コード例 #1
ファイル: RankingQueryTest.php プロジェクト: nnnnathann/piwik
  * @param Piwik_RankingQuery $rankingQuery
  * @param string $innerQuerySql
  * @param string $expected
 private function checkQuery($rankingQuery, $innerQuerySql, $expected)
     $query = $rankingQuery->generateQuery($innerQuerySql);
     $queryNoWhitespace = preg_replace("/\\s+/", "", $query);
     $expectedNoWhitespace = preg_replace("/\\s+/", "", $expected);
     $message = 'Unexpected query: ' . $query;
     $this->assertEquals($queryNoWhitespace, $expectedNoWhitespace, $message);
コード例 #2
ファイル: Day.php プロジェクト: nomoto-ubicast/piwik
  * Query visits by dimension
  * @param array|string  $label    Can be a string, eg. "referer_name", will be aliased as 'label' in the returned rows
  *                                Can also be an array of strings, when the dimension spans multiple fields, 
  *                                eg. array("referer_name", "referer_keyword")
  * @param string        $where    Additional condition for WHERE clause
  * @param bool|array    $metrics  Set this if you want to limit the columns that are returned.
  *                                The possible values in the array are Piwik_Archive::INDEX_*.
  * @param bool|string   $orderBy  ORDER BY clause. This is needed in combination with $rankingQuery.
  * @param Piwik_RankingQuery $rankingQuery
  *                                A pre-configured ranking query instance that is used to limit the result.
  *                                If set, the return value is the array returned by Piwik_RankingQuery::execute().
  * @param string      $addSelect  Additional SELECT clause
  * @param bool        $addSelectGeneratesLabelColumn
  *                                Set to true if the $label column is generated in $addSelect.
  * @return mixed
 public function queryVisitsByDimension($label, $where = '', $metrics = false, $orderBy = false, $rankingQuery = null, $addSelect = false, $addSelectGeneratesLabelColumn = false)
     if (is_array($label)) {
         $groupBy = "log_visit." . implode(", log_visit.", $label);
         foreach ($label as &$field) {
             $field = 'log_visit.' . $field . ' AS ' . $field;
         $select = implode(", ", $label);
     } else {
         if ($addSelectGeneratesLabelColumn) {
             $select = $addSelect;
             $groupBy = $label;
         } else {
             $select = $label . " AS label ";
             $groupBy = 'label';
     if (!empty($where)) {
         $where = sprintf($where, "log_visit", "log_visit");
         $where = ' AND ' . $where;
     $pre = ", \n\t\t\t";
     if (!$metrics || in_array(Piwik_Archive::INDEX_NB_UNIQ_VISITORS, $metrics)) {
         $select .= $pre . "count(distinct log_visit.idvisitor) as `" . Piwik_Archive::INDEX_NB_UNIQ_VISITORS . "`";
     if (!$metrics || in_array(Piwik_Archive::INDEX_NB_VISITS, $metrics)) {
         $select .= $pre . "count(*) as `" . Piwik_Archive::INDEX_NB_VISITS . "`";
     if (!$metrics || in_array(Piwik_Archive::INDEX_NB_ACTIONS, $metrics)) {
         $select .= $pre . "sum(log_visit.visit_total_actions) as `" . Piwik_Archive::INDEX_NB_ACTIONS . "`";
     if (!$metrics || in_array(Piwik_Archive::INDEX_MAX_ACTIONS, $metrics)) {
         $select .= $pre . "max(log_visit.visit_total_actions) as `" . Piwik_Archive::INDEX_MAX_ACTIONS . "`";
     if (!$metrics || in_array(Piwik_Archive::INDEX_SUM_VISIT_LENGTH, $metrics)) {
         $select .= $pre . "sum(log_visit.visit_total_time) as `" . Piwik_Archive::INDEX_SUM_VISIT_LENGTH . "`";
     if (!$metrics || in_array(Piwik_Archive::INDEX_BOUNCE_COUNT, $metrics)) {
         $select .= $pre . "sum(case log_visit.visit_total_actions when 1 then 1 when 0 then 1 else 0 end) as `" . Piwik_Archive::INDEX_BOUNCE_COUNT . "`";
     if (!$metrics || in_array(Piwik_Archive::INDEX_NB_VISITS_CONVERTED, $metrics)) {
         $select .= $pre . "sum(case log_visit.visit_goal_converted when 1 then 1 else 0 end) as `" . Piwik_Archive::INDEX_NB_VISITS_CONVERTED . "`";
     if ($addSelect && !$addSelectGeneratesLabelColumn) {
         $select .= ', ' . $addSelect;
     $from = "log_visit";
     $where = "log_visit.visit_last_action_time >= ?\n\t\t\t\tAND log_visit.visit_last_action_time <= ?\n\t\t\t\tAND log_visit.idsite = ?\n\t\t\t\t{$where}";
     $bind = array($this->getStartDatetimeUTC(), $this->getEndDatetimeUTC(), $this->idsite);
     $query = $this->getSegment()->getSelectQuery($select, $from, $where, $bind, $orderBy, $groupBy);
     if ($rankingQuery !== null) {
         $sumColumns = array(Piwik_Archive::INDEX_NB_UNIQ_VISITORS, Piwik_Archive::INDEX_NB_VISITS, Piwik_Archive::INDEX_NB_ACTIONS, Piwik_Archive::INDEX_SUM_VISIT_LENGTH, Piwik_Archive::INDEX_BOUNCE_COUNT, Piwik_Archive::INDEX_NB_VISITS_CONVERTED);
         if ($metrics) {
             foreach ($sumColumns as $i => $column) {
                 if (!in_array($column, $metrics)) {
             $sumColumns = array_values($sumColumns);
         $rankingQuery->addColumn($sumColumns, 'sum');
         if (!$metrics || in_array(Piwik_Archive::INDEX_MAX_ACTIONS, $metrics)) {
             $rankingQuery->addColumn(Piwik_Archive::INDEX_MAX_ACTIONS, 'max');
         return $rankingQuery->execute($query['sql'], $query['bind']);
     return $this->db->query($query['sql'], $query['bind']);
コード例 #3
ファイル: Archiving.php プロジェクト: nomoto-ubicast/piwik
  * @param $select
  * @param $from
  * @param $where
  * @param $orderBy
  * @param $groupBy
  * @param $sprintfField
  * @param Piwik_ArchiveProcessing $archiveProcessing
  * @param Piwik_RankingQuery|false $rankingQuery
  * @return int
 protected function archiveDayQueryProcess($select, $from, $where, $orderBy, $groupBy, $sprintfField, $archiveProcessing, $rankingQuery = false)
     // idaction field needs to be set in select clause before calling getSelectQuery().
     // if a complex segmentation join is needed, the field needs to be propagated
     // to the outer select. therefore, $segment needs to know about it.
     $select = sprintf($select, $sprintfField);
     $bind = array();
     // get query with segmentation
     $query = $archiveProcessing->getSegment()->getSelectQuery($select, $from, $where, $bind, $orderBy, $groupBy);
     // extend bindings
     $bind = array_merge(array($archiveProcessing->getStartDatetimeUTC(), $archiveProcessing->getEndDatetimeUTC(), $archiveProcessing->idsite), $query['bind']);
     // replace the rest of the %s
     $querySql = str_replace("%s", $sprintfField, $query['sql']);
     // apply ranking query
     if ($rankingQuery) {
         $querySql = $rankingQuery->generateQuery($querySql);
     //      echo '<pre>';var_dump($querySql);
     //      var_dump($bind);
     // get result
     $resultSet = $archiveProcessing->db->query($querySql, $bind);
     $modified = Piwik_Actions_ArchivingHelper::updateActionsTableWithRowQuery($resultSet, $sprintfField, $this->actionsTablesByType);
     return $modified;
コード例 #4
ファイル: Transitions.php プロジェクト: nomoto-ubicast/piwik
     * Get information about the following actions (following pages, site searches, outlinks, downloads)
     * @param $idaction
     * @param $actionType
     * @param Piwik_ArchiveProcessing_Day $archiveProcessing
     * @param $limitBeforeGrouping
     * @param $includeLoops
     * @return array(followingPages:Piwik_DataTable, outlinks:Piwik_DataTable, downloads:Piwik_DataTable)
    public function queryFollowingActions($idaction, $actionType, Piwik_ArchiveProcessing_Day $archiveProcessing, $limitBeforeGrouping = false, $includeLoops = false)
        $types = array();
        $isTitle = $actionType == 'title';
        if (!$isTitle) {
            // specific setup for page urls
            $types[Piwik_Tracker_Action::TYPE_ACTION_URL] = 'followingPages';
            $dimension = 'IF( idaction_url IS NULL, idaction_name, idaction_url )';
            // site search referrers are logged with url=NULL
            // when we find one, we have to join on name
            $joinLogActionColumn = $dimension;
            $addSelect = 'log_action.name, log_action.url_prefix, log_action.type';
        } else {
            // specific setup for page titles:
            $types[Piwik_Tracker_Action::TYPE_ACTION_NAME] = 'followingPages';
            // join log_action on name and url and pick depending on url type
            // the table joined on url is log_action1
            $joinLogActionColumn = array('idaction_url', 'idaction_name');
            $dimension = '
					' . '
					WHEN log_link_visit_action.idaction_url IS NULL THEN log_action2.idaction
					' . '
					WHEN log_action1.type = ' . Piwik_Tracker_Action::TYPE_ACTION_URL . ' THEN log_action2.idaction
					' . '
					ELSE log_action1.idaction
            $addSelect = '
					' . '
					WHEN log_link_visit_action.idaction_url IS NULL THEN log_action2.name
					' . '
					WHEN log_action1.type = ' . Piwik_Tracker_Action::TYPE_ACTION_URL . ' THEN log_action2.name
					' . '
					ELSE log_action1.name
				END AS name,
					' . '
					WHEN log_link_visit_action.idaction_url IS NULL THEN log_action2.type
					' . '
					WHEN log_action1.type = ' . Piwik_Tracker_Action::TYPE_ACTION_URL . ' THEN log_action2.type
					' . '
					ELSE log_action1.type
				END AS type,
				NULL AS url_prefix
        // these types are available for both titles and urls
        $types[Piwik_Tracker_Action::TYPE_SITE_SEARCH] = 'followingSiteSearches';
        $types[Piwik_Tracker_Action::TYPE_OUTLINK] = 'outlinks';
        $types[Piwik_Tracker_Action::TYPE_DOWNLOAD] = 'downloads';
        $rankingQuery = new Piwik_RankingQuery($limitBeforeGrouping ? $limitBeforeGrouping : $this->limitBeforeGrouping);
        $rankingQuery->addLabelColumn(array('name', 'url_prefix'));
        $rankingQuery->partitionResultIntoMultipleGroups('type', array_keys($types));
        $type = $this->getColumnTypeSuffix($actionType);
        $where = 'log_link_visit_action.idaction_' . $type . '_ref = ' . intval($idaction);
        if (!$includeLoops) {
            $where .= ' AND (log_link_visit_action.idaction_' . $type . ' IS NULL OR ' . 'log_link_visit_action.idaction_' . $type . ' != ' . intval($idaction) . ')';
        $orderBy = '`' . Piwik_Archive::INDEX_NB_ACTIONS . '` DESC';
        $metrics = array(Piwik_Archive::INDEX_NB_ACTIONS);
        $data = $archiveProcessing->queryActionsByDimension($dimension, $where, $metrics, $orderBy, $rankingQuery, $joinLogActionColumn, $addSelect);
        $this->totalTransitionsToFollowingActions = 0;
        $dataTables = array();
        foreach ($types as $type => $recordName) {
            $dataTable = new Piwik_DataTable();
            if (isset($data[$type])) {
                foreach ($data[$type] as &$record) {
                    $actions = intval($record[Piwik_Archive::INDEX_NB_ACTIONS]);
                    $dataTable->addRow(new Piwik_DataTable_Row(array(Piwik_DataTable_Row::COLUMNS => array('label' => $this->getPageLabel($record, $isTitle), Piwik_Archive::INDEX_NB_ACTIONS => $actions))));
                    $this->totalTransitionsToFollowingActions += $actions;
            $dataTables[$recordName] = $dataTable;
        return $dataTables;
コード例 #5
ファイル: Transitions.php プロジェクト: nnnnathann/piwik
     * Get information about the following actions (following pages, outlinks, downloads)
     * @param $idaction
     * @param Piwik_ArchiveProcessing_Day $archiveProcessing
     * @return array(followingPages:Piwik_DataTable, outlinks:Piwik_DataTable, downloads:Piwik_DataTable)
    public function queryFollowingActions($idaction, Piwik_ArchiveProcessing_Day $archiveProcessing, $limitBeforeGrouping = false)
        static $types = array(Piwik_Tracker_Action::TYPE_ACTION_URL => 'followingPages', Piwik_Tracker_Action::TYPE_OUTLINK => 'outlinks', Piwik_Tracker_Action::TYPE_DOWNLOAD => 'downloads');
        $dimension = 'idaction_url';
        $rankingQuery = new Piwik_RankingQuery($limitBeforeGrouping ? $limitBeforeGrouping : $this->limitBeforeGrouping);
        $rankingQuery->addLabelColumn(array('name', 'url_prefix'));
        $rankingQuery->partitionResultIntoMultipleGroups('type', array_keys($types));
        $addSelect = 'log_action.name, log_action.url_prefix, log_action.type';
        $where = '
			log_link_visit_action.idaction_url_ref = ' . intval($idaction) . ' AND 
			log_link_visit_action.idaction_url != ' . intval($idaction);
        $orderBy = '`' . Piwik_Archive::INDEX_NB_ACTIONS . '` DESC';
        $metrics = array(Piwik_Archive::INDEX_NB_ACTIONS);
        $data = $archiveProcessing->queryActionsByDimension(array($dimension), $where, $metrics, $orderBy, $rankingQuery, $dimension, $addSelect);
        $dataTables = array();
        foreach ($types as $type => $recordName) {
            $dataTable = new Piwik_DataTable();
            if (isset($data[$type])) {
                foreach ($data[$type] as &$record) {
                    $dataTable->addRow(new Piwik_DataTable_Row(array(Piwik_DataTable_Row::COLUMNS => array('label' => $type == Piwik_Tracker_Action::TYPE_ACTION_URL ? Piwik_Tracker_Action::reconstructNormalizedUrl($record['name'], $record['url_prefix']) : $record['name'], Piwik_Archive::INDEX_NB_ACTIONS => intval($record[Piwik_Archive::INDEX_NB_ACTIONS])))));
            $dataTables[$recordName] = $dataTable;
        return $dataTables;