public function gamedata($playerID = null, $return = false) { Validate::player($playerID); //we are going to pass all data's $array = array(); //this is what we store the data in. $player = new PlayerModel(); $level = new LevelModel(); $playerLevel = new PlayerLevelModel($playerID); $store = new StoreModel(); $abModel = new ABModel(); $rankModel = new RankModel(); $array['status'] = 'ok'; $array['player'] = $player->getPlayerData(array($playerID, false)); $array['featuretests'] = $abModel->getTests($playerID); $array['scores'] = $playerLevel->load($playerID); $array['stores'] = $store->getStores(); $array['gifts'] = $player->getGifts($playerID); $array['liferequests'] = $player->getRequests($playerID); $array['levels'] = $level->getLevelData(); $array['ranks'] = $rankModel->getRanks(); $levelData = null; $tmpObject = null; if ($return) { return $array; } else { $this->printJson($array); } }
private function processPayment($objectID) { $playerModel = new PlayerModel(); $storeModel = new StoreModel(); $error = false; $newOrder = false; $graphUrl = sprintf('|%s', $objectID, Config::get('facebook.appid'), Config::get('facebook.appsecret')); $curl = new Curl(); $curl->get($graphUrl); if ($curl->error) { Log::add('Error in requesting object ' . $curl->error_code . ' : ' . $curl->error_message); throw new NinjaException("Error Processing Request"); } $res = $curl->response; $facebookID = $res->user->id; $playerArray = $playerModel->getPlayerIDFromUID($facebookID, null, false); $playerID = $playerArray[0]; $orderDetails = $storeModel->addOrder($playerID, $objectID, $res); if ($res->actions[0]->status == 'completed') { $status = 'ok'; Log::add('payment ok charged status is good'); } else { if ($res->actions[0]->status == 'failed') { $error = true; $status = 'error'; $message = 'Payment Declined'; Log::add('Payment failed ' . print_r($res, true)); } else { if ($res->actions[0]->status == 'initiated') { $error = false; Log::add('Payment failed ' . print_r($res, true)); } else { $error = true; $status = 'error'; $message = 'User canceled payment'; } } } //ANALYTICS if (!$error) { $array['status'] = 'ok'; $array['player'] = $playerModel->getPlayerData($playerID); $array['order'] = $orderDetails; $this->printJson($array); } else { $array['status'] = 'error'; $array['message'] = $message; $this->printJson($array); } }