コード例 #1
  * Update the meta data associated with the specified album.
  * The fields identified by each parameter can be modified, however
  * which photos appear in an album are not.  Any parameters left null will remain their current value.
  * @access public
  * @param string $username  The username on the account that the album is in.
  * @param string $albumid   The id number of the album to update.
  * @param string $title     The title to assign to this album.  Optional, the default is null.
  * @param string $summary   A summary of the contents of the album.  Optional, the default is an empty string.
  *                          Optional, the default is null.
  * @param string $icon      The image that appears as the album cover.  Optional, the default is null.
  * @param string $rights    The access rights to assign to the album.  Options are "public" and "private".  Optional,
  *                          the default is "public".  Optional, the default is null.
  * @param string $commentingEnabled  Identifies whether or not other users should be allowed to post comments to images
  *                                   in the new album.  Optional, the default is "true".  Optional, the default is null.
  * @param string $location  The location that the images in the album were taken.  Optional, the default is an empty string.
  * @param string $timestamp The number of miliseconds after the Unix epoch (January 1, 1970) that the photos in the album were
  *                          taken.  Notice that the PHP time() functions returns the number of seconds since the epoch, so
  *                          that number has to be multiplied by 1000 to be used for this parameter.  Optional, the default is
  *                          null.
  * @param string $gmlPosition         The location in the world that this image was taken.  The format is latitude and longitude,
  *                                    separated by a space.  Optional, the default is null.
  * @return Picasa_Album     The album that was updated.
  * @throws {@link Picasa_Exception}  If something was wrong with the post to Picasa.  A specific subclass of
  *                                   {@link Picasa_Exception} will be thrown based on what kind of problem was
  *                                   encountered, unless the type of error was unknown, in which case {@link Picasa_Exception}
  *                                   itself will be thrown.
 public function updateAlbum($username, $albumid, $title = null, $summary = null, $icon = null, $rights = null, $commentingEnabled = null, $location = null, $timestamp = null, $gmlPosition = null)
     $album = $this->getAlbumByIdAsEntry($username, $albumid);
      * It's possible that I can just leave all of these parameters out of the XML, but Picasa's documentation
      * states that you cannot update just part of an album. Preliminary tests have proved that at least I don't know
      * what that means.  Anyway, this would be reimplimented and tested if I had more time.
     if ($title == null) {
         $title = $album->getTitle();
     if ($summary == null) {
         $summary = $album->getSummary();
     if ($rights == null) {
         $rights = $album->getRights();
     if ($commentingEnabled == null) {
         $commentingEnabled = $album->getCommentingEnabled();
     if ($location == null) {
         $location = $album->getLocation();
     $data = Picasa::constructAlbumXML($title, $summary, $icon, $rights, $commentingEnabled, $location, $timestamp, $gmlPosition, $album->getIdnum());
     $path = $album->getEditLink();
     $path = substr($path, strlen("http://" . Picasa::$PICASA_URL));
     $host = Picasa::$PICASA_URL;
     $header = array(1 => $this->getAuthHeader());
     try {
         Picasa::do_request($host, $path, $data, "PUT", $header, "application/atom+xml");
     } catch (Picasa_Exception $e) {
         throw Picasa::getExceptionFromInvalidPost($e->getResponse(), $e->getMessage());
     try {
         $retObj = $this->getAlbumById($username, $albumid);
     } catch (Picasa_Exception $e) {
         throw new Picasa_Exception("The album was successfully updated but then the following error was encountered: " . $e->getMessage(), $e->getResponse(), $e->getUrl());
     return $retObj;