function handleIndividualAPI($args, $that) { $session = mySession::getInstance(); if ($that->method === 'GET') { if ($that->verb === '') { $id = intval(array_shift($args)); if ($id && is_numeric($id)) { $session = mySession::getInstance(); if ($id > -1) { $person = Person::getById($id); if ($person) { $person->appendNames(); $person->birth = Birth::getById($id); if ($person->birth) { $person->birth->birthPlace = Place::getById($person->birth->place); } $person->death = Death::getById($id); if ($person->death) { $person->death->deathPlace = Place::getById($person->death->place); } $person->burial = Burial::getById($id); if ($person->burial) { $person->burial->burialPlace = Place::getById($person->burial->place); } $person->parents = Parents::getParentsOf($id); $person->children = Parents::getChildrenOf($id); $person->spouse = Spouse::getById($id); $person->profilePicture = File::getById($person->profile_pic); return $person; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } } else { if ($that->verb === 'submissions') { $user = User::current_user(); $submissions = Person::getSubmissions($user); return $submissions; } else { if ($that->verb === 'allSubmissions' && $session->isAdmin()) { $submissions = Person::getSubmissions(); return $submissions; } else { if ($that->verb === 'children') { if (count($args) > 2 || count($args) < 2) { return array(); } else { $id = intval(array_shift($args)); $spouseid = intval(array_shift($args)); if ($id && is_numeric($id) && $spouseid && is_numeric($spouseid)) { $children = Person::getChildrenByParents($id, $spouseid); $result = array(); if ($children && is_array($children) && count($children)) { foreach ($children as $child) { $person = Person::getById($child->child); $person->appendNames(); $person->profilePicture = File::getById($person->profile_pic); $result[] = $person; } } return $result; } else { return array(); } } } else { if ($that->verb === 'families') { if (!empty($args)) { $letter = array_shift($args); } else { $letter = 'a'; } $all = array_shift($args); $all = $all === "true" ? true : false; $names = array(); $families = Person::getLastNames($letter, $all); if ($families) { foreach ($families as $key) { $names[] = $key['lastName']; } } return $names; } else { if ($that->verb === 'family') { $id = intval(array_shift($args)); if ($id && is_numeric($id)) { $person = Person::getById($id); $person->appendNames(); $family = new stdClass(); $family->self = $person; $family->parents = array(); // $family->siblings = array(); $children = $person->getChildren(); $family->children = array(); foreach ($children as $child) { $temp = Person::getById($child->child); $temp->appendNames(); $family->children[] = $temp; } $spouses = $person->getSpouse(); $family->spouses = array(); foreach ($spouses as $spouse) { $temp = Person::getById($spouse->spouse); $temp->appendNames(); $family->spouses[] = $temp; } $siblings = array(); $tempsiblings = array(); $person->getParentsGen(4); $family->parents = $person->parents; // foreach ($parents as $key) { // $parent = Person::getById($key->parentId); // $parent->appendNames(); // $family->parents[] = $parent; // // $siblings[] = $parent->getChildren(); // } // foreach ($siblings as $sibling) { // foreach ($sibling as $key) { // $test = true; // foreach ($tempsiblings as $value) { // if ($key->child === $value->child) { // $test = false; // } // } // if ($test) { // $tempsiblings[] = $key; // } // } // } // foreach ($tempsiblings as $sibling) { // if ($sibling->child !== $person->id) { // $family->siblings[] = Person::getById($sibling->child); // } // } // foreach ($family->parents as $parent) { // $grandparents = $parent->getParents(); // foreach ($grandparents as $grandparent) { // $temp = Person::getById($grandparent->parentId); // $temp->child = $parent->id; // $temp->appendNames(); // $family->grandParents[] = $temp; // } // } // foreach ($family->grandParents as $parent) { // $grandparents = $parent->getParents(); // foreach ($grandparents as $grandparent) { // $temp = Person::getById($grandparent->parentId); // $temp->child = $parent->id; // $temp->appendNames(); // $family->greatGrandParents[] = $temp; // } // } // foreach ($family->greatGrandParents as $parent) { // $grandparents = $parent->getParents(); // foreach ($grandparents as $grandparent) { // $temp = Person::getById($grandparent->parentId); // $temp->child = $parent->id; // $temp->appendNames(); // $family->greatGreatGrandParents[] = $temp; // } // } return $family; } else { return new stdClass(); } } else { if ($that->verb === 'familyNames') { if (!empty($args)) { $lastName = array_shift($args); } else { $lastName = 'Law'; } $all = array_shift($args); $all = $all === "true" ? true : false; $names = array(); $user = User::current_user(); $familyNames = Person::getFirstNames($lastName, $all, $user); if ($familyNames) { foreach ($familyNames as $key) { $key = recast('Person', arrayToObject($key)); $key->appendNames(); $names[] = $key; } } return $names; } else { if ($that->verb === 'pictures') { $id = intval(array_shift($args)); if ($id && is_numeric($id)) { $session = mySession::getInstance(); if ($id > -1) { $person = Person::getById($id); if ($person) { return File::getByInd($person->id, 'image'); } } } else { return false; } } else { if ($that->verb === 'documents') { $id = intval(array_shift($args)); if ($id && is_numeric($id)) { $session = mySession::getInstance(); if ($id > -1) { $person = Person::getById($id); if ($person) { return File::getByInd($person->id, 'document'); } } } else { return false; } } } } } } } } } } // } else { // return false; // } } else { if ($that->method === 'DELETE' && $session->isLoggedIn() && $session->isAdmin()) { // } else if ($that->method === 'DELETE'){ $id = intval($args[0]); if (is_numeric($id)) { $person = Person::getById($id); if ($person) { $birth = Birth::getById($id); if ($birth) { $birth = recast('Birth', $birth); $birth->delete(); //delete } $death = Death::getById($id); if ($death) { $death = recast('Death', $death); $death->delete(); //delete } $burial = Burial::getById($id); if ($burial) { $burial = recast('Burial', $burial); $burial->delete(); //delete } $parents = Parents::getParentsOf($id); if ($parents) { foreach ($parents as $parent) { $parent = recast('Parents', $parent); $parent->delete(); //delete $parent } } $children = Parents::getChildrenOf($id); if ($children) { foreach ($children as $child) { $child = recast('Parents', $child); $child->delete(); //delete $child } } $mySpouse = Spouse::getById($id); if ($mySpouse) { foreach ($mySpouse as $spouse) { $spouse = recast('Spouse', $spouse); $theirSpouse = Spouse::getById($spouse->personId); if ($theirSpouse) { foreach ($theirSpouse as $otherSpouse) { $otherSpouse = recast('Spouse', $otherSpouse); $otherSpouse->delete(); //delete $otherSpouse } } $spouse->delete(); //delete $spouse } } $tags = Tag::getByIndId($id); if ($tags) { foreach ($tags as $tag) { $tag = recast('Tag', $tag); $tag->delete(); } } $person->delete(); return true; } else { return true; } } return false; } else { if (($that->method === 'POST' || $that->method === 'PUT') && $session->isLoggedIn()) { $user = User::current_user(); if (!$user->id) { return false; } $result = $that->file; if (empty($result) || empty($result->person) || empty($result->birth) || empty($result->death)) { return 'we failed on check1'; return false; } // return $result; $person = recast('Person', $result->person); if ($person->id) { $tempPerson = Person::getById($person->id); $person->submitter = $tempPerson->submitter; $person->status = $tempPerson->status; if ($person->submitter !== $user->id && !($user->rights === 'super' || $user->rights === 'admin')) { return 'we failed on check2'; return false; } } if (!empty($person)) { $personId = $person->save($user); } else { return false; } if (!!$personId) { $person->id = $personId; $birth = recast('Birth', $result->birth); $birth->personId = $personId; $birthId = $birth->save(); $birth->id = $birthId; $death = recast('Death', $result->death); $death->personId = $personId; $deathId = $death->save(); $death->id = $deathId; if ($result->burial) { $burial = recast('Burial', $result->burial); $burial->personId = $personId; $burialId = $burial->save(); $burial->id = $burialId; } else { $burial = false; } if (empty($personId) || empty($birthId) || empty($deathId)) { return 'test'; return false; } if ($result->birthPlace) { $birthPlace = recast('Place', $result->birthPlace); $birthPlace->ft_name = "birth"; $birthPlace->fkey = $birthId; $birth->place = $birthPlace->save(); $birth->save(); } else { $birth->place = null; $birth->save(); } if ($result->deathPlace) { $deathPlace = recast('Place', $result->deathPlace); $deathPlace->ft_name = "death"; $deathPlace->fkey = $deathId; $death->place = $deathPlace->save(); $death->save(); } else { $death->place = null; $death->save(); } if ($burial) { if ($result->burialPlace) { $burialPlace = recast('Place', $result->burialPlace); $burialPlace->ft_name = "burial"; $burialPlace->fkey = $burial->id; $burial->place = $burialPlace->save(); $burial->save(); } else { $burial->place = null; $burial->save(); } } else { $burial = Burial::getById($person->id); if ($burial && $burial->id) { $burial = recast('Burial', $burial); $burial->delete(); } } if ($result->parents) { if ($person->id) { $parents = Parents::getParentsOf($person->id); if ($parents) { $missing = array(); foreach ($parents as $parent) { if (!objectListContains($result->parents, 'id', $parent->parentId)) { $missing[] = $parent; } } foreach ($missing as $parent) { $parent = recast('Parents', $parent); $parent->delete(); } foreach ($result->parents as $key) { if (!objectListContains($parents, 'parentId', $key->id)) { $newPadre = new Parents(); $newPadre->child = $person->id; $newPadre->gender = $key->sex === 'male' ? 'father' : 'mother'; $newPadre->parentId = $key->id; $newPadre->save(); } } } else { foreach ($result->parents as $key) { $newPadre = new Parents(); $newPadre->child = $person->id; $newPadre->gender = $key->sex === 'male' ? 'father' : 'mother'; $newPadre->parentId = $key->id; $newPadre->save(); } } } else { return 'We have an error'; } } else { $parents = Parents::getParentsOf($person->id); if ($parents) { foreach ($parents as $parent) { $parent = recast('Parents', $parent); $parent->delete(); } } } if ($result->spouse) { $spouses = Spouse::getAllSpousesById($person->id); if ($spouses) { $missing = array(); foreach ($spouses as $spouse) { if (!objectListContains($result->spouse, 'id', $spouse->spouse)) { $missing[] = $spouse; } } foreach ($missing as $spouse) { $spouse = recast('Spouse', $spouse); $place = Place::getById($spouse->place); if ($place) { $place = recast('Place', $place); $place->delete(); } $otherSpouse = Spouse::getByPair($spouse->personId, $spouse->spouse); if ($otherSpouse) { $place = Place::getById($otherSpouse->place); if ($place) { $place = recast('Place', $place); $place->delete(); } $otherSpouse = recast('Spouse', $otherSpouse); $otherSpouse->delete(); } $spouse->delete(); } foreach ($result->spouse as $spouse) { if (!objectListContains($spouses, 'spouse', $spouse->id)) { Spouse::addSpouse($spouse, $person->id, $spouse->id); Spouse::addSpouse($spouse, $spouse->id, $person->id); } else { Spouse::updateSpouse($spouse, $spouse->id, $person->id); Spouse::updateSpouse($spouse, $person->id, $spouse->id); } } } else { foreach ($result->spouse as $spouse) { Spouse::addSpouse($spouse, $person->id, $spouse->id); Spouse::addSpouse($spouse, $spouse->id, $person->id); } } } else { $spouses = Spouse::getAllSpousesById($person->id); if ($spouses) { foreach ($spouses as $spouse) { $spouse = recast('Spouse', $spouse); $place = Place::getById($spouse->place); if ($place) { $place = recast('Place', $place); $place->delete(); } $otherSpouse = Spouse::getByPair($spouse->personId, $spouse->spouse); if ($otherSpouse) { $place = Place::getById($otherSpouse->place); if ($place) { $place = recast('Place', $place); $place->delete(); } $otherSpouse = recast('Spouse', $otherSpouse); $otherSpouse->delete(); } $spouse->delete(); } } } return $person; } return false; } else { return "Only accepts POST and GET requests"; } } } }
public static function getByFileId($id = NULL) { if ($id) { $database = cbSQLConnect::connect('object'); if (isset($database)) { $query = "SELECT * FROM `tag` WHERE `fileid`=" . $id; $result = $database->QuerySingle($query); $tags = array(); $tags['person'] = array(); $tags['place'] = array(); $tags['other'] = array(); foreach ($result as $tag) { if ($tag->enum === 'person') { $tempPerson = Person::getById($tag->foreignid); if ($tempPerson) { $tempPerson->text = $tempPerson->selectName() . " (" . $tempPerson->yearBorn . ")"; $tags['person'][] = $tempPerson; } } else { if ($tag->enum === 'place') { $place = Place::getById($tag->foreignid); if ($place) { $place = recast('Place', $place); $place->text = $place->getTypeaheadName(); $tags['place'][] = $place; } } else { $tags['other'][] = $tag; } } } return $tags; } } else { return NULL; } }
protected function place($args) { $session = mySession::getInstance(); if ($this->method === 'GET') { if ($this->verb == "") { $placeId = intval(array_shift($args)); if ($placeId && is_numeric($placeId)) { $place = Place::getById($placeId); return $place; } } } return false; }
$temp[0] = 'parent'; $temp_person = Person::getById($pops->parentId); $temp[1] = "" . $temp_person->lastName . ", " . $temp_person->firstName . " " . $temp_person->middleName . " || Born: " . $temp_person->yearBorn . ", Death: " . $temp_person->yearDead . " || " . $temp_person->id; $parents[] = $temp; } $result[] = $parents; $spouses = array(); $spouse = Spouse::getAllSpousesById($id); foreach ($spouse as $spo) { $temp = array(); $temp[0] = 'spouse'; $temp_spouse = Person::getById($spo->spouse); $temp[1] = "" . $temp_spouse->lastName . ", " . $temp_spouse->firstName . " " . $temp_spouse->middleName . " || Born: " . $temp_spouse->yearBorn . ", Death: " . $temp_spouse->yearDead . " || " . $temp_spouse->id; $temp[2] = $spo->day . "/" . $spo->month . "/" . $spo->year; $temp[3] = $spo->yearM; $temp[4] = array_values(get_object_vars(Place::getById($spo->place))); $spouses[] = $temp; } $result[] = $spouses; echo json_encode($result); } exit; } //this will get us the individual's data if ($action == 'getFileData') { $id = getRequest('id'); if ($id) { $result['file'] = $file = File::getById($id); $result['tags'] = $tags = File::getTagsById($id); echo json_encode($result); }
function doInd($that, $args) { $that = recast('MyAPI', $that); $session = mySession::getInstance(); if ($that->method === 'GET') { if ($that->verb === '') { $id = intval(array_shift($args)); if ($id && is_numeric($id)) { $session = mySession::getInstance(); if ($id > -1) { $person = Person::getById($id); if ($person) { $person->appendNames(); $person->birth = Birth::getById($id); if ($person->birth) { $person->birth->birthPlace = Place::getById($person->birth->place); } $person->death = Death::getById($id); if ($person->death) { $person->death->deathPlace = Place::getById($person->death->place); } $person->burial = Burial::getById($id); if ($person->burial) { $person->burial->burialPlace = Place::getById($person->burial->place); } $person->parents = Parents::getParentsOf($id); $person->children = Parents::getChildrenOf($id); $person->spouse = Spouse::getById($id); return $person; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } } else { if ($that->verb === 'families') { if (!empty($args)) { $letter = array_shift($args); } else { $letter = 'a'; } $names = array(); $families = Person::getLastNames($letter); if ($families) { foreach ($families as $key) { $names[] = $key['lastName']; } } return $names; } else { if ($that->verb === 'familyNames') { if (!empty($args)) { $lastName = array_shift($args); } else { $lastName = 'Law'; } $names = array(); $familyNames = Person::getFirstNames($lastName); if ($familyNames) { foreach ($familyNames as $key) { $key = recast('Person', arrayToObject($key)); $key->appendNames(); $names[] = $key; } } return $names; } } } } else { if ($that->method === 'DELETE' && $session->isLoggedIn() && $session->isAdmin()) { $id = intval($args[0]); if (is_numeric($id)) { $person = Person::getById($id); if ($person) { $birth = Birth::getById($id); if ($birth) { $birth = recast('Birth', $birth); $birth->delete(); //delete } $death = Death::getById($id); if ($death) { $death = recast('Death', $death); $death->delete(); //delete } $burial = Burial::getById($id); if ($burial) { $burial = recast('Burial', $burial); $burial->delete(); //delete } $parents = Parents::getParentsOf($id); if ($parents) { foreach ($parents as $parent) { $parent = recast('Parents', $parent); $parent->delete(); //delete $parent } } $children = Parents::getChildrenOf($id); if ($children) { foreach ($children as $child) { $child = recast('Parents', $child); $child->delete(); //delete $child } } $mySpouse = Spouse::getById($id); if ($mySpouse) { foreach ($mySpouse as $spouse) { $spouse = recast('Spouse', $spouse); $theirSpouse = Spouse::getById($spouse->personId); if ($theirSpouse) { foreach ($theirSpouse as $otherSpouse) { $otherSpouse = recast('Spouse', $otherSpouse); $otherSpouse->delete(); //delete $otherSpouse } } $spouse->delete(); //delete $spouse } } $tags = Tag::getByIndId($id); if ($tags) { foreach ($tags as $tag) { $tag = recast('Tag', $tag); $tag->delete(); } } $person->delete(); return true; } else { return true; } } return false; } else { if (($that->method === 'POST' || $that->method === 'PUT') && $session->isLoggedIn() && $session->isAdmin()) { $result = $that->file; if (empty($result) || empty($result->person) || empty($result->birth) || empty($result->death)) { return false; } // return $result; $person = recast('Person', $result->person); if (!empty($person)) { $personId = $person->save(); } else { return false; } if ($personId) { $person->id = $personId; $birth = recast('Birth', $result->birth); $birth->personId = $personId; $birthId = $birth->save(); $birth->id = $birthId; $death = recast('Death', $result->death); $death->personId = $personId; $deathId = $death->save(); $death->id = $deathId; if ($result->burial) { $burial = recast('Burial', $result->burial); $burial->personId = $personId; $burialId = $burial->save(); $burial->id = $burialId; } else { $burial = false; } if (empty($personId) || empty($birthId) || empty($deathId)) { return false; } if ($result->birthPlace) { $birthPlace = recast('Place', $result->birthPlace); $birthPlace->ft_name = "birth"; $birthPlace->fkey = $birthId; $birth->place = $birthPlace->save(); $birth->save(); } else { if ($birth && $birth->birthPlace) { $birthPlace = Place::getById($birth->birthPlace->id); if ($birthPlace) { $birthPlace = recast('Place', $birthPlace); if ($birthPlace) { $birthPlace->delete(); } } } $birthPlace = null; } if ($result->deathPlace) { $deathPlace = recast('Place', $result->deathPlace); $deathPlace->ft_name = "death"; $deathPlace->fkey = $deathId; $death->place = $deathPlace->save(); $death->save(); } else { $deathPlace = Place::getById($death->deathPlace->id); if ($death && $death->deathPlace) { $deathPlace = recast('Place', Place::getById($death->deathPlace->id)); if ($deathPlace) { $deathPlace->delete(); } } $deathPlace = null; } if ($burial) { if ($result->burialPlace) { $burialPlace = recast('Place', $result->burialPlace); $burialPlace->ft_name = "burial"; $burialPlace->fkey = $burial->id; $burial->place = $burialPlace->save(); $burial->save(); } else { $burialPlace = Place::getById($burial->place); if ($burial && $burialPlace) { $burialPlace = recast('Place', Place::getById($burial->place)); if ($burialPlace) { $burialPlace->delete(); } } } } else { $burial = Burial::getById($person->id); if ($burial && $burial->id) { $burial = recast('Burial', $burial); $burialPlace = Place::getById($burial->place); if ($burialPlace) { $burialPlace = recast('Place', Place::getById($burial->place)); if ($burialPlace) { $burialPlace->delete(); } } $burial->delete(); } } if ($result->parents) { if ($person->id) { $parents = Parents::getParentsOf($person->id); if ($parents) { $missing = array(); foreach ($parents as $parent) { if (!objectListContains($result->parents, 'id', $parent->parentId)) { $missing[] = $parent; } } foreach ($missing as $parent) { $parent = recast('Parents', $parent); $parent->delete(); } foreach ($result->parents as $key) { if (!objectListContains($parents, 'parentId', $key->id)) { $newPadre = new Parents(); $newPadre->child = $person->id; $newPadre->gender = $key->sex === 'male' ? 'father' : 'mother'; $newPadre->parentId = $key->id; $newPadre->save(); } } } else { foreach ($result->parents as $key) { $newPadre = new Parents(); $newPadre->child = $person->id; $newPadre->gender = $key->sex === 'male' ? 'father' : 'mother'; $newPadre->parentId = $key->id; $newPadre->save(); } } } else { return 'We have an error'; } } else { $parents = Parents::getParentsOf($person->id); if ($parents) { foreach ($parents as $parent) { $parent = recast('Parents', $parent); $parent->delete(); } } } if ($result->spouse) { $spouses = Spouse::getAllSpousesById($person->id); if ($spouses) { $missing = array(); foreach ($spouses as $spouse) { if (!objectListContains($result->spouse, 'id', $spouse->spouse)) { $missing[] = $spouse; } } foreach ($missing as $spouse) { $spouse = recast('Spouse', $spouse); $place = Place::getById($spouse->place); if ($place) { $place = recast('Place', $place); $place->delete(); } $otherSpouse = Spouse::getByPair($spouse->personId, $spouse->spouse); if ($otherSpouse) { $place = Place::getById($otherSpouse->place); if ($place) { $place = recast('Place', $place); $place->delete(); } $otherSpouse = recast('Spouse', $otherSpouse); $otherSpouse->delete(); } $spouse->delete(); } foreach ($result->spouse as $spouse) { if (!objectListContains($spouses, 'spouse', $spouse->id)) { Spouse::addSpouse($spouse, $person->id, $spouse->id); Spouse::addSpouse($spouse, $spouse->id, $person->id); } else { Spouse::updateSpouse($spouse, $spouse->id, $person->id); Spouse::updateSpouse($spouse, $person->id, $spouse->id); } } } else { foreach ($result->spouse as $spouse) { Spouse::addSpouse($spouse, $person->id, $spouse->id); Spouse::addSpouse($spouse, $spouse->id, $person->id); } } } else { $spouses = Spouse::getAllSpousesById($person->id); if ($spouses) { foreach ($spouses as $spouse) { $spouse = recast('Spouse', $spouse); $place = Place::getById($spouse->place); if ($place) { $place = recast('Place', $place); $place->delete(); } $otherSpouse = Spouse::getByPair($spouse->personId, $spouse->spouse); if ($otherSpouse) { $place = Place::getById($otherSpouse->place); if ($place) { $place = recast('Place', $place); $place->delete(); } $otherSpouse = recast('Spouse', $otherSpouse); $otherSpouse->delete(); } $spouse->delete(); } } } return true; } return false; } else { return "Only accepts POST and GET requests"; } } } }
public static function updateSpouse($spouse, $spouseId, $individualId) { $newSpouse = Spouse::getByPair($spouseId, $individualId); if ($newSpouse) { $newSpouse = recast('Spouse', $newSpouse); $newSpouse->day = $spouse->marriageDate->day; $newSpouse->month = $spouse->marriageDate->month; $newSpouse->year = $spouse->marriageDate->year; $newSpouse->yearM = $spouse->marriageDate->yearM; $newSpouse->save(); $marriagePlace = Place::getById($newSpouse->place); if ($marriagePlace) { $marriagePlace = recast('Place', $marriagePlace); if ($spouse->marriagePlace && isset($spouse->marriagePlace->town)) { $marriagePlace->town = $spouse->marriagePlace->town; } if ($spouse->marriagePlace && isset($spouse->marriagePlace->county)) { $marriagePlace->county = $spouse->marriagePlace->county; } if ($spouse->marriagePlace && isset($spouse->marriagePlace->state)) { $marriagePlace->state = $spouse->marriagePlace->state; } if ($spouse->marriagePlace && isset($spouse->marriagePlace->country)) { $marriagePlace->country = $spouse->marriagePlace->country; } if ($spouse->marriagePlace && isset($spouse->marriagePlace->cemetary)) { $marriagePlace->cemetary = $spouse->marriagePlace->cemetary; } $marriagePlace->ft_name = 'spouse'; $marriagePlace->fkey = $spouseId; $marriagePlace->save(); } return $newSpouse->id; } return false; }