function _loadData() { global $mainframe; // Lets load the content if it doesn't already exist if (empty($this->_data)) { // Lets load the content if it doesn't already exist if (empty($this->_data)) { $query = 'SELECT p.filename as filename' . ' FROM #__phocagallery AS p' . ' WHERE = ' . (int) $this->_id; $this->_db->setQuery($query); $filename_object = $this->_db->loadObject(); //Get Folder settings and File resize settings $path = PhocaGalleryHelper::getPathSet(); $file = new JObject(); //Create thumbnail if it doesn't exists but originalfile must exist $orig_path = $path['orig_abs_ds']; $refresh_url = 'index.php?option=com_phocagallery&view=phocagalleryd&tmpl=component&cid[]=' . $this->_id; //Creata thumbnails if not exist PhocaGalleryHelper::getOrCreateThumbnail($orig_path, $filename_object->filename, $refresh_url, 1, 1, 1); jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); if (!isset($filename_object->filename)) { $file->set('linkthumbnailpath', ''); } else { $thumbnail_file = PhocaGalleryHelper::getThumbnailName($filename_object->filename, 'large'); $file->set('linkthumbnailpath', $thumbnail_file['rel']); } } if (isset($file)) { $this->_data = $file; } else { $this->_data = ''; } return (bool) $this->_data; } return true; }
function deleteFileThumbnail($filename, $small = 0, $medium = 0, $large = 0) { //Get folder variables from Helper $path = PhocaGalleryHelper::getPathSet(); $filename_orig_path = str_replace(DS, '/', JPath::clean($path['orig_abs_ds'] . $filename)); $filename_orig = PhocaGalleryHelper::getTitleFromFilenameWithExt($filename); if ($small == 1) { $filename_thumbs = PhocaGalleryHelper::getThumbnailName($filename, 'small'); //$filename_thumbs = str_replace ($filename_orig, 'thumbs/' . $filename_thumbs, $filename_orig_path); if (JFile::exists($filename_thumbs['abs'])) { JFile::delete($filename_thumbs['abs']); } } if ($medium == 1) { $filename_thumbm = PhocaGalleryHelper::getThumbnailName($filename, 'medium'); //$filename_thumbm = str_replace ($filename_orig, 'thumbs/' . $filename_thumbm, $filename_orig_path); if (JFile::exists($filename_thumbm['abs'])) { JFile::delete($filename_thumbm['abs']); } } if ($large == 1) { $filename_thumbl = PhocaGalleryHelper::getThumbnailName($filename, 'large'); //$filename_thumbl = str_replace ($filename_orig, 'thumbs/' . $filename_thumbl, $filename_orig_path); if (JFile::exists($filename_thumbl['abs'])) { JFile::delete($filename_thumbl['abs']); } } return true; }
function display($tpl = null) { global $mainframe; $document =& JFactory::getDocument(); $uri =& JFactory::getURI(); $menus =& JSite::getMenu(); $menu = $menus->getActive(); $params =& $mainframe->getParams(); $user =& JFactory::getUser(); $limitStart = JRequest::getVar('limitstart', 0, '', 'int'); $id = JRequest::getVar('id', 0, '', 'int'); $tmpl['tab'] = JRequest::getVar('tab', 0, '', 'int'); $tmpl['formaticon'] = PhocaGalleryHelperFront::getFormatIcon(); // Limit start if ($limitStart > 0) { $tmpl['limitstarturl'] = '&limitstart=' . $limitStart; } else { $tmpl['limitstarturl'] = ''; } // PARAMS $tmpl['displaycatnametitle'] = $params->get('display_cat_name_title', 1); $display_cat_name_breadcrumbs = $params->get('display_cat_name_breadcrumbs', 1); $font_color = $params->get('font_color', '#b36b00'); $background_color = $params->get('background_color', '#fcfcfc'); $background_color_hover = $params->get('background_color_hover', '#f5f5f5'); $image_background_color = $params->get('image_background_color', '#f5f5f5'); $tmpl['displayimageshadow'] = $params->get('image_background_shadow', 'shadow1'); $border_color = $params->get('border_color', '#e8e8e8'); $border_color_hover = $params->get('border_color_hover', '#b36b00'); $tmpl['imagewidth'] = $params->get('medium_image_width', 100); $tmpl['imageheight'] = $params->get('medium_image_height', 100); $front_modal_box_width = $params->get('front_modal_box_width', 680); $front_modal_box_height = $params->get('front_modal_box_height', 560); $front_popup_window_width = $params->get('front_popup_window_width', 680); $front_popup_window_height = $params->get('front_popup_window_height', 560); $tmpl['olbgcolor'] = $params->get('ol_bg_color', '#666666'); $tmpl['olfgcolor'] = $params->get('ol_fg_color', '#f6f6f6'); $tmpl['oltfcolor'] = $params->get('ol_tf_color', '#000000'); $tmpl['olcfcolor'] = $params->get('ol_cf_color', '#ffffff'); $tmpl['overliboverlayopacity'] = $params->get('overlib_overlay_opacity', 0.7); $margin_box = $params->get('margin_box', 5); $padding_box = $params->get('padding_box', 5); $tmpl['maxuploadchar'] = $params->get('max_upload_char', 1000); $tmpl['maxcommentchar'] = $params->get('max_comment_char', 1000); $tmpl['commentwidth'] = $params->get('comment_width', 500); $tmpl['displayrating'] = $params->get('display_rating', 0); $tmpl['displaycomment'] = $params->get('display_comment', 0); $tmpl['displaycategorygeotagging'] = $params->get('display_category_geotagging', 0); $tmpl['displaycategorystatistics'] = $params->get('display_category_statistics', 0); // Used for Highslide JS (only image) $tmpl['displaydescriptiondetail'] = $params->get('display_description_detail', 0); $tmpl['displaytitleindescription'] = $params->get('display_title_description', 0); // PARAMS - Background shadow if ($tmpl['displayimageshadow'] != 'none') { $imageBgCSS = 'background: url(\'' . JURI::base(true) . '/components/com_phocagallery/assets/images/' . $tmpl['displayimageshadow'] . '.' . $tmpl['formaticon'] . '\') 0 0 no-repeat;'; } else { $imageBgCSS = 'background: ' . $image_background_color . ';'; } // CSS $document->addCustomTag("<!--[if lt IE 8]>\n<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"" . JURI::base(true) . "/components/com_phocagallery/assets/phocagalleryieall.css\" type=\"text/css\" />\n<![endif]-->"); $document->addScript(JURI::base(true) . '/components/com_phocagallery/assets/js/comments.js'); $document->addCustomTag(PhocaGalleryHelperRender::renderCategoryCSS($font_color, $background_color, $border_color, $imageBgCSS, $border_color_hover, $background_color_hover, $tmpl['olfgcolor'], $tmpl['olbgcolor'], $tmpl['oltfcolor'], $tmpl['olcfcolor'], $margin_box, $padding_box, $tmpl['overliboverlayopacity'])); $document->addCustomTag(PhocaGalleryHelperRender::renderIeHover()); // PARAMS $tmpl['phocagallerywidth'] = $params->get('phocagallery_width', ''); $display_description_detail = $params->get('display_description_detail', 0); $description_detail_height = $params->get('description_detail_height', 16); $tmpl['categoryboxspace'] = $params->get('category_box_space', 0); $tmpl['detailwindow'] = $params->get('detail_window', 0); // Description detail height if ($display_description_detail == 1) { $front_popup_window_height = $front_popup_window_height + $description_detail_height; } // PARAMS - Display Buttons (height will be smaller) $detail_buttons = $params->get('detail_buttons', 1); // Detail buttons in detail view if ($detail_buttons != 1) { $front_popup_window_height = $front_popup_window_height - 45; } // PARAMS $modal_box_overlay_color = $params->get('modal_box_overlay_color', '#000000'); $modal_box_overlay_opacity = $params->get('modal_box_overlay_opacity', 0.3); $modal_box_border_color = $params->get('modal_box_border_color', '#6b6b6b'); $modal_box_border_width = $params->get('modal_box_border_width', '2'); // ======================================================= // DIFFERENT METHODS OF DISPLAYING THE DETAIL VIEW // ======================================================= // MODAL - will be displayed in case e.g. highslide or shadowbox too, because in there are more links JHTML::_('behavior.modal', 'a.modal-button'); // CSS $document->addCustomTag("<style type=\"text/css\"> \n" . " #sbox-window {background-color:" . $modal_box_border_color . ";padding:" . $modal_box_border_width . "px} \n" . " #sbox-overlay {background-color:" . $modal_box_overlay_color . ";} \n" . " </style> \n"); // BUTTON (IMAGE - standard, modal, shadowbox) $button = new JObject(); $button->set('name', 'image'); // BUTTON OTHER (geotagging, downloadlink, ...) $buttonOther = new JObject(); $buttonOther->set('name', 'other'); $tmpl['highslideonclick'] = ''; // for using with highslide // ------------------------------------------------------- // STANDARD POPUP // ------------------------------------------------------- if ($tmpl['detailwindow'] == 1) { $button->set('methodname', 'js-button'); $button->set('options', ",'win2','width=" . $front_popup_window_width . ",height=" . $front_popup_window_height . ",menubar=no,resizable=yes'); return false;"); $buttonOther->set('methodname', 'js-button'); $buttonOther->set('options', ",'win2','width=" . $front_popup_window_width . ",height=" . $front_popup_window_height . ",menubar=no,resizable=yes'); return false;"); } else { if ($tmpl['detailwindow'] == 0 || $tmpl['detailwindow'] == 2) { // Button $button->set('modal', true); $button->set('methodname', 'modal-button'); $buttonOther->set('modal', true); $buttonOther->set('methodname', 'modal-button'); if ($tmpl['detailwindow'] == 2) { $button->set('options', "{handler: 'image', size: {x: 200, y: 150}, overlayOpacity: " . $modal_box_overlay_opacity . "}"); $buttonOther->set('options', "{handler: 'iframe', size: {x: " . $front_modal_box_width . ", y: " . $front_modal_box_height . "}, overlayOpacity: " . $modal_box_overlay_opacity . "}"); } else { $button->set('options', "{handler: 'iframe', size: {x: " . $front_modal_box_width . ", y: " . $front_modal_box_height . "}, overlayOpacity: " . $modal_box_overlay_opacity . "}"); $buttonOther->set('options', "{handler: 'iframe', size: {x: " . $front_modal_box_width . ", y: " . $front_modal_box_height . "}, overlayOpacity: " . $modal_box_overlay_opacity . "}"); } } else { if ($tmpl['detailwindow'] == 3) { $sb_slideshow_delay = $params->get('sb_slideshow_delay', 5); $sb_lang = $params->get('sb_lang', 'en'); $button->set('methodname', 'shadowbox-button'); $button->set('options', "shadowbox[PhocaGallery];options={slideshowDelay:" . $sb_slideshow_delay . "}"); $buttonOther->set('modal', true); $buttonOther->set('methodname', 'modal-button'); $buttonOther->set('options', "{handler: 'iframe', size: {x: " . $front_modal_box_width . ", y: " . $front_modal_box_height . "}, overlayOpacity: " . $modal_box_overlay_opacity . "}"); $document->addScript(JURI::base(true) . '/components/com_phocagallery/assets/js/shadowbox/adapter/shadowbox-mootools.js'); $document->addScript(JURI::base(true) . '/components/com_phocagallery/assets/js/shadowbox/shadowbox.js'); $document->addCustomTag('<script type="text/javascript"> Shadowbox.loadSkin("classic", "' . JURI::base(true) . '/components/com_phocagallery/assets/js/shadowbox/src/skin"); Shadowbox.loadLanguage("' . $sb_lang . '", "' . JURI::base(true) . '/components/com_phocagallery/assets/js/shadowbox/src/lang"); Shadowbox.loadPlayer(["img"], "' . JURI::base(true) . '/components/com_phocagallery/assets/js/shadowbox/src/player"); window.onload = function(){ Shadowbox.init(); } </script>'); } else { if ($tmpl['detailwindow'] == 4) { $button->set('methodname', 'highslide'); $document->addCustomTag('<script type="text/javascript" src="' . JURI::base(true) . '/components/com_phocagallery/assets/js/highslide/highslide-full.js"></script>' . "\n" . '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . JURI::base(true) . '/components/com_phocagallery/assets/js/highslide/highslide.css"" />' . "\n"); $document->addCustomTag(PhocaGalleryHelperRender::renderHighslideJS($front_modal_box_width, $front_modal_box_height)); $tmpl['highslideonclick'] = 'return hs.htmlExpand(this, { contentId: \'detail\', objectType: \'iframe\', objectWidth: ' . $front_modal_box_width . ', objectHeight: ' . $front_modal_box_height . '} )'; } else { if ($tmpl['detailwindow'] == 5) { $button->set('methodname', 'highslide'); $buttonOther->set('modal', true); $buttonOther->set('methodname', 'modal-button'); $buttonOther->set('options', "{handler: 'iframe', size: {x: " . $front_modal_box_width . ", y: " . $front_modal_box_height . "}, overlayOpacity: " . $modal_box_overlay_opacity . "}"); $document->addCustomTag('<script type="text/javascript" src="' . JURI::base(true) . '/components/com_phocagallery/assets/js/highslide/highslide-full.js"></script>' . "\n" . '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . JURI::base(true) . '/components/com_phocagallery/assets/js/highslide/highslideimage.css"" />' . "\n"); $document->addCustomTag(PhocaGalleryHelperRender::renderHighslideImageJS()); $tmpl['highslideonclick'] = 'return hs.expand(this)'; } } } } } $folderbutton = new JObject(); $folderbutton->set('name', 'image'); $folderbutton->set('options', ""); // End open window parameters // USER RIGHT - ACCESS ======================================= // We get the category id, there is an USER ACCES BEHAVIOUR $category = $this->get('category'); // function getCategory in Model // =========================================================== $total = $this->get('total'); $tmpl['pagination'] =& $this->get('pagination'); // CSS //$document->addStyleSheet(JURI::base(true).'/components/com_phocagallery/assets/phocagallery.css'); JHTML::stylesheet('phocagallery.css', 'components/com_phocagallery/assets/'); // PARAMS $tmpl['enablepiclens'] = $params->get('enable_piclens', 0); $tmpl['startpiclens'] = 0; // PICLENS if ($tmpl['enablepiclens'] == 1) { $tmpl['startpiclens'] = $params->get('start_piclens', 0); // CSS - PicLens START $document->addCustomTag(PhocaGalleryHelperRender::renderPicLens($category->id)); } // PARAMS - Pagination and subcategories on other sites //Subcategories will be displayed only on first page if pagination will be used $display_subcat_page = $params->get('display_subcat_page', 0); // On the first site subcategories will be displayed allways $get['start'] = JRequest::getVar('start', '', 'get', 'string'); if ($display_subcat_page == 0 && $get['start'] > 0) { $display_subcat_page = 0; //in case: second page and param=0 } else { $display_subcat_page = 1; //in case:first page or param==1 } // PARAMS - Display Back Buttons $display_back_button = $params->get('display_back_button', 1); $display_categories_back_button = $params->get('display_categories_back_button', 1); // PARAMS - Access Category - display category (subcategory folder or backbutton to not accessible cat $display_access_category = $params->get('display_access_category', 1); // Set page title per category if ($tmpl['displaycatnametitle'] == 1) { $document->setTitle($params->get('page_title') . ' - ' . $category->title); } else { $document->setTitle($params->get('page_title')); } // Breadcrumb display: // 0 - only menu link // 1 - menu link - category name // 2 - only category name $this->_addBreadCrumbs($category, isset($menu->query['id']) ? $menu->query['id'] : 0, $display_cat_name_breadcrumbs); // PARAMS - the whole page title with category or without category $tmpl['showpagetitle'] = $params->get('show_page_title', 1); // Define image tag attributes if (!empty($category->image)) { $attribs['align'] = '"' . $category->image_position . '"'; $attribs['hspace'] = '"6"'; // Use the static HTML library to build the image tag $tmpl['image'] = JHTML::_('image', 'images/stories/' . $category->image, JText::_('Phoca gallery'), $attribs); } // PARAMS- Display or hide name, icon detail link $tmpl['displayname'] = $params->get('display_name', 1); $tmpl['displayicondetail'] = $params->get('display_icon_detail', 1); $tmpl['displayicondownload'] = $params->get('display_icon_download', 0); $tmpl['displayiconfolder'] = $params->get('display_icon_folder', 0); $tmpl['displayiconvm'] = $params->get('display_icon_vm', 0); $tmpl['fontsizename'] = $params->get('font_size_name', 12); $tmpl['charlengthname'] = $params->get('char_length_name', 15); $display_phoca_info = $params->get('display_phoca_info', 1); $tmpl['displayicongeo'] = $params->get('display_icon_geotagging', 0); $tmpl['phocainfocode'] = PhocaGalleryHelper::getPhocaInfoCode((int) $display_phoca_info); // PARAMS - Switch Image $tmpl['switchimage'] = $params->get('switch_image', 0); $tmpl['switchheight'] = $params->get('switch_height', 480); $tmpl['switchwidth'] = $params->get('switch_width', 640); // Switch image JS $tmpl['basicimage'] = ''; if ($tmpl['switchimage'] == 1) { $imagePathFront = PhocaGalleryHelperFront::getPathSet(); $waitImage = $imagePathFront['front_image'] . 'icon-switch.gif'; $tmpl['basicimage'] = $imagePathFront['front_image'] . 'phoca_thumb_l_no_image.' . $tmpl['formaticon']; $document->addCustomTag(PhocaGalleryHelperFront::switchImage($waitImage)); $basicImageSelected = 0; // we have not selected the basic image yet } // PARAMS - Upload $tmpl['displaytitleupload'] = $params->get('display_title_upload', 0); $tmpl['displaydescupload'] = $params->get('display_description_upload', 0); // PARAMS - Overlib $enable_overlib = $params->get('enable_overlib', 0); // Overlib if ((int) $enable_overlib > 0) { $document->addCustomTag('<script type="text/javascript" src="' . JURI::root() . 'includes/js/overlib_mini.js"></script>'); } // MODEL $model =& $this->getModel(); // Category Params $catParams = $model->getCategoryParams((int) $id); // Trash $tmpl['trash'] = 0; $tmpl['publishunpublish'] = 0; // USER RIGHT - DELETE ======================================= // 2, 2 means that user access will be ignored in function getUserRight for display Delete button $rightDisplayDelete = 0; // default is to null (all users cannot upload) if (isset($catParams->params)) { $rightDisplayDelete = PhocaGalleryHelper::getUserRight($catParams->params, 'deleteuserid', 1, $user->get('aid', 0), $user->get('id', 0), 0); } if ($rightDisplayDelete == 1) { $tmpl['trash'] = 1; $tmpl['publishunpublish'] = 1; } // =========================================================== // Upload $tmpl['displayupload'] = 0; // USER RIGHT - UPLOAD ======================================= // 2, 2 means that user access will be ignored in function getUserRight for display Delete button $rightDisplayUpload = 0; // default is to null (all users cannot upload) if (isset($catParams->params)) { $rightDisplayUpload = PhocaGalleryHelper::getUserRight($catParams->params, 'uploaduserid', 1, $user->get('aid', 0), $user->get('id', 0), 0); } if ($rightDisplayUpload == 1) { $tmpl['displayupload'] = 1; $document->addCustomTag(PhocaGalleryHelperRender::renderDescriptionUploadJS((int) $tmpl['maxuploadchar'])); } // =========================================================== // USER RIGHT - ACCESS ======================================= $rightDisplay = 1; //default is set to 1 (all users can see the category) if (isset($catParams->params)) { $rightDisplay = PhocaGalleryHelper::getUserRight($catParams->params, 'accessuserid', 0, $user->get('aid', 0), $user->get('id', 0), $display_access_category); } if ($rightDisplay == 0) { $mainframe->redirect(JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_user&view=login', false), JText::_("ALERTNOTAUTH")); exit; } // =========================================================== // GEOTAGGING if (isset($catParams->params)) { $longitude = PhocaGalleryHelper::getParamsArray($catParams->params, 'longitude'); $latitude = PhocaGalleryHelper::getParamsArray($catParams->params, 'latitude'); if (!isset($longitude[0]) || isset($longitude[0]) && ($longitude[0] == '' || $longitude[0] == 0)) { $tmpl['displayicongeo'] = 0; } if (!isset($latitude[0]) || isset($latitude[0]) && ($latitude[0] == '' || $latitude[0] == 0)) { $tmpl['displayicongeo'] = 0; } } else { $tmpl['displayicongeo'] = 0; } // If user has rights to delete or publish or unpublish, unbublished items should be displayed if ($rightDisplayDelete == 1) { $items = $model->getData($display_subcat_page, $display_back_button, $display_categories_back_button, $display_access_category, 1); } else { $items = $model->getData($display_subcat_page, $display_back_button, $display_categories_back_button, $display_access_category); } // BOXES $k = 0; $unSet = 0; // If it will be unseted while access view, we must sort the keys from category array - ACCESS for ($i = 0; $i < count($items); $i++) { $item =& $items[$i]; if (isset($item->item_type) && $item->item_type == "categorieslist") { $item->link = JRoute::_($item->link); $item->button =& $folderbutton; $item->button->methodname = ''; $item->displayicondetail = 0; $item->displayicondownload = 0; $item->displayiconfolder = 0; $item->displayname = 0; $item->displayiconvm = ''; $item->startpiclens = 0; $item->trash = 0; $item->publishunpublish = 0; $item->enable_piclens = 0; $item->overlib = 0; $item->displayicongeo = 0; $item->type = 0; } else { if (isset($item->item_type) && $item->item_type == "parentfolder") { $item->link = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_phocagallery&view=category&id=' . $item->slug . '&Itemid=' . JRequest::getVar('Itemid', 1, 'get', 'int')); $item->button =& $folderbutton; $item->button->methodname = ''; $item->displayicondetail = 0; $item->displayicondownload = 0; $item->displayiconfolder = 0; $item->displayname = 0; $item->displayiconvm = ''; $item->startpiclens = 0; $item->trash = 0; $item->publishunpublish = 0; $item->enable_piclens = 0; $item->overlib = 0; $item->displayicongeo = 0; $item->type = 0; } else { if (isset($item->item_type) && $item->item_type == "subfolder") { $item->link = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_phocagallery&view=category&id=' . $item->slug . '&Itemid=' . JRequest::getVar('Itemid', 1, 'get', 'int')); $item->button =& $folderbutton; $item->button->methodname = ''; $item->displayicondetail = 0; $item->displayicondownload = 0; $item->displayiconfolder = $tmpl['displayiconfolder']; $item->displayname = $tmpl['displayname']; $item->displayiconvm = ''; $item->startpiclens = 0; $item->trash = 0; $item->publishunpublish = 0; $item->enable_piclens = 0; $item->overlib = 0; $item->displayicongeo = 0; $item->type = 1; // $tmpl['displayname'] = 1; } else { // Add the first Image as basic image if ($tmpl['switchimage'] == 1) { if ($basicImageSelected == 0) { $tmpl['basicimage'] = $item->linkthumbnailpath; $basicImageSelected = 1; } } $thumbLink = PhocaGalleryHelper::getThumbnailName($item->filename, 'large'); $siteLink = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_phocagallery&view=detail&catid=' . $category->slug . '&id=' . $item->slug . '&tmpl=component' . '&Itemid=' . JRequest::getVar('Itemid', 1, 'get', 'int')); $imgLink = JURI::base(true) . str_replace('..', '', $thumbLink['rel']); if ($tmpl['detailwindow'] == 2) { $item->link = $imgLink; $item->linkother = $imgLink; } else { if ($tmpl['detailwindow'] == 3 || $tmpl['detailwindow'] == 5) { $item->link = $imgLink; $item->linkother = $siteLink; } else { $item->link = $siteLink; $item->linkother = $siteLink; } } $item->button =& $button; $item->buttonother =& $buttonOther; $item->displayicondetail = $tmpl['displayicondetail']; $item->displayicondownload = $tmpl['displayicondownload']; $item->displayiconfolder = 0; $item->displayname = $tmpl['displayname']; $item->displayiconvm = ''; $item->startpiclens = $tmpl['startpiclens']; $item->type = 2; // Trash icon if ($tmpl['trash'] == 1) { $item->trash = 1; } else { $item->trash = 0; } // Publish Unpublish icon if ($tmpl['publishunpublish'] == 1) { $item->publishunpublish = 1; } else { $item->publishunpublish = 0; } // PICLENS if ($tmpl['enablepiclens']) { $item->enable_piclens = 1; } else { $item->enable_piclens = 0; } // GEOTAGGING if ($tmpl['displayicongeo'] == 1) { $item->displayicongeo = 1; } else { $item->displayicongeo = 0; } // OVERLIB if ($enable_overlib == 1) { $item->overlib = 1; } else { if ($enable_overlib == 2) { $item->overlib = 2; } else { if ($enable_overlib == 3) { $item->overlib = 3; } else { $item->overlib = 0; } } } // VirtueMart link if ($tmpl['displayiconvm'] == 1) { $vmLinkError = false; $vmProductId = 0; if (isset($item->params) && $item->params != '') { $paramsArray = explode(';', $item->params); if (is_array($paramsArray)) { foreach ($paramsArray as $value) { $vmParam = preg_match("/vmproductid=/i", $value); if ($vmParam) { $vmProductId = str_replace('vmproductid=', '', $value); } } } } $vmLink = $model->getVmLink($vmProductId); $vmLinkError = preg_match("/Error/i", $vmLink); if ($vmLinkError) { $item->displayiconvm = ''; } else { $item->displayiconvm = 1; $item->vmlink = $vmLink; } } else { $item->displayiconvm = ''; } // End VM Link } } } } $item->odd = $k; $item->count = $i; $k = 1 - $k; // Upload Form ------------------------------------ /* JHTML::_('behavior.mootools'); $document->addScript('administrator/components/com_phocagallery/assets/upload/mediamanager.js'); $document->addStyleSheet('administrator/components/com_phocagallery/assets/upload/mediamanager.css'); */ // Set FTP form $ftp = !JClientHelper::hasCredentials('ftp'); // Set flash uploader if ftp password and login exists (will be not problems) //$stateFolder = 'phocagallery'; //$refreshSite = $uri->toString(); /* if (!$ftp) { if ($params->get('enable_flash', 1)) { PhocaGalleryHelperUpload::uploader('file-upload', array('onAllComplete' => 'function(){ window.location.href="'.$refreshSite.'"; }')); } } */ // PARAMS - Upload size $tmpl['uploadmaxsize'] = $params->get('upload_maxsize', 3000000); $this->assignRef('session', JFactory::getSession()); //$this->assignRef('uploadmaxsize', $upload_maxsize); // END Upload Form ------------------------------------ // Only registered (VOTES + COMMENTS) $tmpl['notregistered'] = true; $tmpl['username'] = ''; if ($user->aid > 0) { $tmpl['notregistered'] = false; $tmpl['username'] = $user->name; } // VOTES Statistics if ((int) $tmpl['displayrating'] == 1) { $tmpl['votescount'] = 0; $tmpl['votesaverage'] = 0; $tmpl['voteswidth'] = 0; $votesStatistics = $model->getVotesStatistics((int) $id); if (!empty($votesStatistics->count)) { $tmpl['votescount'] = $votesStatistics->count; } if (!empty($votesStatistics->average)) { $tmpl['votesaverage'] = $votesStatistics->average; if ($tmpl['votesaverage'] > 0) { $tmpl['votesaverage'] = round((double) $tmpl['votesaverage'] / 0.5) * 0.5; $tmpl['voteswidth'] = 22 * $tmpl['votesaverage']; } } if ((int) $tmpl['votescount'] > 1) { $tmpl['votestext'] = 'votes'; } else { $tmpl['votestext'] = 'vote'; } // Already rated? $tmpl['alreadyrated'] = $model->checkUserVote((int) $id, (int) $user->id); } // COMMENTS if ((int) $tmpl['displaycomment'] == 1) { $document->addCustomTag(PhocaGalleryHelperRender::renderCommentJS((int) $tmpl['maxcommentchar'])); $tmpl['alreadycommented'] = $model->checkUserComment((int) $id, (int) $user->id); $commentItem = $model->displayComment((int) $id); $this->assignRef('commentitem', $commentItem); } // GEOTAGGING $map = $model->getGeotagging($id); if ($map['geotitle'] == '') { $map['geotitle'] = $category->title; } // TABS $displayTabs = 0; // R A T I N G if ((int) $tmpl['displayrating'] == 0) { $currentTab['rating'] = -1; } else { $currentTab['rating'] = $displayTabs; $displayTabs++; } // C O M M E N T S if ((int) $tmpl['displaycomment'] == 0) { $currentTab['comment'] = -1; } else { $currentTab['comment'] = $displayTabs; $displayTabs++; } // S T A T I S T I C S if ((int) $tmpl['displaycategorystatistics'] == 0) { $currentTab['statistics'] = -1; } else { $currentTab['statistics'] = $displayTabs; $displayTabs++; $tmpl['displaymaincatstat'] = $params->get('display_main_cat_stat', 1); $tmpl['displaylastaddedcatstat'] = $params->get('display_lastadded_cat_stat', 1); $tmpl['displaymostviewedcatstat'] = $params->get('display_mostviewed_cat_stat', 1); $tmpl['countlastaddedcatstat'] = $params->get('count_lastadded_cat_stat', 3); $tmpl['countmostviewedcatstat'] = $params->get('count_mostviewed_cat_stat', 3); if ($tmpl['displaymaincatstat'] == 1) { $numberImgP = $model->getCountImages($id, 1); $tmpl['numberimgpub'] = $numberImgP->countimg; $numberImgU = $model->getCountImages($id, 0); $tmpl['numberimgunpub'] = $numberImgU->countimg; $categoryViewed = $model->getHits($id); $tmpl['categoryviewed'] = $categoryViewed->catviewed; } // MOST VIEWED IMAGES //$tmpl['mostviewedimg'] = array(); if ($tmpl['displaymostviewedcatstat'] == 1) { $mostViewedImages = $model->getStatisticsImages($id, 'hits', 'DESC', $tmpl['countmostviewedcatstat']); for ($i = 0; $i < count($mostViewedImages); $i++) { $itemMVI =& $mostViewedImages[$i]; $itemMVI->button =& $button; $itemMVI->buttonother =& $buttonOther; $itemMVI->displayicondetail = $tmpl['displayicondetail']; $itemMVI->displayname = $tmpl['displayname']; $itemMVI->type = 2; $thumbLink = PhocaGalleryHelper::getThumbnailName($itemMVI->filename, 'large'); $siteLink = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_phocagallery&view=detail&catid=' . $category->slug . '&id=' . $itemMVI->slug . '&tmpl=component' . '&Itemid=' . JRequest::getVar('Itemid', 1, 'get', 'int')); $imgLink = JURI::base(true) . str_replace('..', '', $thumbLink['rel']); if ($tmpl['detailwindow'] == 2) { $itemMVI->link = $imgLink; } else { $itemMVI->link = $siteLink; } //$tmpl['mostviewedimg'][] = $itemMVI; } $tmpl['mostviewedimg'] = $mostViewedImages; } // LAST ADDED IMAGES //$tmpl['lastaddedimg'] = array(); if ($tmpl['displaylastaddedcatstat'] == 1) { $lastAddedImages = $model->getStatisticsImages($id, 'date', 'DESC', $tmpl['countlastaddedcatstat']); for ($i = 0; $i < count($lastAddedImages); $i++) { $itemLAI =& $lastAddedImages[$i]; $itemLAI->link = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_phocagallery&view=detail&catid=' . $category->slug . '&id=' . $itemLAI->slug . '&tmpl=component' . '&Itemid=' . JRequest::getVar('Itemid', 1, 'get', 'int')); $itemLAI->button =& $button; $itemLAI->buttonother =& $buttonOther; $itemLAI->displayicondetail = $tmpl['displayicondetail']; $itemLAI->displayname = $tmpl['displayname']; $itemLAI->type = 2; $thumbLink = PhocaGalleryHelper::getThumbnailName($itemLAI->filename, 'large'); $siteLink = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_phocagallery&view=detail&catid=' . $category->slug . '&id=' . $itemLAI->slug . '&tmpl=component' . '&Itemid=' . JRequest::getVar('Itemid', 1, 'get', 'int')); $imgLink = JURI::base(true) . str_replace('..', '', $thumbLink['rel']); if ($tmpl['detailwindow'] == 2) { $itemLAI->link = $imgLink; } else { $itemLAI->link = $siteLink; } //$tmpl['lastaddedimg'][] = $itemLAI; } $tmpl['lastaddedimg'] = $lastAddedImages; } } // G E O T A G G I N G if ((int) $tmpl['displaycategorygeotagging'] == 0) { $currentTab['geotagging'] = -1; } else { $currentTab['geotagging'] = $displayTabs; $displayTabs++; $tmpl['googlemapsapikey'] = $params->get('google_maps_api_key', ''); $tmpl['categorymapwidth'] = $params->get('category_map_width', 500); $tmpl['categorymapheight'] = $params->get('category_map_height', 400); } // U P L O A D if ((int) $tmpl['displayupload'] == 0) { $currentTab['upload'] = -1; } else { $currentTab['upload'] = $displayTabs; $displayTabs++; } $tmpl['displaytabs'] = $displayTabs; $tmpl['currenttab'] = $currentTab; // ACTION $tmpl['action'] = $uri->toString(); // ADD STATISTICS $model->hit($id); // ASIGN $this->assignRef('tmpl', $tmpl); $this->assignRef('params', $params); $this->assignRef('map', $map); $this->assignRef('items', $items); $this->assignRef('category', $category); $this->assignRef('button', $button); $this->assignRef('buttonother', $buttonOther); parent::display($tpl); }
function rotate($id, $angle) { if ($id > 0 && $angle != '') { $query = 'SELECT a.filename as filename' . ' FROM #__phocagallery AS a' . ' WHERE = ' . (int) $id; $this->_db->setQuery($query); $file = $this->_db->loadObject(); if (isset($file->filename) && $file->filename != '') { $thumbNameL = PhocaGalleryHelper::getThumbnailName($file->filename, 'large'); $thumbNameM = PhocaGalleryHelper::getThumbnailName($file->filename, 'medium'); $thumbNameS = PhocaGalleryHelper::getThumbnailName($file->filename, 'small'); $rotateErrorL = false; $rotateErrorM = false; $rotateErrorS = false; $rotatingL = PhocaGalleryHelper::rotateImage($thumbNameL, 'large', $angle); $rotateErrorL = preg_match("/Error/i", $rotatingL); if ($rotateErrorL) { return $rotatingL; } $rotatingM = PhocaGalleryHelper::rotateImage($thumbNameM, 'medium', $angle); $rotateErrorM = preg_match("/Error/i", $rotatingM); if ($rotateErrorM) { return $rotatingM; } $rotatingS = PhocaGalleryHelper::rotateImage($thumbNameS, 'small', $angle); $rotateErrorS = preg_match("/Error/i", $rotatingS); if ($rotateErrorS) { return $rotatingS; } if ($rotatingL == 'Success' && $rotatingM == 'Success' && $rotatingS == 'Success') { return 'Success'; } else { return 'ErrorModel1'; } } return 'ErrorModel2'; } return 'ErrorModel3'; }