コード例 #1

// Include the PHP Plivo Rest library
require "../plivohelper.php";
// Plivo REST API version
$ApiVersion = "v0.1";
// Set our AccountSid and AuthToken
// Instantiate a new Plivo Rest Client
$client = new PlivoRestClient($REST_API_URL, $AccountSid, $AuthToken, $ApiVersion);
// ========================================================================
# Define Channel Variable - http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Channel_Variables
$extra_dial_string = "bridge_early_media=true,hangup_after_bridge=true";
# Initiate a new outbound call to user/1000 using a HTTP POST
$call_params = array('Delimiter' => '>', 'From' => '919191919191', 'To' => '1000>1000', 'Gateways' => "user/>user/", 'GatewayCodecs' => "'PCMA,PCMU'>'PCMA,PCMU'", 'GatewayTimeouts' => "60>30", 'GatewayRetries' => "2>1", 'ExtraDialString' => $extra_dial_string, 'AnswerUrl' => "", 'HangupUrl' => "", 'RingUrl' => "");
try {
    // Initiate various calls
    $response = $client->bulk_call($call_params);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n";
// check response for success or error
if ($response->IsError) {
    echo "Error starting phone calls: {$response->ErrorMessage}\n";
} else {
    echo "Started calls: {$response->Response->RequestUUID}\n";