コード例 #1
function do_cron()
    // jobs to run during cron
    	1. check the deadlines of all active pleas
    		- if the deadline is past, and status is still active, deactivate and process pledges
    		- if the deadline is soon, send warning notification
    	2. other jobs???
    $today = date('Y-m-d', time() - 24 * 60 * 60);
    $tomorrow = date('Y-m-d', time() + 24 * 60 * 60);
    $expired = Plea::with('pledges.author', 'author')->where('deadline', '>=', $tomorrow)->where('status', '<>', 'expired')->get();
    $expiring = Plea::with('pledges.author', 'author')->where('deadline', '=', $today)->where('status', '<>', 'expiring')->get();
    // process expired pleas
    foreach ($expired as $plea) {
        // label as expired
        // notify all interested parties
        foreach ($plea->pledges as $pledge) {
            $notification = array('object' => $pledge, 'type' => 'pledge', 'reason' => 'expired');
        // notify the original author
        $notification = array('object' => $plea, 'type' => 'plea', 'reason' => 'expired');
    // process expiring pleas
    foreach ($expiring as $plea) {
        // label as expiring
        // notify all interested parties
        foreach ($plea->pledges as $pledge) {
            $notification = array('object' => $pledge, 'type' => 'pledge', 'reason' => 'expiring');
        // notify the original author
        $notification = array('object' => $plea, 'type' => 'plea', 'reason' => 'expiring');
    return Response::json(TRUE);
コード例 #2
    public function reject($id)
        $plea = Plea::find($id);
        // check privileges
        if (!me()->hasPermissionTo('reject', $plea)) {
            err('You do not have permission to reject requests for help.');
            return Redirect::to(URL::previous());
        $reason = Input::get('reason', 'NO REASON GIVEN.');
        if ($reason == '') {
            $reason = 'NO REASON GIVEN.';
        $default_message = <<<EOF
<p>lafayettehelps.com depends on the integrity and honesty of its users and the validity of the requests that are posted. We intend for it to be a supportive community of people who truly care for each other and are eager to have healthy relationships with each other. However, a request connected to you doesn't fit within our standards of a healthy community, and so one of our administrators has removed it.</p>

<h3>The Request:</h3>


<p>This wasn't done by an automatic computer process. An actual human being decided to remove your request, and the reasons for doing so are here:</p>


<p>If you think this was done in error, simply reply to this email message and we will reconsider this action.

<hr />
<h4>request_id: %s</h4>
        $message = sprintf($default_message, $plea->summary, $reason, $plea->id);
        // softDelete this Plea and email the author.
        msg('Request has been sent to the trash');
        // send email message to author and everyone who made a pledge toward that request
        email($plea->author, me(), "Your request was removed.", $message);
        foreach ($plea->pledges as $pledge) {
            email($pledge->author, me(), "A request you pledged to help was removed.", $message);
        return Redirect::route('pleas');
コード例 #3
 public function showWelcome()
     $urgent = Plea::where('status', '=', 'expiring')->get();
     $newest = Plea::take(4)->orderBy('created_at', 'DESC')->where('status', '=', 'active')->get();
     return View::make('hello', array('urgent' => $urgent, 'newest' => $newest));
コード例 #4
ファイル: routes.php プロジェクト: omusico/lafayettehelps.com
                foreach ($user->organizations as $organization) {
                    $relationship_details[] = array('user' => $user, 'organization' => $organization, 'relationship_type' => $organization->pivot->relationship_type);
            return View::make('organization.relationships', array('relationships' => $relationship_details));
    err('You are not allowed to do that.');
    return Redirect::route('home');
Route::get('organization/{id}/approve', array('uses' => 'OrganizationController@approve'));
Route::get('organization/{id}/disapprove', array('uses' => 'OrganizationController@disapprove'));
Route::get('pleas', array('as' => 'pleas', function () {
    return View::make('plea.list', array('pleas' => Plea::paginate(20)));
Route::get('plea/add', array('as' => 'pleaadd', 'uses' => 'PleaController@add'));
Route::post('plea/add', array('before' => 'csrf', 'uses' => 'PleaController@add'));
Route::get('plea/{id}', array('as' => 'pleadetail', 'uses' => 'PleaController@showDetail'));
Route::get('plea/{id}/edit', array('as' => 'pleaedit', 'uses' => 'PleaController@edit'));
Route::post('plea/{id}/reject', array('as' => 'pleareject', 'uses' => 'PleaController@reject'));
Route::post('plea/{id}/edit', array('before' => 'csrf', 'uses' => 'PleaController@edit'));
Route::get('pleas/by/user/{user_id}', array('as' => 'pleasbyuser', 'uses' => 'PleaController@showPleasByUser'));
//Route::get('pledge/add', array('as'=>'pledgeadd', 'uses'=>'PledgeController@add'));
Route::post('pledge/add', array('before' => 'csrf', 'uses' => 'PledgeController@add'));
Route::get('pledges/by/user/{user_id}', array('as' => 'pledgesbyuser', 'uses' => 'PledgeController@showPledgesByUser'));
Route::get('pledges/by/plea/{plea_id}', array('as' => 'pledgesbyplea', 'uses' => 'PledgeController@showPledgesByPlea'));
Route::get('offers', function () {