/** * [policySaveAction for save policy] * @return [none] [redirect to policy page] */ public function policySaveAction() { Input::flash(); $data = Input::all(); if (!isset($data['policy-status'])) { $data['policy-status'] = 'off'; } // var_dump($data);exit; $rules = array('policy-text' => array('min:30', 'required'), 'policy-author' => array('required'), 'policy-status' => array('required')); // Build the custom messages array. $messages = array('policy-text.min' => 'กรุณาระบุเนื้อหานโยบายอย่างน้อย :min ตัวอักษร.', 'policy-text.required' => 'กรุณาระบุเนื้อหานโยบายคลังฯ', 'policy-author.required' => 'กรุณาระบุชื่อผู้สร้างนโยบาย'); $policy_text = trim($data['policy-text']); // Create a new validator instance. $validator = Validator::make($data, $rules, $messages); if ($validator->passes()) { // Normally we would do something with the data. $policy = new Policy(); $chk_pol = $policy->ckeckPolicyDuplicate(mb_strlen($policy_text)); $policy->setTable('policy'); if ($chk_pol) { $policy->policy_content = $policy_text; $policy->author = $data['policy-author']; $policy->status = $data['policy-status'] == 'on' ? True : False; $policy->policy_duty = $data['policy_duty']; $policy->save(); return Redirect::to('policy-add')->with('success', 'บันทึกนโยบายคลังฯ สำเร็จ'); } else { return Redirect::to('policy-add')->withErrors(array('มีนโยบายคลังฯ นี้อยุ่ในระบบแล้ว')); } // if($chk_pol) // { // return Redirect::to('policy-content')->withErrors('message','Existing Policy.'); // }else // { // $policy->policy_content = $policy_text; // $policy->author = $data['policy-author'] ; // $policy->status = (($data['policy-status'] == 1) ? True : False); // //$policy->save(); // return Redirect::to('policy-content')->with('success','Policy Added.'); // } } else { //$errors = $validator->messages(); return Redirect::to('policy-add')->withErrors($validator); } }