name');
     $page->assign('issues', $issues);
     $page->assign('total', count($issues));
コード例 #2
ファイル: paypal.inc.php プロジェクト: Ekleog/platal
 function prepareform($pay, $user)
     // Documentation:
     // https://www.paypal.com/developer
     // Warning: the automatic return only works if we force the
     // users to create a paypal account. We do not use it; thus
     // the user must come back on the site.
     global $globals, $platal;
     $this->urlform = 'https://' . $globals->money->paypal_site . '/cgi-bin/webscr';
     $roboturl = str_replace("https://", "http://", $globals->baseurl) . '/' . $platal->ns . "payment/paypal_return/" . $user->id() . "?comment=" . urlencode(Env::v('comment')) . '&display=' . Post::i('display');
     $this->infos = array('commercant' => array('business' => $globals->money->paypal_compte, 'rm' => 2, 'return' => $roboturl, 'cn' => 'Commentaires', 'no_shipping' => 1, 'cbt' => empty($GLOBALS['IS_XNET_SITE']) ? 'Revenir sur polytechnique.org.' : 'Revenir sur polytechnique.net.'));
     $info_client = array('first_name' => $user->firstName(), 'last_name' => $user->lastName(), 'email' => $user->bestEmail());
     if ($user->hasProfile()) {
         $res = XDB::query("SELECT  pa.text, GROUP_CONCAT(pace2.short_name) AS city,\n                                       GROUP_CONCAT(pace3.short_name) AS zip, GROUP_CONCAT(pace1.short_name) AS country,\n                                       IF(pp1.display_tel != '', pp1.display_tel, pp2.display_tel) AS night_phone_b\n                                 FROM  profile_addresses                 AS pa\n                            LEFT JOIN  profile_phones                    AS pp1   ON (pp1.pid = pa.pid AND pp1.link_type = 'address' AND pp1.link_id = pa.id)\n                            LEFT JOIN  profile_phones                    AS pp2   ON (pp2.pid = pa.pid AND pp2.link_type = 'user' AND pp2.link_id = 0)\n                            LEFT JOIN  profile_addresses_components      AS pc    ON (pa.pid = pc.pid AND pa.jobid = pc.jobid AND pa.groupid = pc.groupid\n                                                                                      AND pa.type = pc.type AND pa.id = pc.id)\n                            LEFT JOIN  profile_addresses_components_enum AS pace1 ON (FIND_IN_SET('country', pace1.types) AND pace1.id = pc.component_id)\n                            LEFT JOIN  profile_addresses_components_enum AS pace2 ON (FIND_IN_SET('locality', pace2.types) AND pace2.id = pc.component_id)\n                            LEFT JOIN  profile_addresses_components_enum AS pace3 ON (FIND_IN_SET('postal_code', pace3.types) AND pace3.id = pc.component_id)\n                                WHERE  pa.pid = {?} AND FIND_IN_SET('current', pa.flags)\n                             GROUP BY  pa.pid, pa.jobid, pa.groupid, pa.id, pa.type\n                                LIMIT  1", $user->profile()->id());
         if (is_array($res)) {
             $this->infos['client'] = array_map('replace_accent', array_merge($info_client, $res->fetchOneAssoc()));
             list($this->infos['client']['address1'], $this->infos['client']['address2']) = explode("\n", Geocoder::getFirstLines($this->infos['client']['text'], $this->infos['client']['zip'], 2));
         } else {
             $this->infos['client'] = array_map('replace_accent', $info_client);
     } else {
         $this->infos['client'] = array_map('replace_accent', $info_client);
     // We build the transaction's reference
     $prefix = rand_url_id();
     $fullref = substr("{$prefix}-xorg-{$pay->id}", -15);
     $this->infos['commande'] = array('item_name' => replace_accent($pay->text), 'amount' => $this->val_number, 'currency_code' => 'EUR', 'custom' => $fullref);
     $this->infos['divers'] = array('cmd' => '_xclick');
コード例 #3
ファイル: licenses.php プロジェクト: netixx/frankiz
 public function handler_licenses_final($page, $no_reason = false)
     $softwares = License::getSoftwares();
     $keys = array();
     if (Post::has('disagree') || !$no_reason && !Post::has('resend') && (!Post::has('reason') || Post::v('reason') == "") || !Post::has('software') || !in_array(Post::v('software'), array_keys($softwares))) {
     } else {
         $page->assign('title', "Demande de licence pour {$softwares[Post::v('software')]}");
         $page->assign('software', Post::s('software'));
         $page->assign('software_name', $softwares[Post::s('software')]);
         if (($key = License::adminKey(Post::s('software'))) && License::hasRights(S::user())) {
             $page->assign('direct', true);
         } elseif (Post::has('resend')) {
             $l = License::fetch(array('id' => Post::i('id')));
             if ($l[0]->uid() == S::user()->id()) {
             } else {
                 die("La license n'appartient pas à l'utilisateur courant");
             $page->assign('direct', true);
         } else {
             $lv = new LicensesValidate(Post::s('software'), Post::s('reason'));
             $v = new Validate(array('writer' => S::user(), 'group' => Group::from('licenses'), 'item' => $lv, 'type' => 'licenses'));
             $page->assign('direct', false);
コード例 #4
ファイル: bplccyberplus.inc.php プロジェクト: Ekleog/platal
 function prepareform($pay, $user)
     global $globals, $platal;
     $log = S::v('log');
     // Transaction's reference computation.
     $prefix = rand_url_id();
     $fullref = substr("{$prefix}-{$pay->id}", -12);
     // FIXME : check for duplicates
     $ts = time();
     $trans_date = gmdate("YmdHis", $ts);
     $trans_id = gmdate("His", $ts);
     // FIXME : check for duplicates
     // Form's content.
     $this->urlform = "https://systempay.cyberpluspaiement.com/vads-payment/";
     $this->infos['commercant'] = array('vads_site_id' => $globals->money->cyperplus_account, 'vads_return_mode' => 'NONE', 'vads_url_return' => $pay->url ? $pay->url : $globals->baseurl . '/' . $platal->ns);
     $this->infos['client'] = array('vads_cust_email' => $user->bestEmail(), 'vads_cust_id' => $user->id(), 'vads_cust_name' => substr(self::replaceNonAlpha(replace_accent($user->shortName())), 0, 127));
     $this->infos['commande'] = array('vads_amount' => $this->val, 'vads_currency' => '978', 'vads_payment_config' => 'SINGLE', 'vads_trans_date' => $trans_date, 'vads_trans_id' => $trans_id, 'vads_order_id' => $fullref, 'vads_order_info' => substr(self::replaceNonAlpha(replace_accent(Env::v('comment'))), 0, 255), 'vads_order_info2' => Post::i('display'));
     $this->infos['divers'] = array('vads_version' => 'V2', 'vads_ctx_mode' => $globals->money->cyperplus_prod, 'vads_page_action' => 'PAYMENT', 'vads_action_mode' => 'INTERACTIVE');
     // Entry key computation.
     $all_params = array_merge($this->infos['commercant'], $this->infos['client'], $this->infos['commande'], $this->infos['divers']);
     $this->infos['divers']['signature'] = sha1(join('+', $all_params) . '+' . $globals->money->cyperplus_key);
コード例 #5
ファイル: newsletter.php プロジェクト: Ekleog/platal
 function handler_admin_nl_edit($page, $nid = 'last', $aid = null, $action = 'edit')
     $page->setTitle('Administration - Newsletter : Édition');
     $nl = $this->getNl();
     if (!$nl) {
         return PL_NOT_FOUND;
     try {
         $issue = $nl->getIssue($nid, false);
     } catch (MailNotFound $e) {
         return PL_NOT_FOUND;
     $ufb = $nl->getSubscribersUFB();
     $ufb_keepenv = false;
     // Will be set to True if there were invalid modification to the UFB.
     // Convert NLIssue error messages to human-readable errors
     $error_msgs = array(NLIssue::ERROR_INVALID_REPLY_TO => "L'adresse de réponse est invalide.", NLIssue::ERROR_INVALID_SHORTNAME => "Le nom court est invalide ou vide.", NLIssue::ERROR_INVALID_UFC => "Le filtre des destinataires est invalide.", NLIssue::ERROR_TOO_LONG_UFC => "Le nombre de matricules AX renseigné est trop élevé.", NLIssue::ERROR_SQL_SAVE => "Une erreur est survenue en tentant de sauvegarder la lettre, merci de réessayer.");
     // Update the current issue
     if ($aid == 'update' && Post::has('submit')) {
         // Save common fields
         $issue->title = Post::s('title');
         $issue->title_mail = Post::s('title_mail');
         $issue->head = Post::s('head');
         $issue->signature = Post::s('signature');
         $issue->reply_to = Post::s('reply_to');
         if ($issue->isEditable()) {
             // Date and shortname may only be modified for pending NLs, otherwise all links get broken.
             $issue->date = Post::s('date');
             $issue->shortname = strlen(Post::blank('shortname')) ? null : Post::s('shortname');
             if ($nl->automaticMailingEnabled()) {
                 $issue->send_before = preg_replace('/^(\\d\\d\\d\\d)(\\d\\d)(\\d\\d)$/', '\\1-\\2-\\3', Post::v('send_before_date')) . ' ' . Post::i('send_before_time_Hour') . ':00:00';
         $errors = $issue->save();
         if (count($errors)) {
             foreach ($errors as $error_code) {
     // Delete an article
     if ($action == 'delete') {
         pl_redirect($nl->adminPrefix(true, false) . "/edit/{$nid}");
     // Save an article
     if (Post::v('save')) {
         $art = new NLArticle(Post::v('title'), Post::v('body'), Post::v('append'), $aid, Post::v('cid'), Post::v('pos'));
         pl_redirect($nl->adminPrefix(true, false) . "/edit/{$nid}");
     // Edit an article
     if ($action == 'edit' && $aid != 'update') {
         $eaid = $aid;
         if (Post::has('title')) {
             $art = new NLArticle(Post::v('title'), Post::v('body'), Post::v('append'), $eaid, Post::v('cid'), Post::v('pos'));
         } else {
             $art = $eaid == 'new' ? new NLArticle() : $issue->getArt($eaid);
         if ($art && !$art->check()) {
             $page->trigError("Cet article est trop long.");
         $page->assign('art', $art);
     // Check blacklisted IPs
     if ($aid == 'blacklist_check') {
         global $globals;
         $ips_to_check = array();
         $blacklist_host_resolution_count = 0;
         foreach ($issue->arts as $key => $articles) {
             foreach ($articles as $article) {
                 $article_ips = $article->getLinkIps($blacklist_host_resolution_count);
                 if (!empty($article_ips)) {
                     $ips_to_check[$article->title()] = $article_ips;
         $page->assign('ips_to_check', $ips_to_check);
         if ($blacklist_host_resolution_count >= $globals->mail->blacklist_host_resolution_limit) {
             $page->trigError("Toutes les url et adresses emails de la lettre" . " n'ont pas été prises en compte car la" . " limite du nombre de résolutions DNS" . " autorisée a été atteinte.");
     if ($issue->state == NLIssue::STATE_SENT) {
         $page->trigWarning("Cette lettre a déjà été envoyée ; il est recommandé de limiter les modifications au maximum (orthographe, adresses web et mail).");
     $page->assign_by_ref('nl', $nl);
     $page->assign_by_ref('issue', $issue);
コード例 #6
ファイル: lists.php プロジェクト: Ekleog/platal
 function handler_create($page)
     global $globals;
     $user_promo = S::user()->profile()->yearPromo();
     $year = date('Y');
     $month = date('m');
     // scolar year starts in september
     $scolarmonth = ($year - $user_promo) * 12 + ($month - 8);
     $young_promo = $very_young_promo = 0;
     // binet are accessible only in april in the first year and until
     // march of the 5th year
     if ($scolarmonth >= 8 && $scolarmonth < 56) {
         $young_promo = 1;
     // PSC aliases are accesible only between september and june of the second
     // year of scolarity
     if ($scolarmonth >= 12 && $scolarmonth < 22) {
         $very_young_promo = 1;
     $page->assign('young_promo', $young_promo);
     $page->assign('very_young_promo', $very_young_promo);
     $owners = preg_split("/[\\s]+/", Post::v('owners'), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
     $members = preg_split("/[\\s]+/", Post::v('members'), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
     // click on validate button 'add_owner_sub' or type <enter>
     if (Post::has('add_owner_sub') && Post::has('add_owner')) {
         // if we want to add an owner and then type <enter>, then both
         // add_owner_sub and add_owner are filled.
         $oforlifes = User::getBulkForlifeEmailsFromEmail(Post::v('add_owner'));
         $mforlifes = User::getBulkForlifeEmailsFromEmail(Post::v('add_member'));
         if (!is_null($oforlifes)) {
             $owners = array_merge($owners, $oforlifes);
         // if we want to add a member and then type <enter>, then
         // add_owner_sub is filled, whereas add_owner is empty.
         if (!is_null($mforlifes)) {
             $members = array_merge($members, $mforlifes);
     // click on validate button 'add_member_sub'
     if (Post::has('add_member_sub') && Post::has('add_member')) {
         $forlifes = User::getBulkForlifeEmailsFromEmail(Post::v('add_member'));
         if (!is_null($forlifes)) {
             $members = array_merge($members, $forlifes);
     if (Post::has('add_member_sub') && isset($_FILES['add_member_file']) && $_FILES['add_member_file']['tmp_name']) {
         $upload =& PlUpload::get($_FILES['add_member_file'], S::user()->login(), 'list.addmember', true);
         if (!$upload) {
             $page->trigError('Une erreur s\'est produite lors du téléchargement du fichier');
         } else {
             $forlifes = User::getBulkForlifeEmailsFromEmail($upload->getContents());
             if (!is_null($forlifes)) {
                 $members = array_merge($members, $forlifes);
     $owners = array_unique($owners);
     $members = array_unique($members);
     $page->assign('owners', join("\n", $owners));
     $page->assign('members', join("\n", $members));
     if (!Post::has('submit')) {
     } else {
     $asso = Post::t('asso');
     $list = strtolower(Post::t('liste'));
     if (empty($list)) {
         $page->trigError('Le champ «&nbsp;adresse souhaitée&nbsp;» est vide.');
     if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9\\-]*\$/", $list)) {
         $page->trigError('Le nom de la liste ne doit contenir que des lettres non accentuées, chiffres et tirets.');
     if ($asso == 'binet' || $asso == 'alias') {
         $promo = Post::i('promo');
         $domain = $promo . '.' . $globals->mail->domain;
         if ($promo < 1921 || $promo > date('Y')) {
             $page->trigError('La promotion est mal renseignée, elle doit être du type&nbsp;: 2004.');
     } elseif ($asso == 'groupex') {
         $domain = XDB::fetchOneCell('SELECT  mail_domain
                                            FROM  groups
                                           WHERE  nom = {?}', Post::t('groupex_name'));
         if (!$domain) {
             $page->trigError('Il n\'y a aucun groupe de ce nom sur Polytechnique.net.');
     } else {
         $domain = $globals->mail->domain;
     require_once 'emails.inc.php';
     if (list_exist($list, $domain)) {
         $page->trigError("L'«&nbsp;adresse souhaitée&nbsp;» est déjà prise.");
     if (!Post::t('desc')) {
         $page->trigError('Le sujet est vide.');
     if (!count($owners)) {
         $page->trigError('Il n\'y a pas de gestionnaire.');
     if (count($members) < 4) {
         $page->trigError('Il n\'y a pas assez de membres.');
     if (!$page->nb_errs()) {
         $page->trigSuccess('Demande de création envoyée&nbsp;!');
         $page->assign('created', true);
         $req = new ListeReq(S::user(), $asso, $list, $domain, Post::t('desc'), Post::i('advertise'), Post::i('modlevel'), Post::i('inslevel'), $owners, $members);
コード例 #7
ファイル: survey.php プロジェクト: Ekleog/platal
 function handler_adminDelete($page, $id = -1)
     $id = Post::i('survey_id', $id);
     if (Post::has('survey_cancel')) {
         // if the admin cancels the suppression, returns to the admin index
         return $this->handler_admin($page, $id);
     if ($id == -1) {
         return $this->show_error($page, "Un identifiant de sondage doit être précisé.", 'survey/admin');
     $id = intval($id);
     $surveyInfo = Survey::retrieveSurveyInfo($id);
     // retrieves information about the survey (does not retrieve and unserialize the object structure)
     if ($surveyInfo == null) {
         return $this->show_error($page, "Sondage " . $id . " introuvable.", 'survey/admin');
     if (Post::has('survey_submit')) {
         // needs a confirmation before suppression
         if (Survey::deleteSurvey($id)) {
             // deletes survey in database
             $this->show_success($page, "Le sondage \"" . $surveyInfo['title'] . "\" a bien été supprimé, ainsi que tous les votes le concernant.", 'survey/admin');
         } else {
             $this->show_error($page, '', 'survey/admin');
     } else {
         // asks for a confirmation
         $this->show_confirm($page, "Êtes-vous certain de vouloir supprimer le sondage \"" . $surveyInfo['title'] . "\" ?", 'admin/del', array('id' => $id));
コード例 #8
ファイル: admin.php プロジェクト: Ekleog/platal
 function handler_add_secondary_edu($page)
     if (!(Post::has('verify') || Post::has('add'))) {
     } elseif (!Post::has('people')) {
         $page->trigWarning("Aucune information n'a été fournie.");
     require_once 'name.func.inc.php';
     $lines = explode("\n", Post::t('people'));
     $separator = Post::t('separator');
     $degree = Post::v('degree');
     $promotion = Post::i('promotion');
     $schoolsList = array_flip(DirEnum::getOptions(DirEnum::EDUSCHOOLS));
     $degreesList = array_flip(DirEnum::getOptions(DirEnum::EDUDEGREES));
     $edu_id = $schoolsList[Profile::EDU_X];
     $degree_id = $degreesList[$degree];
     $res = array('incomplete' => array(), 'empty' => array(), 'multiple' => array(), 'already' => array(), 'new' => array());
     $old_pids = array();
     $new_pids = array();
     foreach ($lines as $line) {
         $line = trim($line);
         $line_array = explode($separator, $line);
         array_walk($line_array, 'trim');
         if (count($line_array) != 3) {
             $page->trigError("La ligne « {$line} » est incomplète.");
             $res['incomplete'][] = $line;
         $cond = new PFC_And(new UFC_NameTokens(split_name_for_search($line_array[0]), array(), false, false, Profile::LASTNAME));
         $cond->addChild(new UFC_NameTokens(split_name_for_search($line_array[1]), array(), false, false, Profile::FIRSTNAME));
         $cond->addChild(new UFC_Promo('=', UserFilter::DISPLAY, $line_array[2]));
         $uf = new UserFilter($cond);
         $pid = $uf->getPIDs();
         $count = count($pid);
         if ($count == 0) {
             $page->trigError("La ligne « {$line} » ne correspond à aucun profil existant.");
             $res['empty'][] = $line;
         } elseif ($count > 1) {
             $page->trigError("La ligne « {$line} » correspond à plusieurs profils existant.");
             $res['multiple'][] = $line;
         } else {
             $count = XDB::fetchOneCell('SELECT  COUNT(*) AS count
                                           FROM  profile_education
                                          WHERE  pid = {?} AND eduid = {?} AND degreeid = {?}', $pid, $edu_id, $degree_id);
             if ($count == 1) {
                 $res['already'][] = $line;
                 $old_pids[] = $pid[0];
             } else {
                 $res['new'][] = $line;
                 $new_pids[] = $pid[0];
     $display = array();
     foreach ($res as $type => $res_type) {
         if (count($res_type) > 0) {
             $display = array_merge($display, array('--------------------' . $type . ':'), $res_type);
     $page->assign('people', implode("\n", $display));
     $page->assign('promotion', $promotion);
     $page->assign('degree', $degree);
     if (Post::has('add')) {
         $entry_year = $promotion - Profile::educationDuration($degree);
         if (Post::b('force_addition')) {
             $pids = array_unique(array_merge($old_pids, $new_pids));
         } else {
             $pids = array_unique($new_pids);
             // Updates years.
             if (count($old_pids)) {
                 XDB::execute('UPDATE  profile_education
                                  SET  entry_year = {?}, grad_year = {?}, promo_year = {?}
                                WHERE  pid IN {?} AND eduid = {?} AND degreeid = {?}', $entry_year, $promotion, $promotion, $old_pids, $edu_id, $degree_id);
         // Precomputes values common to all users.
         $select = XDB::format('MAX(id) + 1, pid, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, \'secondary\'', $edu_id, $degree_id, $entry_year, $promotion, $promotion);
         foreach ($pids as $pid) {
             XDB::execute('INSERT INTO  profile_education (id, pid, eduid, degreeid, entry_year, grad_year, promo_year, flags)
                                SELECT  ' . $select . '
                                  FROM  profile_education
                                 WHERE  pid = {?}
                              GROUP BY  pid', $pid);
コード例 #9
ファイル: events.php プロジェクト: Ekleog/platal
 function handler_admin_events($page, $action = 'list', $eid = null)
     $page->setTitle('Administration - Evenements');
     $page->register_modifier('hde', 'html_entity_decode');
     $arch = $action == 'archives';
     $page->assign('action', $action);
     $upload = new PlUpload(S::user()->login(), 'event');
     if ((Env::has('preview') || Post::v('action') == "Proposer") && $eid) {
         $action = 'edit';
         $this->upload_image($page, $upload);
     if (Post::v('action') == 'Pas d\'image' && $eid) {
         XDB::execute("DELETE FROM announce_photos WHERE eid = {?}", $eid);
         $action = 'edit';
     } elseif (Post::v('action') == 'Supprimer l\'image' && $eid) {
         $action = 'edit';
     } elseif (Post::v('action') == "Proposer" && $eid) {
         $promo_min = Post::i('promo_min');
         $promo_max = Post::i('promo_max');
         if ($promo_min != 0 && ($promo_min <= 1900 || $promo_min >= 2020) || $promo_max != 0 && ($promo_max <= 1900 || $promo_max >= 2020 || $promo_max < $promo_min)) {
             $page->trigError("L'intervalle de promotions {$promo_min} -> {$promo_max} n'est pas valide");
             $action = 'edit';
         } else {
             $res = XDB::query('SELECT flags FROM announces WHERE id = {?}', $eid);
             $flags = new PlFlagSet($res->fetchOneCell());
             if (Post::v('important')) {
             } else {
             XDB::execute('UPDATE announces
                              SET creation_date = creation_date,
                                  titre={?}, texte={?}, expiration={?}, promo_min={?}, promo_max={?},
                                  flags = {?}
                            WHERE id = {?}', Post::v('titre'), Post::v('texte'), Post::v('expiration'), Post::v('promo_min'), Post::v('promo_max'), $flags, $eid);
             if ($upload->exists() && (list($x, $y, $type) = $upload->imageInfo())) {
                 XDB::execute('INSERT INTO  announce_photos (eid, attachmime, attach, x, y)
                                    VALUES  ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})
                   ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE  attachmime = VALUES(attachmime), attach = VALUES(attach), x = VALUES(x), y = VALUES(y)', $eid, $type, $upload->getContents(), $x, $y);
     if ($action == 'edit') {
         $res = XDB::query('SELECT titre, texte, expiration, promo_min, promo_max, FIND_IN_SET(\'important\', flags),
                                   attach IS NOT NULL
                              FROM announces       AS e
                         LEFT JOIN announce_photos AS p ON(e.id = p.eid)
                             WHERE id={?}', $eid);
         list($titre, $texte, $expiration, $promo_min, $promo_max, $important, $img) = $res->fetchOneRow();
         $page->assign('titre', $titre);
         $page->assign('texte', $texte);
         $page->assign('promo_min', $promo_min);
         $page->assign('promo_max', $promo_max);
         $page->assign('expiration', $expiration);
         $page->assign('important', $important);
         $page->assign('eid', $eid);
         $page->assign('img', $img);
         $page->assign_by_ref('upload', $upload);
         $select = "";
         for ($i = 1; $i < 30; $i++) {
             $p_stamp = date("Ymd", time() + 3600 * 24 * $i);
             $year = substr($p_stamp, 0, 4);
             $month = substr($p_stamp, 4, 2);
             $day = substr($p_stamp, 6, 2);
             $select .= "<option value=\"{$p_stamp}\"" . ($p_stamp == strtr($expiration, array("-" => "")) ? " selected" : "") . "> {$day} / {$month} / {$year}</option>\n";
         $page->assign('select', $select);
     } else {
         switch ($action) {
             case 'delete':
                 XDB::execute('DELETE from announces
                                WHERE id = {?}', $eid);
             case "archive":
                 XDB::execute('UPDATE announces
                                  SET creation_date = creation_date, flags = CONCAT(flags,",archive")
                                WHERE id = {?}', $eid);
             case "unarchive":
                 XDB::execute('UPDATE announces
                                  SET creation_date = creation_date, flags = REPLACE(flags,"archive","")
                                WHERE id = {?}', $eid);
                 $action = 'archives';
                 $arch = true;
             case "valid":
                 XDB::execute('UPDATE announces
                                  SET creation_date = creation_date, flags = CONCAT(flags,",valide")
                                WHERE id = {?}', $eid);
             case "unvalid":
                 XDB::execute('UPDATE announces
                                  SET creation_date = creation_date, flags = REPLACE(flags,"valide", "")
                                WHERE id = {?}', $eid);
         $pid = $eid && $action == 'preview' ? $eid : -1;
         $sql = "SELECT  e.id, e.titre, e.texte,e.id = {$pid} AS preview, e.uid,\n                            DATE_FORMAT(e.creation_date,'%d/%m/%Y %T') AS creation_date,\n                            DATE_FORMAT(e.expiration,'%d/%m/%Y') AS expiration,\n                            e.promo_min, e.promo_max,\n                            FIND_IN_SET('valide', e.flags) AS fvalide,\n                            FIND_IN_SET('archive', e.flags) AS farch,\n                            FIND_IN_SET('wiki', e.flags) AS wiki\n                      FROM  announces    AS e\n                     WHERE  " . ($arch ? "" : "!") . "FIND_IN_SET('archive',e.flags)\n                  ORDER BY  FIND_IN_SET('valide',e.flags), e.expiration DESC";
         $page->assign('evs', XDB::iterator($sql));
     $page->assign('arch', $arch);
     $page->assign('admin_evts', true);
コード例 #10
ファイル: register.php プロジェクト: Ekleog/platal
 function handler_register($page, $hash = null)
     $alert = array();
     $alert_details = '';
     $subState = new PlDict(S::v('subState', array()));
     if (!$subState->has('step')) {
         $subState->set('step', 0);
     if (!$subState->has('backs')) {
         $subState->set('backs', new PlDict());
     if (Get::has('back') && Get::i('back') < $subState->i('step')) {
         $subState->set('step', max(0, Get::i('back')));
         $subState->v('backs')->set($subState->v('backs')->count() + 1, $subState->dict());
         if ($subState->v('backs')->count() == 3) {
             $alert[] = "Tentative d'inscription très hésitante";
             $alert_details .= "\n   * Retours en arrières : 3.";
     if ($hash) {
         $res = XDB::query("SELECT  a.uid, a.hruid, ppn.lastname_initial AS lastname, ppn.firstname_initial AS firstname, p.xorg_id AS xorgid,\n                                       pd.promo, pe.promo_year AS yearpromo, pde.degree AS edu_type,\n                                       p.birthdate_ref AS birthdateRef, FIND_IN_SET('watch', a.flags) AS watch, m.hash, a.type, a.comment\n                                 FROM  register_marketing AS m\n                           INNER JOIN  accounts           AS a   ON (m.uid = a.uid)\n                           INNER JOIN  account_profiles   AS ap  ON (a.uid = ap.uid AND FIND_IN_SET('owner', ap.perms))\n                           INNER JOIN  profiles           AS p   ON (p.pid = ap.pid)\n                           INNER JOIN  profile_display    AS pd  ON (p.pid = pd.pid)\n                           INNER JOIN  profile_education  AS pe  ON (pe.pid = p.pid AND FIND_IN_SET('primary', pe.flags))\n                           INNER JOIN  profile_education_degree_enum AS pde ON (pde.id = pe.degreeid)\n                           INNER JOIN  profile_public_names AS ppn ON (ppn.pid = p.pid)\n                                WHERE  m.hash = {?} AND a.state = 'pending'", $hash);
         if ($res->numRows() == 1) {
             $subState->set('main_mail_domain', User::$sub_mail_domains[$subState->v('type')]);
             XDB::execute('INSERT INTO  register_mstats (uid, sender, success)
                                SELECT  m.uid, m.sender, 0
                                  FROM  register_marketing AS m
                                 WHERE  m.hash
               ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE  sender = VALUES(sender), success = VALUES(success)', $subState->s('hash'));
     switch ($subState->i('step')) {
         case 0:
             $wp = new PlWikiPage('Reference.Charte');
             if (Post::has('step1')) {
                 $subState->set('step', 1);
                 if ($subState->has('hash')) {
                     $subState->set('step', 3);
         case 1:
             if (Post::has('yearpromo')) {
                 $edu_type = Post::t('edu_type');
                 $yearpromo = Post::i('yearpromo');
                 $promo = Profile::$cycle_prefixes[$edu_type] . $yearpromo;
                 $res = XDB::query("SELECT  COUNT(*)\n                                         FROM  accounts         AS a\n                                   INNER JOIN  account_profiles AS ap ON (a.uid = ap.uid AND FIND_IN_SET('owner', ap.perms))\n                                   INNER JOIN  profiles         AS p  ON (p.pid = ap.pid)\n                                   INNER JOIN  profile_education AS pe ON (pe.pid = p.pid AND FIND_IN_SET('primary', pe.flags))\n                                        WHERE  a.state = 'pending' AND p.deathdate IS NULL AND pe.promo_year = {?}", $yearpromo);
                 if (!$res->fetchOneCell()) {
                     $error = 'La promotion saisie est incorrecte ou tous les camarades de cette promotion sont inscrits !';
                 } else {
                     $subState->set('step', 2);
                     $subState->set('promo', $promo);
                     $subState->set('yearpromo', $yearpromo);
                     $subState->set('edu_type', $edu_type);
                     if ($edu_type == Profile::DEGREE_X) {
                         if ($yearpromo >= 1996 && $yearpromo < 2000) {
                             $subState->set('schoolid', $yearpromo % 100 * 10 . '???');
                             $subState->set('schoolid_exemple', $yearpromo % 100 * 10000 + 532);
                             $subState->set('schoolid_exemple_ev2', ($yearpromo + 1) % 100 * 10000 + 532);
                         } elseif ($yearpromo >= 2000) {
                             $subState->set('schoolid', 100 + $yearpromo % 100 . '???');
                             $subState->set('schoolid_exemple', (100 + $yearpromo % 100) * 1000 + 532);
                             $subState->set('schoolid_exemple_ev2', (100 + ($yearpromo + 1) % 100) * 1000 + 532);
         case 2:
             if (count($_POST)) {
                 $subState->set('firstname', Post::t('firstname'));
                 $subState->set('lastname', Post::t('lastname'));
                 if (Post::has('schoolid')) {
                     $subState->set('schoolid', Post::i('schoolid'));
                 $error = checkNewUser($subState);
                 if ($error !== true) {
                 $error = createAliases($subState);
                 if ($error === true) {
                     $subState->set('step', 3);
         case 3:
             if (count($_POST)) {
                 // Validate the email address format and domain.
                 require_once 'emails.inc.php';
                 $user = User::get($subState->s('uid'));
                 if (!isvalid_email(Post::v('email'))) {
                     $error[] = "Le champ 'Email' n'est pas valide.";
                 } elseif (!isvalid_email_redirection(Post::v('email'), $user)) {
                     $error[] = $subState->s('forlife') . ' doit renvoyer vers un email existant ' . 'valide, en particulier, il ne peut pas être renvoyé vers lui-même.';
                 // Validate the birthday format and range.
                 $birth = Post::t('birthdate');
                 if (!preg_match('@^[0-3]?\\d/[01]?\\d/(19|20)?\\d{2}$@', $birth)) {
                     $error[] = "La 'Date de naissance' n'est pas correcte.";
                 } else {
                     $birth = explode('/', $birth, 3);
                     for ($i = 0; $i < 3; ++$i) {
                         $birth[$i] = intval($birth[$i]);
                     if ($birth[2] < 100) {
                         $birth[2] += 1900;
                     $year = $birth[2];
                     $ref_year = substr($subState->v('birthdateRef'), 0, 4);
                     if (abs($ref_year - $year) > 2) {
                         $error[] = "La 'Date de naissance' n'est pas correcte.";
                         $alert[] = "Date de naissance incorrecte à l'inscription";
                         $alert_details .= "\n   * Date de naissance renseignée : " . Post::t('birthdate');
                         if ($subState->v('birthdateRef') == '0000-00-00') {
                             $alert_details .= ' (date inconnue)';
                         } else {
                             $alert_details .= ' (date connue : ' . $subState->v('birthdateRef') . ')';
                         $subState->set('wrong_birthdate', $birth);
                 // Register the optional services requested by the user.
                 $services = array();
                 foreach (array('com_letters', 'imap', 'ml_promo', 'nl') as $service) {
                     if (Post::b($service)) {
                         $services[] = $service;
                 $subState->set('services', $services);
                 // Validate the password.
                 if (!Post::v('pwhash', false)) {
                     $error[] = "Le mot de passe n'est pas valide.";
                 // Check if the given email is known as dangerous.
                 $res = XDB::query("SELECT  state, description\n                                         FROM  email_watch\n                                        WHERE  email = {?} AND state != 'safe'", Post::v('email'));
                 $bannedEmail = false;
                 if ($res->numRows()) {
                     list($state, $description) = $res->fetchOneRow();
                     $alert[] = "Email surveillé proposé à l'inscription";
                     $alert_details .= "\n   * Email surveillé : " . Post::v('email');
                     $subState->set('email_desc', $description);
                     if ($state == 'dangerous') {
                         $bannedEmail = true;
                 if ($subState->i('watch') != 0) {
                     $alert[] = "Inscription d'un utilisateur surveillé";
                     $alert_details .= "\n   * Commentaire pour la surveillance : " . $subState->v('comment');
                 if ($bannedIp = check_ip('unsafe')) {
                 if (isset($error)) {
                     $error = join('<br />', $error);
                 } else {
                     $subState->set('birthdate', sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d", intval($birth[2]), intval($birth[1]), intval($birth[0])));
                     $subState->set('email', Post::t('email'));
                     $subState->set('password', Post::t('pwhash'));
                     // Update the current alert if the birthdate is incorrect,
                     // or if the IP address of the user has been banned.
                     if ($subState->s('birthdateRef') != '0000-00-00' && $subState->s('birthdateRef') != $subState->s('birthdate')) {
                         $alert[] = "Date de naissance incorrecte à l'inscription";
                         $alert_details .= "\n   * Date de naissance renseignée : " . Post::t('birthdate');
                         if ($subState->v('birthdateRef') == '0000-00-00') {
                             $alert_details .= ' (date inconnue)';
                         } else {
                             $alert_details .= ' (date connue : ' . $subState->v('birthdateRef') . ')';
                     if ($bannedIp) {
                         $alert[] = "Tentative d'inscription depuis une IP surveillée";
                         $alert_details .= "\n   * IP surveillée : " . $_SESSION['check_ip'];
                     // Prevent banned user from actually registering; save the current state for others.
                     if ($bannedEmail || $bannedIp) {
                         global $globals;
                         $error = "Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'inscription." . " Merci de contacter <a href='mailto:register@{$globals->mail->domain}>" . " register@{$globals->mail->domain}</a>" . " pour nous faire part de cette erreur.";
                     } else {
                         $subState->set('step', 4);
                         if ($subState->v('backs')->count() >= 3) {
                             $alert[] = "Fin d'une inscription hésitante";
                             $alert_details .= "\n   * Nombre de retours en arrière : " . $subState->v('backs')->count();
     $_SESSION['subState'] = $subState->dict();
     if (count($alert)) {
         $alert_details = "Détails des alertes :" . $alert_details . "\n\n";
         $alert_details .= 'Compte concerné : ' . $subState->s('forlife') . ' (redirection vers : ' . ($subState->s('email') == '' ? Post::t('email') : $subState->s('email')) . ")\n\n\n";
         send_warning_mail(implode(' - ', $alert), $alert_details);
     $page->changeTpl('register/step' . $subState->i('step') . '.tpl');
     if (isset($error)) {
コード例 #11
ファイル: page.inc.php プロジェクト: Ekleog/platal
 public function process(&$global_success)
     $global_success = true;
     foreach ($this->settings as $field => &$setting) {
         $success = false;
         if (!is_null($setting)) {
             $this->values[$field] = $setting->value($this, $field, Post::v($field, ''), $success);
         } else {
             $success = true;
             $this->values[$field] = Post::v($field, '');
         $this->errors[$field] = !$success;
         $global_success = $global_success && $success;
     if ($global_success) {
         if ($this->checkChanges()) {
             /* Save changes atomically to avoid inconsistent state
              * in case of error.
             if (!XDB::runTransaction(array($this, 'saveData'))) {
                 $global_success = false;
                 return PlWizard::CURRENT_PAGE;
         // XXX: removes this code once all merge related issues have been fixed.
         static $issues = array(0 => array('name', 'promo', 'phone', 'education'), 1 => array('address'), 2 => array('job'));
         if (isset($issues[Post::i('valid_page')])) {
             foreach ($issues[Post::i('valid_page')] as $issue) {
                 XDB::execute("UPDATE  profile_merge_issues\n                                     SET  issues = REPLACE(issues, {?}, '')\n                                   WHERE  pid = {?}", $issue, $this->pid());
         return Post::has('next_page') ? PlWizard::NEXT_PAGE : PlWizard::CURRENT_PAGE;
     $text = "Certains champs n'ont pas pu être validés, merci de corriger les informations " . (S::user()->isMe($this->owner) ? "de ton profil et de revalider ta demande." : "du profil et de revalider ta demande.");
     return PlWizard::CURRENT_PAGE;
コード例 #12
ファイル: xnetgrp.php プロジェクト: Ekleog/platal
 function handler_edit_announce($page, $aid = null)
     global $globals, $platal;
     $page->assign('new', is_null($aid));
     $art = array();
     if (Post::v('valid') == 'Visualiser' || Post::v('valid') == 'Enregistrer' || Post::v('valid') == 'Supprimer l\'image' || Post::v('valid') == 'Pas d\'image') {
         if (!is_null($aid)) {
             $art['id'] = $aid;
         $art['titre'] = Post::v('titre');
         $art['texte'] = Post::v('texte');
         $art['contacts'] = Post::v('contacts');
         $art['promo_min'] = Post::i('promo_min');
         $art['promo_max'] = Post::i('promo_max');
         $art['nom'] = S::v('nom');
         $art['prenom'] = S::v('prenom');
         $art['promo'] = S::v('promo');
         $art['hruid'] = S::user()->login();
         $art['uid'] = S::user()->id();
         $art['expiration'] = Post::v('expiration');
         $art['public'] = Post::has('public');
         $art['xorg'] = Post::has('xorg');
         $art['nl'] = Post::has('nl');
         $art['event'] = Post::v('event');
         $upload = new PlUpload(S::user()->login(), 'xnetannounce');
         $this->upload_image($page, $upload);
         $art['contact_html'] = $art['contacts'];
         if ($art['event']) {
             $art['contact_html'] .= "\n{$globals->baseurl}/{$platal->ns}events/sub/{$art['event']}";
         if (!$art['public'] && ($art['promo_min'] > $art['promo_max'] && $art['promo_max'] != 0 || $art['promo_min'] != 0 && ($art['promo_min'] <= 1900 || $art['promo_min'] >= 2020) || $art['promo_max'] != 0 && ($art['promo_max'] <= 1900 || $art['promo_max'] >= 2020))) {
             $page->trigError("L'intervalle de promotions est invalide.");
         if (!trim($art['titre']) || !trim($art['texte'])) {
             $page->trigError("L'article doit avoir un titre et un contenu.");
         if (Post::v('valid') == 'Supprimer l\'image') {
         $art['photo'] = $upload->exists() || Post::i('photo');
         if (Post::v('valid') == 'Pas d\'image' && !is_null($aid)) {
             XDB::query('DELETE FROM  group_announces_photo
                               WHERE  eid = {?}', $aid);
             $art['photo'] = false;
     if (Post::v('valid') == 'Enregistrer') {
         $promo_min = $art['public'] ? 0 : $art['promo_min'];
         $promo_max = $art['public'] ? 0 : $art['promo_max'];
         $flags = new PlFlagSet();
         if ($art['public']) {
         if ($art['photo']) {
         if (is_null($aid)) {
             $fulltext = $art['texte'];
             if (!empty($art['contact_html'])) {
                 $fulltext .= "\n\n'''Contacts :'''\\\\\n" . $art['contact_html'];
             $post = null;
             if ($globals->asso('forum')) {
                 require_once 'banana/forum.inc.php';
                 $banana = new ForumsBanana(S::user());
                 $post = $banana->post($globals->asso('forum'), null, $art['titre'], MiniWiki::wikiToText($fulltext, false, 0, 80));
             XDB::query('INSERT INTO  group_announces (uid, asso_id, create_date, titre, texte, contacts,
                                                       expiration, promo_min, promo_max, flags, post_id)
                              VALUES  ({?}, {?}, NOW(), {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})', S::i('uid'), $globals->asso('id'), $art['titre'], $art['texte'], $art['contact_html'], $art['expiration'], $promo_min, $promo_max, $flags, $post);
             $aid = XDB::insertId();
             if ($art['photo']) {
                 list($imgx, $imgy, $imgtype) = $upload->imageInfo();
                 XDB::execute('INSERT INTO  group_announces_photo
                                       SET  eid = {?}, attachmime = {?}, x = {?}, y = {?}, attach = {?}', $aid, $imgtype, $imgx, $imgy, $upload->getContents());
             if ($art['xorg']) {
                 $article = new EvtReq("[{$globals->asso('nom')}] " . $art['titre'], $fulltext, $art['promo_min'], $art['promo_max'], $art['expiration'], "", S::user(), $upload);
                 $page->trigWarning("L'affichage sur la page d'accueil de Polytechnique.org est en attente de validation.");
             } else {
                 if ($upload && $upload->exists()) {
             if ($art['nl']) {
                 $article = new NLReq(S::user(), $globals->asso('nom') . " : " . $art['titre'], $art['texte'], $art['contact_html']);
                 $page->trigWarning("La parution dans la Lettre Mensuelle est en attente de validation.");
         } else {
             XDB::query('UPDATE  group_announces
                            SET  titre = {?}, texte = {?}, contacts = {?}, expiration = {?},
                                 promo_min = {?}, promo_max = {?}, flags = {?}
                          WHERE  id = {?} AND asso_id = {?}', $art['titre'], $art['texte'], $art['contacts'], $art['expiration'], $promo_min, $promo_max, $flags, $art['id'], $globals->asso('id'));
             if ($art['photo'] && $upload->exists()) {
                 list($imgx, $imgy, $imgtype) = $upload->imageInfo();
                 XDB::execute('INSERT INTO  group_announces_photo (eid, attachmime, attach, x, y)
                                    VALUES  ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})
                   ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE  attachmime = VALUES(attachmime), attach = VALUES(attach), x = VALUES(x), y = VALUES(y)', $aid, $imgtype, $upload->getContents(), $imgx, $imgy);
     if (Post::v('valid') == 'Enregistrer' || Post::v('valid') == 'Annuler') {
     if (empty($art) && !is_null($aid)) {
         $res = XDB::query("SELECT  *, FIND_IN_SET('public', flags) AS public,\n                                       FIND_IN_SET('photo', flags) AS photo\n                                 FROM  group_announces\n                                WHERE  asso_id = {?} AND id = {?}", $globals->asso('id'), $aid);
         if ($res->numRows()) {
             $art = $res->fetchOneAssoc();
             $art['contact_html'] = $art['contacts'];
         } else {
             $page->kill("Aucun article correspond à l'identifiant indiqué.");
     if (is_null($aid)) {
         $events = XDB::iterator("SELECT *\n                                      FROM group_events\n                                     WHERE asso_id = {?} AND archive = 0", $globals->asso('id'));
         if ($events->total()) {
             $page->assign('events', $events);
     $art['contact_html'] = @MiniWiki::WikiToHTML($art['contact_html']);
     $page->assign('art', $art);
     $page->assign_by_ref('upload', $upload);
コード例 #13
ファイル: profile.php プロジェクト: Ekleog/platal
 function handler_admin_medals($page, $action = 'list', $id = null)
     $page->setTitle('Administration - Distinctions');
     $page->assign('title', 'Gestion des Distinctions');
     $table_editor = new PLTableEditor('admin/medals', 'profile_medal_enum', 'id');
     $table_editor->describe('text', 'intitulé', true);
     $table_editor->describe('img', 'nom de l\'image', false, true);
     $table_editor->describe('flags', 'valider', true);
     $table_editor->apply($page, $action, $id);
     if ($id && $action == 'edit') {
         $mid = $id;
         if (Post::v('act') == 'del') {
             XDB::execute('DELETE FROM  profile_medal_grade_enum
                                 WHERE  mid={?} AND gid={?}', $mid, Post::i('gid'));
         } else {
             foreach (Post::v('grades', array()) as $gid => $text) {
                 if ($gid === 0) {
                     if (!empty($text)) {
                         $res = XDB::query('SELECT  MAX(gid)
                                              FROM  profile_medal_grade_enum
                                             WHERE  mid = {?}', $mid);
                         $gid = $res->fetchOneCell() + 1;
                         XDB::execute('INSERT INTO  profile_medal_grade_enum (mid, gid, text, pos)
                                            VALUES  ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?})', $mid, $gid, $text, $_POST['pos']['0']);
                 } else {
                     XDB::execute('UPDATE  profile_medal_grade_enum
                                      SET  pos={?}, text={?}
                                    WHERE  gid={?} AND mid={?}', $_POST['pos'][$gid], $text, $gid, $mid);
         $res = XDB::iterator('SELECT gid, text, pos FROM profile_medal_grade_enum WHERE mid={?} ORDER BY pos', $mid);
         $page->assign('grades', $res);