コード例 #1
ファイル: FeatureContext.php プロジェクト: allejo/bzion
 protected function getNewUser($username = "******", $role = Player::PLAYER)
     // Try to find a valid bzid
     $bzid = 300;
     while (Player::getFromBZID($bzid)->isValid()) {
         if ($bzid > 15000) {
             throw new Exception("bzid too big");
     return Player::newPlayer($bzid, $username, null, "test", $role);
コード例 #2
ファイル: SearchController.php プロジェクト: allejo/bzion
 public function playerByBzidAction(Player $me, Request $request, FlashBag $flashBag, $bzid = null)
     if (!$me->hasPermission(Permission::VIEW_VISITOR_LOG)) {
         throw new ForbiddenException();
     if ($bzid === null) {
         if (!$request->query->has('bzid')) {
             throw new BadRequestException("Please provide the BZID to search for");
         $bzid = $request->query->get('bzid');
     $player = Player::getFromBZID($bzid);
     if (!$player->isValid()) {
         $flashBag->add('error', "Player with BZID {$bzid} not found");
         return $this->goBack();
     return new RedirectResponse($player->getURL());
コード例 #3
ファイル: LoginController.php プロジェクト: blast007/bzion
 public function loginAction(Request $request, Player $me)
     if ($me->isValid()) {
         throw new ForbiddenException("You are already logged in!");
     $query = $request->query;
     $session = $request->getSession();
     $token = $query->get("token");
     $username = $query->get("username");
     if (!$token || !$username) {
         throw new BadRequestException();
     // Don't check whether IPs match if we're on a development environment
     $checkIP = !$this->isDebug();
     $info = validate_token($token, $username, array(), $checkIP);
     if (!isset($info)) {
         throw new ForbiddenException("There was an error processing your login. Please go back and try again.");
     $session->set("username", $info['username']);
     $session->set("groups", $info['groups']);
     $redirectToProfile = false;
     if (!Player::playerBZIDExists($info['bzid'])) {
         // If they're new, redirect to their profile page so they can add some info
         $player = Player::newPlayer($info['bzid'], $info['username']);
         $redirectToProfile = true;
     } else {
         $player = Player::getFromBZID($info['bzid']);
         if ($player->isDeleted()) {
     $session->set("playerId", $player->getId());
     Visit::enterVisit($player->getId(), $request->getClientIp(), gethostbyaddr($request->getClientIp()), $request->server->get('HTTP_USER_AGENT'), $request->server->get('HTTP_REFERER'));
     if ($redirectToProfile) {
         $profile = Service::getGenerator()->generate('profile_show');
         return new RedirectResponse($profile);
     } else {
         return $this->goBack();
コード例 #4
ファイル: sampleData.php プロジェクト: allejo/bzion
#!/usr/bin/env php
use BZIon\Event\ConversationAbandonEvent;
use BZIon\Event\ConversationJoinEvent;
use BZIon\Event\ConversationKickEvent;
use BZIon\Event\ConversationRenameEvent;
use BZIon\Event\Events;
use BZIon\Event\WelcomeEvent;
require_once __DIR__ . "/../bzion-load.php";
$kernel = new AppKernel("dev", true);
$testPlayer = Player::getFromBZID(3030);
if ($testPlayer->isValid()) {
    die("Please clear your current data in the database or you'll end up with duplicate entries.\n");
echo "Adding players...";
$alezakos = Player::newPlayer(49434, "alezakos", null, "active", Player::DEVELOPER, "", "Sample description", 84);
$allejo = Player::newPlayer(31098, "allejo", null, "active", Player::DEVELOPER, "", "I'm the one who breaks the build", 227);
$ashvala = Player::newPlayer(34353, "ashvala", null, "active", Player::DEVELOPER, "", "", 100);
$autoreport = Player::newPlayer(55976, "AutoReport", null, "test");
$blast = Player::newPlayer(180, "blast", null, "active", Player::S_ADMIN);
$kierra = Player::newPlayer(2229, "kierra", null, "active", Player::ADMIN, "", "", 174);
$mdskpr = Player::newPlayer(8312, "mdskpr");
$snake = Player::newPlayer(54497, "Snake12534");
$tw1sted = Player::newPlayer(9736, "tw1sted", null, "active", Player::DEVELOPER);
$brad = Player::newPlayer(3030, "brad", null, "active", Player::S_ADMIN, "", "I keep nagging about when this project will be done");
$constitution = Player::newPlayer(9972, "Constitution", null, "active", Player::S_ADMIN);
$themap = Player::newPlayer(57422, "the map", null, "active", Player::COP);
$oldSnake = Player::newPlayer(54498, "Snake12534");
$allPlayers = array($alezakos, $allejo, $ashvala, $autoreport, $blast, $kierra, $mdskpr, $snake, $tw1sted, $brad, $constitution, $themap);
コード例 #5
  * Convert a comma-separated list of bzids to player IDs so we can pass
  * them to Match::enterMatch()
  * @param  string $players A comma-separated list of BZIDs
  * @return int[]  A list of Player IDs
 private function bzidsToIdArray($players)
     $players = explode(',', $players);
     foreach ($players as &$player) {
         $player = Player::getFromBZID($player)->getId();
     return $players;
コード例 #6
ファイル: Match.php プロジェクト: bchhun/bzion
  * Get an array of players based on a string representation
  * @param string $playerString
  * @return Player[]|null Returns null if there were no players recorded for this match
 private static function parsePlayers($playerString)
     $players = array();
     if ($playerString == null) {
         return null;
     $BZIDs = explode(",", $playerString);
     foreach ($BZIDs as $bzid) {
         $players[] = Player::getFromBZID($bzid);
     return $players;