コード例 #1
    $id = PommoField::add($field);
    if ($id) {
        $smarty->assign('added', $id);
    } else {
        $logger->addMsg(Pommo::_T('Error with addition.'));
// check for a deletion request
if (!empty($_GET['delete'])) {
    $field = PommoField::get(array('id' => $_GET['field_id']));
    $field =& current($field);
    if (count($field) === 0) {
        $logger->addMsg(Pommo::_T('Error with deletion.'));
    } else {
        $affected = PommoField::subscribersAffected($field['id']);
        if (count($affected) > 0 && empty($_GET['dVal-force'])) {
            $smarty->assign('confirm', array('title' => Pommo::_T('Confirm Action'), 'nourl' => $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?field_id=' . $_GET['field_id'], 'yesurl' => $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?field_id=' . $_GET['field_id'] . '&delete=TRUE&dVal-force=TRUE', 'msg' => sprintf(Pommo::_T('Currently, %1$s subscribers have a non empty value for %2$s. All Subscriber data relating to this field will be lost.'), '<b>' . count($affected) . '</b>', '<b>' . $field['name'] . '</b>')));
        } else {
            PommoField::delete($field['id']) ? Pommo::redirect($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) : $logger->addMsg(Pommo::_T('Error with deletion.'));
// Get array of fields. Key is ID, value is an array of the demo's info
$fields = PommoField::get(array('byName' => FALSE));
if (!empty($fields)) {
    $smarty->assign('fields', $fields);