/** * Launch a command * * @param array $values * * @return void */ static function lauchCommand($values) { global $CFG_GLPI; if (!empty($values['itemtype']) && !empty($values['itemID'])) { $item = getItemForItemtype($values['itemtype']); $item->getFromDB($values['itemID']); $shellcommands_item = new PluginShellcommandsShellcommand_Item(); $shellcommands = new PluginShellcommandsShellcommand(); $commandgroups = new PluginShellcommandsCommandGroup(); $commandgroups_item = new PluginShellcommandsCommandGroup_Item(); $commandgroups_items = $commandgroups_item->find("`plugin_shellcommands_commandgroups_id`=" . $values['id'], "`rank`"); echo "<div class='center'>"; echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe shellcommands_result_line'>"; echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>"; echo "<th colspan='4'>" . __('Result details') . "</th>"; echo "</tr>"; // First : test ping $error = 1; $commandgroups->getFromDB($values['id']); if (!empty($commandgroups->fields['check_commands_id'])) { $targetParam = PluginShellcommandsShellcommand_Item::resolveLinkOfCommand($commandgroups->fields['check_commands_id'], $item); // Exec command on each targets : stop on first success if ($targetParam !== false) { foreach ($targetParam as $target) { list($error, $execPing) = PluginShellcommandsShellcommand_Item::execCommand($commandgroups->fields['check_commands_id'], $target); if (!$error) { break; } } } } // If Ping ok execute group commands if (!$error) { echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1 shellcommands_result_line'>"; echo "<td class='center' colspan='2'>" . __($item->getType()) . ' : ' . $item->getLink() . "</td>"; echo "<td class='center'><div class='shellcommands_result_ok'>UP</div></td>"; echo "<td>"; echo __('Host UP', 'shellcommands'); echo "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; if (!empty($commandgroups_items)) { foreach ($commandgroups_items as $val) { if (!$shellcommands_item->getFromDBbyShellCommandsAndItem($val['plugin_shellcommands_shellcommands_id'], $values['itemtype'])) { continue; } $shellcommands->getFromDB($val['plugin_shellcommands_shellcommands_id']); $targetParam = PluginShellcommandsShellcommand_Item::resolveLinkOfCommand($val['plugin_shellcommands_shellcommands_id'], $item); // Exec command on each targets : stop on first success if ($targetParam !== false) { foreach ($targetParam as $target) { list($error, $message) = PluginShellcommandsShellcommand_Item::execCommand($shellcommands->getID(), $target); if (!$error) { break; } } } PluginShellcommandsShellcommand::displayCommandResult($shellcommands, $target, $message, $error); } } } else { echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1 shellcommands_result_line'>"; echo "<td class='center' colspan='2'>" . __($item->getType()) . ' : ' . $item->getLink() . "</td>"; echo "<td class='center'><div class='shellcommands_result_ko'>DOWN</div></td>"; echo "<td>"; echo __('Host DOWN', 'shellcommands'); echo "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; } echo "</table>"; echo "</div>"; } }
/** * Method to run shellcommands by webservice * * @param array $params Options * @param string $protocol Communication protocol used * * @return array or error value */ static function methodRun($params, $protocol) { global $DB; if (isset($params['help'])) { return array('command_id' => 'integer,optional,multiple', 'command_name' => 'string,optional,multiple', 'target_type' => 'string,mandatory', 'target_id' => 'integer,optional,multiple', 'target_name' => 'string,optional', 'help' => 'bool,optional'); } if (!Session::getLoginUserID()) { return PluginWebservicesMethodCommon::Error($protocol, WEBSERVICES_ERROR_NOTAUTHENTICATED); } $executionOutputs = array(); $invalidCommands = array(); $invalidTargets = array(); /** Parameters check **/ if ((!isset($params['command_id']) || empty($params['command_id'])) && (!isset($params['command_name']) || empty($params['command_name']))) { return PluginWebservicesMethodCommon::Error($protocol, WEBSERVICES_ERROR_MISSINGPARAMETER, '', 'one among "command_id" and "command_name"'); } //Post-relation: Either Shellcommand ID or name is given if (!isset($params['target_type']) || empty($params['target_type']) || (!isset($params['target_id']) || empty($params['target_id'])) && (!isset($params['target_name']) || empty($params['target_name']))) { return PluginWebservicesMethodCommon::Error($protocol, WEBSERVICES_ERROR_MISSINGPARAMETER, '', 'must specify "target_type" and one among "target_id" and "target_name"'); } //Post-relation: Either Target ID or name is given $possibleTargetTypes = PluginShellcommandsShellcommand_Item::getClasses(true); if (!in_array($params['target_type'], $possibleTargetTypes) || !class_exists($params['target_type'])) { return PluginWebservicesMethodCommon::Error($protocol, WEBSERVICES_ERROR_BADPARAMETER, '', '"target_type" is "' . $params['target_type'] . '" must be one of: ' . implode(', ', $possibleTargetTypes) . ''); } //Post-relation: Given target type ($params['target_type']) is valid /** /Parameters check **/ /** Command determination **/ $commandIds = array(); if (isset($params['command_id']) && !empty($params['command_id'])) { // ID(s) given $commandIds = (array) $params['command_id']; } else { // Name(s) given $command_names = (array) $params['command_name']; foreach ($command_names as $currentCommandName) { $command = new PluginShellcommandsShellcommand(); if ($command->getFromDBbyName($currentCommandName)) { $commandIds[] = $command->fields['id']; } else { $invalidCommands[] = $currentCommandName; } } } //Post-relation: $commandIds is an array containing either provided or found (via given name) shellcommand IDs /** /Command determination **/ /** Target determination **/ $targetIds = array(); if (isset($params['target_id']) && !empty($params['target_id'])) { // ID(s) given $targetIds = (array) $params['target_id']; } else { // Name(s) given $target_names = (array) $params['target_name']; foreach ($target_names as $currentTargetName) { $target = new $params['target_type'](); if ($found = $target->find("`name` LIKE '" . $DB->escape($currentTargetName) . "'")) { $targetIds = array_merge($targetIds, array_keys($found)); } else { $invalidTargets[] = $currentTargetName; } } } //Post-relation: $targetIds is an array containing either provided or found (via given name) targets IDs (of type $params['target_type']) /** /Target determination **/ $commandIds = array_unique($commandIds); $targetIds = array_unique($targetIds); foreach ($targetIds as $currentTargetId) { $item = new $params['target_type'](); $targetFound = $item->getFromDB($currentTargetId); if (!$targetFound) { $invalidTargets[] = $currentTargetId; } foreach ($commandIds as $currentCommandId) { $targetParams = PluginShellcommandsShellcommand_Item::resolveLinkOfCommand($currentCommandId, $item); if ($targetParams !== false) { foreach ((array) $targetParams as $currentTargetParam) { list($error, $executionOutput) = PluginShellcommandsShellcommand_Item::execCommand($currentCommandId, $currentTargetParam); $executionOutputs[] = trim($executionOutput); } } else { $invalidCommands[] = $currentCommandId; } } } return array('callResults' => implode(PHP_EOL, $executionOutputs), 'invalidCommands' => $invalidCommands, 'invalidTargets' => $invalidTargets); }
/** * Custom fonction to process shellcommand massive action **/ function doMassiveAction(MassiveAction $ma, array $ids) { if (!empty($ids)) { $input = $ma->getInput(); $itemtype = $ma->getItemType(false); $commands_id = $input['command']; switch ($ma->getAction()) { case 'generate': $shellcommands_item = new PluginShellcommandsShellcommand_Item(); $shellcommands = new PluginShellcommandsShellcommand(); $item = getItemForItemtype($itemtype); echo "<div class='center'>"; echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe center'>"; echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>"; echo "<th colspan='4'>" . PluginShellcommandsShellcommand::getTypeName(2) . "</th>"; echo "</tr>"; foreach ($ids as $key => $items_id) { if (!$shellcommands_item->getFromDBbyShellCommandsAndItem($commands_id, $itemtype)) { continue; } $shellcommands->getFromDB($commands_id); $item->getFromDB($items_id); $targetParam = PluginShellcommandsShellcommand_Item::resolveLinkOfCommand($shellcommands->getID(), $item); // Exec command on each targets : stop on first success $selectedTarget = null; if ($targetParam !== false) { foreach ($targetParam as $target) { list($error, $message) = PluginShellcommandsShellcommand_Item::execCommand($shellcommands->getID(), $target); if (!$error) { $selectedTarget = $target; break; } } } echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1 shellcommands_result_line'>"; echo "<td class='center' colspan='4'>" . __($item->getType()) . ' : ' . $item->getLink() . " - " . $selectedTarget . "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; PluginShellcommandsShellcommand::displayCommandResult($shellcommands, $selectedTarget, $message, $error); } echo "</table>"; echo "</div>"; break; } } }