コード例 #1
@link      http://www.glpi-project.org/
@since     2009
// not really a big SQL request
include "../../../../inc/includes.php";
//TRANS: The name of the report = Global History (for Test / example only)
$report = new PluginReportsAutoReport(__('globalhisto_report_title', 'reports'));
//Report's search criterias
//Possible current values are :
// - date-interval
// - time-interval
// - group
new PluginReportsDateIntervalCriteria($report, "date_mod");
//Display criterias form is needed
//If criterias have been validated
if ($report->criteriasValidated()) {
    //Names of the columns to be displayed
    $report->setColumns(array('id' => __('ID'), 'date_mod' => __('Date'), 'user_name' => __('User'), 'linked_action' => _x('noun', 'Update')));
    //Colunmns mappings if needed
    $columns_mappings = array('linked_action' => array(Log::HISTORY_DELETE_ITEM => __('Delete the item'), Log::HISTORY_RESTORE_ITEM => __('Restore the item'), Log::HISTORY_ADD_DEVICE => __('Add the component'), Log::HISTORY_UPDATE_DEVICE => __('modification of components', 'reports'), Log::HISTORY_DELETE_DEVICE => __('Delete the component'), Log::HISTORY_INSTALL_SOFTWARE => __('Install the software'), Log::HISTORY_UNINSTALL_SOFTWARE => __('Uninstall the software'), Log::HISTORY_DISCONNECT_DEVICE => __('Logout'), Log::HISTORY_CONNECT_DEVICE => __('Connection'), Log::HISTORY_LOCK_DEVICE => __('Lock the item'), Log::HISTORY_UNLOCK_DEVICE => __('Unlock the item'), Log::HISTORY_LOG_SIMPLE_MESSAGE => ""));
    $query = "SELECT `id`, `date_mod`, `user_name`, `linked_action`\n             FROM `glpi_logs` " . $report->addSqlCriteriasRestriction("WHERE") . "\n             ORDER BY `date_mod`";