Topos::deleteTokenFile($jobid); Portal_MySQL::real_query(<<<EOS DELETE FROM `Token` WHERE `token_id`={$escjobid} AND `user_id`={$escuserid}; EOS ); if (!Portal_MySQL::mysql()->affected_rows) { REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_NOT_FOUND); } REST::header(array('status' => REST::HTTP_NO_CONTENT)); exit; } // The user tries to get information about eir jobs if (file_exists($fullfilename = Portal::JOBRESULTS_DIR . $jobid)) { REST::redirect(REST::HTTP_SEE_OTHER, Portal::portalURL() . "jobresults/{$jobid}"); } $result = Portal_MySQL::query(<<<EOS SELECT `token_error` FROM `Token` WHERE `token_id`={$escjobid} AND `user_id`={$escuserid}; EOS ); if (!($row = $result->fetch_row())) { // Can't find what the user is looking for REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_GONE); } if (empty($row[0])) { REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "<p>Your job hasn't been executed yet. Try again later.</p>"); }
REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, 'Missing (one of) required parameters "email" and "password"'); } $dn = Portal_User::csa_dn(); if (empty($dn)) { REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_NOT_FOUND); } $escemail = Portal_MySQL::escape_string($_GET['email']); $md5password = md5($_GET['password']); $escdn = Portal_MySQL::escape_string($dn); Portal_MySQL::real_query(<<<EOS DELETE FROM `User` WHERE `user_dn` = {$escdn} AND `user_email` <> {$escemail}; EOS ); Portal_MySQL::real_query(<<<EOS UPDATE `User` SET `user_dn` = {$escdn} WHERE `user_email` = {$escemail} AND `user_password` = '{$md5password}'; EOS ); if (!Portal_MySQL::mysql()->affected_rows) { Portal_User::unauthorized(); } $url = REST::htmlspecialchars(Portal::portalURL()); REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_OK, <<<EOS <p>Registration complete.</p> <p>You can now start <a href="{$url}">using the GridApps web service</a>.</p> EOS );
$escemail = Portal_MySQL::escape_string($_GET['email']); $escname = Portal_MySQL::escape_string($_GET['name']); // $dn = ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == Portal::PORT_SSL_CSA) // ? Portal_User::csa_dn() : null; // $escdn = Portal_MySQL::escape_string($dn); $password = Portal_User::createPassword(); $md5password = md5($password); Portal_MySQL::real_query(<<<EOS INSERT INTO `User` (`user_email`, `user_name`, `user_password`) VALUES ({$escemail}, {$escname}, '{$md5password}') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `user_name` = {$escname}, `user_password` = '{$md5password}'; EOS ); $csa_confirm = 'https://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . ':' . Portal::PORT_SSL_CSA . Portal::portalURL() . 'csaconfirm?email=' . urlencode($_GET['email']) . '&password='******'email'], 'Access to ' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], <<<EOS Hi {$_GET['name']}, These are the credentials you may use for the Grid Application Portal: Login: {$_GET['email']} Password: {$password} If you want to authenticate using a client certificate, please open a browser with your client certificate in it, and follow this link: <{$csa_confirm}> Best regards, EOS
function myPilotJob($poolURL) { $portal_jobs = REST::urlbase() . Portal::portalURL() . 'jobs/'; return <<<EOS #!/bin/bash set -ex SANDBOX="\${PWD}" CURL="\${SANDBOX}/curl --silent --fail --insecure --cert \${X509_USER_PROXY} --retry 20" TOPOS_POOL='{$poolURL}' PORTAL_JOBS='{$portal_jobs}' DOWNLOADED_APPLICATIONS='' DOWNLOADED_DATABASES='' INDIR="\${TMPDIR}/indir/" OUTDIR="\${TMPDIR}/outdir/" APPDIR="\${TMPDIR}/apps/" DBDIR="\${TMPDIR}/dbs/" export INDIR OUTDIR APPDIR chmod 755 ./curl mkdir \${APPDIR} mkdir \${DBDIR} function reportError { echo "\$1" | \${CURL} --upload-file - --header 'Content-Type: text/plain' "\${PORTAL_JOBS}\${TOKEN_ID}" && \${CURL} -X DELETE "\${TOKEN_URL}" || true exit 0 # TODO: REMOVE THIS } while true; do TOKEN_URL=\$( \${CURL} --header 'Accept: text/plain' \${TOPOS_POOL}nextToken ) # [ "\${TOKEN_URL}" ] || exit 0; TOKEN_ID=\$( basename \${TOKEN_URL} ) rm -rf \${INDIR} || true mkdir \${INDIR} rm -rf \${OUTDIR} || true mkdir \${OUTDIR} cd \${INDIR} TMPTAR=\$( mktemp -p \${TMPDIR} ).tar \${CURL} \${TOKEN_URL} > \${TMPTAR} || continue if ! tar xf \${TMPTAR}; then rm \${TMPTAR} reportError "The token in ToPoS isn't a valid tar file." continue fi rm \${TMPTAR} if ! source ./; then reportError "Couldn't source ./" continue fi if ! echo "\${DOWNLOADED_APPLICATIONS}" | grep -q -F "\${APPLICATION}"; then if ! \${CURL} "\${APPLICATION}" | tar -C \${APPDIR} -x -B; then reportError "Couldn't download and/or untar application \${APPLICATION}" continue fi DOWNLOADED_APPLICATIONS="\${DOWNLOADED_APPLICATIONS} \${APPLICATION}" fi export DBFILE=\${DBDIR}\$( basename "\${DATABASE}" ) if ! echo "\${DOWNLOADED_DATABASES}" | grep -q -F "\${DATABASE}"; then if ! \${CURL} "\${DATABASE}" > "\${DBFILE}"; then reportError "Couldn't download database \${DATABASE}" continue fi DOWNLOADED_DATABASES="\${DOWNLOADED_DATABASES} \${DATABASE}" fi cd \${OUTDIR} ( runJob > pilotstdout.txt 2>pilotstderr.txt 2>&1 ) STATUS=\$? cd \${OUTDIR} if [ \${STATUS} -eq 0 ]; then find -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -print0 | xargs -0 tar cf \$TMPTAR if \${CURL} --header 'Content-Type: application/x-tar' --upload-file \$TMPTAR "\${PORTAL_JOBS}\${TOKEN_ID}"; then \${CURL} -X DELETE "\$TOKEN_URL" || true else reportError "Couldn't upload results to \${PORTAL_JOBS}\${TOKEN_ID}" fi rm \$TMPTAR else cat pilotstdout.txt >> pilotstderr.txt \${CURL} --upload-file pilotstderr.txt --header 'Content-Type: text/plain' "\${PORTAL_JOBS}\${TOKEN_ID}" || true; [ \${STATUS} -eq 2 ] && \${CURL} -X DELETE "\$TOKEN_URL" || true fi done EOS; }
/** * Never returns */ public static function unauthorized() { if ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == Portal::PORT_PLAIN) { REST::redirect(REST::HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT, 'https://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); } header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Grid Portal"'); $register = REST::htmlspecialchars('https://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . Portal::portalURL() . 'register?referrer=' . urlencode(REST::urlbase() . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])); REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, "<p>You can register <a href=\"{$register}\">here</a>.</p>"); exit; }
EOS ); exec("cd '{$sandbox}'; find -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -print0 | xargs -0 tar zcf {$TEMPNAM}.tgz", $output, $return_var); if ($return_var) { $output = implode("\n", $output); REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, $output); } $tokenhandle = fopen("{$TEMPNAM}.tgz", 'r'); try { $token_url = Topos::putTokenFile($tokenhandle, 'application/x-compressed-tar'); } catch (Exception $e) { fclose($tokenhandle); throw $e; } fclose($tokenhandle); $token_id = basename($token_url); Portal_MySQL::real_query(<<<EOS INSERT INTO `Token` ( `token_id`, `user_id` ) VALUES ( {$token_id}, {$user_id} ); EOS ); $resultURL = REST::urlbase() . Portal::portalURL() . "jobstates/{$token_id}"; REST::created($resultURL); } Portal_User::current(); REST::header(array('Content-Type' => REST::best_xhtml_type())); echo Portal::html_start("{$appname}-{$appversion}") . '<form action="' . $appversion . '" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">'; $portlet->doGET(); echo '</form>' . Portal::html_end();
/** * Get a list of available databases, given a set of database types. * @param $name... string the name(s) of the database types. * @return string an x fragment, to be put inside a select element. */ public static function availableDatabases() { $dbTypes = func_get_args(); if (empty($dbTypes)) { return array(); } foreach ($dbTypes as $key => $value) { $dbTypes[$key] = self::databaseTypeIDByName($value); } $dbTypes = implode(',', $dbTypes); $user_id = Portal_User::current()->user_id(); $result = Portal_MySQL::query(<<<EOS SELECT `d`.`name`, `d`.`version`, `d`.`type`, `u`.`user_name`, `d`.`database_id` FROM `Database` AS d LEFT JOIN `User` AS u USING(`user_id`) WHERE (`d`.`is_shared` > 0 OR `d`.`user_id` = {$user_id}) AND `d`.`type` IN({$dbTypes}); EOS ); $sorter = array(); while ($row = $result->fetch_row()) { $extension = self::databaseTypeExtension($row[2]); $sorter[$row[3]]["{$row[0]}-{$row[1]}.{$extension}"] = REST::urlencode(Portal::portalURL() . 'databases/' . $row[0] . '/' . $row[1] . '/' . $row[4] . '.' . $extension); } $user_names = array_keys($sorter); natsort($user_names); $retval = ''; foreach ($user_names as $user_name) { $retval .= "\n<optgroup label=\"" . htmlentities($user_name) . "\">"; $dbnames = array_keys($sorter[$user_name]); natsort($dbnames); foreach ($dbnames as $dbname) { $retval .= "\n<option value=\"" . $sorter[$user_name][$dbname] . "\">{$dbname}</option>"; } $retval .= "\n</optgroup>"; } return $retval; }